  * Build a pdf from the html
  * @param string $cachefile
  * @param string $title
 protected function generatePDF($cachefile, $title)
     global $ID;
     global $REV;
     global $INPUT;
     //some shortcuts to export settings
     $hasToC = $this->getExportConfig('hasToC');
     $levels = $this->getExportConfig('levels');
     $isDebug = $this->getExportConfig('isDebug');
     // initialize PDF library
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/DokuPDF.class.php";
     $mpdf = new DokuPDF($this->getExportConfig('pagesize'), $this->getExportConfig('orientation'));
     // let mpdf fix local links
     $self = parse_url(DOKU_URL);
     $url = $self['scheme'] . '://' . $self['host'];
     if ($self['port']) {
         $url .= ':' . $self['port'];
     // Set the title
     // some default document settings
     //note: double-sided document, starts at an odd page (first page is a right-hand side page)
     //      single-side document has only odd pages
     $mpdf->mirrorMargins = $this->getExportConfig('doublesided');
     $mpdf->setAutoTopMargin = 'stretch';
     $mpdf->setAutoBottomMargin = 'stretch';
     //            $mpdf->pagenumSuffix = '/'; //prefix for {nbpg}
     if ($hasToC) {
         $mpdf->PageNumSubstitutions[] = array('from' => 1, 'reset' => 0, 'type' => 'i', 'suppress' => 'off');
         //use italic pageno until ToC
         $mpdf->h2toc = $levels;
     } else {
         $mpdf->PageNumSubstitutions[] = array('from' => 1, 'reset' => 0, 'type' => '1', 'suppress' => 'off');
     // load the template
     $template = $this->load_template($title);
     // prepare HTML header styles
     $html = '';
     if ($isDebug) {
         $html .= '<html><head>';
         $html .= '<style type="text/css">';
     $styles = $this->load_css();
     $styles .= '@page { size:auto; ' . $template['page'] . '}';
     $styles .= '@page :first {' . $template['first'] . '}';
     $styles .= '@page landscape-page { size:landscape }';
     $styles .= 'div.dw2pdf-landscape { page:landscape-page }';
     $styles .= '@page portrait-page { size:portrait }';
     $styles .= 'div.dw2pdf-portrait { page:portrait-page }';
     $mpdf->WriteHTML($styles, 1);
     if ($isDebug) {
         $html .= $styles;
         $html .= '</style>';
         $html .= '</head><body>';
     $body_start = $template['html'];
     $body_start .= '<div class="dokuwiki">';
     // insert the cover page
     $body_start .= $template['cover'];
     $mpdf->WriteHTML($body_start, 2, true, false);
     //start body html
     if ($isDebug) {
         $html .= $body_start;
     if ($hasToC) {
         //Note: - for double-sided document the ToC is always on an even number of pages, so that the following content is on a correct odd/even page
         //      - first page of ToC starts always at odd page (so eventually an additional blank page is included before)
         //      - there is no page numbering at the pages of the ToC
         $mpdf->TOCpagebreakByArray(array('toc-preHTML' => '<h2>' . $this->getLang('tocheader') . '</h2>', 'toc-bookmarkText' => $this->getLang('tocheader'), 'links' => true, 'outdent' => '1em', 'resetpagenum' => true, 'pagenumstyle' => '1'));
         $html .= '<tocpagebreak>';
     // store original pageid
     $keep = $ID;
     // loop over all pages
     $cnt = count($this->list);
     for ($n = 0; $n < $cnt; $n++) {
         $page = $this->list[$n];
         // set global pageid to the rendered page
         $ID = $page;
         $pagehtml = p_cached_output(wikiFN($page, $REV), 'dw2pdf', $page);
         $pagehtml .= $this->page_depend_replacements($template['cite'], $page);
         if ($n < $cnt - 1) {
             $pagehtml .= '<pagebreak />';
         $mpdf->WriteHTML($pagehtml, 2, false, false);
         //intermediate body html
         if ($isDebug) {
             $html .= $pagehtml;
     //restore ID
     $ID = $keep;
     // insert the back page
     $body_end = $template['back'];
     $body_end .= '</div>';
     $mpdf->WriteHTML($body_end, 2, false, true);
     // finish body html
     if ($isDebug) {
         $html .= $body_end;
         $html .= '</body>';
         $html .= '</html>';
     //Return html for debugging
     if ($isDebug) {
         if ($INPUT->str('debughtml', 'text', true) == 'html') {
             echo $html;
         } else {
             header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
             echo $html;
     // write to cache file
     $mpdf->Output($cachefile, 'F');