 public function perform()
     $log = new DeploynautLogFile($this->args['logfile']);
     $projects = DNProject::get()->filter('Name', Convert::raw2sql($this->args['projectName']));
     $project = $projects->first();
     $path = $project->getLocalCVSPath();
     $env = $this->args['env'];
     $log->write('Starting git fetch for project "' . $project->Name . '"');
     // if an alternate user has been configured for clone, run the command as that user
     // @todo Gitonomy doesn't seem to have any way to prefix the command properly, if you
     // set 'sudo -u composer git' as the "command" parameter, it tries to run the whole
     // thing as a single command and fails
     $user = DNData::inst()->getGitUser();
     if (!empty($user)) {
         $command = sprintf('cd %s && sudo -u %s git fetch -p origin +refs/heads/*:refs/heads/* --tags', $path, $user);
         $process = new \Symfony\Component\Process\Process($command);
         if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
             throw new RuntimeException($process->getErrorOutput());
     } else {
         $repository = new Gitonomy\Git\Repository($path, array('environment_variables' => $env));
         $repository->run('fetch', array('-p', 'origin', '+refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*', '--tags'));
     $log->write('Git fetch is finished');
 public function perform()
     echo "[-] DeployJob starting" . PHP_EOL;
     $log = new DeploynautLogFile($this->args['logfile']);
     $deployment = DNDeployment::get()->byID($this->args['deploymentID']);
     $environment = $deployment->Environment();
     $project = $environment->Project();
     // This is a bit icky, but there is no easy way of capturing a failed deploy by using the PHP Resque
     try {
         // Disallow concurrent deployments (don't rely on queuing implementation to restrict this)
         // Only consider deployments started in the last 30 minutes (older jobs probably got stuck)
         $runningDeployments = DNDeployment::get()->filter(array('EnvironmentID' => $environment->ID, 'Status' => array('Queued', 'Started'), 'Created:GreaterThan' => strtotime('-30 minutes')))->exclude('ID', $this->args['deploymentID']);
         if ($runningDeployments->count()) {
             $runningDeployment = $runningDeployments->first();
             $log->write(sprintf('[-] Error: another deployment is in progress (started at %s by %s)', $runningDeployment->dbObject('Created')->Nice(), $runningDeployment->Deployer()->Title));
             throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Another deployment is in progress (started at %s by %s)', $runningDeployment->dbObject('Created')->Nice(), $runningDeployment->Deployer()->Title));
         $environment->Backend()->deploy($environment, $log, $project, $this->args);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo "[-] DeployJob failed" . PHP_EOL;
         throw $e;
     echo "[-] DeployJob finished" . PHP_EOL;
  * Execute an array of processes, one after the other, throwing an exception on the first failure.
  * @param array $processes An array of Symfony\Component\Process\Process objects
  * @param DeploynautLogFile $log The log to send output to
 protected function executeProcesses($processes, DeploynautLogFile $log)
     foreach ($processes as $process) {
         $process->mustRun(function ($type, $buffer) use($log) {
  * Deploy the given build to the given environment
 public function deploy($environment, $sha, DeploynautLogFile $log, DNProject $project)
     GraphiteDeploymentNotifier::notify_start($environment, $sha, null, $project);
     $file = DEPLOYNAUT_LOG_PATH . '/' . $project->Name . ':' . $environment . ".deploy-history.txt";
     $CLI_file = escapeshellarg($file);
     $CLI_line = escapeshellarg(date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . " => {$sha}");
     $log->write("Demo deployment: echo {$CLI_line} >> {$CLI_file}");
     `echo {$CLI_line} >> {$CLI_file}`;
     $log->write("Arbitrary pause for 10s");
     $log->write("Well, that was a waste of time");
     GraphiteDeploymentNotifier::notify_end($environment, $sha, null, $project);
 public function perform()
     echo "[-] DataTransferJob starting" . PHP_EOL;
     $log = new DeploynautLogFile($this->args['logfile']);
     $dataTransfer = DNDataTransfer::get()->byID($this->args['dataTransferID']);
     $environment = $dataTransfer->Environment();
     $backupDataTransfer = null;
     if (!empty($this->args['backupBeforePush']) && $dataTransfer->Direction == 'push') {
         $backupDataTransfer = DNDataTransfer::create();
         $backupDataTransfer->EnvironmentID = $environment->ID;
         $backupDataTransfer->Direction = 'get';
         $backupDataTransfer->Mode = $dataTransfer->Mode;
         $backupDataTransfer->DataArchiveID = null;
