public static function getDirections(Route $route, $version = 0)
      * @var DB
     $dbObj = DBPool::getInstance();
     $version = $version == 0 ? TableUpdate::getVersion() : $version;
     $dbObj->bindParams(array($route->getId(), $version));
     $directions = $dbObj->get_results("SELECT * FROM direction WHERE route_id=?\n            AND version = ?");
     if ($dbObj->num_rows > 0) {
         $directionArray = array();
         foreach ($directions as $d) {
             $dirObj = new Direction();
             $directionArray[$d->tag] = $dirObj;
         return $directionArray;
     } else {
         //TODO: Don't use a generic exception
         throw new Exception("No data available - Direction::getDirections");
  * This is construct base of the class.
  * A public constructor; initializes the variable $instanceDataBase.
 public function __construct($instanceDataBase)
  * Add apartment page
  * @return \Illuminate\View\View
 public function home()
     $apartment = new ListApartment();
     //Hard code
     $apartment->username = Auth::user()->username;
     // Get all district
     $district = ListDistrict::lists('name_district', 'id_district');
     // Get all province
     $province = ListProvice::lists('name_province', 'id_province');
     // Get all project
     $projects = ListProject::lists('name', 'ID');
     //Get project
     $project_id = Input::get('project');
     $apartment->project = $project_id;
     // Get all furniture
     $furnitures = Furniture::lists('name', 'ID');
     // Get all management company
     $directions = Direction::lists('name', 'ID');
     // Get all floor material
     $floor_materials = FloorMaterial::lists('name', 'ID');
     // Clear Session
     for ($i = -2; $i < 8; $i++) {
         if (Session::has("image[{$i}]")) {
     return View::make('pages.apartment', compact('apartment', 'district', 'province', 'projects', 'project_id', 'furnitures', 'directions', 'floor_materials'));
 public function actionGetGroups()
     $keys = array_keys($_GET);
     $direction_id = (int) $keys[0];
     $direction = Direction::model()->findByPk($direction_id);
     $groups = CHtml::listData($direction->groups, 'id', 'name');
     foreach ($groups as $value => $name) {
         echo '<option value="' . $value . '">' . $name . '</option>';
function generateXMLFile(Agency $agencyObj)
    $dbObj = DBPool::getInstance();
    $routeArray = Route::getRoutes($agencyObj);
    $stopArray = Stop::getStops($agencyObj);
    $xmlStr = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><agency title="' . $agencyObj->getTitle() . '" shortTitle="' . $agencyObj->getShortTitle() . '"></agency>';
    $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlStr);
    foreach ($stopArray as $s) {
        $stop = $xml->addChild("stop");
        $stop->addAttribute("tag", $s->getTag());
        $stop->addAttribute("title", $s->getPrettyTitle());
        $stop->addAttribute("lat", $s->getLatitude());
        $stop->addAttribute("lon", $s->getLongitude());
        $stop->addAttribute("oppositeStopTag", $s->getFlipStopTag());
    foreach ($routeArray as $r) {
        $route = $xml->addChild("route");
        $route->addAttribute("tag", $r->getTag());
        $route->addAttribute("title", $r->getTitle());
        $route->addAttribute("shortTitle", $r->getShortTitle());
        $route->addAttribute("color", $r->getColor());
        $route->addAttribute("latMin", $r->getLatMin());
        $route->addAttribute("latMax", $r->getLatMax());
        $route->addAttribute("lonMin", $r->getLonMin());
        $route->addAttribute("lonMax", $r->getLonMax());
        $route->addAttribute("vehicle", $r->getVehicleType());
        $route->addAttribute("sortOrder", $r->getPosition());
        $directionsArray = Direction::getDirections($r);
        foreach ($directionsArray as $d) {
            $dir = $route->addChild("direction");
            $dir->addAttribute("tag", $d->getTag());
            $dir->addAttribute("title", $d->getPrettyTitle());
            $dir->addAttribute("name", $d->getPrettyName());
            $dir->addAttribute("show", $d->getShow() ? "true" : "false");
            $dir->addAttribute("useForUI", $d->getUseForUi() ? "true" : "false");
            $stopDirMap = $dbObj->get_results("SELECT a.tag, b.position\n                                                FROM stop as a, stop_direction_map as b\n                                                WHERE AND b.direction_id=?\n                                                ORDER BY b.position");
            if ($dbObj->num_rows > 0) {
                foreach ($stopDirMap as $m) {
                    $map = $dir->addChild("stop");
                    $map->addAttribute("tag", $m->tag);
    $fileName = Util::getBaseDirectoryPath(Util::XML_FILE) . $agencyObj->getShortTitle() . ".xml";
    Util::prettyPrintXml($xml, $fileName);
 public function updateStopDirMap()
      * @var DB
     $dbObj = DBPool::getInstance();
     $routeArray = Route::getRoutes($this->agency);
     $stopArray = Stop::getStops($this->agency);
