/** * @return string * @throws ContainerException */ public function start() { try { $containerConfig = new \Docker\API\Model\ContainerConfig(); $containerConfig->setImage($this->image); $hostConfig = new \Docker\API\Model\HostConfig(); $mapPorts = new \ArrayObject(); $exposedPorts = new \ArrayObject(); foreach ($this->ports as $from => $to) { $exposedPorts[$from] = new \stdClass(); $hostPortBinding = new \Docker\API\Model\PortBinding(); list($host, $port) = explode(':', $to); $hostPortBinding->setHostIp($host); if (!empty($port)) { $hostPortBinding->setHostPort($port); } $mapPorts[$from] = [$hostPortBinding]; } $containerConfig->setExposedPorts($exposedPorts); $hostConfig->setPortBindings($mapPorts); $hostConfig->setLinks($this->links); $hostConfig->setBinds($this->volumes); $containerConfig->setHostConfig($hostConfig); $envs = []; foreach ($this->envs as $k => $v) { $envs[] = $k . "=" . $v; } $containerConfig->setEnv($envs); $containerCreateResult = $this->containerManager->create($containerConfig); $this->containerId = $containerCreateResult->getId(); $this->containerManager->start($this->containerId); return $this->containerId; } catch (ClientErrorException $e) { throw new ContainerException($e->getResponse()->getBody()->getContents(), $e->getCode(), $e); } catch (ServerErrorException $e) { throw new ContainerException($e->getResponse()->getBody()->getContents(), $e->getCode(), $e); } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new ContainerException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); } }
public function denormalize($data, $class, $format = null, array $context = []) { if (empty($data)) { return null; } if (isset($data->{'$ref'})) { return new Reference($data->{'$ref'}, $context['rootSchema'] ?: null); } $object = new \Docker\API\Model\HostConfig(); if (!isset($context['rootSchema'])) { $context['rootSchema'] = $object; } if (isset($data->{'Binds'})) { $values_3 = []; foreach ($data->{'Binds'} as $value_4) { $values_3[] = $value_4; } $object->setBinds($values_3); } if (isset($data->{'Links'})) { $values_5 = []; foreach ($data->{'Links'} as $value_6) { $values_5[] = $value_6; } $object->setLinks($values_5); } if (isset($data->{'LxcConf'})) { $values_7 = new \ArrayObject([], \ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS); foreach ($data->{'LxcConf'} as $key_9 => $value_8) { $values_7[$key_9] = $value_8; } $object->setLxcConf($values_7); } if (isset($data->{'Memory'})) { $object->setMemory($data->{'Memory'}); } if (isset($data->{'MemorySwap'})) { $object->setMemorySwap($data->{'MemorySwap'}); } if (isset($data->{'CpuShares'})) { $object->setCpuShares($data->{'CpuShares'}); } if (isset($data->{'CpuPeriod'})) { $object->setCpuPeriod($data->{'CpuPeriod'}); } if (isset($data->{'CpusetCpus'})) { $object->setCpusetCpus($data->{'CpusetCpus'}); } if (isset($data->{'CpusetMems'})) { $object->setCpusetMems($data->{'CpusetMems'}); } if (isset($data->{'BlkioWeight'})) { $object->setBlkioWeight($data->{'BlkioWeight'}); } if (isset($data->{'MemorySwappiness'})) { $object->setMemorySwappiness($data->{'MemorySwappiness'}); } if (isset($data->{'OomKillDisable'})) { $object->setOomKillDisable($data->{'OomKillDisable'}); } if (isset($data->{'PortBindings'})) { $values_10 = new \ArrayObject([], \ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS); foreach ($data->{'PortBindings'} as $key_12 => $value_11) { $values_10[$key_12] = $this->serializer->deserialize($value_11, 