  * filesystem information
  * @return void
 private function _filesystems()
     $typearray = array('Unknown', 'No Root Directory', 'Removable Disk', 'Local Disk', 'Network Drive', 'Compact Disc', 'RAM Disk');
     $floppyarray = array('Unknown', '5 1/4 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '5 1/4 in.', 'Other', 'HD', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '8 in.');
     $buffer = CommonFunctions::getWMI($this->_wmi, 'Win32_LogicalDisk', array('Name', 'Size', 'FreeSpace', 'FileSystem', 'DriveType', 'MediaType'));
     foreach ($buffer as $filesystem) {
         $dev = new DiskDevice();
         if ($filesystem['Size'] > 0) {
             $dev->setUsed($filesystem['Size'] - $filesystem['FreeSpace']);
         if ($filesystem['MediaType'] != "" && $filesystem['DriveType'] == 2) {
             $dev->setName($typearray[$filesystem['DriveType']] . " (" . $floppyarray[$filesystem['MediaType']] . ")");
         } else {
     if (!$buffer && $this->sys->getDistribution() == "ReactOS") {
         // test for command 'free' on current disk
         if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram("cmd", "/c free 2>nul", $out_value, true)) {
             for ($letter = 'A'; $letter != 'AA'; $letter++) {
                 if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram("cmd", "/c free " . $letter . ": 2>nul", $out_value, false)) {
                     if (preg_match('/\\n\\s*([\\d\\.\\,]+).*\\n\\s*([\\d\\.\\,]+).*\\n\\s*([\\d\\.\\,]+).*$/', $out_value, $out_dig)) {
                         $size = preg_replace('/(\\.)|(\\,)/', '', $out_dig[1]);
                         $used = preg_replace('/(\\.)|(\\,)/', '', $out_dig[2]);
                         $free = preg_replace('/(\\.)|(\\,)/', '', $out_dig[3]);
                         if ($used + $free == $size) {
                             $dev = new DiskDevice();
                             $dev->setMountPoint($letter . ":");
  * get memory and swap information
  * @return void
 protected function memory()
     $s = $this->grabkey('hw.memsize');
     if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('vm_stat', '', $pstat, PSI_DEBUG)) {
         // calculate free memory from page sizes (each page = 4096)
         if (preg_match('/^Pages free:\\s+(\\S+)/m', $pstat, $free_buf)) {
             if (preg_match('/^Anonymous pages:\\s+(\\S+)/m', $pstat, $anon_buf) && preg_match('/^Pages wired down:\\s+(\\S+)/m', $pstat, $wire_buf) && preg_match('/^File-backed pages:\\s+(\\S+)/m', $pstat, $fileb_buf)) {
                 // OS X 10.9 or never
                 $this->sys->setMemFree($free_buf[1] * 4 * 1024);
                 $this->sys->setMemApplication(($anon_buf[1] + $wire_buf[1]) * 4 * 1024);
                 $this->sys->setMemCache($fileb_buf[1] * 4 * 1024);
                 if (preg_match('/^Pages occupied by compressor:\\s+(\\S+)/m', $pstat, $compr_buf)) {
                     $this->sys->setMemBuffer($compr_buf[1] * 4 * 1024);
             } else {
                 if (preg_match('/^Pages speculative:\\s+(\\S+)/m', $pstat, $spec_buf)) {
                     $this->sys->setMemFree(($free_buf[1] + $spec_buf[1]) * 4 * 1024);
                 } else {
                     $this->sys->setMemFree($free_buf[1] * 4 * 1024);
                 $appMemory = 0;
                 if (preg_match('/^Pages wired down:\\s+(\\S+)/m', $pstat, $wire_buf)) {
                     $appMemory += $wire_buf[1] * 4 * 1024;
                 if (preg_match('/^Pages active:\\s+(\\S+)/m', $pstat, $active_buf)) {
                     $appMemory += $active_buf[1] * 4 * 1024;
                 if (preg_match('/^Pages inactive:\\s+(\\S+)/m', $pstat, $inactive_buf)) {
                     $this->sys->setMemCache($inactive_buf[1] * 4 * 1024);
         } else {
             $lines = preg_split("/\n/", $pstat, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             $ar_buf = preg_split("/\\s+/", $lines[1], 19);
             $this->sys->setMemFree($ar_buf[2] * 4 * 1024);
         $this->sys->setMemUsed($this->sys->getMemTotal() - $this->sys->getMemFree());
         if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('sysctl', 'vm.swapusage | colrm 1 22', $swapBuff, PSI_DEBUG)) {
             $swap1 = preg_split('/M/', $swapBuff);
             $swap2 = preg_split('/=/', $swap1[1]);
             $swap3 = preg_split('/=/', $swap1[2]);
             $dev = new DiskDevice();
             $dev->setTotal($swap1[0] * 1024 * 1024);
             $dev->setUsed($swap2[1] * 1024 * 1024);
             $dev->setFree($swap3[1] * 1024 * 1024);
  * filesystem information
  * @return void
 private function _filesystems()
     if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('df', '-k', $df, PSI_DEBUG)) {
