 public function main()
     $aUser = $this->User->find('all');
     foreach ($aUser as $user) {
         $currTime = time();
         $lastTime = strtotime(Hash::get($user, 'User.last_update'));
         //TODO дата с нынешней до last_update
         //если last_update давнее 12 часов, то брать последние 12 часов
         $id = $user['User']['id'];
         $date1 = $lastTime > $currTime - 43200 ? date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $lastTime) : date("Y-m-d H:00:00", $currTime - 43200);
         $date2 = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         $data = $this->User->getTimeline($id, $date1, $date2, 0, true);
         //$this->set('data', $data);
         //$this->set('timeFrom', strtotime($date1));
         //$this->set('timeTo', strtotime($date2));
         if (count($data['events'])) {
             Debugger::dump($user['User']['id'] . ' ' . $user['User']['full_name'] . '     from: ' . $date1 . '     to: ' . $date2);
             $Email = new CakeEmail('postmark');
             $Email->template('updates_mailer', 'mail')->viewVars( array('data' => $data, 'timeFrom' => strtotime($date1), 'timeTo' => strtotime($date2), 'userID' => $user['User']['id']))
             	->to(Hash::get($user, 'User.username'))
             	->subject('Last updates on Konstruktor.com')
 * Debugger::dump shortcut.
function dump($var)
    foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) {
    return $var;
 public function getPotencialPartner($id = null, $limit)
     //Primeiro ve todas as combinações aonde alguem já respondeu alguma coisa a respeito dele e ainda falta a replica
     $options = [];
     $ids = [];
     $waiting = [];
     $options['fields'] = ['account_id'];
     $options['conditions'] = ['Relationship.account_id2' => $id, 'Relationship.response2' => null];
     $options['recursive'] = -1;
     $waiting_ids = $this->Account->Relationship->find('all', $options);
     //Make an array of ids;
     if (!empty($waiting_ids)) {
         foreach ($waiting_ids as $row) {
             $ids[] = $row['Relationship']['account_id'];
     // Debugger::dump($ids);
     // exit();
     $options = [];
     $total = 0;
     //Get based on relationship users waiting response
     $options['recursive'] = -1;
     if (!empty($ids)) {
         $options['conditions'] = ['Profile.account_id' => $ids];
         $options['limit'] = $limit;
         $waiting = $this->find('all', $options);
         $total = count($waiting);
     // Debugger::dump($waiting);
     // exit();
     $limit = $limit - $total;
     if ($limit > 0) {
         $options['limit'] = $limit;
         $ids[] = $id;
         $options['conditions'] = ['Profile.account_id !=' => $ids];
         $options['order'] = 'rand()';
         $random = $this->find('all', $options);
     $result = array_merge($waiting, $random);
     return $result;
<h1>StormDB Testing</h1>
require 'localSetup.php';
require __DIR__ . '/../StormDB/StormLoader.php';
$db = new StormDB('google', './../Databases/', 'r+', true);
$collName = 'Users';
if (isset($db->{$collName})) {
    echo "Collection '" . $collName . "' allready exists.";
} else {
    echo "Collection '" . $collName . "' isn't set. I'm adding it";
$coll = $db->collection($collName);
Debugger::dump(array('Collection ' . $collName => $coll));
Debugger::dump(array('Results from coll' => $coll->find()));
$data = array(
		'name' => 'Vojta',
		'mail' => '*****@*****.**',
		'pass' => 'Strong pass'

$id[] = $db->collection('collection')->insert($data);

$otherData = array(
		'surname' => 'Novák',
		'telephone' => '908 093 038',
		'address' => 'Street 18, London'
$id[] = $db->collection('collection')->insert($otherData);
 public function saveApprovedOrganizations($orgId)
     $data = $this->request->data;
     if ($data) {
         $db = $this->Organization->getDataSource();
         $db->rawQuery("DELETE FROM approveorgs WHERE organization_id = {$orgId}");
         foreach ($data['Approveorg'] as $key => $value) {
             $db->rawQuery("INSERT INTO approveorgs (organization_id, approved_org_id) VALUES({$orgId}, {$value})");
         $this->Session->setFlash('Your organization has been updated.', 'success');
  * [doScrapping description]
  * @param  [type] $endpoint [description]
  * @return [type]           [description]
 private function doScrapping($endpoint)
     $event = null;
     $earthquake = null;
     Debugger::dump('endpoint: ' . $endpoint . '    _' . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
     Debugger::dump('***INICIANDO SCRAPPING****');
     $content = $this->scrapper->getContent($endpoint);
     if (!$content) {
         Debugger::dump('***ERROR, NO SE OBTUBIERON DATOS');
     $tableList = $this->scrapper->findInDom('table tbody tr');
     foreach ($tableList as $table) {
         $earthquakeData = [];
         foreach ($table->find('td') as $key => $tableItem) {
             $earthquakeData[$key] = $tableItem->text();
         if (empty($earthquakeData)) {
             Debugger::dump('***NO HAY DATOS****');
         $dateUTC = $earthquakeData[1];
         $dateTs = DatesUtils::toTimestamp($dateUTC);
         $dateSQL = DatesUtils::toSQLDate($dateUTC);
         $eventData = ['lat' => $earthquakeData[2], 'lon' => $earthquakeData[3], 'ts' => $dateSQL, 'hash' => md5($dateTs)];
         /*  Evitar crear eventos duplicados que muestren erroneamente más de un evento siendo que se trata del mismo
          *  pero actualizado.
