
 * A configuration file for DI containers
namespace Tinker;

///// Application Plugin //////
Di\IoCRegistry::register('ApplicationController', function () use($Router, $Theme, $view) {
    $plugin = $Router->getPlugin(true);
    $model = $Router->getPlugin(true);
    $controller = $Router->getController(true) . 'Controller';
    $class = "\\{$plugin}\\Controller\\{$controller}";
    $model = "\\{$plugin}\\Model\\{$model}";
    $controller = new $class($Theme, $view);
    $controller->inject(new $model());
    return $controller;
///// Custom Containers //////
//Load and instantiate, loader and register the auto loader.
require 'vendor' . DS . 'PhpFig' . DS . 'src' . DS . 'Loader.php';
$Loader = new \PhpFig\Loader();
//Autoload all files in the Tinker namespace
$Loader->addNamespace("\\MvcInterface", 'Tinker' . DS . 'src' . DS . 'Mvc' . DS . 'Interfaces');
//Autoload all files in the Tinker namespace
$Loader->addNamespace("\\Tinker", 'Tinker' . DS . 'src');
//Load the runtime configuration
require 'configure.php';
Di\IoCRegistry::register('Router', function () {
    $Router = new Mvc\Router('/tinker_plugin/tinker_plugin/index/e1/e2/e3/e4:1');
    return $Router;
$Router = Di\IoCRegistry::resolve('Router');
Di\IoCRegistry::register('View', function () use($Router, $BuildTime, $Loader) {
    $view = new Mvc\View($Router, $BuildTime, $Loader);
    return $view;
$view = Di\IoCRegistry::resolve('View');
Di\IoCRegistry::register('Theme', function () use($Router, $view, $Loader) {
    $view = new \Tinker\Mvc\Theme($Router, $view, $Loader);
    return $view;
$Theme = Di\IoCRegistry::resolve('Theme');
//Load custom containers
require 'containers.php';
///// Application Plugin //////
Di\IoCRegistry::register('ApplicationController', function () use($Router, $Theme, $View) {
    $plugin = $Router->getPlugin(true);
    $model = $Router->getPlugin(true);
    $controller = $Router->getController(true) . 'Controller';
    $class = "\\{$plugin}\\Controller\\{$controller}";
    $Model = "\\{$plugin}\\Model\\{$model}";
    $Controller = new $class($Theme, $View);
    $Controller->inject(new $Model());
    return $Controller;
///// Custom Containers //////
Di\IoCRegistry::register('PostsController', function () use($Theme, $View) {
    $Controller = new \Content\Controller\PostsController($Theme, $View);
    $config = Configure::read();
    $Controller->inject(new \Content\Model\Post($config));
    return $Controller;
Di\IoCRegistry::register('PagesController', function () use($Theme, $View) {
    $Controller = new \Content\Controller\PagesController($Theme, $View);
    return $Controller;
Di\IoCRegistry::register('ToolsController', function () use($Theme, $View, $Loader) {
    //Autoload the Jsc lib
    $Loader->addNamespace("\\Jsc", APP . DS . 'vendor' . DS . 'Jsc' . DS . 'src');
    $Controller = new \Tools\Controller\ToolsController($Theme, $View);
    $Controller->inject(new \Jsc\Jibirish());
    $Controller->inject(new \Jsc\Security());
    return $Controller;