     $bartApiKey = $this->appConfig['BART_API_KEY'];
     foreach ($routeArray as $routeTag => $routeObj) {
         $pos = 0;
         $directionArray = Direction::getDirections($routeObj);
         foreach ($directionArray as $dirTag => $dirObj) {
             //We're only interested in the directions we're showing
             if (!$dirObj->getShow()) {
             //Fetch the direction details
             $apiURL = str_replace(BartApiEndPoints::DIRECTION, $dirObj->getTag(), BartApiEndPoints::ROUTE_INFO . $bartApiKey);
             $dirInfoXmlBuilder = new XmlObjBuilder($apiURL);
             $dirInfoXml = $dirInfoXmlBuilder->getXmlObj();
             foreach ($dirInfoXml->routes->route->config as $c) {
                 foreach ($c as $station) {
                     $stopTag = (string) $station;
                     $tempStopObj = $stopArray[$stopTag];
                     $stopId = $tempStopObj->getId();
                     $tempDirObj = $directionArray[$dirTag];
                     $dirId = $tempDirObj->getId();
                     $dbObj->bindParams(array($stopId, $dirId, $pos, TableUpdate::getVersion()));
                     $dbObj->query("INSERT INTO stop_direction_map\n                            (stop_id, direction_id, position, version, created_date)\n                            VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, NOW())");
                     if ($dbObj->rows_affected != 1) {
                         //TODO: Log it
 public function updateStopDirMap()
      * @var DB
     $dbObj = DBPool::getInstance();
     $routeArray = Route::getRoutes($this->agency);
     $stopArray = Stop::getStops($this->agency);
     foreach ($this->xml->route as $r) {
         $routeTag = (string) $r['tag'];
         $routeObj = $routeArray[$routeTag];
         foreach ($r->direction as $d) {
             $pos = 0;
             $dirTag = (string) $d['tag'];
             $directionArray = Direction::getDirections($routeObj);
             $dirObj = $directionArray[$dirTag];
             //We're only interested in the directions we're showing
             //if (!$dirObj->getShow()) { continue; }
             foreach ($d->stop as $s) {
                 $stopTag = (string) $s['tag'];
                 $tempStop = $stopArray[$stopTag];
                 if (empty($tempStop)) {
                     var_dump("{$routeTag} {$stopTag}");
                 $stopId = $tempStop->getId();
                 $tempDir = $directionArray[$dirTag];
                 $dirId = $tempDir->getId();
                 $dbObj->bindParams(array($stopId, $dirId, $pos, TableUpdate::getVersion()));
                 $dbObj->query("INSERT INTO stop_direction_map\n                        (stop_id, direction_id, position, version, created_date)\n                        VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, NOW())");
                 if ($dbObj->rows_affected != 1) {
                     //TODO: Log it
 public function updateDirections()
     //Fetch all the routes that are already in the database
     try {
         $routeArray = Route::getRoutes($this->agency);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw new Exception("BART directions could not be updated");
     foreach ($routeArray as $routeTag => $routeObj) {
         //Build an array of direction objects
         $directionInfo = array();
         //Add the directions for every route
         foreach ($this->xml->routes->route as $d) {
             $tempRouteTag = BartColorCodes::getBartColor(substr((string) $d->color, 1));
             if ($tempRouteTag == $routeTag) {
                 $dirObj = new Direction();
                 $dirTag = (string) $d->number;
                 $useForUiValue = true;
                 //Always true for BART
                 $dirObj->setTitle($this->formatTitle((string) $d->name));
                 $dirObj->setName((string) $d->abbr);
                 $directionInfo[$dirTag] = $dirObj;
         //Update the database
         try {
             //Pass it to the base DirectionUpdate class
             $dirUpdate = new DirectionUpdate($routeObj, $directionInfo);
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             throw new Exception($ex->getMessage());
 public function updateDirections()
     //Fetch all the routes that are already in the database
     try {
         $routeArray = Route::getRoutes($this->agency);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw new Exception("Nextbus directions could not be updated. Error building route array.");
     //Add the directions for every route
     foreach ($this->xml->route as $r) {
         $routeTag = (string) $r['tag'];
         $routeObj = $routeArray[$routeTag];
         //Build an array of direction objects
         $directionInfo = array();
         foreach ($r->direction as $d) {
             $dirObj = new Direction();
             $dirTag = (string) $d['tag'];
             $useForUiValue = (string) $d['useForUI'] == "false" ? false : true;
             $dirObj->setTitle((string) $d['title']);
             $dirObj->setName((string) $d['name']);