          *  Esto se hace debido a que el primer informe ante un evento, puede ser preliminar
          *  y se pueden publicar actualizaciones de datos con cambios en magnitud o ubicación geográfica posteriormente.
         $eventExists = $this->Event->checkForExists($eventData, $this->dateBounds);
         if ($eventExists['exists']) {
             Debugger::dump('***EVENTO YA EXISTE ****');
             $event = $eventExists;
         } else {
             Debugger::dump('***NO SE ENCONTRO EVENTO, CREANDO ****');
             $event = $this->Event->save($eventData);
         if ($event) {
             $metadatum = ['event_id' => $event['Event']['id'], 'agency_id' => 1, 'lat' => $eventData['lat'], 'lon' => $eventData['lon'], 'ts' => $dateSQL, 'depth' => $earthquakeData[4], 'magnitude' => floatval($earthquakeData[5]), 'geo_reference' => $earthquakeData[6]];
             if (!$eventExists['exists']) {
                 Debugger::dump('***EVENTO NO EXISTE, SISMO TAMPOCO ****');
                 $earthquake = $this->EventMetadatum->save($metadatum);
             } else {
                 $earthquakeExists = $this->EventMetadatum->checkForExists($metadatum, $this->dateBounds, $eventExists['Event']['id']);
                 if ($earthquakeExists['exists']) {
                     Debugger::dump('***EVENTO EXISTE, SISMO TAMBIEN ****');
                 } else {
                     Debugger::dump('***EVENTO EXISTE, NUEVO SISMO NO. CREANDO NUEVO ASOCIADO A EVENTO****');
                     $earthquake = $this->EventMetadatum->save($metadatum);
     return true;
     * testDump method
     * @return void
    public function testDump()
        $var = array('People' => array(array('name' => 'joeseph', 'coat' => 'technicolor', 'hair_color' => 'brown'), array('name' => 'Shaft', 'coat' => 'black', 'hair' => 'black')));
        $result = ob_get_clean();
        $open = PHP_SAPI === 'cli' ? "\n" : '<pre>';
        $close = PHP_SAPI === 'cli' ? "\n" : '</pre>';
        $expected = <<<TEXT
  'People' => array(
    (int) 0 => array(
      'name' => 'joeseph',
      'coat' => 'technicolor',
      'hair_color' => 'brown'
    (int) 1 => array(
      'name' => 'Shaft',
      'coat' => 'black',
      'hair' => 'black'
        $this->assertTextEquals($expected, $result);
        Debugger::dump($var, 1);
        $result = ob_get_clean();
        $open = PHP_SAPI === 'cli' ? "\n" : '<pre>';
        $close = PHP_SAPI === 'cli' ? "\n" : '</pre>';
        $expected = <<<TEXT
  'People' => array(
    [maximum depth reached]
        $this->assertTextEquals($expected, $result);
  * [doScrapping description]
  * @param  [type] $endpoint [description]
  * @return [type]           [description]
 private function doScrapping($endpoint)
     $event = null;
     $earthquake = null;
     Debugger::dump('endpoint: ' . $endpoint . '    _' . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
     Debugger::dump('***INICIANDO SCRAPPING****');
     $content = $this->scrapper->getContent($endpoint);
     $content = json_decode($content);
     foreach ($content->features as $earthquakeData) {
         if (empty($earthquakeData)) {
             Debugger::dump('***NO HAY DATOS****');
         $dateUTC = DatesUtils::toReadableDate($earthquakeData->properties->time / 1000);
         $dateTs = $earthquakeData->properties->time;
         $dateSQL = DatesUtils::toSQLDate($dateUTC);
         $eventData = ['lat' => $earthquakeData->geometry->coordinates[1], 'lon' => $earthquakeData->geometry->coordinates[0], 'ts' => $dateSQL, 'hash' => md5($dateTs)];
         /*  Evitar crear eventos duplicados que muestren erroneamente más de un evento siendo que se trata del mismo
          *  pero actualizado.
