public function commentflagsAction() { // Get all POST-parameters $posts = $this->_request->getPost(); // Get models for the job $flagmodel = new Default_Model_CommentFlags(); $commentmodel = new Default_Model_Comments(); $contentmodel = new Default_Model_Content(); if ($posts) { // Remove comment text ("Comment removed"-text) if ($posts['rm'] == "comment") { foreach ($posts as $key => $post) { if ($key != "rm" && $key != "selectall") { // Flags from comment_flags_cfl $cmf_ids = $flagmodel->getFlagsByCommentId($key); foreach ($cmf_ids as $cmf_id) { $flagmodel->removeFlag($cmf_id); } // Text from comments_cmt $commentmodel->removeCommentText($key); } } } // Remove flags if ($posts['rm'] == "flag") { foreach ($posts as $key => $post) { if ($key != "rm" && $key != "selectall") { // Flags from comment_flags_cfl $cmf_ids = $flagmodel->getFlagsByCommentId($key); foreach ($cmf_ids as $cmf_id) { $flagmodel->removeFlag($cmf_id); } } } } } $flagItems = $flagmodel->getAllFlags(); // Awesome algorithm for counting how many flags each flagged comment has $tmpCount = array(); foreach ($flagItems as $flagItem) { $tmpCount[$flagItem['id_comment_cmf']]++; } arsort($tmpCount); $data = array(); $count = 0; // Loop and re-arrange our variables foreach ($tmpCount as $cmt_id => $cmt_count) { $comment = $commentmodel->getById($cmt_id); $comment = $comment['Data']['body_cmt']; $content_id = $commentmodel->getContentIdsByCommentId($cmt_id); $content_id = $content_id[0]['id_cnt_cmt']; $content_url = $this->_urlHelper->url(array('controller' => 'view', 'action' => $content_id, 'language' => $this->view->language), 'lang_default', true); $data[$count]['cnt_id'] = $content_id; $data[$count]['cnt_title'] = $contentmodel->getContentHeaderByContentId($content_id); $data[$count]['cnt_url'] = $content_url; $data[$count]['cmt_id'] = $cmt_id; $data[$count]['cmt_body'] = $comment; $data[$count]['cmt_count'] = $cmt_count; $count++; } // Go! $this->view->comments = $data; }
/** * editAction * * Edit content * */ public function editAction() { // Get authentication $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance(); // If user has identity if ($auth->hasIdentity()) { // Get requests $params = $this->getRequest()->getParams(); // Get session data $previewSession = new Zend_Session_Namespace('contentpreview'); // If preview $backFromPreview = isset($previewSession->backFromPreview) ? $previewSession->backFromPreview : 0; $preview = isset($params['preview']) ? 1 : 0; if ($preview) { $previewSession->unsetAll(); $previewSession->previewData = $params; $backToUrl = $this->getRequest()->getRequestUri(); $previewSession->backToUrl = $backToUrl; $url = $this->_urlHelper->url(array('controller' => 'content', 'action' => 'preview', 'language' => $this->view->language), 'lang_default', true); $this->_redirect($url); } // Get content type $contentId = isset($params['content_id']) ? $params['content_id'] : 0; $userId = $auth->getIdentity()->user_id; $cntHasUsr = new Default_Model_ContentHasUser(); $userIsOwner = $cntHasUsr->contentHasOwner($userId, $contentId); if ($userIsOwner) { if ($contentId != 0) { $content = new Default_Model_Content(); $data = $content->getDataAsSimpleArray($contentId); // Creating array for form data $formData = array(); // Adding content type to form $formData['content_type'] = $data['id_cty_cnt']; // Adding content id to form $formData['content_id'] = $contentId; $formData['content_header'] = stripslashes($data['title_cnt']); $modelCntHasTag = new Default_Model_ContentHasTag(); $keywords = $modelCntHasTag->getContentTags($data['id_cnt']); $tags = ""; $tagCount = count($keywords); for ($i = 0; $i < $tagCount; $i++) { $tags .= $keywords[$i]['name_tag']; if ($i != $tagCount - 1) { $tags .= ', '; } } $formData['content_keywords'] = stripslashes($tags); $formData['content_textlead'] = stripslashes($data['lead_cnt']); $formData['content_text'] = stripslashes($data['body_cnt']); $modelCntHasRec = new Default_Model_ContentHasRelatedCompany(); $relComps = $modelCntHasRec->getContentRelComps($data['id_cnt']); $recs = ""; $recCount = count($relComps); for ($i = 0; $i < $recCount; $i++) { $recs .= $relComps[$i]['name_rec']; if ($i != $recCount - 1) { $recs .