         $mounts = preg_split("/\n/", $df, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         foreach ($mounts as $mount) {
             $ar_buf = preg_split('/\\s+/', $mount, 6);
             $dev = new DiskDevice();
             $dev->setTotal($ar_buf[1] * 1024);
             $dev->setUsed($ar_buf[2] * 1024);
             $dev->setFree($ar_buf[3] * 1024);
             if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('df', '-n', $dftypes, PSI_DEBUG)) {
                 $mounttypes = preg_split("/\n/", $dftypes, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                 foreach ($mounttypes as $type) {
                     $ty_buf = preg_split('/:/', $type, 2);
                     if ($ty_buf == $dev->getName()) {
  * Physical memory information and Swap Space information
  * @return void
 private function _memory()
     if (CommonFunctions::rfts('/proc/meminfo', $bufr)) {
         $bufe = preg_split("/\n/", $bufr, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         foreach ($bufe as $buf) {
             if (preg_match('/^MemTotal:\\s+(.*)\\s*kB/i', $buf, $ar_buf)) {
                 $this->sys->setMemTotal($ar_buf[1] * 1024);
             } elseif (preg_match('/^MemFree:\\s+(.*)\\s*kB/i', $buf, $ar_buf)) {
                 $this->sys->setMemFree($ar_buf[1] * 1024);
             } elseif (preg_match('/^Cached:\\s+(.*)\\s*kB/i', $buf, $ar_buf)) {
                 $this->sys->setMemCache($ar_buf[1] * 1024);
             } elseif (preg_match('/^Buffers:\\s+(.*)\\s*kB/i', $buf, $ar_buf)) {
                 $this->sys->setMemBuffer($ar_buf[1] * 1024);
         $this->sys->setMemUsed($this->sys->getMemTotal() - $this->sys->getMemFree());
         // values for splitting memory usage
         if ($this->sys->getMemCache() !== null && $this->sys->getMemBuffer() !== null) {
             $this->sys->setMemApplication($this->sys->getMemUsed() - $this->sys->getMemCache() - $this->sys->getMemBuffer());
         if (CommonFunctions::rfts('/proc/swaps', $bufr)) {
             $swaps = preg_split("/\n/", $bufr, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             foreach ($swaps as $swap) {
                 $ar_buf = preg_split('/\\s+/', $swap, 5);
                 $dev = new DiskDevice();
                 $dev->setTotal($ar_buf[2] * 1024);
                 $dev->setUsed($ar_buf[3] * 1024);
                 $dev->setFree($dev->getTotal() - $dev->getUsed());
  * Physical memory information and Swap Space information
  * @return void
 protected function memory()
     if (PHP_OS == 'FreeBSD' || PHP_OS == 'OpenBSD') {
         // vmstat on fbsd 4.4 or greater outputs kbytes not hw.pagesize
         // I should probably add some version checking here, but for now
         // we only support fbsd 4.4
         $pagesize = 1024;
     } else {
         $pagesize = $this->grabkey('hw.pagesize');
     if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('vmstat', '', $vmstat, PSI_DEBUG)) {
         $lines = preg_split("/\n/", $vmstat, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         $ar_buf = preg_split("/\\s+/", trim($lines[2]), 19);
         if (PHP_OS == 'NetBSD' || PHP_OS == 'DragonFly') {
             $this->sys->setMemFree($ar_buf[4] * 1024);
         } else {
             $this->sys->setMemFree($ar_buf[4] * $pagesize);
         $this->sys->setMemUsed($this->sys->getMemTotal() - $this->sys->getMemFree());
         if ((PHP_OS == 'OpenBSD' || PHP_OS == 'NetBSD') && CommonFunctions::executeProgram('swapctl', '-l -k', $swapstat, PSI_DEBUG) || CommonFunctions::executeProgram('swapinfo', '-k', $swapstat, PSI_DEBUG)) {
             $lines = preg_split("/\n/", $swapstat, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             foreach ($lines as $line) {
                 $ar_buf = preg_split("/\\s+/", $line, 6);
                 if ($ar_buf[0] != 'Total') {
                     $dev = new DiskDevice();
                     $dev->setTotal($ar_buf[1] * 1024);
                     $dev->setUsed($ar_buf[2] * 1024);
                     $dev->setFree($dev->getTotal() - $dev->getUsed());
  * parsing the output of df command
  * @param string $df_param additional parameter for df command
  * @return array
 public static function df($df_param = "", $get_inodes = true)
     $arrResult = array();
     if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('mount', '', $mount, PSI_DEBUG)) {
         $mount = preg_split("/\n/", $mount, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         foreach ($mount as $mount_line) {
             if (preg_match("/(\\S+) on ([\\S ]+) type (.*) \\((.*)\\)/", $mount_line, $mount_buf)) {
                 $parm = array();
                 $parm['mountpoint'] = trim($mount_buf[2]);
                 $parm['fstype'] = $mount_buf[3];
                 $parm['name'] = $mount_buf[1];
