  * Help information for the default image.
  * @return string
  * @since 2.6.0
 protected function default_image()
     $common = new Display_Featured_Image_Genesis_Common();
     $large = $common->minimum_backstretch_width();
     $help = '<p>' . __('You may set a large image to be used sitewide if a featured image is not available. This image will show on posts, pages, and archives.', 'display-featured-image-genesis') . '</p>';
     $help .= '<p>' . sprintf(__('Supported file types are: jpg, jpeg, png, and gif. The image must be at least %1$s pixels wide.', 'display-featured-image-genesis'), absint($large + 1)) . '</p>';
     $help .= '<p>' . __('If you choose "Always Use Default", your default image will be used site wide, no matter what content types/posts/etc. have featured images set.', 'display-featured-image-genesis') . '</p>';
     return $help;
  * Decide whether or not to add the featured image to the feed or the feed excerpt
  * @return filter the_excerpt_rss (if summaries) or the_content_feed (full text)
  * @since  1.5.0
 public function maybe_do_feed()
     $displaysetting = displayfeaturedimagegenesis_get_setting();
     $feed_image = $displaysetting['feed_image'];
     // if the user isn't sending images to the feed, we're done
     if (!$feed_image || Display_Featured_Image_Genesis_Common::is_in_array('skipped_posttypes')) {
     // if the feed is summary, filter the excerpt
     $which_filter = 'the_excerpt_rss';
     $priority = 1000;
     $rss_option = get_option('rss_use_excerpt');
     // if the feed is full text, filter the content
     if ('0' === $rss_option) {
         $which_filter = 'the_content_feed';
         $priority = 15;
     add_filter($which_filter, array($this, 'add_image_to_feed'), $priority);
 * function to check image_id value, convert from URL if necessary
 * @param  string $image_id int or URL string
 * @return int           image ID
 * @since 2.3.0
function displayfeaturedimagegenesis_check_image_id($image_id = '')
    $image_id = is_numeric($image_id) ? $image_id : Display_Featured_Image_Genesis_Common::get_image_id($image_id);
    return $image_id;
  * Custom validation function for the default image--ensure image is appropriately sized.
  * @param $new_value
  * @return string
  * @since 2.6.0
 public function send_image_to_validator($new_value)
     $common = new Display_Featured_Image_Genesis_Common();
     $size = $common->minimum_backstretch_width();
     $new_value = $this->validate_image($new_value, $this->setting['default'], __('Default', 'display-featured-image-genesis'), $size);
     return $new_value;
  * Pass variables through to our js
  * @return backstretchVars variable array to send to js
  * @since 2.3.0
 public function localize_scripts()
     // backstretch settings which can be filtered
     $backstretch_variables = apply_filters('display_featured_image_genesis_backstretch_variables', array('centeredX' => true, 'centeredY' => true, 'fade' => 750));
     $image_id = Display_Featured_Image_Genesis_Common::set_image_id();
     $large = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image_id, 'large');
     $output = array('src' => esc_url($this->item->backstretch[0]), 'largesrc' => esc_url($large[0]), 'width' => $large[1], 'height' => (int) $this->displaysetting['less_header'], 'centeredX' => (bool) $backstretch_variables['centeredX'], 'centeredY' => (bool) $backstretch_variables['centeredY'], 'fade' => (int) $backstretch_variables['fade']);
     wp_localize_script('displayfeaturedimage-backstretch-set', 'BackStretchVars', $output);
  * Custom Post Type image uploader
  * @return  image
  * @since  2.0.0
 public function set_cpt_image($args)
     $item = Display_Featured_Image_Genesis_Common::get_image_variables();
     $post_type = $args['post_type']->name;
     if (empty($this->displaysetting['post_type'][$post_type])) {
         $this->displaysetting['post_type'][$post_type] = $id = '';
     $id = $this->displaysetting['post_type'][$post_type];
     $name = 'displayfeaturedimagegenesis[post_type][' . esc_attr($post_type) . ']';
     if ($id) {
         echo wp_kses_post($this->render_image_preview($id));
     $this->render_buttons($id, $name);
     if (empty($id)) {
     $description = sprintf(__('View your <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">%2$s</a> archive.', 'display-featured-image-genesis'), esc_url(get_post_type_archive_link($post_type)), esc_attr($args['post_type']->label));
     printf('<p class="description">%s</p>', wp_kses_post($description));
  * filter to maybe move titles, or not
  * @var filter
  * @since 2.2.0
 protected function move_title()
     $keep_titles = $this->setting['keep_titles'];
      * Creates display_featured_image_genesis_do_not_move_titles filter to check
      * whether get_post_type array should not move titles to overlay the featured image.
      * @uses is_in_array()
     if ($keep_titles || Display_Featured_Image_Genesis_Common::is_in_array('do_not_move_titles') || $this->check_post_meta('_displayfeaturedimagegenesis_move')) {
         return false;
     return true;