public function rejectFile($data)
     if (is_array($data['files'])) {
         foreach ($data['files'] as $file) {
             $checkBox[] = array('id' => $file);
     } else {
         $checkBox[] = array('id' => $data['files']);
     $reviewerComments = 'To= ' . $data['form']['to'] . ';Subject= ' . $data['form']['subject'] . ' ;Comments= ' . $data['form']['comments'];
     $date = date('M-d-Y H:i');
     $fullName = $this->session->firstName . ' ' . $this->session->lastName;
     $reviewerEmail = $this->session->email;
     $reviewerPhone = $this->session->phone;
     $reviewerDept = $this->userObj->getDeptName();
     if ($this->session->admin) {
         $idArray = $this->userObj->getAllRevieweeIds();
     } else {
         $idArray = $this->userObj->getRevieweeIds();
     foreach ($checkBox as $key => $value) {
         // Check to make sure the current file_id is in their list of reviewable ID's
         if (in_array($value, $idArray)) {
             $fileId = $value['id'];
             $newFileObj = new Document_Model($fileId);
             $newUserObj = new User_Model($newFileObj->getOwner());
             $mailTo = $newUserObj->getEmailAddress();
             $deptId = $newFileObj->getDepartment();
             if (isset($data['form']['sendToUsers'][0]) && in_array('owner', $data['form']['sendToUsers'])) {
                 $data['form']['sendToUsers'] = array_slice($data['form']['sendToUsers'], 1);
                 $emailData = array('reviewer' => $fullName, 'title' => 'Author', 'fileName' => $newFileObj->getRealName(), 'status' => 'Rejected', 'data' => date('l \\t\\h\\e jS'), 'msg' => ' was rejected the document repository.', 'email' => $reviewerEmail, 'siteName' => $this->config->item('site_name'), 'phoneNumber' => $reviewerPhone, 'department' => $reviewerDept, 'comments' => $data['form']['comments']);
                 $body = $this->load->view('emails/publish_file_email_view', $emailData, true);
                 $subject = $newFileObj->getRealName() . ' has been rejected by ' . $fullName;
                 $this->email->setFrom($reviewerEmail, $fullName);
                 $this->email->addAddress($mailTo, $fullName);
                 $this->email->Subject = $subject;
             AccessLog_Model::addLogEntry($fileId, 'R');
             echo json_encode(array('status' => 'success', 'msg' => 'File Status successfully updated.'));
         } else {
             echo json_encode(array('status' => 'error', 'msg' => 'You cannot alter this files status.'));
 public function emailPeople($id)
     $fileObj = new Document_Model($id);
      * Send out email notifications to reviewers
     $fullName = $this->session->firstName . ' ' . $this->session->lastName;
     $from = $this->session->email;
     $phone = $this->session->phone;
     $department = $fileObj->getDepartment();
     $departmentName = Department_Model::getDepartmentById($department);
     $reviewerList = $this->reviewer->getReviewersForDepartment($department) ? $this->reviewer->getReviewersForDepartment($department) : null;
     $userList = null;
     $emailList = null;
     if (null !== $reviewerList) {
         $userList = $this->emailModel->getEmailUserObj($reviewerList) ? $this->emailModel->getEmailUserObj($reviewerList) : null;
     if (null !== $userList) {
         $emailList = $this->emailModel->getEmailList($userList) ? $this->emailModel->getEmailList($userList) : null;
     $newArray = array();
     $usedEmails = array();
     if (null !== $emailList) {
         foreach ($emailList as $email) {
             if (!in_array($email['email'], $usedEmails)) {
                 $usedEmails[] = $email['email'];
                 $newArray[] = $email;
         $emailList = $newArray;
         unset($newArray, $usedEmails);
         $comment = $fileObj->getComment();
         if ($comment === '') {
             $comment = 'No Comments.';
         $date = date('M-d-Y H:i');
         $emailData = array('uploader' => $fullName, 'title' => 'Reviewer', 'fileName' => $fileObj->getRealName(), 'status' => 'Pending', 'date' => date('l \\t\\h\\e jS'), 'msg' => 'was submitted into the document repository by', 'email' => $from, 'phoneNumber' => $phone, 'department' => $departmentName[0]->name, 'comment' => $comment);
         $body = $this->load->view('emails/new_file_submission', $emailData, true);
         $subject = $fileObj->getRealName() . ' has been submitted by ' . $fullName;
         foreach ($emailList as $email) {
             if ($email['email'] != '' && $email['fullname'] != '') {
                 $this->email->from($from, $fullName);
                 $this->email->to($email['email'], $email['fullname']);
                 $this->email->subject = $subject;