          *  Esto se hace debido a que el primer informe ante un evento, puede ser preliminar
          *  y se pueden publicar actualizaciones de datos con cambios en magnitud o ubicación geográfica posteriormente.
         $eventExists = $this->Event->checkForExists($eventData, $this->dateBounds);
         if ($eventExists['exists']) {
             Debugger::dump('***EVENTO YA EXISTE ****');
             $event = $eventExists;
         } else {
             Debugger::dump('***NO SE ENCONTRO EVENTO, CREANDO ****');
             $event = $this->Event->save($eventData);
         if ($event) {
             $metadatum = ['event_id' => $event['Event']['id'], 'agency_id' => 3, 'lat' => $eventData['lat'], 'lon' => $eventData['lon'], 'ts' => $dateSQL, 'depth' => $earthquakeData->geometry->coordinates[2], 'magnitude' => floatval($earthquakeData->properties->mag), 'geo_reference' => $earthquakeData->properties->place, 'magnitude_type' => $earthquakeData->properties->magType];
             if (!$eventExists['exists']) {
                 Debugger::dump('***EVENTO NO EXISTE, SISMO TAMPOCO ****');
                 $earthquake = $this->EventMetadatum->save($metadatum);
             } else {
                 $earthquakeExists = $this->EventMetadatum->checkForExists($metadatum, $this->dateBounds, $eventExists['Event']['id']);
                 if ($earthquakeExists['exists']) {
                     Debugger::dump('***EVENTO EXISTE, SISMO TAMBIEN ****');
                 } else {
                     Debugger::dump('***EVENTO EXISTE, NUEVO SISMO NO. CREANDO NUEVO ASOCIADO A EVENTO****');
                     $earthquake = $this->EventMetadatum->save($metadatum);
文件: DebuggerTest.php 项目: rufl/ATP
     * testDump method
     * @return void
    public function testDump()
        $var = array('People' => array(array('name' => 'joeseph', 'coat' => 'technicolor', 'hair_color' => 'brown'), array('name' => 'Shaft', 'coat' => 'black', 'hair' => 'black')));
        $result = ob_get_clean();
        $expected = <<<TEXT
\t'People' => array(
\t\t(int) 0 => array(
\t\t(int) 1 => array(
        $this->assertTextEquals($expected, $result);
 public static function dump($var, $label = false, $return = false)
     if (DEBUG) {
         $buffer = "";
         if (defined('FIREBUG')) {
             $buffer .= 'console.group("' . $label . '");' . NL;
         } else {
             $buffer .= '<h2>' . $label . '</h2>';
             $buffer .= '<table cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" style="width: 800px; border: 1px solid #ccc">';
         foreach ($var as $key => $value) {
             if (is_array($value) && isset($value['type']) && isset($value['message'])) {
                 if (defined('FIREBUG')) {
                     $buffer .= 'console.' . $value['type'] . '("' . $value['message'] . '");' . NL;
                 } else {
                     $buffer .= '<tr><td style="border-bottom: 1px dashed #ddd;" valign="top">' . $key . '</td><td style="border-bottom: 1px dashed #ddd;">' . $value['message'] . '</td></tr>';
             } else {
                 if (is_null($value)) {
                     $value = 'null';
                 } else {
                     if (is_array($value)) {
                         $value = 'array[' . sizeof($value) . '] <br />' . Debugger::dump($value, $key, true);
                     } else {
                         if (is_object($value)) {
                             $value = get_class($value) . ' Object';
                         } else {
                             if (is_bool($value)) {
                                 $value = $value ? 'true' : 'false';
                             } else {
                                 if (is_int($value)) {
                                     $value = $value;
                 if (defined('FIREBUG')) {
                     $buffer .= 'console.info("' . $key . '=' . $value . '");' . NL;
                 } else {
                     $buffer .= '<tr><td style="border-bottom: 1px dashed #ddd;" valign="top">' . $key . '</td><td style="border-bottom: 1px dashed #ddd;">' . $value . '</td></tr>';
         if (defined('FIREBUG')) {
             $buffer .= 'console.groupEnd();' . NL;
         } else {
             $buffer .= '</table>';
         if ($return) {
             return $buffer;
         if (defined('FIREBUG')) {
             echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . NL . $buffer . '</script>' . NL;
         } else {
             echo $buffer;
 public function actionContacts($action, $cont_id)
     if (MICKA_USER == 'guest') {
         require PHPINC_DIR . '/templates/403.php';
     $rs = array();
     switch ($action) {
         case 'new':
             $rs['groups'] = getMsGroups('get_groups');
             $rs['data'] = $this->getContacts(-1);
         case 'edit':
             $rs['groups'] = getMsGroups('get_groups');
             $rs['data'] = $this->getContacts($cont_id);
         case 'copy':
             $record = $this->copyContact($cont_id);
             if ($record['ok']) {
                 $rs['groups'] = getMsGroups('get_groups');
                 $rs['data'] = $record['contact'];
             } else {
                 require PHPINC_DIR . '/templates/404_record.php';
