<?php $title = "Demo 1"; $path = realpath($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]) . "/"; include_once $path . "php/head.php"; ?> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css"> <?php $color1 = 280; include_once $path . "php/header.php"; include_once $path . "php/demo.php"; $demo = new Demo(); ?> <div class="project"> <article class="align_nav"> <?php $demo->draw("../../project/carted3", $color1, "Version 1"); ?> </article> <script type="x-shader/x-vertex" id="vertexShader"> varying vec2 vUv; void main() { vUv = uv; gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );
<?php Route::get('demo', 'Avin\\Demo\\Http\\DemoController@index'); Route::get('demo/test', function () { return 'Test'; }); Route::get('demo/hello', function () { return Demo::hello(); }); Route::get('demo/view', function () { return view('avin-demo::index'); }); Route::get('demo/config', function () { return config('avin-demo.main.hello') . config('avin-demo.main.world'); }); Route::get('demo/model', function () { dd(\Avin\Demo\Models\Item::get()); });
public function add() { //ProjectId,Memo,CreateTime,UserId,Hours1,Ratio,Hours2 $res = array(); $obj = new Demo(); $obj->ProjectId = $this->ProjectId; $obj->Memo = $this->Memo; $obj->Hours1 = $this->Hours1; $obj->CreateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $obj->WorkDate = $this->WorkDate; $obj->UserId = $this->UserId; $obj->Ratio = 0; $obj->Hours2 = 0; $result = $obj->add(); if ($result > 0) { $res['Success'] = true; $res['Message'] = "工时登记成功"; $res['NewId'] = $result; } else { $res['Success'] = false; $res['Message'] = "工时登记失败,请联系技术部"; } echo json_encode($res); exit; }
public function actionIOSsend() { /* if(isset($_POST['keyword'])) { $keyword=$_POST['keyword']; } */ $demo = new Demo("", ""); $demo->sendIOSGroupcast(); }
function __construct() { $this->pub = 'I am a public member variable'; $this->pri = 'I am a private member variable'; $this->pro = 'I am a protected member variable'; self::$pubs = 'I am a public static member variable'; }
public static function instance() { if (!self::$_instance) { self::$_instance = new Demo(); } return self::$_instance; }
private static function parseurl() { if (isset($_REQUEST['act']) && !empty($_REQUEST['act'])) { $act = ucfirst(trim($_REQUEST['act']) . 'Action'); } else { $act = 'IndexAction'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['mod']) && !empty($_REQUEST['mod'])) { $method = trim($_REQUEST['mod']); } else { $method = 'Index'; } if (CREATE_DEMO) { //if need create demo $demo = new Demo(); $demo->run(); } if (!class_exists($act)) { if (APP_DEBUG) { die('controller class: ' . $act . ' not find. '); } else { //record log SL('controller not find', '访问的controller: ' . $act . ' class not find', '访问日志', 1); location(); } } self::$controller_obj =& $controller; self::$act = str_ireplace('Action', '', $act); self::$mod = $method; $controller = new $act(); if (!method_exists($controller, $method)) { if (APP_DEBUG) { die('controller class: ' . $act . ', method: ' . $method . ' not find. '); } else { //record log SL('method not find', '访问的controller: ' . $act . ' class method: ' . $method . ' not find', '访问日志', 1); location(); } } $controller->method = $method; $controller->open_token = OPEN_TOKEN; $controller->act = self::$act; $controller->{$method}(); }
public function __construct() { if (!self::$info) { self::$info = $this; echo 'Khai bao moi<br />'; return self::$info; } else { echo 'Khai bao cu<br />'; return self::$info; } }