         $backupDataTransfer->ResqueToken = $dataTransfer->ResqueToken;
         $backupDataTransfer->AuthorID = $dataTransfer->AuthorID;
         $dataTransfer->BackupDataTransferID = $backupDataTransfer->ID;
     // This is a bit icky, but there is no easy way of capturing a failed run by using the PHP Resque
     try {
         // Disallow concurrent jobs (don't rely on queuing implementation to restrict this)
         // Only consider data transfers started in the last 30 minutes (older jobs probably got stuck)
         $runningTransfers = DNDataTransfer::get()->filter(array('EnvironmentID' => $environment->ID, 'Status' => array('Queued', 'Started'), 'Created:GreaterThan' => strtotime('-30 minutes')))->exclude('ID', $dataTransfer->ID);
         if ($runningTransfers->count()) {
             $runningTransfer = $runningTransfers->first();
             $log->write(sprintf('[-] Error: another transfer is in progress (started at %s by %s)', $runningTransfer->dbObject('Created')->Nice(), $runningTransfer->Author()->Title));
             throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Another transfer is in progress (started at %s by %s)', $runningTransfer->dbObject('Created')->Nice(), $runningTransfer->Author()->Title));
         // before we push data to an environment, we'll make a backup first
         if ($backupDataTransfer) {
             $log->write('Backing up existing data');
             $environment->Backend()->dataTransfer($backupDataTransfer, $log);
         $environment->Backend()->dataTransfer($dataTransfer, $log);
     } catch (RuntimeException $exc) {
         if ($backupDataTransfer) {
             $backupDataTransfer->Status = 'Failed';
         echo "[-] DataTransferJob failed" . PHP_EOL;
         throw $exc;
     if ($backupDataTransfer) {
         $backupDataTransfer->Status = 'Finished';
     echo "[-] DataTransferJob finished" . PHP_EOL;
 protected function performBackup($backupDataTransfer, \DeploynautLogFile $log)
     if (!$backupDataTransfer) {
         return false;
     $log->write('Backing up existing data');
     try {
         $backupDataTransfer->Environment()->Backend()->dataTransfer($backupDataTransfer, $log);
         global $databaseConfig;
         $backupDataTransfer->Status = 'Finished';
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         global $databaseConfig;
         $backupDataTransfer->Status = 'Failed';
         throw $e;
  * Run a shell command.
  * @param string $command The command to run
  * @param string|null $workingDir The working dir to run command in
  * @throws RuntimeException
 protected function runCommand($command, $workingDir = null)
     if (!empty($this->user)) {
         $command = sprintf('sudo -u %s %s', $this->user, $command);
     if ($this->log) {
         $this->log->write(sprintf('Running command: %s', $command));
     $process = new AbortableProcess($command, $workingDir);
     if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
         throw new RuntimeException($process->getErrorOutput());
  * Use snowcake to do the deployment
 public function deploy(DNEnvironment $environment, $sha, DeploynautLogFile $log, DNProject $project, $leaveMaintenancePage = false)
     $log->write(sprintf('Deploying "%s" to "%s"', $sha, $environment->getFullName()));
     if (!defined('SNOWCAKE_PATH')) {
         $log->write('SNOWCAKE_PATH is not defined');
         throw new RuntimeException('SNOWCAKE_PATH is not defined');
     // Construct our snowcake command
     $name = $environment->SnowcakeName . '-' . substr($sha, 0, 8) . '-' . mt_rand();
     // Filter invalid characters out of $name (Value 'ssorg_uat-fdceda2e-1400725889-bake' at 'stackName' failed to satisfy constraint:
     // "Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: [a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]*)"
     $name = str_replace('_', '-', $name);
     $command = sprintf('%s deploy %s %s %s', SNOWCAKE_PATH, $environment->SnowcakeName, $name, $sha);
     $log->write(sprintf('Running command: %s', $command));
     $process = new Process($command, dirname(dirname(SNOWCAKE_PATH)));
     $process->run(function ($type, $buffer) use($log) {
     if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
         throw new RuntimeException($process->getErrorOutput());
     $log->write(sprintf('Deploy of "%s" to "%s" finished', $sha, $environment->getFullName()));
 public function ping(\DNEnvironment $environment, DeploynautLogFile $log, DNProject $project)
     $log->write(sprintf('Ping "%s"', $environment->getFullName()));
 public function testLogDoesntExistMessage()
     $log = new DeploynautLogFile('SomeSortOf Filename (UAT).log', $this->basePath);
     $this->assertEquals('Log has not been created yet.', $log->content());
  * Backs up database and/or assets to a designated folder,
  * and packs up the files into a single sspak.