'Docker\\API\\Model\\PortBinding', 'raw', $context); } $object->setPortBindings($values_10); } if (isset($data->{'PublishAllPorts'})) { $object->setPublishAllPorts($data->{'PublishAllPorts'}); } if (isset($data->{'Privileged'})) { $object->setPrivileged($data->{'Privileged'}); } if (isset($data->{'ReadonlyRootfs'})) { $object->setReadonlyRootfs($data->{'ReadonlyRootfs'}); } if (isset($data->{'Dns'})) { $values_13 = []; foreach ($data->{'Dns'} as $value_14) { $values_13[] = $value_14; } $object->setDns($values_13); } if (isset($data->{'DnsSearch'})) { $values_15 = []; foreach ($data->{'DnsSearch'} as $value_16) { $values_15[] = $value_16; } $object->setDnsSearch($values_15); } if (isset($data->{'ExtraHosts'})) { $values_17 = []; foreach ($data->{'ExtraHosts'} as $value_18) { $values_17[] = $value_18; } $object->setExtraHosts($values_17); } if (isset($data->{'VolumesFrom'})) { $values_19 = []; foreach ($data->{'VolumesFrom'} as $value_20) { $values_19[] = $value_20; } $object->setVolumesFrom($values_19); } if (isset($data->{'CapAdd'})) { $values_21 = []; foreach ($data->{'CapAdd'} as $value_22) { $values_21[] = $value_22; } $object->setCapAdd($values_21); } if (isset($data->{'CapDrop'})) { $values_23 = []; foreach ($data->{'CapDrop'} as $value_24) { $values_23[] = $value_24; } $object->setCapDrop($values_23); } if (isset($data->{'RestartPolicy'})) { $object->setRestartPolicy($this->serializer->deserialize($data->{'RestartPolicy'}, 'Docker\\API\\Model\\RestartPolicy', 'raw', $context)); } if (isset($data->{'NetworkMode'})) { $object->setNetworkMode($data->{'NetworkMode'}); } if (isset($data->{'Devices'})) { $values_25 = []; foreach ($data->{'Devices'} as $value_26) { $values_25[] = $this->serializer->deserialize($value_26, 'Docker\\API\\Model\\Device', 'raw', $context); } $object->setDevices($values_25); } if (isset($data->{'Ulimits'})) { $values_27 = []; foreach ($data->{'Ulimits'} as $value_28) { $values_27[] = $this->serializer->deserialize($value_28, 'Docker\\API\\Model\\Ulimit', 'raw', $context); } $object->setUlimits($values_27); } if (isset($data->{'SecurityOpt'})) { $values_29 = []; foreach ($data->{'SecurityOpt'} as $value_30) { $values_29[] = $value_30; } $object->setSecurityOpt($values_29); } if (isset($data->{'LogConfig'})) { $object->setLogConfig($this->serializer->deserialize($data->{'LogConfig'}, 'Docker\\API\\Model\\LogConfig', 'raw', $context)); } if (isset($data->{'CgroupParent'})) { $object->setCgroupParent($data->{'CgroupParent'}); } return $object; }
/** * Uses Docker to deploy the given project to a live server * @param \GitDeployer\Objects\Project $project The project to deploy * @param string $gitpath The path to the checked-out project * @param array $config The configuration options to pass to this deployer * @return mixed */ public function deploy(\GitDeployer\Objects\Project $project, $gitpath, $config) { $useTunnel = false; // -> Connect to the docker daemon on a tcp or unix socket if (!isset($config['host']) || strlen($config['host']) < 1) { $config['host'] = getenv('DOCKER_HOST'); } if (strlen($config['host']) < 1) { throw new \Exception('Neither the "host" parameter was specified in the .deployer file nor is the DOCKER_HOST environment variable set!'); } if (stristr($config['host'], 'tcp://')) { // Setting the docker host to tcp:// may enable usage of the SSH tunnel functionality if (isset($config['ssh']) && is_array($config['ssh'])) { if (isset($config['ssh']['tunnel']) && $config['ssh']['tunnel'] == true) { $useProc = false; $useTunnel = true; parent::showMessage('DOCKER', 'Connecting to Docker daemon via SSH...', $this->output); // Check if the ssh binary is executable, else bail out // since we can't open a tunnel without it if (!