             $dirObj->setShow($this->getShowValue($routeTag, $dirTag, $useForUiValue));
             $directionInfo[$dirTag] = $dirObj;
         //Update the database
         try {
             //Pass it to the base DirectionUpdate class
             $dirUpdate = new DirectionUpdate($routeObj, $directionInfo);
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             throw new Exception($ex->getMessage());
 public function save_recipe($post_id)
     $ingredients = $_POST["ingredients"];
     $directions = $_POST["directions"];
     $directions_array = array();
     $dom = new DOMDocument();
     $dom->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $ingredients);
     $items = $dom->documentElement;
     $result = array();
     foreach ($items->childNodes as $item) {
         if ($item->hasChildNodes()) {
             $childs = $item->childNodes;
             foreach ($childs as $i) {
                 $result = array_merge($result, $this->input_parser($i));
     $lines = $result;
     //$resulpreg_split( "/[\n\r]+/", $ingredients );
     $count = 1;
     foreach ($lines as $line) {
         $ing = Ingredient::process($line, $count);
         if ($ing) {
     $dom->loadHTML('<?xml encoding="UTF-8">' . $directions);
     $items = $dom->documentElement;
     $result = array();
     foreach ($items->childNodes as $item) {
         if ($item->hasChildNodes()) {
             $childs = $item->childNodes;
             foreach ($childs as $i) {
                 $result = array_merge($result, $this->input_parser($i));
     $lines = $result;
     //preg_split( "/[\n\r]+/", $directions );
     $count = 1;
     foreach ($lines as $line) {
         $step = Direction::process($count, $line);
         if ($step) {
             $directions_array[] = $step;
     update_post_meta($post_id, 'directions', $directions_array);
     if (isset($_POST["recipe_asin"])) {
         $array = explode(",", wp_strip_all_tags($_POST["recipe_asin"]));
         $array = array_filter($array);
         update_post_meta($post_id, 'equipment', implode(",", $array));
     if (isset($_POST["notes"])) {
         update_post_meta($post_id, 'notes', wp_strip_all_tags($_POST["notes"]));
     if (isset($_POST["source"])) {
         update_post_meta($post_id, 'source', wp_strip_all_tags($_POST["source"]));
     if (isset($_POST["source-url"])) {
         update_post_meta($post_id, 'source_url', wp_strip_all_tags($_POST["source-url"]));
     if (strlen($_POST["prep-time-hour"]) || strlen($_POST["prep-time-min"])) {
         $min = 0 + (int) $_POST["prep-time-hour"] * 60;
         $min = $min + (int) $_POST["prep-time-min"];
         update_post_meta($post_id, 'prep_time', $min);
     } else {
         update_post_meta($post_id, 'prep_time', 0);
     if (strlen($_POST["cooking-time-hour"]) || strlen($_POST["cooking-time-min"])) {
         $min = 0 + (int) $_POST["cooking-time-hour"] * 60;
         $min = $min + (int) $_POST["cooking-time-min"];
         update_post_meta($post_id, 'cooking_time', $min);
     } else {
         update_post_meta($post_id, 'cooking_time', 0);
     if (strlen($_POST["total-time-hour"]) || strlen($_POST["total-time-min"])) {
         $min = 0 + (int) $_POST["total-time-hour"] * 60;
         $min = $min + (int) $_POST["total-time-min"];
         update_post_meta($post_id, 'total_time', $min);
     } else {
         update_post_meta($post_id, 'total_time', 0);
     if (isset($_POST["yield"])) {
         update_post_meta($post_id, 'yield', wp_strip_all_tags($_POST["yield"]));
     if (isset($_POST["category"])) {
         update_post_meta($post_id, 'category', wp_strip_all_tags($_POST["category"]));
     if (isset($_POST["cuisine"])) {
         update_post_meta($post_id, 'cuisine', wp_strip_all_tags($_POST["cuisine"]));
 function Edit_Building(Building $Building, $BUL_ID, Place $Place, $Place_ID, Direction $Dir, $Direction_ID)
     //start the transaction
     $query1 = "START TRANSACTION";
     $result1 = mysqli_query($this->getDbc(), $query1);
     $Building_Name = $Building->getName();
     $Building_Name_Amharic = $Building->getNameAmharic();
     $Building_Description = $Building->getBuildingDescription();
     $Building_Description_Amharic = $Building->getBuildingDescriptionAmharic();
     $Parking_Area = $Building->getParkingArea();
     $Building_ID = $BUL_ID;
     //now edit the company;
     $query2 = "Update Building set\n\t\tName='{$Building_Name}',Name_Amharic = '{$Building_Name_Amharic}'\n\t\t,Building_Description='{$Building_Description}'\n\t\t,Building_Description_Amharic='{$Building_Description_Amharic}',\n\t\tParking_Area='{$Parking_Area}' where ID='{$Building_ID}'";
     $result2 = mysqli_query($this->getDbc(), $query2);
     if ($result2) {
         echo "result 2";
     //edit the place
     $Region_ID = $Place->getRegionID();
     $City_ID = $Place->getCityID();
     $Sub_City_ID = $Place->getSubCityID();
     $Wereda_ID = $Place->getWeredaID();
     $Sefer_ID = $Place->getSeferID();
     $Street_ID = $Place->getStreetID();