  * @param  DNDataTransfer    $dataTransfer
  * @param  DeploynautLogFile $log
 protected function dataTransferBackup(DNDataTransfer $dataTransfer, DeploynautLogFile $log)
     $environment = $dataTransfer->Environment();
     $name = $environment->getFullName();
     // Associate a new archive with the transfer.
     // Doesn't retrieve a filepath just yet, need to generate the files first.
     $dataArchive = DNDataArchive::create();
     $dataArchive->Mode = $dataTransfer->Mode;
     $dataArchive->AuthorID = $dataTransfer->AuthorID;
     $dataArchive->OriginalEnvironmentID = $environment->ID;
     $dataArchive->EnvironmentID = $environment->ID;
     $dataArchive->IsBackup = $dataTransfer->IsBackupDataTransfer();
     // Generate directory structure with strict permissions (contains very sensitive data)
     $filepathBase = $dataArchive->generateFilepath($dataTransfer);
     mkdir($filepathBase, 0700, true);
     $databasePath = $filepathBase . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'database.sql';
     // Backup database
     if (in_array($dataTransfer->Mode, array('all', 'db'))) {
         $log->write(sprintf('Backup of database from "%s" started', $name));
         $command = $this->getCommand('data:getdb', 'db', $environment, array('data_path' => $databasePath), $log);
         $command->run(function ($type, $buffer) use($log) {
         if (!$command->isSuccessful()) {
             $this->extend('dataTransferFailure', $environment, $log);
             throw new RuntimeException($command->getErrorOutput());
         $log->write(sprintf('Backup of database from "%s" done', $name));
     // Backup assets
     if (in_array($dataTransfer->Mode, array('all', 'assets'))) {
         $log->write(sprintf('Backup of assets from "%s" started', $name));
         $command = $this->getCommand('data:getassets', 'web', $environment, array('data_path' => $filepathBase), $log);
         $command->run(function ($type, $buffer) use($log) {
         if (!$command->isSuccessful()) {
             $this->extend('dataTransferFailure', $environment, $log);
             throw new RuntimeException($command->getErrorOutput());
         $log->write(sprintf('Backup of assets from "%s" done', $name));
     $sspakFilename = sprintf('%s.sspak', $dataArchive->generateFilename($dataTransfer));
     $sspakFilepath = $filepathBase . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sspakFilename;
     try {
         $dataArchive->attachFile($sspakFilepath, $dataTransfer);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new RuntimeException($e->getMessage());
     // Remove any assets and db files lying around, they're not longer needed as they're now part
     // of the sspak file we just generated. Use --force to avoid errors when files don't exist,
     // e.g. when just an assets backup has been requested and no database.sql exists.
     $process = new Process(sprintf('rm -rf %s/assets && rm -f %s', $filepathBase, $databasePath));
     if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
         $log->write('Could not delete temporary files');
         throw new RuntimeException($process->getErrorOutput());
     $log->write(sprintf('Creating sspak file done: %s', $dataArchive->ArchiveFile()->getAbsoluteURL()));
  * Backs up database and/or assets to a designated folder,
  * and packs up the files into a single sspak.
  * @param  DNDataTransfer    $dataTransfer
  * @param  DeploynautLogFile $log
 protected function dataTransferBackup(DNDataTransfer $dataTransfer, DeploynautLogFile $log)
     $environmentObj = $dataTransfer->Environment();
     $project = $environmentObj->Project();
     $projectName = $project->Name;
     $environmentName = $environmentObj->Name;
     $env = $project->getProcessEnv();
     $project = DNProject::get()->filter('Name', $projectName)->first();
     $name = $projectName . ':' . $environmentName;
     // Associate a new archive with the transfer.
     // Doesn't retrieve a filepath just yet, need to generate the files first.