private static function parseurl() { if (isset($_REQUEST['act']) && isset($_REQUEST['mod'])) { $act = ucfirst(trim($_REQUEST['act']) . 'Action'); $method = trim($_REQUEST['mod']); } else { $act = 'IndexAction'; $method = 'index'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['app']) && !defined('APP_NAME')) { define('APP_NAME', trim($_REQUEST['app'])); } if (CREATE_DEMO) { //if need create demo $demo = new Demo(); $demo->run(); } if (!class_exists($act)) { if (APP_DEBUG) { die('controller class: ' . $act . ' not find. '); } else { location(); } } $controller = new $act(); if (!method_exists($controller, $method)) { if (APP_DEBUG) { die('controller class: ' . $act . ', method: ' . $method . ' not find. '); } else { location(); } } self::$controller_obj = $controller; $controller->method = $method; $controller->open_token = OPEN_TOKEN; $controller->act = str_ireplace('Action', '', $act); self::$act = $controller->act; self::$mod = $method; $controller->{$method}(); }
public static function fromReflectionMethod(\ReflectionMethod $method) { $methodName = $method->getName(); $docComment = $method->getDocComment(); $reactivexId = extract_doc_annotation($docComment, '@reactivex'); $demoFiles = extract_doc_annotations($docComment, '@demo'); $description = extract_doc_description($docComment); $isObservable = Str::contains($docComment, '@observable'); $demos = array_map(function ($path) { return Demo::fromPath($path); }, $demoFiles); return new DocumentedMethod($methodName, $reactivexId, $description, $demos, $isObservable); }
/** * Kernel类的核心启动框架的方法 */ public static function start() { //加载配置信息,用户自定义的配置会覆盖系统的配置 self::loadConf(); //加载语言包 self::loadLang(); //自动加载类库 spl_autoload_register('Kernel::autoload'); //自动加载用户自定义的函数库 self::loadfunc(); //初始化session self::session(); //自动的解析URL分发 self::parseurl(); //脚本退出注册函数 register_shutdown_function('shutdown'); //目录检测和自动生成,为了效率此函数仅仅执行一次 self::mkdirs(); //是否创建demo例子程序 $lockfile = TEMP_PATH . 'build_demo.lock'; if (C_DEMO && !is_file($lockfile)) { Demo::cdemo(); touch($lockfile); } $con_name = self::$_controller . self::$_conf['C_NAME']; $act_name = self::$_controller . '_' . self::$_action . self::$_conf['A_NAME']; if (!class_exists($con_name)) { if (DEBUG) { die(self::$_lang['_SYS_LANG_CLASS_NOT_FIND'] . ' : ' . $con_name); } else { die(self::$_lang['_SYS_LANG_CLASS_NOT_FIND']); } } if (!class_exists($act_name)) { if (DEBUG) { die(self::$_lang['_SYS_LANG_CLASS_NOT_FIND'] . ' : ' . $act_name); } else { die(self::$_lang['_SYS_LANG_CLASS_NOT_FIND']); } } $con_obj = new $con_name(); $act_obj = new $act_name(); $con_obj->init(); $act_obj->init(); $act_obj->run(); }
<?php /** * @package Demos */ require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/helpers/common.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lib/WideImage.php'; $request = Request::getInstance(); $demo = Demo::create($request->get('demo')); $image = WideImage::load('images/' . $request->get('image')); $result = $demo->execute($image, $request); $output = new FormatSelectField('output'); $output->init(Request::getInstance()); if ($output->value == 'preset for demo') { $format = $demo->getFormat(); } else { $format = $output->value; } if ($format === 'as input') { $format = substr($request->get('image'), -3); } $output = 24; if ($format == 'png8') { $output = 8; $format = 'png'; } elseif ($format == 'png24') { $format = 'png'; } elseif ($format == 'gif') { $output = 8; } if ($output == 8) {
<?php require_once 'Demo.php'; $objDemo = new Demo(); $objDemo->setName('r2d2'); $objDemo->diHola(); $objDemo->setName(False); $objDemo->diHola(); $objDemo->setName(123); $objDemo->diHola();
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with WideImage; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * @package Demos **/ include 'helpers/common.php'; $demos = array(); $di = new DirectoryIterator(dirname(__FILE__) . '/demos/'); foreach ($di as $file) { if (substr($file->getFilename(), -4) == '.php') { $demos[] = Demo::create(substr($file->getFilename(), 0, -4)); } } usort($demos, 'cmp_demos'); function cmp_demos($d1, $d2) { if ($d1->order === $d2->order) { return 0; } return $d1->order < $d2->order ? -1 : 1; } if (isset($_GET['demo'])) { $activeDemoName = $_GET['demo']; } else { $activeDemoName = null; }