                 if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_OPTION) {
                     $parm['options'] = $mount_buf[4];
                 $mount_parm[] = $parm;
             } elseif (preg_match("/(\\S+) is (.*) mounted on (\\S+) \\(type (.*)\\)/", $mount_line, $mount_buf)) {
                 $parm = array();
                 $parm['mountpoint'] = trim($mount_buf[3]);
                 $parm['fstype'] = $mount_buf[4];
                 $parm['name'] = $mount_buf[1];
                 if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_OPTION) {
                     $parm['options'] = $mount_buf[2];
                 $mount_parm[] = $parm;
             } elseif (preg_match("/(\\S+) (.*) on (\\S+) \\((.*)\\)/", $mount_line, $mount_buf)) {
                 $parm = array();
                 $parm['mountpoint'] = trim($mount_buf[3]);
                 $parm['fstype'] = $mount_buf[2];
                 $parm['name'] = $mount_buf[1];
                 if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_OPTION) {
                     $parm['options'] = $mount_buf[4];
                 $mount_parm[] = $parm;
             } elseif (preg_match("/(\\S+) on ([\\S ]+) \\((\\S+)(,\\s(.*))?\\)/", $mount_line, $mount_buf)) {
                 $parm = array();
                 $parm['mountpoint'] = trim($mount_buf[2]);
                 $parm['fstype'] = $mount_buf[3];
                 $parm['name'] = $mount_buf[1];
                 if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_OPTION) {
                     $parm['options'] = isset($mount_buf[5]) ? $mount_buf[5] : '';
                 $mount_parm[] = $parm;
     } elseif (CommonFunctions::rfts("/etc/mtab", $mount)) {
         $mount = preg_split("/\n/", $mount, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         foreach ($mount as $mount_line) {
             if (preg_match("/(\\S+) (\\S+) (\\S+) (\\S+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)/", $mount_line, $mount_buf)) {
                 $parm = array();
                 $mount_point = preg_replace("/\\\\040/i", ' ', $mount_buf[2]);
                 //space as \040
                 $parm['mountpoint'] = $mount_point;
                 $parm['fstype'] = $mount_buf[3];
                 $parm['name'] = $mount_buf[1];
                 if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_OPTION) {
                     $parm['options'] = $mount_buf[4];
                 $mount_parm[] = $parm;
     if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('df', '-k ' . $df_param, $df, PSI_DEBUG) && $df !== "") {
         $df = preg_split("/\n/", $df, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         if ($get_inodes && PSI_SHOW_INODES) {
             if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('df', '-i ' . $df_param, $df2, PSI_DEBUG)) {
                 $df2 = preg_split("/\n/", $df2, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                 // Store inode use% in an associative array (df_inodes) for later use
                 foreach ($df2 as $df2_line) {
                     if (preg_match("/^(\\S+).*\\s([0-9]+)%/", $df2_line, $inode_buf)) {
                         $df_inodes[$inode_buf[1]] = $inode_buf[2];
         foreach ($df as $df_line) {
             $df_buf1 = preg_split("/(\\%\\s)/", $df_line, 3);
             if (count($df_buf1) < 2) {
             if (preg_match("/(.*)(\\s+)(([0-9]+)(\\s+)([0-9]+)(\\s+)([\\-0-9]+)(\\s+)([0-9]+)\$)/", $df_buf1[0], $df_buf2)) {
                 if (count($df_buf1) == 3) {
                     $df_buf = array($df_buf2[1], $df_buf2[4], $df_buf2[6], $df_buf2[8], $df_buf2[10], $df_buf1[2]);
                 } else {
                     $df_buf = array($df_buf2[1], $df_buf2[4], $df_buf2[6], $df_buf2[8], $df_buf2[10], $df_buf1[1]);
                 if (count($df_buf) == 6) {
                     $df_buf[5] = trim($df_buf[5]);
                     $dev = new DiskDevice();
                     if ($df_buf[2] < 0) {
                         $dev->setTotal($df_buf[3] * 1024);
                         $dev->setUsed($df_buf[3] * 1024);
                     } else {
                         $dev->setTotal($df_buf[1] * 1024);
                         $dev->setUsed($df_buf[2] * 1024);
                         if ($df_buf[3] > 0) {
                             $dev->setFree($df_buf[3] * 1024);
                     if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_POINT) {
                     $notwas = true;
                     if (isset($mount_parm)) {
                         foreach ($mount_parm as $mount_param) {
                             //name and mountpoint find
                             if ($mount_param['name'] === trim($df_buf[0]) && $mount_param['mountpoint'] === $df_buf[5]) {