         case 'delete':
             $result = $this->deleteContact($cont_id);
             if ($result['ok']) {
                 $redirectUrl = substr(htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 0, strrpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '/')) . '?ak=md_contacts';
                 require PHPPRG_DIR . '/redirect.php';
             } else {
                 require PHPINC_DIR . '/templates/404_record.php';
         case 'save':
             $result = $this->setContact($_POST);
             if ($result['ok']) {
                 $redirectUrl = substr(htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), 0, strrpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '/')) . '?ak=md_contacts';
                 require PHPPRG_DIR . '/redirect.php';
             } else {
                 require PHPINC_DIR . '/templates/404_record.php';
             $rs['data'] = $this->getContacts();
     return $rs;
    public function getPanel()
        $this->disabled = TRUE;
        $s = '';
        $h = 'htmlSpecialChars';
        foreach ($this->queries as $i => $query) {
            list($sql, $params, $time, $rows, $connection, $source) = $query;
            $explain = NULL;
            // EXPLAIN is called here to work SELECT FOUND_ROWS()
            if ($this->explain && preg_match('#\\s*\\(?\\s*SELECT\\s#iA', $sql)) {
                try {
                    $cmd = is_string($this->explain) ? $this->explain : 'EXPLAIN';
                    $explain = $connection->queryArgs("{$cmd} {$sql}", $params)->fetchAll();
                } catch (PDOException $e) {
            $s .= '<tr><td>' . sprintf('%0.3f', $time * 1000);
            if ($explain) {
                static $counter;
                $s .= "<br /><a href='#' class='nette-toggler' rel='#nette-DbConnectionPanel-row-{$counter}'>explain&nbsp;&#x25ba;</a>";
            $s .= '</td><td class="nette-DbConnectionPanel-sql">' . DatabaseHelpers::dumpSql(self::$maxLength ? Strings::truncate($sql, self::$maxLength) : $sql);
            if ($explain) {
                $s .= "<table id='nette-DbConnectionPanel-row-{$counter}' class='nette-collapsed'><tr>";
                foreach ($explain[0] as $col => $foo) {
                    $s .= "<th>{$h($col)}</th>";
                $s .= "</tr>";
                foreach ($explain as $row) {
                    $s .= "<tr>";
                    foreach ($row as $col) {
                        $s .= "<td>{$h($col)}</td>";
                    $s .= "</tr>";
                $s .= "</table>";
            if ($source) {
                $s .= DebugHelpers::editorLink($source[0], $source[1])->class('nette-DbConnectionPanel-source');
            $s .= '</td><td>';
            foreach ($params as $param) {
                $s .= Debugger::dump($param, TRUE);
            $s .= '</td><td>' . $rows . '</td></tr>';
        return empty($this->queries) ? '' : '<style> #nette-debug td.nette-DbConnectionPanel-sql { background: white !important }
			#nette-debug .nette-DbConnectionPanel-source { color: #BBB !important } </style>
			<h1>Queries: ' . count($this->queries) . ($this->totalTime ? ', time: ' . sprintf('%0.3f', $this->totalTime * 1000) . ' ms' : '') . '</h1>
			<div class="nette-inner nette-DbConnectionPanel">
				<tr><th>Time&nbsp;ms</th><th>SQL Statement</th><th>Params</th><th>Rows</th></tr>' . $s . '
 public function reload($debugMsg = '')
     Debugger::dump(array('StormDB reloaded ' . $debugMsg => $this));
function dump($var)
    if (class_exists('Debugger')) {
        App::import('Core', 'Debugger');
    return Debugger::dump($var);
 public function index()
     $this->autoRender = false;
     $ret = ' ';
     $aUsers = $this->User->find('all');
     //�������� ������
     $aUsers = Hash::combine($aUsers, '{n}.User.id', '{n}.User');
     //������� ���������� �������� � �������� ��������
     $aMedia = $this->Media->find('all');
     //�������� ������
     $aMedia = Hash::combine($aMedia, '{n}.Media.id', '{n}');
     //������� ���������� �������� � �������� ��������
     $aMessages = $this->ChatMessage->find('all');
     //�������� ������
     $aMessages = Hash::combine($aUsers, '{n}.ChatMessage.id', '{n}');
     //������� ���������� �������� � �������� ��������
     $aRooms = $this->ChatRoom->find('all');
     //�������� ������
     $aRooms = Hash::combine($aUsers, '{n}.ChatRoom.id', '{n}');
     //������� ���������� �������� � �������� ��������
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------- ChatContact CHECK
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->ChatContact->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking LiveCountry<br>';
     $aCountry = $this->Country->find('all');
     $aCountry = Hash::combine($aCountry, '{n}.Country.country_code', '{n}');
     $fulldata = $this->User->find('all');
     $initDate = strtotime(Configure::read('Konstructor.created'));
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         if (!in_array($entry['User']['live_country'], array_keys($aCountry))) {
             if (!$entry['User']['live_country'] == NULL) {
                 $ret .= '	' . $entry['User']['id'] . ':	has error value in LIVE_COUNTRY: ' . $entry['User']['live_country'] . '<br>';