$this->commandExists('ssh')) { throw new \Exception('SSH client not found: Please make sure the "ssh" command is available, and in your $PATH!'); } else { if (!isset($config['ssh']['host']) || strlen($config['ssh']['host']) < 1) { throw new \Exception('Please specify at least a SSH host in your .deployerfile to connect to!'); } if (!isset($config['ssh']['user']) || strlen($config['ssh']['user']) < 1) { $config['ssh']['user'] = "******"; } $config['ssh']['port'] = isset($config['ssh']['port']) && strlen($config['ssh']['port']) > 0 ? $config['ssh']['port'] : 22; if (!isset($config['ssh']['privatekey']) || strlen($config['ssh']['privatekey']) < 1) { throw new \Exception('Please correctly specify your SSH private key in the .deployerfile!'); } // -> Open tunnel via SSH command $randport = rand(60000, 65000); $remotedesc = str_replace('tcp://', '', $config['host']); $cmdstring = 'ssh -N -i ' . escapeshellarg($config['ssh']['privatekey']) . ' -L ' . $randport . ':' . $remotedesc . ' -p ' . $config['ssh']['port'] . ' ' . $config['ssh']['user'] . '@' . $config['ssh']['host']; if (isset($config['ssh']['password']) && strlen($config['ssh']['password']) > 1) { if (!extension_loaded('expect')) { throw new \Exception('Expect extension not found: Please make sure the PHP expect extension is available in your PHP installation!'); } $stream = fopen('expect://' . $cmdstring, 'r'); $cases = array(array('Enter passphrase', PASSWORD)); ini_set("expect.timeout", 30); switch (expect_expectl($stream, $cases)) { case PASSWORD: fwrite($stream, $config['ssh']['password'] . "\n"); // Wait for tunnel port to be available while (true) { $socket = @fsockopen('', $randport, $errno, $errstr, 5); if ($socket) { fclose($socket); break; } } break; default: throw new \Exception('Unable to connect to the remote SSH host! Invalid string received: Expected passphrase prompt.'); } } else { $stream = proc_open('exec ' . $cmdstring, array(), $pipes); $useProc = true; // Wait for tunnel port to be available while (true) { $socket = @fsockopen('', $randport, $errno, $errstr, 5); if ($socket) { fclose($socket); break; } } } } } } } $client = new \Docker\DockerClient(array('remote_socket' => 'tcp://' . $randport, 'ssl' => isset($config['ssl']) && $config['ssl'] == true ? true : false)); $docker = new \Docker\Docker($client); // -> Build the docker image if a Dockerfile is present if (!file_exists($gitpath . '/Dockerfile')) { throw new \Exception('No Dockerfile found - aborting build!'); } parent::showMessage('DOCKER', 'Building image (no-cache)...', $this->output); parent::showMessage('DOCKER', 'Uploading context...', $this->output); $context = new \Docker\Context\Context($gitpath); $imageManager = $docker->getImageManager(); $buildStream = $imageManager->build($context->toStream(), array('t' => 'git-deployer/' . $project->name()), \Docker\Manager\ContainerManager::FETCH_STREAM); $buildStream->onFrame(function (\Docker\API\Model\BuildInfo $buildInfo) { parent::showMessage('BUILD', $buildInfo->getStream(), $this->output); }); $buildStream->wait(); // -> Stop and remove the old container with the same name, sicne we're going // to replace the app here with the newly built container parent::showMessage('DOCKER', 'Getting running containers...', $this->output); $containersOnHost = $docker->getContainerManager()->findAll(); if (count($containersOnHost) > 0) { // We check for a container with the same name as the one we are going to deploy foreach ($containersOnHost as $key => $container) { $containerFound = false; // Search by name foreach ($container->getNames() as $name) { $cleanName = $this->cleanName($project->name()); preg_match('#\\/.