                                 if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_OPTION) {
                                     if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_CREDENTIALS) {
                                     } else {
                                         $mpo = $mount_param['options'];
                                         $mpo = preg_replace('/(^guest,)|(^guest$)|(,guest$)/i', '', $mpo);
                                         $mpo = preg_replace('/,guest,/i', ',', $mpo);
                                         $mpo = preg_replace('/(^user=[^,]*,)|(^user=[^,]*$)|(,user=[^,]*$)/i', '', $mpo);
                                         $mpo = preg_replace('/,user=[^,]*,/i', ',', $mpo);
                                         $mpo = preg_replace('/(^username=[^,]*,)|(^username=[^,]*$)|(,username=[^,]*$)/i', '', $mpo);
                                         $mpo = preg_replace('/,username=[^,]*,/i', ',', $mpo);
                                         $mpo = preg_replace('/(^password=[^,]*,)|(^password=[^,]*$)|(,password=[^,]*$)/i', '', $mpo);
                                         $mpo = preg_replace('/,password=[^,]*,/i', ',', $mpo);
                                 $notwas = false;
                         if ($notwas) {
                             foreach ($mount_parm as $mount_param) {
                                 //mountpoint find
                                 if ($mount_param['mountpoint'] === $df_buf[5]) {
                                     if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_OPTION) {
                                         if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_CREDENTIALS) {
                                         } else {
                                             $mpo = $mount_param['options'];
                                             $mpo = preg_replace('/(^guest,)|(^guest$)|(,guest$)/i', '', $mpo);
                                             $mpo = preg_replace('/,guest,/i', ',', $mpo);
                                             $mpo = preg_replace('/(^user=[^,]*,)|(^user=[^,]*$)|(,user=[^,]*$)/i', '', $mpo);
                                             $mpo = preg_replace('/,user=[^,]*,/i', ',', $mpo);
                                             $mpo = preg_replace('/(^username=[^,]*,)|(^username=[^,]*$)|(,username=[^,]*$)/i', '', $mpo);
                                             $mpo = preg_replace('/,username=[^,]*,/i', ',', $mpo);
                                             $mpo = preg_replace('/(^password=[^,]*,)|(^password=[^,]*$)|(,password=[^,]*$)/i', '', $mpo);
                                             $mpo = preg_replace('/,password=[^,]*,/i', ',', $mpo);
                                     $notwas = false;
                     if ($notwas) {
                     if ($get_inodes && PSI_SHOW_INODES && isset($df_inodes[trim($df_buf[0])])) {
                     $arrResult[] = $dev;
     } else {
         if (isset($mount_parm)) {
             foreach ($mount_parm as $mount_param) {
                 $total = disk_total_space($mount_param['mountpoint']);
                 if ($mount_param['fstype'] != 'none' && $total > 0) {
                     $dev = new DiskDevice();
                     if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_POINT) {
                     $free = disk_free_space($mount_param['mountpoint']);
                     if ($free > 0) {
                     } else {
                         $free = 0;
                     if ($total > $free) {
                         $dev->setUsed($total - $free);
                     if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_OPTION) {
                         if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_CREDENTIALS) {
                         } else {
                             $mpo = $mount_param['options'];
                             $mpo = preg_replace('/(^guest,)|(^guest$)|(,guest$)/i', '', $mpo);
                             $mpo = preg_replace('/,guest,/i', ',', $mpo);
                             $mpo = preg_replace('/(^user=[^,]*,)|(^user=[^,]*$)|(,user=[^,]*$)/i', '', $mpo);
                             $mpo = preg_replace('/,user=[^,]*,/i', ',', $mpo);
                             $mpo = preg_replace('/(^username=[^,]*,)|(^username=[^,]*$)|(,username=[^,]*$)/i', '', $mpo);
                             $mpo = preg_replace('/,username=[^,]*,/i', ',', $mpo);
                             $mpo = preg_replace('/(^password=[^,]*,)|(^password=[^,]*$)|(,password=[^,]*$)/i', '', $mpo);
                             $mpo = preg_replace('/,password=[^,]*,/i', ',', $mpo);
                     $arrResult[] = $dev;
     return $arrResult;
  * get memory and swap information
  * @return void
 protected function memory()