     $query3 = "update place set\n\t\t\t\tRegion='{$Region_ID}',City='{$City_ID}',Sub_City='{$Sub_City_ID}',Wereda='{$Wereda_ID}',Sefer='{$Sefer_ID}',Street='{$Street_ID}'\n\t\t\t\twhere ID='{$Place_ID}'";
     $result3 = mysqli_query($this->getDbc(), $query3);
     if ($result3) {
         echo "result 3";
     //update direction
     $Direction = $Dir->getDirection();
     $Direction_Amharic = $Dir->getDirectionAmharic();
     $query4 = "update direction set\n\t\t\t\t\tDirection='{$Direction}',Direction_Amharic='{$Direction_Amharic}'\n\t\t\t\t\twhere ID='{$Direction_ID}'";
     $result4 = mysqli_query($this->getDbc(), $query4);
     if ($result4) {
         echo "result 4";
     if ($result1 and $result2 and $result3 and $result4) {
         $query_last = "COMMIT";
         mysqli_query($this->getDbc(), $query_last);
         return TRUE;
     } else {
         $query_last = "ROLLBACK";
         mysqli_query($this->getDbc(), $query_last);
         return FALSE;
 public function ToHTMLUserPrivateShortInTable()
     $author = User::FetchBy(['eq_conds' => ['id' => $this->author_id], 'select_list' => 'id, name, surname, login', 'is_unique' => true]);
     $res = '<tr>';
     $res .= '<td>' . Direction::FetchByID($this->direction_id)->LinkToThis() . '</td>';
     $res .= '<td>' . htmlspecialchars($this->name) . '</td>';
     $res .= '<td>' . date('d : m : Y - H : i', $this->creating_date) . '</td>';
     $res .= '<td>' . $author->LinkToThis() . '</td>';
     $res .= '<td>';
     $res .= '<div class="row">';
     if (GetUserLogin() === $author->GetLogin() || GetUserLogin() === 'admin') {
         $res .= '<div class="' . ColAllTypes(4) . '">';
     } else {
         $res .= '<div class="' . ColAllTypes(12) . '">';
     $res .= $this->ToHTMLFullVers();
     $res .= '</div>';
     if (GetUserLogin() === $author->GetLogin() || GetUserLogin() === 'admin') {
         $res .= '<div class="' . ColAllTypes(4) . '">';
         $res .= $this->ToHTMLEdit();
         $res .= '</div>';
         $res .= '<div class="' . ColAllTypes(4) . '">';
         $res .= $this->ToHTMLDel();
         $res .= '</div>';
     $res .= '</div>';
     $res .= '</td>';
     $res .= '</tr>';
     return $res;
 function Add_Direction(Direction $direction)
     $Direction = $direction->getDirection();
     $Direction_Amharic = $direction->getDirectionAmharic();
     $query = "INSERT INTO Direction (Direction,Direction_Amharic) VALUES('{$Direction}','{$Direction_Amharic}')";
     $result = mysqli_query($this->getDbc(), $query);
     if ($result) {
         return TRUE;
     } else {
         return FALSE;
 public function updateStops()
     $routeArray = Route::getRoutes($this->agency);
     $flipStopMap = $this->getFlipStopOverrides();
     $stopTitleMap = array();
     $stopLatLonMap = array();
     $uniqueStopsAcrossRoutes = array();
     //Generate maps of stopTag => StopTitle and stopTag => [lat, lon] for
     //later look up
     foreach ($this->xml->route as $r) {
         foreach ($r->stop as $s) {
             $stopTag = (string) $s['tag'];
             $stopTitle = html_entity_decode((string) $s['title']);
             $lat = (string) $s['lat'];
             $lon = (string) $s['lon'];
             $stopTitleMap[$stopTag] = $stopTitle;
             $stopLatLonMap[$stopTag] = array("lat" => $lat, "lon" => $lon);
             $uniqueStopsAcrossRoutes[] = $stopTag;
     //We'll only consider the stops in the directions with show=true
     foreach ($this->xml->route as $r) {
         $routeTag = (string) $r['tag'];
         //if($routeTag != "25") {continue;}
         $routeObj = $routeArray[$routeTag];
         $dirArray = Direction::getDirections($routeObj);
         $agencyName = $routeObj->getAgency()->getShortTitle();
         $trackDuplicatesInDir = array();
          * @var Array $routeDirDetails - Array representation of the
          * directions and stops in a route
         $routeDirDetails = array();
         foreach ($r->direction as $d) {
             $dirTag = (string) $d['tag'];
             $dirObj = $dirArray[$dirTag];
             $dirStops = array();
             //if ($dirObj->getShow()) {
             foreach ($d->stop as $s) {
                 $stopTag = (string) $s['tag'];
                 $stopTitle = $stopTitleMap[$stopTag];
                 $dirStops[$stopTag] = $stopTitle;
             $routeDirDetails[$dirObj->getTag()] = $dirStops;
             //} //Check for show=true
         //Now that we have the details of the directions for this group,
         //let's find the flip stops
         foreach ($routeDirDetails as $fDirTag => $fDirStops) {
             foreach ($routeDirDetails as $fDirTagDiffDir => $fDirStopsDiffDir) {
                 if ($fDirTag == $fDirTagDiffDir) {
                 foreach ($fDirStops as $fStopTag => $fStopTitle) {
                     //Check if we have one or more matching flip stops in the
                     //direction we are checking against
                     $fFlipStopInOppDir = $this->getFlipStopsInOppDir($fStopTag, $fStopTitle, $fDirStopsDiffDir);
