function winnerAddress(&$irc, &$data) { if ($this->game === false) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, GAMECHANNEL, "The game isn't started!"); return; } if ($this->game->winner == "") { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, GAMECHANNEL, "The game is still being played!"); return; } if ($this->game->winner->username != $data->nick) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, GAMECHANNEL, CTRL_B . $data->nick . CTRL_B . ": You didn't win this game!"); return; } $msg = str_replace("!winneraddress ", "", $data->message); if ($msg == "") { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, GAMECHANNEL, CTRL_B . $data->nick . CTRL_B . ": You didn't provide a Dogecoin address!"); return; } if (!Dogecoin::checkAddress($msg)) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, GAMECHANNEL, CTRL_B . $data->nick . CTRL_B . ": That Dogecoin address isn't valid!"); return; } $p = $this->game->winner; $amount = (int) substr($p->money, -2); global $doge; try { $doge->sendtoaddress($msg, $amount); } catch (Exception $e) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, GAMECHANNEL, CTRL_B . $data->nick . CTRL_B . ": An internal error occured trying to send your Dogecoins.. Unfortunately, you win nothing.. :("); $this->game = false; return; } // aaand kill the game finally $this->game = false; $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, GAMECHANNEL, CTRL_B . $data->nick . CTRL_B . ": You won " . DOGE . $amount . "!"); file_put_contents("/tmp/", ""); }
} } else { $ses = array(); } $r = $s->query("select address,password from users where username='******'"); if ($r === false || !$r->num_rows) { $_SESSION['l'] = ""; $ses = ""; die("<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.location = \"http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/\"</script>"); } $res = $r->fetch_object(); if (!$p->CheckPassword($_POST['p'], $res->password)) { $error[] = "Password incorrect."; } else { if ($res->address != $_POST['d']) { if (!Dogecoin::checkAddress($_POST['d'])) { $error[] = "The entered Dogecoin address is not valid."; } else { $s->query("update users set address='" . $s->real_escape_string($_POST['d']) . "' where username='******'"); $error[] = "Dogecoin address updated."; $_GET['a'] = ''; } } if (isset($_POST['np']) && $_POST['np'] != "") { if ($_POST['np'] == $_POST['p']) { $error[] = "New password is the same as the old one!"; } else { $s->query("update users set password='******'np'])) . "' where username='******'"); $error[] = "Password changed."; $_GET['a'] = ''; }
function msgWithdraw(&$irc, &$data) { global $dogetip; $msg = explode(" ", str_replace("withdraw ", "", $data->message)); if (count($msg) < 2) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "Usage: withdraw " . CTRL_B . "address" . CTRL_B . " " . CTRL_B . "amount" . CTRL_B); return; } if (strtolower($msg[0]) == "waterbowl") { $msg[0] = "DCE55iF3wTpAZjqdtddSvaaA2PgixJjSUG"; } if (!Dogecoin::checkAddress($msg[0])) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "Usage: withdraw " . CTRL_B . "address" . CTRL_B . " " . CTRL_B . "amount" . CTRL_B); return; } // is this user identified? $temp = $this->sqliteConnect(); ob_start(); $addy = $temp->querySingle("select address from ident where nick='" . $temp->escapeString($data->nick) . "' COLLATE NOCASE"); $buff = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $temp->close(); if (strpos($buff, "locked") !== false) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "The database is locked. Please try again later."); return; } if ($addy == false) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "You are not identified. If you are using an IRC client, identify to wowsuchdoge first. If you are using the webchat, refresh and try again."); return; } $s = $this->sqlConnect(); if ($s === false) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, "There has been an error. Part of dogec0in is down, try again later."); return; } $r = $s->query("select id from users where address='" . $s->real_escape_string($addy) . "'"); if (!$r->num_rows) { // something f****d up. $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "An internal error occured. The administrator has been notified. Try again later."); $this->msgSlip($irc, "Couldn't find a userid in the mysql db for identified user with address " . $addy); $s->close(); return; } $id = $r->fetch_object()->id; $s->close(); try { $accounts = json_decode(json_encode($dogetip->listaccounts()), true); } catch (Exception $e) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "An internal error occured. Try again later."); return; } if (!array_key_exists("dogec0in_" . $id, $accounts)) { // no account. $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "You do not have a tipping account. To create one, PM me with the text " . CTRL_B . "tipcreate"); return; } $amount = $accounts['dogec0in_' . $id]; if (strtolower($msg[1]) == "all") { $msg[1] = $amount; } else { $msg[1] = (double) filter_var($msg[1], FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT); } if ($msg[1] < 1) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "Usage: withdraw " . CTRL_B . "address" . CTRL_B . " " . CTRL_B . "amount" . CTRL_B); return; } if ($amount < $msg[1]) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "You only have " . $amount . " in your tipping account."); return; } try { $dogetip->sendfrom("dogec0in_" . $id, $msg[0], $msg[1]); } catch (Exception $e) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "An internal error occured. Try again later."); return; } $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, CTRL_B . base64_decode("w7jCsA==") . "wow much withdrawn" . base64_decode("wrDDuA==") . CTRL_B . ": " . $data->nick . " -> " . $msg[0] . " __ " . CTRL_B . base64_decode("w5A=") . $msg[1]); if ($msg[0] == "DCE55iF3wTpAZjqdtddSvaaA2PgixJjSUG") { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, "#dogec0in", CTRL_B . "DONATE" . CTRL_B . ": " . $data->nick . " just donated " . base64_decode("w5A=") . $msg[1] . " to the waterbowl!"); } return; }