     $s = $this->grabkey('hw.memsize');
     if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('vm_stat', '', $pstat, PSI_DEBUG)) {
         $lines = preg_split("/\n/", $pstat, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         $ar_buf = preg_split("/\\s+/", $lines[1], 19);
         // calculate free memory from page sizes (each page = 4MB)
         $this->sys->setMemFree($ar_buf[2] * 4 * 1024);
         $this->sys->setMemUsed($this->sys->getMemTotal() - $this->sys->getMemFree());
         if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('sysctl', 'vm.swapusage | colrm 1 22', $swapBuff, PSI_DEBUG)) {
             $swap1 = preg_split('/M/', $swapBuff);
             $swap2 = preg_split('/=/', $swap1[1]);
             $swap3 = preg_split('/=/', $swap1[2]);
             $dev = new DiskDevice();
             $dev->setTotal($swap1[0] * 1024 * 1024);
             $dev->setUsed($swap2[1] * 1024 * 1024);
             $dev->setFree($swap3[1] * 1024 * 1024);
  * filesystem information
  * @return void
 private function _filesystems()
     if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('df', '-kP', $df, PSI_DEBUG)) {
         $mounts = preg_split("/\n/", $df, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('mount', '-v', $s, PSI_DEBUG)) {
             $lines = preg_split("/\n/", $s, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             while (list(, $line) = each($lines)) {
                 $a = preg_split('/ /', $line, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                 $fsdev[$a[0]] = $a[4];
         foreach ($mounts as $mount) {
             $ar_buf = preg_split("/\\s+/", $mount, 6);
             $dev = new DiskDevice();
             $dev->setTotal($ar_buf[1] * 1024);
             $dev->setUsed($ar_buf[2] * 1024);
             $dev->setFree($ar_buf[3] * 1024);
             if (isset($fsdev[$ar_buf[0]])) {
  * fill a xml element with atrributes from a disk device
  * @param SimpleXmlExtended $mount Xml-Element
  * @param DiskDevice        $dev   DiskDevice
  * @param Integer           $i     counter
  * @return Void
 private function _fillDevice(SimpleXMLExtended $mount, DiskDevice $dev, $i)
     $mount->addAttribute('MountPointID', $i);
     $mount->addAttribute('FSType', $dev->getFsType());
     $mount->addAttribute('Name', $dev->getName());
     $mount->addAttribute('Free', sprintf("%.0f", $dev->getFree()));
     $mount->addAttribute('Used', sprintf("%.0f", $dev->getUsed()));
     $mount->addAttribute('Total', sprintf("%.0f", $dev->getTotal()));
     $mount->addAttribute('Percent', $dev->getPercentUsed());
     if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_OPTION === true) {
         if ($dev->getOptions() !== null) {
             $mount->addAttribute('MountOptions', preg_replace("/,/", ", ", $dev->getOptions()));
     if ($dev->getPercentInodesUsed() !== null) {
         $mount->addAttribute('Inodes', $dev->getPercentInodesUsed());
     if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_POINT === true) {
         $mount->addAttribute('MountPoint', $dev->getMountPoint());
  * parsing the output of df command
  * @param string $df_param additional parameter for df command
  * @return array
 public static function df($df_param = "")
     $arrResult = array();
     if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('df', '-k ' . $df_param, $df, PSI_DEBUG)) {
         $df = preg_split("/\n/", $df, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         if (PSI_SHOW_INODES) {
             if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('df', '-i ' . $df_param, $df2, PSI_DEBUG)) {
                 $df2 = preg_split("/\n/", $df2, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                 // Store inode use% in an associative array (df_inodes) for later use
                 foreach ($df2 as $df2_line) {
                     if (preg_match("/^(\\S+).*\\s([0-9]+)%/", $df2_line, $inode_buf)) {
                         $df_inodes[$inode_buf[1]] = $inode_buf[2];
         if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('mount', '', $mount, PSI_DEBUG)) {
             $mount = preg_split("/\n/", $mount, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             foreach ($mount as $mount_line) {
                 if (preg_match("/\\S+ on (\\S+) type (.*) \\((.*)\\)/", $mount_line, $mount_buf)) {
                     $mount_parm[$mount_buf[1]]['fstype'] = $mount_buf[2];
                     $mount_parm[$mount_buf[1]]['options'] = $mount_buf[3];
                 } elseif (preg_match("/\\S+ (.*) on (\\S+) \\((.*)\\)/", $mount_line, $mount_buf)) {
                     $mount_parm[$mount_buf[2]]['fstype'] = $mount_buf[1];
                     $mount_parm[$mount_buf[2]]['options'] = $mount_buf[3];