function getDemoList($startRange, $banCount, $sortBy, $sortDirection, $searchText) { $searchText = trim($searchText); // Remove whitespace from search text $searchJoin = ""; // Prevent SQL injection $sortBy = addslashes($sortBy); $sortDirection = addslashes($sortDirection); $searchText = addslashes($searchText); // Prevent SQL Injection if ($searchText != null && $searchText != "") { $searchJoin = " (d.steam_id LIKE '%" . $searchText . "%' OR d.demo_name LIKE '%" . $searchText . "%') "; } // Use LEFT JOIN so that bad reasons or serverids still display on the ban list, but as empty values // Get list of all demos that fit the criteria $demoList = "SELECT d.demo_id, d.steam_id, COALESCE(s.name, 'Bad Server ID') AS servername, d.server_id, d.add_date, r.reason,\n d.reason_id, d.demo_name, d.offender_name, d.uploader_name, d.uploader_steam_id,\n (SELECT count(1) FROM gban_ban b WHERE b.steam_id = d.steam_id and b.active = 1) as banned\n FROM gban_demo d\n LEFT JOIN gban_reason r ON d.reason_id = r.reason_id\n LEFT JOIN gban_servers s ON d.server_id = s.server_id "; if (!empty($searchJoin)) { $demoList .= " WHERE " . $searchJoin; } $demoList .= "ORDER BY {$sortBy} {$sortDirection}"; if ($this->bansPerPage > 0) { $this->endRange = $this->bansPerPage; $demoList .= " LIMIT " . $startRange . ", " . $this->endRange; } $this->db->sql_query($demoList); $demosArray = $this->db->get_array(); $demos = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($demosArray); $i++) { $demo = new Demo(); $demo->setDemoId($demosArray[$i]['demo_id']); $demo->setSteamId($demosArray[$i]['steam_id']); $demo->setDemoName($demosArray[$i]['demo_name']); $demo->setServer($demosArray[$i]['servername']); $demo->setServerId($demosArray[$i]['server_id']); $demo->setAddDate($demosArray[$i]['add_date']); $demo->setReason($demosArray[$i]['reason']); $demo->setReasonId($demosArray[$i]['reason_id']); $demo->setOffenderName($demosArray[$i]['offender_name']); $demo->setUploaderName($demosArray[$i]['uploader_name']); $demo->setUploaderSteamId($demosArray[$i]['uploader_steam_id']); $demo->setBanned($demosArray[$i]['banned']); // Can only be 0 or 1 array_push($demos, $demo); // Add the demo object to the array } return $demos; }
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php'; if (!interface_exists('Psr\\Log\\LoggerInterface')) { \Demo::error('Please install "psr/log" for run this demo (Notification with logger system).'); } include_once __DIR__ . '/CustomLogger.php'; use Apple\ApnPush\Certificate\Certificate; use Apple\ApnPush\Notification\Notification; use Apple\ApnPush\Notification\Connection; use Apple\ApnPush\Notification\SendException; // Create connection $certificate = new Certificate(CERTIFICATE_FILE, PASS_PHRASE); $connection = new Connection($certificate, SANDBOX_MODE); // Create custom logger $logger = new CustomLogger(); // Create notification $notification = new Notification(); $notification->setLogger($logger)->setConnection($connection); // Send to correct device token $notification->sendMessage(DEVICE_TOKEN, '[Correct] Hello'); try { // Send to incorrect device token $notification->sendMessage(str_repeat('a', 64), '[Incorrect] Hello'); } catch (SendException $e) { } $notification->sendMessage(DEVICE_TOKEN, '[Correct] Hello 2 ;)');
