public function indexDirectory($dir) { if (!file_exists($dir)) { throw new Doctrine_Search_Indexer_Exception('Unknown directory ' . $dir); } $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir), RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY); $files = array(); foreach ($it as $file) { $name = $file->getPathName(); if (strpos($name, '.svn') === false) { $files[] = $name; } } $q = new Doctrine_Query(); $q->delete()->from('Doctrine_File f')->where('f.url LIKE ?', array($dir . '%'))->execute(); // clear the index $q = new Doctrine_Query(); $q->delete()->from('Doctrine_File_Index i')->where('i.file_id = ?')->execute(); $conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection(); $coll = new Doctrine_Collection('Doctrine_File'); foreach ($files as $file) { $coll[]->url = $file; } $coll->save(); }
private function saveRelatedAttributeSelections($embed_token) { // Get the relevant form $forms = $this->embeddedForms; if (isset($forms[$embed_token])) { $stock_forms = $forms[$embed_token]->getEmbeddedForms(); // Get the stock values from request $request_data = $this->getValue($embed_token); foreach ($request_data as $name => $form) { // Save form object if (!isset($stock_forms[$name])) { continue; } $stock_object = $stock_forms[$name]->getObject(); $stock_object->save(); $query = new Doctrine_Query(); // $stock_object->unlink('rtShopVariations', array(), true); $query->delete('rtShopStockToVariation s2v')->where('s2v.stock_id = ?', $stock_object->getId())->execute(); $values = array(); foreach ($this->getAttributes() as $attribute) { $tmp_val = $form['rt_shop_variations_list_' . $attribute->getId()]; $values[$tmp_val[0]] = $tmp_val[0]; } $stock_object->link('rtShopVariations', array_values($values), true); } } }
public function testDeleteWithLimitAndOffset() { $q = new Doctrine_Query(); $q->parseDqlQuery('DELETE FROM Entity LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20'); $this->assertEqual($q->getSqlQuery(), 'DELETE FROM entity LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20'); $q = new Doctrine_Query(); $q->delete()->from('Entity')->limit(10)->offset(20); $this->assertEqual($q->getSqlQuery(), 'DELETE FROM entity LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20'); }
public function saveVariationSelections() { return; $request = sfContext::getInstance()->getRequest(); $full_data = $request->getParameter('rt_shop_product'); foreach ($full_data['currentStocks'] as $stock) { if ($stock['id'] == $this->getObject()->getId()) { $attributes = $this->getAttributes(); $values = array(); $query = new Doctrine_Query(); $query->delete('rtShopStockToVariation s2v')->where('s2v.stock_id = ?', $this->object->getId())->execute(); foreach ($attributes as $a) { $tmp_val = $stock['rt_shop_variations_list_' . $a->getId()]; $values[] = $tmp_val[0]; } $this->object->link('rtShopVariations', array_values($values), true); } } }
/** * removeAccess * defines unified access removal strategy for users and groups * * Removes an access rule defined for this user. * * @param Koch_User|Koch_Group $record * @param string $resource name of the resource * @param string $permission name of the permission * * @return boolean True on success, false otherwise. */ public function removeAccess(Doctrine_Record $record, $resource = null, $permission = null) { // ensure $record is either object of type User or Group if ($record instanceof Koch_User) { $accessClass = 'Koch_Acl_UserAccess'; $linkField = 'user_id'; } elseif ($record instanceof Koch_Group) { $accessClass = 'Koch_Acl_GroupAccess'; $linkField = 'group_id'; } else { throw new Koch_Exception('Unknown object given to ACM.'); } if ($permission === null) { $permission = $this->getOption('global_permission'); } if ($resource === null) { $resource = $this->getOption('global_resource'); } $rows = Doctrine_Query::delete()->from($accessClass . ' a')->where('a.' . $linkField . ' = ? AND a.resource_name = ? AND a.permission_name = ?')->execute(array($record->id, $resource, $permission)); return (bool) $rows; }