= ', '; } } $formData['content_related_companies'] = stripslashes($recs); $formData['content_research'] = $data['research_question_cnt']; $formData['content_opportunity'] = $data['opportunity_cnt']; $formData['content_threat'] = $data['threat_cnt']; $formData['content_solution'] = $data['solution_cnt']; $formData['published_cnt'] = $data['published_cnt']; $formData['content_references'] = $data['references_cnt']; $languages = new Default_Model_Languages(); $idLngInd = $languages->getLangIdByLangName($this->view->language); $allLanguages = $languages->getAllNamesAndIds(); $formData['languages'] = array(); $formData['languages'][0] = $this->view->translate("content-add-select-language"); foreach ($allLanguages as $lng) { $formData['languages'][$lng['id_lng']] = $lng['name_lng']; } $finfoClasses = new Default_Model_FutureinfoClasses(); $allClasses = $finfoClasses->getAllNamesAndIds(); $formData['FutureinfoClasses'] = array(); $formData['FutureinfoClasses'][0] = $this->view->translate("content-add-select-finfo-classification"); foreach ($allClasses as $class) { $formData['FutureinfoClasses'][$class['id_fic']] = $class['name_fic']; } // Getting innovation types from the database $modelInnovationTypes = new Default_Model_InnovationTypes(); $innovationTypes = $modelInnovationTypes->getAllNamesAndIds(); // Getting the innovation type of the content $modelCntHasIvt = new Default_Model_ContentHasInnovationTypes(); $formData['selected_ivt'] = $modelCntHasIvt->getInnovationTypeIdOfContent($data['id_cnt']); // Adding all innovation types to form $formData['InnovationTypes'] = array(); $formData['InnovationTypes'][0] = $this->view->translate("content-add-select-innovation"); foreach ($innovationTypes as $ivt) { $formData['InnovationTypes'][$ivt['id_ivt']] = $ivt['name_ivt']; } // end foreach if (empty($formData['InnovationTypes'])) { $formData['InnovationTypes'] = array(0 => '----'); } $languages = new Default_Model_Languages(); $idLngInd = $languages->getLangIdByLangName($this->view->language); // Getting language of the content $formData['content_language'] = $languages->getLangIdByLangName($data['language_cnt']); // Getting the industry of the content $modelCntHasInd = new Default_Model_ContentHasIndustries(); $cntInd = $modelCntHasInd->getIndustryIdOfContent($data['id_cnt']); // Getting industries from the database $modelIndustries = new Default_Model_Industries(); $industries = $modelIndustries->getNamesAndIdsById(0, $idLngInd); // Getting all industries of the content $industryIds = $modelIndustries->getAllContentIndustryIds($cntInd); $formData['industryIds'] = $industryIds; // Adding all industries of the content to form $formData['selected_industry'] = $industryIds[0]; $formData['selected_division'] = $industryIds[1]; $formData['selected_group'] = $industryIds[2]; $formData['selected_class'] = $industryIds[3]; // Adding all industries to form $formData['Industries'] = array(); $formData['Industries'][0] = $this->view->translate("content-add-select-industry"); foreach ($industries as $ind) { $formData['Industries'][$ind['id_ind']] = $ind['name_ind']; } // end foreach if (empty($formData['Industries'])) { $formData['Industries'] = array(0 => '----'); } // Adding all divisions to form $formData['Divisions'] = array(); $formData['Divisions'][0] = $this->view->translate("content-add-select-division-no-industry"); if ($industryIds[0] != 0) { $divisions = $modelIndustries->getNamesAndIdsById($industryIds[0], $idLngInd); foreach ($divisions as $div) { $formData['Divisions'][$div['id_ind']] = $div['name_ind']; } // end foreach } // Adding all groups to form $formData['Groups'] = array(); $formData['Groups'][0] = $this->view->translate("content-add-select-group-no-division"); if ($industryIds[1] != 0) { $groups = $modelIndustries->getNamesAndIdsById($industryIds[1], $idLngInd); foreach ($groups as $grp) { $formData['Groups'][$grp['id_ind']] = $grp['name_ind']; } // end foreach } $formData['Classes'] = array(); $formData['Classes'][0] = $this->view->translate("content-add-select-class-no-group"); // If there's no group selected if ($industryIds[2] != 0) { $classes = $modelIndustries->getNamesAndIdsById($industryIds[2], $idLngInd); foreach ($classes as $class) { $formData['Classes'][$class['id_ind']] = $class['name_ind']; } // end foreach } $modelContentTypes = new Default_Model_ContentTypes(); $contentType = $modelContentTypes->getTypeById($data['id_cty_cnt']); $this->view->short_contenttype = $contentType; $title_cnt = $content->getContentHeaderByContentId($data['id_cnt']); $this->view->contentHeader = $title_cnt; // Get contents filenames from database $filesModel = new Default_Model_Files(); $filenames = $filesModel->getFilenamesByCntId($contentId); $formData['filenames'] = $filenames; // Form for content adding $form = new Default_Form_EditContentForm(null, $formData, $contentId, $contentType, $this->view->language); $form->populate($formData); $this->view->form = $form; $url = $this->_urlHelper->url(array('controller' => 'msg', 'action' => 'index', 'language' => $this->view->language), 'lang_default', true); // populate form if ($backFromPreview) { // Get previewdata and populate it to form $previewData = $previewSession->previewData; $form->populate($previewData); // Delete session data $previewSession->unsetAll(); } // If posted if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) { // Get content data $data = $this->getRequest()->getPost(); // Content id $data['content_id'] = $contentId; // If form data is valid, handle database insertions $validForm = $form->isValid($data) ? true : isset($data['content_save']) && $data['content_save'] != ''; if ($validForm) { // If form data is going to be published if (isset($data['content_publish']) && $data['content_publish'] == 1) { $data['publish'] = 1; $message_error = 'content-publish-not-successful'; } elseif (isset($data['content_save']) && $data['content_save'] == 1) { $data['publish'] = 0; $message_error = 'content-save-not-successful'; } // Content keywords /* FIXED: split() is deprecated in PHP 5.3.0 -> and removed in * PHP 6.0, so changed to explode(). Also trim(array) doesn't * trim array values, so this is done with foreach now. */ $keywords = array(); foreach (explode(',', $data['content_keywords']) as $keyword) { if (trim($keyword) != "") { $keywords[] = strip_tags(trim($keyword)); } } $data['content_keywords'] = array_unique($keywords); // Related companies $relatedCompanies = array(); foreach (explode(',', $data['content_related_companies']) as $relatedCompany) { if (trim($relatedCompany) != "") { $relatedCompanies[] = strip_tags(trim($relatedCompany)); } } $data['content_related_companies'] = array_unique($relatedCompanies); // Get user id $data['User']['id_usr'] = $auth->getIdentity()->user_id; /* if($data['content_division'] == 0) { $data['content_industry_id'] = $data['content_industry']; } elseif($data['content_group'] == 0) { $data['content_industry_id'] = $data['content_division']; } elseif($data['content_class'] == 0) { $data['content_industry_id'] = $data['content_group']; } elseif($data['content_class'] != 0) { $data['content_industry_id'] = $data['content_class']; }*/ if ($data['content_language'] == 0) { $data['content_language'] = $this->view->language; } else { $data['content_language'] = $languages->getLangNameByLangId($data['content_language']); } //echo "<pre>"; print_r($data); echo "</pre>"; die(); $data['files'] = $_FILES['content_file_upload']; // Edit content $content = new Default_Model_Content(); $oldData = $content->getContentRow($contentId); $edit = $content->editContent($data); $url = $this->_urlHelper->url(array('controller' => 'msg', 'action' => 'index', 'language' => $this->view->language), 'lang_default', true); if ($edit) { //$favourite = new Default_Model_UserHasFavourites(); //$favouriteEdited = $favourite->setFavouriteModifiedTrue($edit); if ($oldData['published_cnt'] == 1 || isset($data['content_publish']) && $data['content_publish'] == 1) { $url = $this->_urlHelper->url(array('content_id' => $edit, 'language' => $this->view->language), 'content_shortview', true); $this->_redirect($url); } else { /*$message_ok = $this->view->translate('content-save-successful'); $message_ok .= ' ('.$content->getContentHeaderByContentId($edit).')'; $message_ok .= '<br /><br />' . $this->view->translate('content-save-successful2'); $userpage = $this->_urlHelper->url(array('controller' => 'account', 'action' => 'view', 'user' => $auth->getIdentity()->username, 'language' => $this->view->language), 'lang_default', true); $message_ok .= ' <a href="'.$userpage.'">'.$this->view->translate('content-save-successful3').'</a>'; $message_ok .= ' ' . $this->view->translate('content-save-successful4'); $this->flash($message_ok, $url);*/ $url = $this->_urlHelper->url(array('controller' => 'account', 'action' => 'view', 'language' => $this->view->language, 'user' => $auth->getIdentity()->username), 'lang_default', true); $this->_redirect($url); } } else { $this->flash($message_error, $url); } } else { // What is this? //Zend_Debug::dump($form); die; } /* // Content keywords $keywords = split(', ', trim($data['content_keywords'])); $data['content_keywords'] = array_unique($keywords); if($data['content_group'] == 0) { $data['content_industry_id'] = $data['content_division']; } elseif($data['content_class'] == 0) { $data['content_industry_id'] = $data['content_group']; } elseif($data['content_class'] != 0) { $data['content_industry_id'] = $data['content_class']; } // Update the edited content to database $content = new Default_Model_Content(); if($content->editContent($data)) { $message = 'content-edit-successful'; } else { $message = 'content-edit-not-successful'; } $this->flash($message, $url);*/ } } else { $message = 'content-edit-no-id'; $this->flash($message, $url); } } else { $message = 'content-edit-not-owner'; $this->flash($message, $url); } } else { // If not logged, redirecting to system message page $message = 'content-edit-not-logged'; $this->flash($message, $url); } // end else }