<?php $title = "Demo 4"; $path = realpath($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]) . "/"; include_once $path . "php/head.php"; ?> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" > <?php $color1 = 280; include_once $path . "php/header.php"; include_once $path . "php/demo.php"; $demo = new Demo(); ?> <div class="project"> <article class="align_nav"> <?php $demo->draw("../../project/carted3", $color1, $title); ?> </article> </div> <div id="main" class="clearfix"> <p id="noWebgl">Votre carte graphique ou votre navigateur ne supporte pas webgl. <br/>Vous pouvez essayer d'utiliser firefox ou rester sur la version 2d de la carte.</p> <div id="control_mode"> <button class="btn_mode" id="btn_2d" type="button">2d</button> <button class="btn_mode" id="btn_3d" type="button">3d</button> <button class="btn_mode" id="btn_in" type="button">zoom +</button> <button class="btn_mode" id="btn_out" type="button">zoom -</button>
RegEx to find all the keywords: \\b( (a(bstract|nd|rray|s))| (c(a(llable|se|tch)|l(ass|one)|on(st|tinue)))| (d(e(clare|fault)|ie|o))| (e(cho|lse(if)?|mpty|nd(declare|for(each)?|if|switch|while)|val|x(it|tends)))| (f(inal|or(each)?|unction))| (g(lobal|oto))| (i(f|mplements|n(clude(_once)?|st(anceof|eadof)|terface)|sset))| (n(amespace|ew))| (p(r(i(nt|vate)|otected)|ublic))| (re(quire(_once)?|turn))| (s(tatic|witch))| (t(hrow|r(ait|y)))| (u(nset|se))| (__halt_compiler|break|list|(x)?or|var|while) )\\b EOT; } public function constants() { echo PHP_VERSION, PHP_OS, PHP_SAPI, PHP_INT_MAX, PHP_INT_SIZE, DEFAULT_INCLUDE_PATH, PEAR_INSTALL_DIR, PEAR_EXTENSION_DIR; } public function make() { // 静态声明是在编译时解析的。 } } $demo = new Demo(); $demo->constants();
/** * 扫描带参数二维码 用户未关注时,进行关注后的事件推送 */ public function event_qrcode_unsubscribe(Event $event) { var_dump($event->getOptions()); } /** * 上报地理位置事件 */ public function event_location(Event $event) { var_dump($event->getOptions()); } /** * 自定义菜单事件 */ public function event_click(Event $event) { var_dump($event->getOptions()); } /** * 点击菜单跳转链接时的事件推送 */ public function event_view(Event $event) { var_dump($event->getOptions()); } } $demo = new Demo(); $demo->run();
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php'; if (!class_exists('Redis')) { \Demo::error('Please install PHP Redis Extension for run this demo (Redis Queue).'); } use Apple\ApnPush\Notification\Notification; use Apple\ApnPush\Notification\Connection; use Apple\ApnPush\Queue\Redis; // Create connection $connection = new Connection(CERTIFICATE_FILE, PASS_PHRASE, SANDBOX_MODE); // Create notification $notification = new Notification($connection); // Create amqp queue $amqp = Redis::create($notification); $amqp->runReceiver();
public function testSum() { $demo = new Demo(); $this->assertEquals(4, $demo->sum(2, 2)); $this->assertNotEquals(3, $demo->sum(1, 1)); }
pre .com, code .com { color: #600; font-style: italic; } pre .typ, code .typ { color: #404; font-weight: bold; } pre .lit, code .lit { color: #044; } pre .pun, code .pun { color: #440; } pre .pln, code .pln { color: #000; } pre .tag, code .tag { color: #006; font-weight: bold; } pre .atn, code .atn { color: #404; } pre .atv, code .atv { color: #060; } } </style> </head> <body onload="prettyPrint()"> <?php require_once 'Demo.php'; $demo = new Demo(); $examples = $demo->examples(); ?> <?php foreach ($examples as $example) { ?> <h2><?php echo $example['name']; ?> </h2> <img alt="demo" src="<?php echo $example['original']; ?> "/> <img alt="demo" src="<?php
<?php class Demo extends PerformanceTest { protected function testOne() { $time = 0.5; $this->enterResult($time); } protected function testTwo() { $time = 1.5; $this->enterResult($time); } public function run() { $this->name = "demo"; $this->testOne(); $this->testTwo(); } } $test = new Demo($suite); $test->run(); echo $test->getResult(); echo $test->getName();