*\\/(.*)#', $name, $matches); if ($cleanName == $matches[1]) { $containerFound = true; } } // Search by image if ($container->getImage() == 'git-deployer/' . $project->name()) { $containerFound = true; } if ($containerFound) { parent::showMessage('DOCKER', 'Stopping old container ' . $container->getId() . '...', $this->output); $docker->getContainerManager()->stop($container->getId()); $docker->getContainerManager()->remove($container->getId()); } } } // -> Start the container up if we have built sucessfully parent::showMessage('DOCKER', 'Starting new container...', $this->output); $hostConfig = new \Docker\API\Model\HostConfig(); $containerConfig = new \Docker\API\Model\ContainerConfig(); $containerConfig->setNames(array('git-deployer/' . $this->cleanName($project->name()))); $containerConfig->setImage('git-deployer/' . $project->name()); // Add environment from the config file, if any $envArray = array(); if (isset($config['environment'])) { foreach ($config['environment'] as $key => $value) { $envArray[] = $key . '=' . $value; } } $containerConfig->setEnv($envArray); // Add exposed ports from the config file, if any if (isset($config['ports']) && is_array($config['ports']) && count($config['ports']) > 0) { $exposedPorts = new \ArrayObject(); $mapPorts = new \ArrayObject(); foreach ($config['ports'] as $portdesc) { $portspec = $this->parsePortSpecification($portdesc); // Exposed port $exposedPort = $portspec['port'] . (strlen($portspec['protocol']) > 0 ? '/' . $portspec['protocol'] : '/tcp'); $exposedPorts[$exposedPort] = new \stdClass(); // Host port binding $hostPortBinding = new \Docker\API\Model\PortBinding(); $mapPorts[$exposedPort] = array($hostPortBinding); } $containerConfig->setExposedPorts($exposedPorts); $hostConfig->setPortBindings($mapPorts); } // Add restart policy if (isset($config['restart']) && strlen($config['restart']) > 0) { $policy = $this->parseRestartPolicy($config['restart']); $restartPolicy = new \Docker\API\Model\RestartPolicy(); $restartPolicy->setName($policy['Name']); if (isset($policy['MaximumRetryCount'])) { $restartPolicy->setMaximumRetryCount($policy['MaximumRetryCount']); } $hostConfig->setRestartPolicy($restartPolicy); } // Add binds if (isset($config['volumes']) && is_array($config['volumes']) && count($config['volumes']) > 0) { $binds = new \ArrayObject(); foreach ($config['volumes'] as $volume) { $binds[] = $volume; } $hostConfig->setBinds($binds); } $containerConfig->setHostConfig($hostConfig); $containerCreateResult = $docker->getContainerManager()->create($containerConfig, array('name' => $this->cleanName($project->name()))); if ($containerCreateResult->getId()) { $docker->getContainerManager()->start($containerCreateResult->getId()); } // -> Clean up and close the SSH tunnel if ($useTunnel) { if ($useProc) { proc_terminate($stream, 9); proc_close($stream); } else { fclose($stream); } } return array(true, 'No trace'); }