public function executeUpdate($request) { $time_values = $request->getParameter('time', array()); $user = UserTable::getInstance()->find($this->getUser()->getAttribute('uid')); $this->time_values = $time_values; for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) { if (!array_key_exists($i, $time_values)) { continue; } $projects = $time_values[$i]; $booking_timestamp = $request->getParameter('weekstart') + ($i - 1) * 24 * 60 * 60; $booking_date = date("Y-m-d", $booking_timestamp); if ($booking_timestamp < time()) { foreach ($projects as $pid => $project) { $query = new Doctrine_Query(); $query->delete('TimeLogItem ti')->where('ti.user_id=? AND ti.project_id=? AND ti.itemdate=?', array($this->getUser()->getAttribute('uid'), $pid, $booking_date))->execute(); for ($time_index = 0; $time_index < count($project['time']); $time_index++) { $time_value = $project['time'][$time_index]; $time_type = $project['type'][$time_index]; $time_comment = $project['comment'][$time_index]; if ($time_value != "" && $time_value != 0) { $type_query = new Doctrine_Query(); $type = $type_query->from('TimeItemType tit')->where('', array($time_type))->fetchOne(); $current_value = new TimeLogItem(); $current_value->value = $time_value; $current_value->itemdate = $booking_date; $current_value->user_id = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('uid'); $current_value->project_id = $pid; $current_value->type_id = $type->id; $current_value->note = $time_comment; $current_value->save(); } } } TimeLogItemTable::getInstance()->updateMissedBookings($booking_timestamp, $user); } } $this->getUser()->setFlash('saved.success', 1); $this->redirect('timesheet/index?year=' . $request->getParameter('year', date('Y')) . '&week=' . $request->getParameter('week', date('W'))); }
public function unlinkInDb($alias, $ids = array()) { $q = new Doctrine_Query(); $rel = $this->getTable()->getRelation($alias); if ($rel instanceof Doctrine_Relation_Association) { $q->delete()->from($rel->getAssociationTable()->getComponentName())->where($rel->getLocal() . ' = ?', array_values($this->identifier())); if (count($ids) > 0) { $q->whereIn($rel->getForeign(), $ids); } $q->execute(); } else { if ($rel instanceof Doctrine_Relation_ForeignKey) { $q->update($rel->getTable()->getComponentName())->set($rel->getForeign(), '?', array(null))->addWhere($rel->getForeign() . ' = ?', array_values($this->identifier())); if (count($ids) > 0) { $q->whereIn($rel->getTable()->getIdentifier(), $ids); } $q->execute(); } } return $this; }
/** * unlink * removes links from this record to given records * if no ids are given, it removes all links * * @param string $alias related component alias * @param array $ids the identifiers of the related records * @return Doctrine_Record this object */ public function unlink($alias, $ids = array()) { $ids = (array) $ids; $q = new Doctrine_Query(); $rel = $this->getTable()->getRelation($alias); if ($rel instanceof Doctrine_Relation_Association) { $q->delete()->from($rel->getAssociationTable()->getComponentName())->where($rel->getLocal() . ' = ?', array_values($this->identifier())); if (count($ids) > 0) { $q->whereIn($rel->getForeign(), $ids); } $q->execute(); } else { if ($rel instanceof Doctrine_Relation_ForeignKey) { $q->update($rel->getTable()->getComponentName())->set($rel->getForeign(), '?', array(null))->addWhere($rel->getForeign() . ' = ?', array_values($this->identifier())); if (count($ids) > 0) { $q->whereIn($rel->getTable()->getIdentifier(), $ids); } $q->execute(); } } if (isset($this->_references[$alias])) { foreach ($this->_references[$alias] as $k => $record) { if (in_array(current($record->identifier()), $ids)) { $this->_references[$alias]->remove($k); } } $this->_references[$alias]->takeSnapshot(); } return $this; }