                 } elseif (preg_match("/\\S+ on (\\S+) \\((\\S+)(,\\s(.*))?\\)/", $mount_line, $mount_buf)) {
                     $mount_parm[$mount_buf[1]]['fstype'] = $mount_buf[2];
                     $mount_parm[$mount_buf[1]]['options'] = isset($mount_buf[4]) ? $mount_buf[4] : '';
             foreach ($df as $df_line) {
                 $df_buf1 = preg_split("/(\\%\\s)/", $df_line, 2);
                 if (count($df_buf1) != 2) {
                 preg_match("/(.*)(\\s+)(([0-9]+)(\\s+)([0-9]+)(\\s+)([0-9]+)(\\s+)([0-9]+)\$)/", $df_buf1[0], $df_buf2);
                 $df_buf = array($df_buf2[1], $df_buf2[4], $df_buf2[6], $df_buf2[8], $df_buf2[10], $df_buf1[1]);
                 if (count($df_buf) == 6) {
                     $df_buf[5] = trim($df_buf[5]);
                     $dev = new DiskDevice();
                     if ($df_buf[2] < 0) {
                         $dev->setTotal($df_buf[3] * 1024);
                         $dev->setUsed($df_buf[3] * 1024);
                     } else {
                         $dev->setTotal($df_buf[1] * 1024);
                         $dev->setUsed($df_buf[2] * 1024);
                         $dev->setFree($df_buf[3] * 1024);
                     if (PSI_SHOW_INODES && isset($df_inodes[trim($df_buf[0])])) {
                     $arrResult[] = $dev;
     return $arrResult;
  * filesystem information
  * @return void
 private function _filesystems()
     $arrResult = array();
     if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('df', '-b', $df, PSI_DEBUG)) {
         $df = preg_split("/\n/", $df, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         foreach ($df as $df_line) {
             $ar_buf = preg_split("/\\s+/", $df_line);
             if (substr($df_line, 0, 1) == "/" && count($ar_buf) == 6) {
                 $dev = new DiskDevice();
                 $dev->setTotal($ar_buf[2] * 1024);
                 $dev->setFree($ar_buf[3] * 1024);
                 $dev->setUsed($dev->getTotal() - $dev->getFree());
  * filesystem information
  * @return void
 private function _filesystems()
     if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('df', '2>/dev/null ', $df, PSI_DEBUG)) {
         $df = preg_split("/\n/", $df, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('mount', '', $mount, PSI_DEBUG)) {
             $mount = preg_split("/\n/", $mount, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             foreach ($mount as $mount_line) {
                 $mount_buf = preg_split('/\\s+/', $mount_line);
                 if (count($mount_buf) == 6) {
                     $mount_parm[$mount_buf[1]]['fstype'] = $mount_buf[2];
                     if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_OPTION) {
                         $mount_parm[$mount_buf[1]]['options'] = $mount_buf[3];
                     $mount_parm[$mount_buf[1]]['mountdev'] = $mount_buf[0];
             foreach ($df as $df_line) {
                 if ((preg_match("/^(\\/\\S+)(\\s+)(([0-9\\.]+)([KMGT])(\\s+)([0-9\\.]+)([KMGT])(\\s+)([0-9\\.]+)([KMGT])(\\s+))/", $df_line, $df_buf) || preg_match("/^(\\/[^\\s\\:]+)\\:(\\s+)(([0-9\\.]+)([KMGT])(\\s+total\\,\\s+)([0-9\\.]+)([KMGT])(\\s+used\\,\\s+)([0-9\\.]+)([KMGT])(\\s+available))/", $df_line, $df_buf)) && !preg_match('/^\\/mnt\\/asec\\/com\\./', $df_buf[1])) {
                     $dev = new DiskDevice();
                     if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_POINT) {
                     if ($df_buf[5] == 'K') {
                         $dev->setTotal($df_buf[4] * 1024);
                     } elseif ($df_buf[5] == 'M') {
                         $dev->setTotal($df_buf[4] * 1024 * 1024);
                     } elseif ($df_buf[5] == 'G') {
                         $dev->setTotal($df_buf[4] * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
                     } elseif ($df_buf[5] == 'T') {
                         $dev->setTotal($df_buf[4] * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
                     if ($df_buf[8] == 'K') {
                         $dev->setUsed($df_buf[7] * 1024);
                     } elseif ($df_buf[8] == 'M') {
                         $dev->setUsed($df_buf[7] * 1024 * 1024);
                     } elseif ($df_buf[8] == 'G') {
                         $dev->setUsed($df_buf[7] * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
                     } elseif ($df_buf[8] == 'T') {
                         $dev->setUsed($df_buf[7] * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
                     if ($df_buf[11] == 'K') {
                         $dev->setFree($df_buf[10] * 1024);
                     } elseif ($df_buf[11] == 'M') {
                         $dev->setFree($df_buf[10] * 1024 * 1024);
                     } elseif ($df_buf[11] == 'G') {