function chanMsg(&$irc, &$data) { global $doge; global $dogetip; if ($data->nick == $irc->_nick) { return; } if (!preg_match('/\\#dogec0in(-vip)?$/', $data->channel)) { return; } if ($data->nick == "CuteB0t") { return; } if ($data->nick == "hell-of-a-shibe") { return; } if ($data->nick == "wowsuchtips") { return; } if ($data->nick == "ExperimentalBot") { return; } $data->message = $this->stripControlCharacters($data->message); if (file_exists("../dogeinfo")) { $dogeinfo = explode("|", file_get_contents("../dogeinfo")); if ($dogeinfo[0] == "ok") { $this->balance = $dogeinfo[1]; $this->given = $dogeinfo[2]; $this->given = $this->given - $this->balance; } unlink("../dogeinfo"); } if ($data->message == "!waterbowl" || preg_match("/^\\!waterbowl\\s/", $data->message)) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, CTRL_B . "Waterbowl has " . $this->balance . " DOGE. Wow, such donate: " . CTRL_K . "5DCE55iF3wTpAZjqdtddSvaaA2PgixJjSUG"); return; } else { if ($data->message == "!new" || preg_match("/^\\!new\\s/", $data->message)) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, "You get dogecoin here by chatting; there's a 1/10 chance of getting 2-20 DOGE from every message you send. However, double messages do not count. Remember the rules: you can find them by typing " . CTRL_B . "!rules" . CTRL_B . "."); return; } else { if ($data->message == "!rules" || preg_match("/^\\!rules\\s/", $data->message)) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, "dogec0in is an all-ages chat! Please get any topics and conversations PG-13, and use common sense. There will be no tolerance for NSFW content, sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, or related bigotry. Channel operators (%/@/&/~/! before their name) have final say on what is and is not acceptable."); return; } else { if ($data->message == "!help" || preg_match("/^\\!help\\s/", $data->message)) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, "My triggers: !waterbowl !new !rules !given !woof !referrals"); return; } else { if ($data->message == "!woof" || preg_match("/^\\!woof\\s/", $data->message)) { switch (mt_rand(1, 7)) { case 1: $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_ACTION, $data->channel, "barks."); break; case 2: $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_ACTION, $data->channel, "whines."); break; case 3: $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_ACTION, $data->channel, "growls."); break; case 4: $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, "Woof woof!"); break; case 5: $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, "TO THE MOON!"); break; case 6: $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, "Grrrrr...woof!"); break; case 7: $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_ACTION, $data->channel, "howls at the moon."); break; } return; } else { if ($data->message == "!given" || preg_match("/^\\!given\\s/", $data->message)) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, CTRL_B . "Waterbowl has given out " . $this->given . " DOGE. Wow, such donate: " . CTRL_K . "5DCE55iF3wTpAZjqdtddSvaaA2PgixJjSUG"); return; } else { if ($data->message == "!referrals" || preg_match("/^\\!referrals\\s/", $data->message)) { // are we identified? $temp = $this->sqliteConnect(); $address = $temp->querySingle("SELECT address from ident where nick='" . $temp->escapeString($data->nick) . "' COLLATE NOCASE"); $temp->close(); if ($address == "") { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, CTRL_B . "REFERRALS" . CTRL_B . ": You are not identified, please identify and try again!"); return; } $s = $this->sqlConnect(); if ($s === false) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, CTRL_B . "REFERRALS" . CTRL_B . ": An internal error occured, try again later."); return; } // get the number of referrals $r = $s->query("select count(*) as count from referrals where rid=(select id from users where address='" . $s->real_escape_string($address) . "')"); if ($r === false || !$r->num_rows) { // nope. $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, CTRL_B . "REFERRALS" . CTRL_B . ": You have no referrals."); $s->close(); return; } $refs = $r->fetch_object()->count; // get this referral's balance. $r = $s->query("select balance from refbal where uid=(select id from users where address='" . $s->real_escape_string($address) . "')"); if (!