/** * Deletes Comments * * @param unknown_type $cid * @param unknown_type $xid * @param unknown_type $aid * @return Number of Rows Deleted */ public static function deleteComment($cid, $xid, $aid) { $q = new Doctrine_Query(); return $q->delete('RingsideComment')->from('RingsideComment c')->where("cid={$cid} AND xid='{$xid}' AND aid={$aid}")->execute(); }
/** * Deletes a Trust Authority and a Users Network * * @param unknown_type $nid */ public static function deleteNetwork($nid) { $q = new Doctrine_Query(); $q->delete('RingsideRsTrustAuthority')->from('RingsideRsTrustAuthority a')->where("trust_key='{$nid}'")->execute(); $q = new Doctrine_Query(); return $q->delete('RingsideUsersNetwork')->from('RingsideUsersNetwork n')->where("network_id='{$nid}'")->execute(); }
public static function deletePlan($planId) { $q = new Doctrine_Query(); return $q->delete('RingsideSocialPayPlan')->from('RingsideSocialPayPlan p')->where("id = {$planId}")->execute(); }
/** * loadDataFromArray * * @param mixed $data * @access public * @return void */ public function loadDataFromArray($data) { $pendingRelations = array(); if ($data === null) { // no data return; } // only for pake_echo_action require_once sfConfig::get('sf_symfony_lib_dir') . '/vendor/pake/pakeFunction.php'; foreach ($data as $class => $entries) { pake_echo_action('Filling', sprintf('class "%s"', $class) . "\t"); // fetch a table object $table = sfDoctrine::getTable($class, $this->connectionName); $colNames = array_keys($table->getColumns()); $tableName = $table->getTableName(); // relation fields $relations = $table->getRelations(); //echo "Class $class: ".implode(', ', array_keys($relations))."\n"; if ($this->deleteCurrentData) { $q = new Doctrine_Query(); $q->delete()->from($class); $q->execute(); } // iterate through entries for this class // might have been empty just for force a table to be emptied on import if (is_array($entries)) { foreach ($entries as $key => $columnAssignments) { // create a new entry in the database $obj = $table->create(); $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); if ($obj->getTable()->hasColumn('created_at')) { $obj->set('created_at', $now); } if (!is_array($columnAssignments)) { throw new Exception('You must give a name for each fixture data entry'); } foreach ($columnAssignments as $name => $value) { $isRelation = isset($relations[$name]); // foreign key? if ($isRelation) { $rel = $relations[$name]; // $relatedTable = $rel->getTable()->getTableName(); $localKey = $rel->getLocal(); $foreignKey = $rel->getForeign(); $pendingRelations[] = array($obj, $localKey, $foreignKey, $value); } else { // first check that the column exists if (!in_array($name, $colNames)) { $error = 'Column "%s" does not exist for class "%s"'; $error = sprintf($error, $name, $class); throw new sfException($error); } $obj->rawSet($name, $value); } } $obj->save(); // For progress meter echo '.'; // save the id for future reference $pk = $obj->obtainIdentifier(); if (isset($this->object_references[$key])) { throw new sfException(sprintf('The key "%s" is not unique', $key)); } $this->object_references[$key] = $pk; } } echo "\n"; } // now we take care of the pending relations foreach ($pendingRelations as $pending) { list($obj, $localKey, $foreignKey, $key) = $pending; if (!isset($this->object_references[$key])) { $error = 'No object with key "%s" is defined in your data file'; $error = sprintf($error, $key); throw new sfException($error); } $foreignId = $this->object_references[$key][$foreignKey]; $obj->rawSet($localKey, $foreignId); $obj->save(); } }
/** * Deletes an Album * * @param unknown_type $aid * @return unknown */ public static function delete($aid) { $q = new Doctrine_Query(); return $q->delete('RingsideAlbum')->from('RingsideAlbum a')->where("aid={$aid}")->execute(); }
/** * Deletes an App * * @param unknown_type $aid * @return unknown */ public static function deleteApp($id) { $q = new Doctrine_Query(); return $q->delete('RingsideApp')->from('RingsideApp a')->where("id = {$id}")->execute(); }