                         $dev->setFree($df_buf[10] * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
                     } elseif ($df_buf[11] == 'T') {
                         $dev->setFree($df_buf[10] * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
                     if (isset($mount_parm[$df_buf[1]])) {
                         if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_OPTION) {
                             if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_CREDENTIALS) {
                             } else {
                                 $mpo = $mount_parm[$df_buf[1]]['options'];
                                 $mpo = preg_replace('/(^guest,)|(^guest$)|(,guest$)/i', '', $mpo);
                                 $mpo = preg_replace('/,guest,/i', ',', $mpo);
                                 $mpo = preg_replace('/(^user=[^,]*,)|(^user=[^,]*$)|(,user=[^,]*$)/i', '', $mpo);
                                 $mpo = preg_replace('/,user=[^,]*,/i', ',', $mpo);
                                 $mpo = preg_replace('/(^username=[^,]*,)|(^username=[^,]*$)|(,username=[^,]*$)/i', '', $mpo);
                                 $mpo = preg_replace('/,username=[^,]*,/i', ',', $mpo);
                                 $mpo = preg_replace('/(^password=[^,]*,)|(^password=[^,]*$)|(,password=[^,]*$)/i', '', $mpo);
                                 $mpo = preg_replace('/,password=[^,]*,/i', ',', $mpo);
  * filesystem information
  * @return void
 private function _filesystems()
     $typearray = array('Unknown', 'No Root Directory', 'Removable Disk', 'Local Disk', 'Network Drive', 'Compact Disc', 'RAM Disk');
     $floppyarray = array('Unknown', '5 1/4 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '5 1/4 in.', 'Other', 'HD', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '5 1/4 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '3 1/2 in.', '8 in.');
     $buffer = $this->_getWMI('Win32_LogicalDisk', array('Name', 'Size', 'FreeSpace', 'FileSystem', 'DriveType', 'MediaType'));
     foreach ($buffer as $filesystem) {
         $dev = new DiskDevice();
         if ($filesystem['Size'] > 0) {
             $dev->setUsed($filesystem['Size'] - $filesystem['FreeSpace']);
         if ($filesystem['MediaType'] != "" && $filesystem['DriveType'] == 2) {
             $dev->setName($typearray[$filesystem['DriveType']] . " (" . $floppyarray[$filesystem['MediaType']] . ")");
         } else {
  * fill a xml element with atrributes from a disk device
  * @param SimpleXmlExtended $mount Xml-Element
  * @param DiskDevice        $dev   DiskDevice
  * @param Integer           $i     counter
  * @return Void
 private function _fillDevice($mount, $dev, $i)
     $mount->addAttribute('MountPointID', $i);
     $mount->addAttribute('FSType', $dev->getFsType());
     $mount->addAttribute('Name', $dev->getName());
     $mount->addAttribute('Free', $dev->getFree());
     $mount->addAttribute('Used', $dev->getUsed());
     $mount->addAttribute('Total', $dev->getTotal());
     $mount->addAttribute('Percent', $dev->getPercentUsed());
     if ($dev->getOptions() !== null) {
         $mount->addAttribute('MountOptions', $dev->getOptions());
     if ($dev->getPercentInodesUsed() !== null) {
         $mount->addAttribute('Inodes', $dev->getPercentInodesUsed());
     if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_POINT === true) {
         $mount->addAttribute('MountPoint', $dev->getMountPoint());
  * parsing the output of df command
  * @param string $df_param additional parameter for df command
  * @return array
 public static function df($df_param = "")
     $arrResult = array();
     if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('df', '-k ' . $df_param, $df, PSI_DEBUG)) {
         $df = preg_split("/\n/", $df, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
         if (PSI_SHOW_INODES) {
             if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('df', '-i ' . $df_param, $df2, PSI_DEBUG)) {
                 $df2 = preg_split("/\n/", $df2, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                 // Store inode use% in an associative array (df_inodes) for later use
                 foreach ($df2 as $df2_line) {
                     if (preg_match("/^(\\S+).*\\s([0-9]+)%/", $df2_line, $inode_buf)) {
                         $df_inodes[$inode_buf[1]] = $inode_buf[2];
         if (CommonFunctions::executeProgram('mount', '', $mount, PSI_DEBUG)) {
             $mount = preg_split("/\n/", $mount, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
             foreach ($mount as $mount_line) {
                 if (preg_match("/\\S+ on (\\S+) type (.*) \\((.*)\\)/", $mount_line, $mount_buf)) {
                     $mount_parm[$mount_buf[1]]['fstype'] = $mount_buf[2];