public function denormalize($data, $class, $format = null, array $context = []) { if (empty($data)) { return null; } if (isset($data->{'$ref'})) { return new Reference($data->{'$ref'}, $context['rootSchema'] ?: null); } $object = new \Docker\API\Model\HostConfig(); if (!isset($context['rootSchema'])) { $context['rootSchema'] = $object; } if (property_exists($data, 'Binds')) { $value = $data->{'Binds'}; if (is_array($data->{'Binds'})) { $values = []; foreach ($data->{'Binds'} as $value_1) { $values[] = $value_1; } $value = $values; } if (is_null($data->{'Binds'})) { $value = $data->{'Binds'}; } $object->setBinds($value); } if (property_exists($data, 'Links')) { $value_2 = $data->{'Links'}; if (is_array($data->{'Links'})) { $values_1 = []; foreach ($data->{'Links'} as $value_3) { $values_1[] = $value_3; } $value_2 = $values_1; } if (is_null($data->{'Links'})) { $value_2 = $data->{'Links'}; } $object->setLinks($value_2); } if (property_exists($data, 'LxcConf')) { $values_2 = new \ArrayObject([], \ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS); foreach ($data->{'LxcConf'} as $key => $value_4) { $values_2[$key] = $value_4; } $object->setLxcConf($values_2); } if (property_exists($data, 'Memory')) { $object->setMemory($data->{'Memory'}); } if (property_exists($data, 'MemorySwap')) { $object->setMemorySwap($data->{'MemorySwap'}); } if (property_exists($data, 'CpuShares')) { $object->setCpuShares($data->{'CpuShares'}); } if (property_exists($data, 'CpuPeriod')) { $object->setCpuPeriod($data->{'CpuPeriod'}); } if (property_exists($data, 'CpusetCpus')) { $object->setCpusetCpus($data->{'CpusetCpus'}); } if (property_exists($data, 'CpusetMems')) { $object->setCpusetMems($data->{'CpusetMems'}); } if (property_exists($data, 'BlkioWeight')) { $object->setBlkioWeight($data->{'BlkioWeight'}); } if (property_exists($data, 'BlkioWeightDevice')) { $value_5 = $data->{'BlkioWeightDevice'}; if (is_array($data->{'BlkioWeightDevice'})) { $values_3 = []; foreach ($data->{'BlkioWeightDevice'} as $value_6) { $values_3[] = $this->serializer->deserialize($value_6, 'Docker\\API\\Model\\DeviceWeight', 'raw', $context); } $value_5 = $values_3; } if (is_null($data->{'BlkioWeightDevice'})) { $value_5 = $data->{'BlkioWeightDevice'}; } $object->setBlkioWeightDevice($value_5); } if (property_exists($data, 'BlkioDeviceReadBps')) { $value_7 = $data->{'BlkioDeviceReadBps'}; if (is_array($data->{'BlkioDeviceReadBps'})) { $values_4 = []; foreach ($data->{'BlkioDeviceReadBps'} as $value_8) { $values_4[] = $this->serializer->deserialize($value_8, 'Docker\\API\\Model\\DeviceRate', 'raw', $context); } $value_7 = $values_4; } if (is_null($data->{'BlkioDeviceReadBps'})) { $value_7 = $data->{'BlkioDeviceReadBps'}; } $object->setBlkioDeviceReadBps($value_7); } if (property_exists($data, 'BlkioDeviceReadIOps')) { $value_9 = $data->{'BlkioDeviceReadIOps'}; if (is_array($data->{'BlkioDeviceReadIOps'})) { $values_5 = []; foreach ($data->{'BlkioDeviceReadIOps'} as $value_10) { $values_5[] = $this->serializer->deserialize($value_10, 'Docker\\API\\Model\\DeviceRate', 'raw', $context); } $value_9 = $values_5; } if (is_null($data->{'BlkioDeviceReadIOps'})) { $value_9 = $data->{'BlkioDeviceReadIOps'}; } $object->setBlkioDeviceReadIOps($value_9); } if (property_exists($data, 'BlkioDeviceWriteBps')) { $value_11 = $data->{'BlkioDeviceWriteBps'}; if (is_array($data->{'BlkioDeviceWriteBps'})) { $values_6 = []; foreach ($data->{'BlkioDeviceWriteBps'} as $value_12) { $values_6[] = $this->serializer->deserialize($value_12, 'Docker\\API\\Model\\DeviceRate', 'raw', $context); } $value_11 = $values_6; } if (is_null($data->{'BlkioDeviceWriteBps'})) { $value_11 = $data->{'BlkioDeviceWriteBps'}; } $object->setBlkioDeviceWriteBps($value_11); } if (property_exists($data, 'BlkioDeviceWriteIOps')) { $value_13 = $data->{'BlkioDeviceWriteIOps'}; if (is_array($data->{'BlkioDeviceWriteIOps'})) { $values_7 = []; foreach ($data->{'BlkioDeviceWriteIOps'} as $value_14) { $values_7[] = $this->serializer->deserialize($value_14, 'Docker\\API\\Model\\DeviceRate', 'raw', $context); } $value_13 = $values_7; } if (is_null($data->{'BlkioDeviceWriteIOps'})) { $value_13 = $data->{'BlkioDeviceWriteIOps'}; } $object->setBlkioDeviceWriteIOps($value_13); } if (property_exists($data, 'MemorySwappiness')) { $object->setMemorySwappiness($data->{'MemorySwappiness'}); } if (property_exists($data, 'OomKillDisable')) { $object->setOomKillDisable($data->{'OomKillDisable'}); } if (property_exists($data, 'OomScoreAdj')) { $object->setOomScoreAdj($data->{'OomScoreAdj'}); } if (property_exists($data, 'PidsLimit')) { $object->setPidsLimit($data->{'PidsLimit'}); } if (property_exists($data, 'PortBindings')) { $value_15 = $data->{'PortBindings'}; if (is_object($data->{'PortBindings'})) { $values_8 = new \ArrayObject([], \ArrayObject::ARRAY_AS_PROPS); foreach ($data->{'PortBindings'} as $key_1 => $value_16) { $value_17 = $value_16; if (is_array($value_16)) { $values_9 = []; foreach ($value_16 as $value_18) { $values_9[] = $this->serializer->deserialize($value_18, 'Docker\\API\\Model\\PortBinding', 'raw', $context); } $value_17 = $values_9; } if (is_null($value_16)) { $value_17 = $value_16; } $values_8[$key_1] = $value_17; } $value_15 = $values_8; } if (is_null($data->{'PortBindings'})) { $value_15 = $data->{'PortBindings'}; } $object->setPortBindings($value_15); } if (property_exists($data, 'PublishAllPorts')) { $object->setPublishAllPorts($data->{'PublishAllPorts'}); } if (property_exists($data, 'Privileged')) { $object->setPrivileged($data->{'Privileged'}); } if (property_exists($data, 'ReadonlyRootfs')) { $object->setReadonlyRootfs($data->{'ReadonlyRootfs'}); } if (property_exists($data, 'Dns')) { $value_19 = $data->{'Dns'}; if (is_array($data->{'Dns'})) { $values_10 = []; foreach ($data->{'Dns'} as $value_20) { $values_10[] = $value_20; } $value_19 = $values_10; } if (is_null($data->{'Dns'})) { $value_19 = $data->{'Dns'}; } $object->setDns($value_19); } if (property_exists($data, 'DnsOptions')) { $value_21 = $data->{'DnsOptions'}; if (is_array($data->{'DnsOptions'})) { $values_11 = []; foreach ($data->{'DnsOptions'} as $value_22) { $values_11[] = $value_22; } $value_21 = $values_11; } if (is_null($data->{'DnsOptions'})) { $value_21 = $data->{'DnsOptions'}; } $object->setDnsOptions($value_21); } if (property_exists($data, 'DnsSearch')) { $value_23 = $data->{'DnsSearch'}; if (is_array($data->{'DnsSearch'})) { $values_12 = []; foreach ($data->{'DnsSearch'} as $value_24) { $values_12[] = $value_24; } $value_23 = $values_12; } if (is_null($data->{'DnsSearch'})) { $value_23 = $data->{'DnsSearch'}; } $object->setDnsSearch($value_23); } if (property_exists($data, 'ExtraHosts')) { $value_25 = $data->{'ExtraHosts'}; if (is_array($data->{'ExtraHosts'})) { $values_13 = []; foreach ($data->{'ExtraHosts'} as $value_26) { $values_13[] = $value_26; } $value_25 = $values_13; } if (is_null($data->{'ExtraHosts'})) { $value_25 = $data->{'ExtraHosts'}; } $object->setExtraHosts($value_25); } if (property_exists($data, 'VolumesFrom')) { $value_27 = $data->{'VolumesFrom'}; if (is_array($data->{'VolumesFrom'})) { $values_14 = []; foreach ($data->{'VolumesFrom'} as $value_28) { $values_14[] = $value_28; } $value_27 = $values_14; } if (is_null($data->{'VolumesFrom'})) { $value_27 = $data->{'VolumesFrom'}; } $object->setVolumesFrom($value_27); } if (property_exists($data, 'CapAdd')) { $value_29 = $data->{'CapAdd'}; if (is_array($data->{'CapAdd'})) { $values_15 = []; foreach ($data->{'CapAdd'} as $value_30) { $values_15[] = $value_30; } $value_29 = $values_15; } if (is_null($data->{'CapAdd'})) { $value_29 = $data->{'CapAdd'}; } $object->setCapAdd($value_29); } if (property_exists($data, 'CapDrop')) { $value_31 = $data->{'CapDrop'}; if (is_array($data->{'CapDrop'})) { $values_16 = []; foreach ($data->{'CapDrop'} as $value_32) { $values_16[] = $value_32; } $value_31 = $values_16; } if (is_null($data->{'CapDrop'})) { $value_31 = $data->{'CapDrop'}; } $object->setCapDrop($value_31); } if (property_exists($data, 'GroupAdd')) { $value_33 = $data->{'GroupAdd'}; if (is_array($data->{'GroupAdd'})) { $values_17 = []; foreach ($data->{'GroupAdd'} as $value_34) { $values_17[] = $value_34; } $value_33 = $values_17; } if (is_null($data->{'GroupAdd'})) { $value_33 = $data->{'GroupAdd'}; } $object->setGroupAdd($value_33); } if (property_exists($data, 'RestartPolicy')) { $object->setRestartPolicy($this->serializer->deserialize($data->{'RestartPolicy'}, 'Docker\\API\\Model\\RestartPolicy', 'raw', $context)); } if (property_exists($data, 'UsernsMode')) { $object->setUsernsMode($data->{'UsernsMode'}); } if (property_exists($data, 'NetworkMode')) { $object->setNetworkMode($data->{'NetworkMode'}); } if (property_exists($data, 'Devices')) { $value_35 = $data->{'Devices'}; if (is_array($data->{'Devices'})) { $values_18 = []; foreach ($data->{'Devices'} as $value_36) { $values_18[] = $this->serializer->deserialize($value_36, 'Docker\\API\\Model\\Device', 'raw', $context); } $value_35 = $values_18; } if (is_null($data->{'Devices'})) { $value_35 = $data->{'Devices'}; } $object->setDevices($value_35); } if (property_exists($data, 'Ulimits')) { $value_37 = $data->{'Ulimits'}; if (is_array($data->{'Ulimits'})) { $values_19 = []; foreach ($data->{'Ulimits'} as $value_38) { $values_19[] = $this->serializer->deserialize($value_38, 'Docker\\API\\Model\\Ulimit', 'raw', $context); } $value_37 = $values_19; } if (is_null($data->{'Ulimits'})) { $value_37 = $data->{'Ulimits'}; } $object->setUlimits($value_37); } if (property_exists($data, 'SecurityOpt')) { $value_39 = $data->{'SecurityOpt'}; if (is_array($data->{'SecurityOpt'})) { $values_20 = []; foreach ($data->{'SecurityOpt'} as $value_40) { $values_20[] = $value_40; } $value_39 = $values_20; } if (is_null($data->{'SecurityOpt'})) { $value_39 = $data->{'SecurityOpt'}; } $object->setSecurityOpt($value_39); } if (property_exists($data, 'LogConfig')) { $object->setLogConfig($this->serializer->deserialize($data->{'LogConfig'}, 'Docker\\API\\Model\\LogConfig', 'raw', $context)); } if (property_exists($data, 'CgroupParent')) { $object->setCgroupParent($data->{'CgroupParent'}); } if (property_exists($data, 'VolumeDriver')) { $object->setVolumeDriver($data->{'VolumeDriver'}); } if (property_exists($data, 'ShmSize')) { $object->setShmSize($data->{'ShmSize'}); } return $object; }