         if ($entry['User']['is_admin'] > 0) {
             $ret .= '	' . $entry['User']['id'] . ':	User\'s "is_admin" field has ' . $entry['User']['is_admin'] . ' value<br>';
         $createDate = strtotime($entry['User']['created']);
         if ($createDate < $initDate) {
             $ret .= '	' . $entry['User']['id'] . ':	Incorrect registartion date: ' . date('d-m-Y', $createDate) . ', but need to be less than ' . date('d-m-Y', $initDate) . ' <br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     // --------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------- CHAT ROOM USER CHECK
     // --------------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->ChatMember->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking ChatMember<br>';
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         $recId = $entry['ChatMember']['id'];
         if (!in_array($entry['ChatMember']['user_id'], array_keys($aUsers))) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	user with "user_id = ' . $entry['ChatMember']['user_id'] . '" does not exist<br>';
         if (!in_array($entry['ChatMember']['room_id'], array_keys($aRooms))) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	room with "room_id = ' . $entry['ChatMember']['room_id'] . '" does not exist<br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------- ChatContact CHECK
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->ChatContact->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking ChatContact<br>';
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         $recId = $entry['ChatContact']['id'];
         if (!in_array($entry['ChatContact']['user_id'], array_keys($aUsers))) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	user with "user_id = ' . $entry['ChatContact']['user_id'] . '" does not exist<br>';
         if (!in_array($entry['ChatContact']['initiator_id'], array_keys($aUsers))) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	user (initiator) with "initiator_id = ' . $entry['ChatContact']['initiator_id'] . '" does not exist<br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------- ChatRoom CHECK
     // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->ChatRoom->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking ChatRoom<br>';
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         $recId = $entry['ChatRoom']['id'];
         if (!in_array($entry['ChatRoom']['initiator_id'], array_keys($aUsers))) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	user (initiator) with "initiator_id = ' . $entry['ChatRoom']['initiator_id'] . '" does not exist<br>';
         if (!in_array($entry['ChatRoom']['recipient_id'], array_keys($aUsers))) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	user (recipient) with "recipient_id = ' . $entry['ChatRoom']['recipient_id'] . '" does not exist<br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     // ----------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------- CHAT EVENT CHECK
     // ----------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->ChatEvent->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking ChatEvent<br>';
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         $id = $entry['ChatEvent']['user_id'];
         $event = $entry['ChatEvent']['event_type'];
         $recId = $entry['ChatEvent']['id'];
         if (!in_array($entry['ChatEvent']['event_type'], array_keys($aUsers))) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	user with "user_id = ' . $id . '" does not exist<br>';
         $id = $entry['ChatEvent']['initiator_id'];
         if (!in_array($entry['ChatEvent']['initiator_id'], array_keys($aUsers))) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	initiator user with "initiator_id = ' . $id . '" does not exist<br>';
         if ($event == 1 || $event == 2 || $event == 4) {
             $id = $entry['ChatEvent']['msg_id'];
             if (!in_array($entry['ChatEvent']['msg_id'], array_keys($aMessages))) {
                 $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	message with "msg_id = ' . $id . '" does not exist<br>';
         if ($event == 3 || $event == 4) {
             $id = $entry['ChatEvent']['recipient_id'];
             if (!$this->User->findById($id)) {
                 $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	recipient user with "recipient_id = ' . $id . '" does not exist<br>';
         if ($event == 6 || $event == 7) {
             $id = $entry['ChatEvent']['file_id'];
             if (!$this->Media->findById($id)) {
                 $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	file with "file_id = ' . $id . '" does not exist<br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------- GROUPS CHECK
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->Group->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking Groups<br>';
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         $recId = $entry['Group']['id'];
         if (!in_array($entry['Group']['owner_id'], array_keys($aUsers))) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	user (owner) with "owner_id = ' . $entry['Group']['owner_id'] . '" does not exist<br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------- GroupVideo CHECK