     $dataArchive = DNDataArchive::create();
     $dataArchive->Mode = $dataTransfer->Mode;
     $dataArchive->AuthorID = $dataTransfer->AuthorID;
     $dataArchive->OriginalEnvironmentID = $dataTransfer->Environment()->ID;
     $dataArchive->EnvironmentID = $dataTransfer->Environment()->ID;
     $dataArchive->IsBackup = $dataTransfer->IsBackupDataTransfer();
     // Generate directory structure with strict permissions (contains very sensitive data)
     $filepathBase = $dataArchive->generateFilepath($dataTransfer);
     mkdir($filepathBase, 0700, true);
     $databasePath = $filepathBase . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'database.sql';
     // Backup database
     if (in_array($dataTransfer->Mode, array('all', 'db'))) {
         $log->write('Backup of database from "' . $name . '" started');
         $args = array('data_path' => $databasePath);
         $command = $this->getCommand("data:getdb", 'db', $name, $args, $env, $log);
         $command->run(function ($type, $buffer) use($log) {
         if (!$command->isSuccessful()) {
             throw new RuntimeException($command->getErrorOutput());
         $log->write('Backup of database from "' . $name . '" done');
     // Backup assets
     if (in_array($dataTransfer->Mode, array('all', 'assets'))) {
         $log->write('Backup of assets from "' . $name . '" started');
         $args = array('data_path' => $filepathBase);
         $command = $this->getCommand("data:getassets", 'web', $name, $args, $env, $log);
         $command->run(function ($type, $buffer) use($log) {
         if (!$command->isSuccessful()) {
             throw new RuntimeException($command->getErrorOutput());
         $log->write('Backup of assets from "' . $name . '" done');
     $log->write('Creating *.sspak file');
     $sspakFilename = sprintf('%s.sspak', $dataArchive->generateFilename($dataTransfer));
     $sspakCmd = sprintf('cd %s && sspak saveexisting %s 2>&1', $filepathBase, $sspakFilename);
     if ($dataTransfer->Mode == 'db') {
         $sspakCmd .= sprintf(' --db=%s', $databasePath);
     } elseif ($dataTransfer->Mode == 'assets') {
         $sspakCmd .= sprintf(' --assets=%s/assets', $filepathBase);
     } else {
         $sspakCmd .= sprintf(' --db=%s --assets=%s/assets', $databasePath, $filepathBase);
     $process = new Process($sspakCmd);
     if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
         $log->write('Could not package the backup via sspak');
         throw new RuntimeException($process->getErrorOutput());
     // HACK: find_or_make() expects path relative to assets/
     $sspakFilepath = ltrim(str_replace(array(ASSETS_PATH, realpath(ASSETS_PATH)), '', $filepathBase . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $sspakFilename), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
     try {
         $folder = Folder::find_or_make(dirname($sspakFilepath));
         $file = new File();
         $file->Name = $sspakFilename;
         $file->Filename = $sspakFilepath;
         $file->ParentID = $folder->ID;
         // "Status" will be updated by the job execution
         // Get file hash to ensure consistency.
         // Only do this when first associating the file since hashing large files is expensive.
         $dataArchive->ArchiveFileHash = md5_file($file->FullPath);
         $dataArchive->ArchiveFileID = $file->ID;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $log->write('Failed to add sspak file: ' . $e->getMessage());
         throw new RuntimeException($e->getMessage());
     // Remove any assets and db files lying around, they're not longer needed as they're now part
     // of the sspak file we just generated. Use --force to avoid errors when files don't exist,
     // e.g. when just an assets backup has been requested and no database.sql exists.
     $process = new Process(sprintf('rm -rf %s/assets && rm -f %s', $filepathBase, $databasePath));
     if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
         $log->write('Could not delete temporary files');
         throw new RuntimeException($process->getErrorOutput());
     $log->write(sprintf('Creating *.sspak file done: %s', $file->getAbsoluteURL()));
  * This is mostly copy-pasted from Anthill/Smoketest.