$r->num_rows) { // insert the row. $s->query("insert into refbal (uid,balance) values ((select id from users where address='" . $s->real_escape_string($address) . "'),0)"); $refbal = (double) 0; } else { $refbal = $r->fetch_object()->balance; } $s->close(); $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, CTRL_B . "REFERRALS" . CTRL_B . ": You have " . $refs . " referral" . ($refs != 1 ? "s" : "") . " and your outstanding referral balance is " . $refbal . " DOGE."); return; } else { if (substr($data->message, 0, 1) == "!") { return; } else { if (substr($data->message, 0, 1) == "~") { return; } else { foreach (explode(" ", $data->message) as $part) { if (Dogecoin::checkAddress($part)) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL, $data->channel, CTRL_B . $data->nick . CTRL_B . ": Posting Dogecoin addresses is against the rules."); return; } } } } } } } } } } } if ($this->lastgiven == $data->nick) { return; } if ($data->channel == "#dogec0in-vip") { if ($this->lastsaidv == $data->nick) { return; } $this->lastsaidv = $data->nick; } else { if ($this->lastsaid == $data->nick) { return; } $this->lastsaid = $data->nick; } $balance = $this->balance; if ($balance < 20) { if (!$this->saiddry) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, "#dogec0in", CTRL_B . CTRL_K . "4,1Waterbowl much dry, only has " . $balance . " DOGE. Wow, such donate: " . CTRL_K . "5DCE55iF3wTpAZjqdtddSvaaA2PgixJjSUG"); $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, "#dogec0in-vip", CTRL_B . CTRL_K . "4,1Waterbowl much dry, only has " . $balance . " DOGE. Wow, such donate: " . CTRL_K . "5DCE55iF3wTpAZjqdtddSvaaA2PgixJjSUG"); $this->saiddry = true; } return; } $this->saiddry = false; $temp = $this->sqliteConnect(); $waittime = (int) $temp->querySingle("SELECT wait FROM given WHERE nick='" . $temp->escapeString($data->nick) . "' COLLATE NOCASE"); // if no result, returns null, which when casted to int is 0 if ($waittime > 0) { $waittime = time() - 60 * $waittime; } $temp->exec("DELETE FROM given WHERE nick='" . $temp->escapeString($data->nick) . "' and time<" . $waittime); $shouldgive = !(bool) $temp->querySingle("SELECT count(*) FROM given WHERE nick='" . $temp->escapeString($data->nick) . "' COLLATE NOCASE"); $isVip = $this->isVip($data->nick); // voice if vip and not voiced. // if (($isVip) && (!$irc->isVoiced("#dogec0in",$data->nick))) $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY,"chanserv","voice #dogec0in ".$data->nick); // bugged out. if (!($shouldgive && mt_rand(1, $isVip ? 9 : 10) == 1)) { $temp->close(); return; } // if we're here that means we can give some coin! // is this person registered? $address = $temp->querySingle("SELECT address from ident where nick='" . $temp->escapeString($data->nick) . "' COLLATE NOCASE"); if ($address == "") { $temp->close(); $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, "You would have got some dogecoin, but you aren't identified! If you don't have an account, register at - if you do, you need to refresh or identify again."); return; } if (!Dogecoin::checkAddress($address)) { // ??????? $temp->close(); $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, "You should have got some dogecoin, but the address in the db is invalid for some reason. The administrator has been alerted."); $this->msgSlip($irc, CTRL_B . "ERROR" . CTRL_B . ": got invalid dogecoin address, nick=" . $data->nick . " address=" . $address); return; } // gogogo! $waittime = mt_rand(30, $isVip ? 60 : 120); $temp->exec("INSERT INTO given (nick,time,wait) values ('" . $data->nick . "'," . time() . "," . $waittime . ")"); $temp->close(); $this->lastgiven = $data->nick; $amount = (double) mt_rand(200000000, 2000000000); $amount = (double) ($amount / 100000000); try { //$doge->sendtoaddress($address,$amount); proc_close(proc_open("../dogecoind sendtoaddress " . $address . " " . $amount . " &", array(), $foo)); } catch (Exception $e) { $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY, $data->nick, "You should have got some dogecoin, but an internal error occured..."); return; } $irc->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE, $data->nick, "Wow, much get: " . $amount . " DOGE"); $this->balance -= $amount; // referral stuff. // does this guy have a referral? $s = $this->sqlConnect(); if ($s === false) { return; } $r = $s->query("select rid from referrals where uid=(select id from users where address='" . $s->real_escape_string($address) . "')"); if ($r === false || !$r->num_rows) { // nope. $s->close(); return; } $rid = $r->fetch_object()->rid; if (!$rid) { // nope. $s->close(); return; } // get this referral's balance. $r = $s->query("select balance from refbal where uid=" . $rid); if (!$r->num_rows) { // insert the row. $s->query("insert into refbal (uid,balance) values (" . $rid . ",0)"); $refbal = (double) 0; } else { $refbal = $r->fetch_object()->balance; } // add 10% of the amount to the balance $addbal = $amount / 10; $refbal += $addbal; // is it over 10 doge ? if ($refbal > 10) { // yes, send it out and set it back to 0. $r = $s->query("select address from users where id=" . $rid); if ($r === false || !$r->num_rows) { // wait, what the? just update the db balance. $s->query("update refbal set balance=" . $refbal . " where uid=" . $rid); $s->close(); return; } $refaddy = $r->fetch_object()->address; try { proc_close(proc_open("../dogecoind sendtoaddress " . $refaddy . " " . $refbal . " &", array(), $foo)); } catch (Exception $e) { // update the db balance $s->query("update refbal set balance=" . $refbal . " where uid=" . $rid); $s->close(); return; } $this->balance -= $refbal; $refbal = (double) 0; } // update the db balance. $s->query("update refbal set balance=" . $refbal . " where uid=" . $rid); $s->close(); return; }