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->GroupVideo->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking GroupVideos<br>';
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         $id = $entry['GroupVideo']['group_id'];
         $recId = $entry['GroupVideo']['id'];
         if (!$this->Group->findById($id)) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	group with "group_id = ' . $id . '" does not exist<br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------- GroupAddress CHECK
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->GroupAddress->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking GroupAddress<br>';
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         $id = $entry['GroupAddress']['group_id'];
         $recId = $entry['GroupAddress']['id'];
         if (!$this->Group->findById($id)) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	group with "group_id = ' . $id . '" does not exist<br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------- GroupAchievement CHECK
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->GroupAchievement->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking GroupAchievement<br>';
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         $id = $entry['GroupAchievement']['group_id'];
         $recId = $entry['GroupAchievement']['id'];
         if (!$this->Group->findById($id)) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	group with "group_id = ' . $id . '" does not exist<br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------- Order CHECK
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->Order->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking Order<br>';
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         $id = $entry['Order']['contractor_id'];
         $recId = $entry['Order']['id'];
         if (!$this->Contractor->findById($id)) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	contractor with "contractor_id = ' . $id . '" does not exist<br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------- Product CHECK
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->Product->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking Product<br>';
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         $id = $entry['Product']['product_type_id'];
         $recId = $entry['Product']['id'];
         if (!$this->ProductType->findById($id)) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	product type with "product_type_id = ' . $id . '" does not exist<br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------- OrderProduct CHECK
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->OrderProduct->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking OrderProduct<br>';
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         $id = $entry['OrderProduct']['order_id'];
         $recId = $entry['OrderProduct']['id'];
         if (!$this->Order->findById($id)) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	order with "order_id = ' . $id . '" does not exist<br>';
         $id = $entry['OrderProduct']['product_id'];
         if (!$this->Product->findById($id)) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	product with "product_id = ' . $id . '" does not exist<br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------- OrderType CHECK
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->OrderType->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking OrderType<br>';
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         $id = $entry['OrderType']['order_id'];
         $recId = $entry['OrderType']['id'];
         if (!$this->Order->findById($id)) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	order with "order_id = ' . $id . '" does not exist<br>';
         $id = $entry['OrderType']['product_type_id'];
         if (!$this->ProductType->findById($id)) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	product type with "product_type_id = ' . $id . '" does not exist<br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------- Product CHECK
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->Product->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking Product<br>';
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         $id = $entry['Product']['product_type_id'];
         $recId = $entry['Product']['id'];
         if (!$this->ProductType->findById($id)) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	product type with "product_type_id = ' . $id . '" does not exist<br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------- Project CHECK
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->Project->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking Project<br>';
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         $id = $entry['Project']['group_id'];
         $recId = $entry['Project']['id'];
         if (!$this->Group->findById($id)) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	group with "group_id = ' . $id . '" does not exist<br>';