                     //If we don't have any flip stops continue to the next stop
                     if (count($fFlipStopInOppDir) == 0) {
                     if (count($fFlipStopInOppDir) > 1) {
                         //We have encountered more than one stop at the
                         //same intersection in a different direction
                         //TODO: This has to go in the e-mail report
                         //Generate the (stopTag, lat, lon) string
                         $fstopLatLonMap = array();
                         $fstopLatLonMap[] = "{$fStopTag}," . implode(",", $stopLatLonMap[$fStopTag]);
                         foreach ($fFlipStopInOppDir as $tempStopForOppDir) {
                             $fstopLatLonMap[] = "{$tempStopForOppDir}," . implode(",", $stopLatLonMap[$tempStopForOppDir]);
                         $logStr = "More than one stop in diff. direction [agency: " . $agencyName . "] [route: " . $routeTag . "] [current stop|dir: {$fStopTag}|{$fDirTag}] [other stops|dir: " . implode(",", $fFlipStopInOppDir) . "|{$fDirTagDiffDir}] [stop title: " . $fStopTitle . "] [" . implode("|", $fstopLatLonMap) . "]";
                         //$this->logger->log($logStr, Logger::WARN, NxtbusStop::PACKAGE);
                     } else {
                         if (!array_key_exists($fStopTag, $flipStopMap)) {
                             $tempFlipStopTag = $fFlipStopInOppDir[0];
                             $flipStopMap[$fStopTag] = $tempFlipStopTag;
                             $flipStopMap[$tempFlipStopTag] = $fStopTag;
             // Inner loop
         //Find flip stops
     //Check if any of the stops don't have a flip stop
     $uniqueStopsAcrossRoutes = array_unique($uniqueStopsAcrossRoutes);
     foreach ($uniqueStopsAcrossRoutes as $finalCheckStopTag) {
         if (!array_key_exists($finalCheckStopTag, $flipStopMap)) {
             $flipStopMap[$finalCheckStopTag] = "";
     //Create the Stop objects
     $stopArray = array();
     foreach ($this->xml->route as $r) {
         foreach ($r->stop as $s) {
             $stopTag = (string) $s['tag'];
             $stopTitle = html_entity_decode($s['title']);
             if (array_key_exists($stopTag, $flipStopMap) && !array_key_exists($stopTag, $stopArray)) {
                 $stopObj = new Stop();
                 $stopObj->setTitle((string) $stopTitle);
                 $stopObj->setLatitude((string) $s['lat']);
                 $stopObj->setLongitude((string) $s['lon']);
                 $stopArray[$stopTag] = $stopObj;
     try {
         //Pass it to the base RouteUpdate class
         $stopUpdate = new StopUpdate($this->agency, $stopArray);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw new Exception($ex->getMessage());
function displayClueEditForm(Clue $clue)
    $dateSelect = ui_select('date', Date::getAllDates(), $clue->getFormDate());
    $defaultStateSelect = ui_select('defaultState', State::getAllStates(), $clue->getDefaultState());
    $startDateSelect = ui_select("startDate", Date::getAllDatesNullable(), $clue->getStartFormDate());
    $hintDateSelect = ui_select("hintDate", Date::getAllDatesNullable(), $clue->getHintFormDate());
    $answerDateSelect = ui_select("answerDate", Date::getAllDatesNullable(), $clue->getAnswerFormDate());
    $startCitySelect = ui_select("startCity", City::getAllCityNames(), $clue->getStartCityID());
    $hintCitySelect = ui_select("hintCity", City::getAllCityNames(), $clue->getHintCityID());
    $answerCitySelect = ui_select("answerCity", City::getAllCityNames(), $clue->getAnswerCityID());
    $startDirectionSelect = ui_select("startDirection", Direction::getAllDirections(), $clue->getStartDirection());
    $hintDirectionSelect = ui_select("hintDirection", Direction::getAllDirections(), $clue->getHintDirection());
    $answerDirectionSelect = ui_select("answerDirection", Direction::getAllDirections(), $clue->getAnswerDirection());
    return <<<EOT
<form method="POST" action="clues.php">
Name (admin use only): <input type="hidden" name="id" value="{$clue->getID()}" />
<input type="text" name="name" value="{$clue->getName()}" />
<br />
Date (for sorting): {$dateSelect}
<input type="text" size="8" name="time" value="{$clue->getFormTime()}" />
<br />
Default state: {$defaultStateSelect}
<br />
Question: <br />
<textarea name="question" cols="45" rows="8">{$clue->getQuestion()}</textarea><br />
Hint: <br />
<textarea name="hint" cols="45" rows="4">{$clue->getHint()}</textarea><br />
Answers (1 per line, * for wildcard): <br />
<textarea name="answer" cols="45" rows="4">{$clue->getAnswerText()}</textarea><br />
<br /><br />

Answering prerequisites:<br />
<input type="text" size="4" name="startDistance" value="{$clue->getStartDistance()}" />
miles {$startDirectionSelect} {$startCitySelect} or after time
{$startDateSelect} <input type="text" size="8" name="startTime" value="{$clue->getStartFormTime()}" />.<br /><br />

Hint conditions:<br />
<input type="text" size="4" name="hintDistance" value="{$clue->getHintDistance()}" />