public function verify() { $res = array(); $res['Success'] = false; if ($this->Action > 1) { //不通过,删除操作 $obj = new Demo(); $obj->Id = $this->Id; $result = $obj->delete(); if ($result > 0) { $res['Success'] = true; $res['Message'] = "删除成功"; } else { $res['Message'] = "删除失败"; } } else { //通过,计入项目总工时 $obj = new Demo(); $obj->Id = $this->Id; $obj->Ratio = $this->Ratio; $obj->Hours2 = $this->Hours2; $result = $obj->update(); if ($result > 0) { $res['Success'] = true; $res['Message'] = "审核通过"; $res['NewId'] = $this->Id; } else { $res['Success'] = false; $res['Message'] = "审核失败"; } } echo json_encode($res); exit; }
public function testgetB() { $dome = new Demo(); echo $dome->gettwo(); }
<?php use General\Odps\Account\Account; /** * @author fengzbao@qq.com * @copyright Copyright (c) fzb.me * @version $Id:1.0.0, Demo.php, 2015-12-24 19:14 created (updated)$ */ class Demo { private $accessId = 'Lxw7YZ1Cxqsa4DPg'; private $accessKey = 'UqgrTSJTTJSfjeL3GlrpNi9qcMKnYa'; public function execute() { $account = new Account($this->accessId, $this->accessKey); $odps = new General\Odps\Odps\Odps($account); var_dump($odps); } } $d = new Demo(); $d->execute();
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php'; if (!class_exists('AMQPConnection')) { \Demo::error('Please install PHP Amqp Extension for run this demo (AMQP Queue).'); } use Apple\ApnPush\Notification\Notification; use Apple\ApnPush\Notification\Message; use Apple\ApnPush\Notification\Connection; use Apple\ApnPush\Queue\Amqp; // Create connection $connection = new Connection(CERTIFICATE_FILE, PASS_PHRASE, SANDBOX_MODE); // Create notification $notification = new Notification($connection); // Create message $message = new Message(); $message->setBody('[Amqp queue] Hello world')->setDeviceToken(DEVICE_TOKEN); // Create amqp queue and send message $amqp = Amqp::create($notification); $amqp->addMessage($message);
<?php require_once "vendor/autoload.php"; class Demo { public function go() { $conn = new DataProcessors\AMQP\AMQPConnection(); (yield $conn->connect('', 5672, 'guest', 'guest')); $channel = (yield $conn->channel()); (yield $channel->basic_consume('test', '', false, false, false, false, function ($msg) { echo "Got a message\n"; })); } } $demo = new Demo(); $coroutine = new Icicle\Coroutine\Coroutine($demo->go()); Icicle\Loop\run();
public function test_Find() { $demo = new Demo(); $demo->key = "Test"; $demo->value = "Testing here!"; $this->assertTrue($demo->create()); $demo->key = "Test2"; $this->assertTrue($demo->create()); $objs = Demo::find(array("key" => "Test2")); $this->assertTrue(isset($objs[0])); $this->assertFalse(isset($objs[1])); $this->assertEquals($objs[0]->key, "Test2"); $this->assertEquals($objs[0]->value, "Testing here!"); }
<?php include_once __DIR__ . '/../autoload.php'; if (!class_exists('Symfony\\Component\\EventDispatcher\\EventDispatcher')) { \Demo::error('Please install "symfony/event-dispatcher" for run this demo (Notification with EventDispatcher).'); } use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher; use Apple\ApnPush\Notification\Notification; use Apple\ApnPush\Notification\NotificationEvents; use Apple\ApnPush\Notification\SendException; use Apple\ApnPush\Notification\Connection; // Create event dispatcher $eventDispatcher = new EventDispatcher(); // Add complete listener $eventDispatcher->addListener(NotificationEvents::SEND_MESSAGE_ERROR, function () { print "[*] Error with send message.\n"; }); // Add error listener $eventDispatcher->addListener(NotificationEvents::SEND_MESSAGE_COMPLETE, function () { print "[-] Complete send message.\n"; }); // Create connection $connection = new Connection(CERTIFICATE_FILE, PASS_PHRASE, SANDBOX_MODE); // Create notification $notification = new Notification($connection); // Set event dispatcher $notification->setEventDispatcher($eventDispatcher); // Send correct message $notification->sendMessage(DEVICE_TOKEN, '[Correct] Hello'); try { // Send incorrect message