         if (!in_array($entry['Project']['owner_id'], array_keys($aUsers))) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	owner (user) with "owner_id = ' . $entry['Project']['owner_id'] . '" does not exist<br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------- ProjectEvent CHECK
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->ProjectEvent->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking ProjectEvent<br>';
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         $recId = $entry['ProjectEvent']['id'];
         if (!in_array($entry['ProjectEvent']['user_id'], array_keys($aUsers))) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	owner (user) with "owner_id = ' . $entry['ProjectEvent']['user_id'] . '" does not exist<br>';
         $id = $entry['ProjectEvent']['project_id'];
         if (!$this->Project->findById($id)) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	project with "project_id = ' . $id . '" does not exist<br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------- ProjectEvent CHECK
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->ProjectEvent->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking ProjectEvent<br>';
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         $id = $entry['ProjectEvent']['project_id'];
         $recId = $entry['ProjectEvent']['id'];
         if (!$this->Project->findById($id)) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	project with "project_id = ' . $id . '" does not exist<br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------- ProjectMember CHECK
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->ProjectMember->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking ProjectMember<br>';
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         $id = $entry['ProjectMember']['project_id'];
         $recId = $entry['ProjectMember']['id'];
         if (!$this->Project->findById($id)) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	project with "project_id = ' . $id . '" does not exist<br>';
         if (!in_array($entry['ProjectMember']['user_id'], array_keys($aUsers))) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	project with "project_id = ' . $entry['ProjectMember']['user_id'] . '" does not exist<br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------- Subproject CHECK
     // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->Subproject->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking Subproject<br>';
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         $id = $entry['Subproject']['project_id'];
         $recId = $entry['Subproject']['id'];
         if (!$this->Project->findById($id)) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	project with "project_id = ' . $id . '" does not exist<br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------- Task CHECK
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->Task->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking Task<br>';
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         $id = $entry['Task']['subproject_id'];
         $recId = $entry['Task']['id'];
         if (!$this->Subproject->findById($id)) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	project with "project_id = ' . $id . '" does not exist<br>';
         if (!in_array($entry['Task']['manager_id'], array_keys($aUsers))) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	user (manager) with "manager_id = ' . $entry['Task']['manager_id'] . '" does not exist<br>';
         if (!in_array($entry['Task']['creator_id'], array_keys($aUsers))) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	user (creator) with "creator_id = ' . $entry['Task']['creator_id'] . '" does not exist<br>';
         if (!in_array($entry['Task']['user_id'], array_keys($aUsers))) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	user with "user_id = ' . $entry['Task']['user_id'] . '" does not exist<br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------- UserAchievement CHECK
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->UserAchievement->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking UserAchievement<br>';
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         $recId = $entry['UserAchievement']['id'];
         if (!in_array($entry['UserAchievement']['user_id'], array_keys($aUsers))) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	user with "user_id = ' . $entry['UserAchievement']['user_id'] . '" does not exist<br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------- UserEvent CHECK
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
     $fulldata = $this->UserEvent->find('all');
     $ret .= '<hr>Checking UserEvent<br>';
     foreach ($fulldata as $entry) {
         $recId = $entry['UserEvent']['id'];
         if (!in_array($entry['UserEvent']['user_id'], array_keys($aUsers))) {
             $ret .= '	' . $recId . ':	user with "user_id = ' . $entry['UserEvent']['user_id'] . '" does not exist<br>';
     $ret .= 'done<br><br>';
     * testDump method
     * @return void
    public function testDump()
        $var = array('People' => array(array('name' => 'joeseph', 'coat' => 'technicolor', 'hair_color' => 'brown'), array('name' => 'Shaft', 'coat' => 'black', 'hair' => 'black')));
        $result = ob_get_clean();