miles {$hintDirectionSelect} {$hintCitySelect} or after time
{$hintDateSelect} <input type="text" size="8" name="hintTime" value="{$clue->getHintFormTime()}" />.<br /><br />

Auto-answering conditions:<br />
<input type="text" size="4" name="answerDistance" value="{$clue->getAnswerDistance()}" />
miles {$answerDirectionSelect} {$answerCitySelect} or after time
{$answerDateSelect} <input type="text" size="8" name="answerTime" value="{$clue->getAnswerFormTime()}" />.<br /><br />

<input type="submit" name="edit" value="Edit Clue" />
<br /><br />
Delete clue: <input type="submit" name="delete" value="Delete Clue" />
include_once '../common/headers.php';
echo '<p>Select route:';
$dropdown = new DropDown('routeID', Route::GetAllRoutes());
$form = new Form();
$form->Add(new SubmitButton());
echo $form->ToString();
if (isset($_POST['routeID'])) {
    /* adding a direction */
    echo '<hr />';
    $route_id = $_POST['routeID'];
    $dir = $_POST['direction'];
    $descr = $_POST['description'];
    $stops = explode(',', $_POST['stops']);
    echo 'adding direction ' . $descr . ' to route ' . $route_id;
    $new_dir = new Direction($route_id, $dir, $descr);
    echo '<p>route direction created as ID ' . $new_dir->GetID() . ', adding stops... ';
    $sequence = 0;
    foreach ($stops as $stopValue) {
        $stop = trim($stopValue);
        $new_dir->AddStop($stop, $sequence);
    echo $sequence . ' stops added.</p>';
    echo '<hr/>';
if (isset($_GET['routeID'])) {
    $route = new Route(false, false, $_GET['routeID']);
    echo '<p>Route: ' . $route->short_name . ' ' . $route->long_name;
    $route_directions = $route->GetDirections();
     $title = Language::Word('project editing');
     $header = $title;
 } else {
     if (isset($_REQUEST['add_lang'])) {
         $project = Project::FetchByID($_REQUEST['id']);
         $proj_langs = $project->FetchLanguages();
         $free_languages = array_diff($languages, $proj_langs);
         if (count($free_languages) === 0) {
             $content = AlertMessage('alert-danger', Language::Word('all languages of this project is implemented'));
         } else {
             $id = User::GetIDByLogin($_SESSION['user_login']);
             clear_tmp_images_dir(Project::$type, $id);
             global $link_to_utility_sql_worker;
             global $link_to_img_upload;
             global $languages;
             $dirs = Direction::FetchAll();
             $select_fields = array();
             for ($i = 0, $size = count($dirs); $i < $size; ++$i) {
                 $select_fields[$dirs[$i]->id] = $dirs[$i]->name;
             $content .= '<form method="post" action="' . $link_to_utility_sql_worker . '">';
             $content .= PairLabelAndInput(4, 5, Language::Word('header'), 'name', Language::Word('insert header')) . '<br>';
             $content .= PairLabelAndSelect(4, 5, Language::Word('language'), 'language', $free_languages, array(key($free_languages), current($free_languages)));
             $content .= WrapToHiddenInputs(array('type' => Project::$type, 'yes' => '', 'id' => $id, 'glob_id' => $project->id, 'direction_id' => $project->direction_id));
             $content .= '<div class="row"><h3>' . Language::Word('text') . '</h3></div>';
             $content .= '<div class="row">';
             $content .= '<div class="' . ColAllTypes(8) . ' ' . ColOffsetAllTypes(2) . '" align="center">';
             $content .= '<textarea id="text_block" name="text_block"></textarea>';
             $content .= '</div>';
             $content .= '</div>';
             $content .= '<script>';
echo $form->labelEx($model, 'faculty_id');
echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'faculty_id', Faculty::all());
echo $form->error($model, 'faculty_id');
	<div class="row">
echo $form->labelEx($model, 'direction_id');
echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'direction_id', Direction::all());
echo $form->error($model, 'direction_id');

	<div class="row buttons">
echo CHtml::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? 'Create' : 'Save');

 case Direction::$type:
     $assoc = $_POST;
     $assoc['author_id'] = $_POST['id'];
     $direction = Direction::FetchFromAssoc($assoc);
     if ($direction === NULL) {
         $content = AlertMessage('alert-danger', Language::Word('error during direction adding'));
     } else {
         $glob_id = 0;
         if (isset($_POST['glob_id'])) {
             $glob_id = $_POST['glob_id'];
         if (Direction::InsertToDB($direction, $_POST['language'], $glob_id)) {
             $content = AlertMessage('alert-success', Language::Word('direction is successfully added'));
         } else {
             $content = AlertMessage('alert-danger', Language::Word('error during direction inserting'));
 case Project::$type:
     $assoc = $_POST;
     $assoc['author_id'] = $_POST['id'];
     $project = Project::FetchFromAssoc($assoc);
     if ($project === NULL) {
         $content = AlertMessage('alert-danger', Language::Word('error during project adding'));
     } else {
         $glob_id = 0;