                     if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_OPTION) {
                         $mount_parm[$mount_buf[1]]['options'] = $mount_buf[3];
                 } elseif (preg_match("/\\S+ is (.*) mounted on (\\S+) \\(type (.*)\\)/", $mount_line, $mount_buf)) {
                     $mount_parm[$mount_buf[2]]['fstype'] = $mount_buf[3];
                     if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_OPTION) {
                         $mount_parm[$mount_buf[2]]['options'] = $mount_buf[1];
                 } elseif (preg_match("/\\S+ (.*) on (\\S+) \\((.*)\\)/", $mount_line, $mount_buf)) {
                     $mount_parm[$mount_buf[2]]['fstype'] = $mount_buf[1];
                     if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_OPTION) {
                         $mount_parm[$mount_buf[2]]['options'] = $mount_buf[3];
                 } elseif (preg_match("/\\S+ on ([\\S ]+) \\((\\S+)(,\\s(.*))?\\)/", $mount_line, $mount_buf)) {
                     $mount_parm[$mount_buf[1]]['fstype'] = $mount_buf[2];
                     if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_OPTION) {
                         $mount_parm[$mount_buf[1]]['options'] = isset($mount_buf[4]) ? $mount_buf[4] : '';
             foreach ($df as $df_line) {
                 $df_buf1 = preg_split("/(\\%\\s)/", $df_line, 3);
                 if (count($df_buf1) < 2) {
                 if (preg_match("/(.*)(\\s+)(([0-9]+)(\\s+)([0-9]+)(\\s+)([\\-0-9]+)(\\s+)([0-9]+)\$)/", $df_buf1[0], $df_buf2)) {
                     if (count($df_buf1) == 3) {
                         $df_buf = array($df_buf2[1], $df_buf2[4], $df_buf2[6], $df_buf2[8], $df_buf2[10], $df_buf1[2]);
                     } else {
                         $df_buf = array($df_buf2[1], $df_buf2[4], $df_buf2[6], $df_buf2[8], $df_buf2[10], $df_buf1[1]);
                     if (count($df_buf) == 6) {
                         $df_buf[5] = trim($df_buf[5]);
                         $dev = new DiskDevice();
                         if ($df_buf[2] < 0) {
                             $dev->setTotal($df_buf[3] * 1024);
                             $dev->setUsed($df_buf[3] * 1024);
                         } else {
                             $dev->setTotal($df_buf[1] * 1024);
                             $dev->setUsed($df_buf[2] * 1024);
                             if ($df_buf[3] > 0) {
                                 $dev->setFree($df_buf[3] * 1024);
                         if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_POINT) {
                         if (isset($mount_parm[$df_buf[5]])) {
                             if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_OPTION) {
                                 if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_CREDENTIALS) {
                                 } else {
                                     $mpo = $mount_parm[$df_buf[5]]['options'];
                                     $mpo = preg_replace('/(^guest,)|(^guest$)|(,guest$)/i', '', $mpo);
                                     $mpo = preg_replace('/,guest,/i', ',', $mpo);
                                     $mpo = preg_replace('/(^user=[^,]*,)|(^user=[^,]*$)|(,user=[^,]*$)/i', '', $mpo);
                                     $mpo = preg_replace('/,user=[^,]*,/i', ',', $mpo);
                                     $mpo = preg_replace('/(^username=[^,]*,)|(^username=[^,]*$)|(,username=[^,]*$)/i', '', $mpo);
                                     $mpo = preg_replace('/,username=[^,]*,/i', ',', $mpo);
                                     $mpo = preg_replace('/(^password=[^,]*,)|(^password=[^,]*$)|(,password=[^,]*$)/i', '', $mpo);
                                     $mpo = preg_replace('/,password=[^,]*,/i', ',', $mpo);
                         if (PSI_SHOW_INODES && isset($df_inodes[trim($df_buf[0])])) {
                         $arrResult[] = $dev;
     return $arrResult;
  * fill a xml element with atrributes from a disk device
  * @param DiskDevice $dev DiskDevice
  * @param Integer    $i   counter
  * @return Void
 private function _fillDevice(DiskDevice $dev, $i)
     $mount = array('MountPointID' => $i, 'FSType' => $dev->getFsType(), 'Name' => $dev->getName(), 'Free' => sprintf("%.0f", $dev->getFree()), 'Used' => sprintf("%.0f", $dev->getUsed()), 'Total' => sprintf("%.0f", $dev->getTotal()), 'Percent' => $dev->getPercentUsed());
     if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_OPTION === true && $dev->getOptions() !== null) {
         $mount['MountOptions'] = preg_replace("/,/", ", ", $dev->getOptions());
     if ($dev->getPercentInodesUsed() !== null) {
         $mount['Inodes'] = $dev->getPercentInodesUsed();
     if (PSI_SHOW_MOUNT_POINT === true) {
         $mount['MountPoint'] = $dev->getMountPoint();
     return $mount;