        $open = php_sapi_name() == 'cli' ? "\n" : '<pre>';
        $close = php_sapi_name() == 'cli' ? "\n" : '</pre>';
        $expected = <<<TEXT
\t'People' => array(
\t\t(int) 0 => array(
\t\t\t'name' => 'joeseph',
\t\t\t'coat' => 'technicolor',
\t\t\t'hair_color' => 'brown'
\t\t(int) 1 => array(
\t\t\t'name' => 'Shaft',
\t\t\t'coat' => 'black',
\t\t\t'hair' => 'black'
        $this->assertTextEquals($expected, $result);
文件: bootstrap.php 项目: Jony01/LLD
 * Quickly dump a $var
 * @param mixed $var
 * @return void
function dump($var)
    if (!class_exists('Debugger')) {
        App::uses('Debugger', 'Utility');
    return Debugger::dump($var);
  * [doScrapping description]
  * @param  [type] $endpoint [description]
  * @return [type]           [description]
 private function doScrapping($endpoint)
     $event = null;
     $earthquake = null;
     $i = 0;
     Debugger::dump('endpoint: ' . $endpoint . '    _' . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
     Debugger::dump('***INICIANDO SCRAPPING****');
     $content = $this->scrapper->getContent($endpoint);
     if ($content) {
         $tableList = $this->scrapper->findInDom('table tbody tr');
     } else {
         Debugger::dump('***ERROR, NO SE OBTUBIERON DATOS');
     //get each table node
     foreach ($tableList as $tableKey => $table) {
         $earthquakeData = array();
         //get each data item
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($table->find('td') as $itemKey => $tableItem) {
             $earthquakeData[$itemKey] = $tableItem->text();
         if ($i < 8 or empty($earthquakeData)) {
         $latDMSArr = Coordinates::extractDMS($earthquakeData[2]);
         $lonDMSArr = Coordinates::extractDMS($earthquakeData[3]);
         $lat = Coordinates::DMStoDEC($latDMSArr['coordinates'][0], $latDMSArr['coordinates'][1], 0, $latDMSArr['geoDir']);
         $lon = Coordinates::DMStoDEC($lonDMSArr['coordinates'][0], $lonDMSArr['coordinates'][1], 0, $lonDMSArr['geoDir']);
         $dateUTC = $earthquakeData[0];
         $dateTs = DatesUtils::toTimestamp($dateUTC);
         $dateSQL = DatesUtils::toSQLDate($dateUTC);
         $eventData = array('lat' => $lat, 'lon' => $lon, 'ts' => $dateSQL, 'hash' => md5($dateTs));
         /*  Evitar crear eventos duplicados que muestren erroneamente más de un evento siendo que se trata del mismo
          *  pero actualizado.
          *  Esto se hace debido a que el primer informe ante un evento, puede ser preliminar
          *  y se pueden publicar actualizaciones de datos con cambios en magnitud o ubicación geográfica posteriormente.
         $eventExists = $this->Event->checkForExists($eventData, $this->dateBounds);
         if ($eventExists['exists']) {
             Debugger::dump('***EVENTO YA EXISTE ****');
             //echo ('evento ya existe <br>');
             $event = $eventExists;
         } else {
             Debugger::dump('***NO SE ENCONTRO EVENTO, CREANDO ****');
             $event = $this->Event->save($eventData);
         if ($event) {
             $metadatum = array('event_id' => $event['Event']['id'], 'agency_id' => 2, 'lat' => $eventData['lat'], 'lon' => $eventData['lon'], 'ts' => $dateSQL, 'depth' => $earthquakeData[4], 'magnitude' => floatval($earthquakeData[1]), 'geo_reference' => $earthquakeData[7], 'magnitude_type' => $earthquakeData[1] > 3.5 ? 'Mw' : 'Ml');
             if (!$eventExists['exists']) {
                 Debugger::dump('***SISMO NO EXISTE, CREANDO ****');
                 $earthquake = $this->EventMetadatum->save($metadatum);
             } else {
                 $earthquakeExists = $this->EventMetadatum->checkForExists($metadatum, $this->dateBounds, $eventExists['Event']['id']);
                 if ($earthquakeExists['exists']) {
                     Debugger::dump('***EVENTO EXISTE, SISMO TAMBIEN ****');
                 } else {
                     Debugger::dump('***EVENTO EXISTE, NUEVO SISMO NO. CREANDO NUEVO ASOCIADO A EVENTO****');
                     $earthquake = $this->EventMetadatum->save($metadatum);
  * testDump method
  * @return void
 public function testDump()
     $var = array('People' => array(array('name' => 'joeseph', 'coat' => 'technicolor', 'hair_color' => 'brown'), array('name' => 'Shaft', 'coat' => 'black', 'hair' => 'black')));
     $result = ob_get_clean();
     $expected = "<pre>array(\n\t\"People\" => array()\n)</pre>";
     $this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
 public function edit($id = null)
     if (!$id) {
         throw new NotFoundException('Invalid user');
     $user = $this->User->findById($id);
     if (!$user) {
         throw new NotFoundException('Invalid user');
     if ($this->request->is('post') || $this->request->is('put')) {
         $this->User->id = $id;
         if ($this->User->saveAll($this->request->data)) {
             $this->Session->setFlash('Your profile has been updated.', 'success');
             $this->redirect(array('action' => 'profile', $id));
         } else {
             $this->Session->setFlash('Unable to update your profile.');
     if (!$this->request->data) {
         $this->request->data = $user;
     $interests = $this->Interest->find('list', array('fields' => array('Interest.id', 'Interest.interests')));