  * @param \DNEnvironment $environment
  * @param \DeploynautLogFile $log
  * @return bool
 protected function smokeTest(\DNEnvironment $environment, \DeploynautLogFile $log)
     $url = $environment->getBareURL();
     $timeout = 600;
     $tick = 60;
     if (!$url) {
         $log->write('Skipping site accessible check: no URL found.');
         return true;
     $start = time();
     $infoTick = time() + $tick;
     $log->write(sprintf('Waiting for "%s" to become accessible... (timeout: %smin)', $url, $timeout / 60));
     // configure curl so that curl_exec doesn't wait a long time for a response
     $ch = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10);
     // set a high number of max redirects (but not infinite amount) to avoid a potential infinite loop
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Rainforest');
     $success = false;
     // query the site every second. Note that if the URL doesn't respond,
     // curl_exec will take 5 seconds to timeout (see CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT and CURLOPT_TIMEOUT above)
     do {
         if (time() > $start + $timeout) {
             $log->write(sprintf(' * Failed: check for %s timed out after %smin', $url, $timeout / 60));
             return false;
         $response = curl_exec($ch);
         // check the HTTP response code for HTTP protocols
         $status = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
         if ($status && !in_array($status, [500, 501, 502, 503, 504])) {
             $success = true;
         // check for any curl errors, mostly for checking the response state of non-HTTP protocols,
         // but applies to checks of any protocol
         if ($response && !curl_errno($ch)) {
             $success = true;
         // Produce an informational ticker roughly every $tick
         if (time() > $infoTick) {
             $message = [];
             // Collect status information from different sources.
             if ($status) {
                 $message[] = sprintf('HTTP status code is %s', $status);
             if (!$response) {
                 $message[] = 'response is empty';
             if ($error = curl_error($ch)) {
                 $message[] = sprintf('request error: %s', $error);
             $log->write(sprintf(' * Still waiting: %s...', implode(', ', $message)));
             $infoTick = time() + $tick;
     } while (!$success);
     $log->write(' * Success: site is accessible!');
     return true;
  * Validate a specific alert configuration from configuration YAML is correct.
  * @param string $name
  * @param array $config
  * @param DNProject $project
  * @param DeploynautLogFile $log
  * @return boolean
 public function validateAlert($name, $config, $project, $log)
     // validate we have an environment set for the alert
     if (!isset($config['environment'])) {
         $log->write(sprintf('WARNING: Failed to configure alert "%s". Missing "environment" key in .alerts.yml. Skipped.', $name));
         return false;
     // validate we have an environmentcheck suite name to check
     if (!isset($config['check_url'])) {
         $log->write(sprintf('WARNING: Failed to configure alert "%s". Missing "check_url" key in .alerts.yml. Skipped.', $name));
         return false;
     // validate we have contacts for the alert
     if (!isset($config['contacts'])) {
         $log->write(sprintf('WARNING: Failed to configure alert "%s". Missing "contacts" key in .alerts.yml. Skipped.', $name));
         return false;
     // validate that each value in the config is valid, build up a list of contacts we'll use later
     foreach ($config['contacts'] as $contactEmail) {
         // special case for ops
         if ($contactEmail == 'ops') {
         $contact = $project->AlertContacts()->filter('Email', $contactEmail)->first();
         if (!($contact && $contact->exists())) {
             $log->write(sprintf('WARNING: Failed to configure alert "%s". No such contact "%s". Skipped.', $name, $contactEmail));
             return false;
     // validate the environment specified in the alert actually exists
     if (!DNEnvironment::get()->filter('Name', $config['environment'])->first()) {
         $log->write(sprintf('WARNING: Failed to configure alert "%s". Invalid environment "%s" in .alerts.yml. Skipped.', $name, $config['environment']));
         return false;
     return true;
  * Delete items in this directory until the number of items is <= $count.
  * Delete the oldest files first.
  * @param string $dir The directory to remove items from
  * @param int $count The maximum number of .tar.gz files that can appear in that directory
  * @param DeploynautLogFile $log The log to send removal status messages to
 protected function reduceDirSizeTo($dir, $count, DeploynautLogFile $log)
     $files = glob($dir . '/*.tar.gz');
     if (sizeof($files) > $count) {
         usort($files, function ($a, $b) {
             return filemtime($a) > filemtime($b);
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($files) - $count; $i++) {
             $log->write("Removing " . $files[$i] . " from package cache");
 public function ping(\DNEnvironment $environment, \DeploynautLogFile $log, \DNProject $project)
     $log->write("Ping \"{$project->Name}:{$environment->Name}\"");