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded
  * @return Direction the loaded model
  * @throws CHttpException
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = Direction::model()->findByPk($id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;
 public function actionDone()
     $id = $_GET['id'];
     $model = Direction::model()->findByPk($id);
     $model->done = 1;
     if ($model->save()) {
文件: index.php 项目: Gerold103/lgmis
                 $tmp = Project::FetchByDirectionID($directions[$i]->id);
                 if ($tmp !== NULL) {
                     $projects = array_merge($projects, $tmp);
             $size = count($projects);
             if ($size) {
                 require $link_to_pagination_init_template;
                 for ($i = $from; $i <= $to; ++$i) {
                     $project = $projects[$i];
                     if ($i === $from || $i > $from && $projects[$i - 1]->direction_id != $project->direction_id) {
                         if ($i != $from) {
                             $content .= '<hr>';
                         $content .= '<div align="left" style="padding: 15px; background-color: #eeeeee;">';
                         $content .= Language::Word('direction') . ': ' . Direction::FetchByID($project->direction_id)->LinkToThis();
                         $content .= '</div><hr>';
                     $content .= $project->ToHTMLAutoShortForTable(GetUserPrivileges());
             } else {
                 $content .= ToPageHeader(Language::Word('no projects'), 'h3', 'black');
             $header .= Language::PublicMenu('projects');
 } else {
     //Manage articles
     $content .= MenuButton(Language::PublicMenu('articles'), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?content_type=' . $content_types_short['articles']);
     //Manage directions
     $content .= MenuButton(Language::PublicMenu('directions'), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?content_type=' . $content_types_short['directions']);
 public static function Delete($id)
     global $db_connection;
     global $link_to_direction_images;
     global $link_to_logo;
     $direction = Direction::FetchByID($id);
     $langs = $direction->FetchLanguages();
     $from_table = Direction::$table;
     if ($direction->language !== 'rus') {
         $from_table .= '_' . $direction->language;
     if (!$db_connection->query("DELETE FROM `" . $from_table . "` WHERE `id` = " . $id)) {
         return 0;
     } else {
         if (count($langs) < 2) {
             $projs = Project::FetchByDirectionID($id, array('all'));
             if ($projs != NULL) {
                 for ($i = 0, $size = count($projs); $i < $size; ++$i) {
                     if (!$projs[$i]->DeleteThis()) {
                         echo 'error while deleting projects on proj id: ' . $projs[$i]->id;
                         return 0;
             removeDirectory($link_to_direction_images . $id);
         } else {
             if ($direction->path_to_image !== $link_to_logo) {
         return 1;
 public function qualifies(Team $team, $time, $city, $direction, $distance, $defaultIfNull)
     if ($time != null) {
         if (current_mysql_time() >= $time) {
             return true;
     if ($direction != null && $distance != null && $city != null) {
         $checkIn = CheckIn::getMostRecent($team);
         if ($checkIn != null && Direction::inRange($checkIn, $city, $direction, $distance)) {
             return true;
     if ($time == null && ($direction == null || $distance == null || $city == null)) {
         return $defaultIfNull;
     return false;
  * Determine changes between two directions of the same route with the same tag
  * @param Direction $o
  * @param Direction $n
  * @return Array - of changes
 protected function dataUpdated(Direction $o, Direction $n)
     $changes = array();
     if ($o->getName() != $n->getName()) {
         $changes["name"] = $o->getName() . " | " . $n->getName();
     if ($o->getTitle() != $n->getTitle()) {
         $changes["title"] = $o->getTitle() . " | " . $n->getTitle();
     if ($o->getUseForUi() != $n->getUseForUi()) {
         $changes["useForUI"] = $o->getUseForUi() . " | " . $n->getUseForUi();
     return $changes;

/* @var $this GroupController */
/* @var $model Group */
$this->breadcrumbs = array('Groups' => array('index'), 'Manage');
$this->menu = array(array('label' => 'List Group', 'url' => array('index')), array('label' => 'Create Group', 'url' => array('create')));
Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('search', "\n\$('.search-button').click(function(){\n\t\$('.search-form').toggle();\n\treturn false;\n});\n\$('.search-form form').submit(function(){\n\t\$('#group-grid').yiiGridView('update', {\n\t\tdata: \$(this).serialize()\n\t});\n\treturn false;\n});\n");

<h1>Manage Groups</h1>

You may optionally enter a comparison operator (<b>&lt;</b>, <b>&lt;=</b>, <b>&gt;</b>, <b>&gt;=</b>, <b>&lt;&gt;</b>
or <b>=</b>) at the beginning of each of your search values to specify how the comparison should be done.

