public function testDog() { $dog = new Dog("Benji"); $this->assertEquals("Benji", $dog->getName()); $this->assertEquals("Benji the Dog", (string) $dog); $dog->setName("Rover"); $this->assertEquals("Rover", $dog->getName()); $this->assertEquals("Rover the Dog", (string) $dog); }
<?php include "Dog.php"; include "Bird.php"; $animal = new Animal("jeffery the lion"); $animal->getName(); $doggy = new Dog("Timmy"); $doggy->getName(); $doggy->move(); $doggy->digHole(); $doggy->tryToFly(); $birdy = new Bird("Tweety"); $birdy->getName(); $birdy->move(); $birdy->tryToFly();
* Created by PhpStorm. * User: Jundat95 * Date: 12/24/2015 * Time: 9:24 AM */ abstract class Animal { protected $name; public abstract function setName($name); public function getName() { return $this->name; } } class Dog extends Animal { public $age = 5; public function getAge() { return $this->age; } // Override lai function Abstract cua class Animal public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } } $dog = new Dog(); $dog->setName('Dog Family'); echo $dog->getName(); var_dump($dog);
<?php class Animal { private $name; public function __construct($name) { $this->name = $name; } final function getName() { echo $this->name; } } class Dog extends Animal { public function __construct($name) { echo 'Yo dawg!' . '<br />' . PHP_EOL; parent::__construct($name); } } $dog = new Dog('Sparky'); echo $dog->getName() . '<br />' . PHP_EOL;