echo CHtml::link('Advanced Search', '#', array('class' => 'search-button'));
<div class="search-form" style="display:none">
$this->renderPartial('_search', array('model' => $model));
</div><!-- search-form -->

$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array('id' => 'group-grid', 'dataProvider' => $model->search(), 'filter' => $model, 'columns' => array('id' => ['name' => 'id', 'htmlOptions' => ['width' => 30]], 'name', 'faculty_id' => ['name' => 'faculty_id', 'value' => '$data->faculty->name', 'filter' => Faculty::all()], 'direction_id' => ['name' => 'direction_id', 'value' => '$data->direction->name', 'filter' => Direction::all()], array('class' => 'CButtonColumn'))));

$action = 'LIST';
if (isset($_POST['ACTION'])) {
    $action = $_POST['ACTION'];
} else {
    if (isset($_GET['ACTION'])) {
        $action = $_GET['ACTION'];
$person = new Person($registry[$nameDataBase]);
$contact = new Contact($registry[$nameDataBase]);
$assContact = new AssignPersonContact($registry[$nameDataBase]);
$assDoc = new AssignPersonIdentifyDoc($registry[$nameDataBase]);
$assProf = new AssignPersonProfession($registry[$nameDataBase]);
$direction = new Direction($registry[$nameDataBase]);
$assDir = new AssignPersonDirection($registry[$nameDataBase]);
$bill = new BillingData($registry[$nameDataBase]);
switch ($action) {
    case 'INSERT':
        $transaction = new Transaction($registry[$nameDataBase]);
        $idTransaction = $transaction->insertTransaction(array(Person::$business, Person::$insert, Person::$descriptionBusiness));
        $ext_file_foto = null;
        $foto = null;
        if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['EXT_FILE_PHOTO']['tmp_name'])) {
            $nombreDirectorio = "upload/person_img/";
            $idUnico = time();
            $nombreFichero = $idUnico . "_" . $_FILES['EXT_FILE_PHOTO']['name'];
            //movemos el archivo a la ruta especifica
                $content .= '<textarea id="text_block" name="text_block"></textarea>';
                $content .= '</div>';
                $content .= '</div>';
                $content .= '<script>';
                $content .= 'CKEDITOR.replace("text_block",';
                $content .= '{ filebrowserImageUploadUrl: "' . $link_to_img_upload . '?type=' . Direction::$type . '&id=' . $id . '&add=add&glob_id=' . $direction->id . '",';
                $content .= 'filebrowserImageBrowseUrl : "' . $link_to_img_browse . '?type=' . Direction::$type . '&id=' . $direction->id . '&edit=edit",';
                $content .= 'contentsCss: [CKEDITOR.basePath + "contents.css", "css/styles.css", "css/bootstrap.min.css"],';
                $content .= 'allowedContent: true, });';
                $content .= 'CKEDITOR.config.height = 400;';
                $content .= '</script>';
                $content .= '<div class="row">';
                $content .= '<input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" name="add" value="' . Language::Word('save') . '">';
                $content .= '</div>';
                $content .= '</form>';
                $title = Language::Word('language adding');
                $header = $title;
        } else {
            if (!isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
                echo 'user id is unset';
            $direction = Direction::FetchByID($_REQUEST['id']);
            $title = Language::Word('direction');
            $header = htmlspecialchars($direction->name);
            $content = $direction->ToHTMLAutoFull(GetUserPrivileges());
include_once $link_to_admin_template;
} else {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['search'])) {
        switch ($_REQUEST['search']) {
            case 'global':
                $text = $_REQUEST['text'];
                $users = User::FetchLike($text, ['select_list' => 'id, name, surname', 'is_assoc' => true, 'special' => ['link_to_full']]);
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($users); ++$i) {
                    $users[$i]['name'] = Language::Translit($users[$i]['name']);
                    $users[$i]['surname'] = Language::Translit($users[$i]['surname']);
                $res = array('users' => $users, 'users_name' => Language::Word('users'));
                $articles = Article::FetchLike('name', ['text' => $text, 'select_list' => 'id, name', 'special' => 'link_to_full', 'is_assoc' => true]);
                $res['articles'] = $articles;
                $res['articles_name'] = Language::PublicMenu('articles');
                $directions = Direction::FetchByName($text, array('format' => 'assoc', 'select_list' => array('id', 'name', 'link_to_full')));
                $res['directions'] = $directions;
                $res['directions_name'] = Language::PublicMenu('directions');
                $projects = Project::FetchByName($text, array('format' => 'assoc', 'select_list' => array('id', 'name', 'link_to_full')));
                $res['projects'] = $projects;
                $res['projects_name'] = Language::PublicMenu('projects');
                $content = json_encode($res);
    } else {
        if (isset($_REQUEST['download'])) {
            switch ($_REQUEST['download']) {
                case 'link':
                    switch ($_REQUEST['type']) {