<?php require_once 'JsonSchema.php'; require_once 'JsonSchemaUndefined.php'; Dbg::$quietMode = true; if ($_REQUEST['schema']) { $schema = json_decode($_REQUEST['schema']); if (!$schema) { trigger_error('Could not parse the SCHEMA object.', E_USER_ERROR); } } else { $schema = null; } $json = json_decode($_REQUEST['json']); if (!$json) { trigger_error('Could not parse the JSON object.', E_USER_ERROR); } if ($_REQUEST['typeCastMode'] == 'true') { JsonSchema::$checkMode = JsonSchema::CHECK_MODE_TYPE_CAST; } $result = JsonSchema::validate($json, $schema); header('Content-type: application/x-json'); echo json_encode($result);
$query = "SELECT count(*) FROM regtest_results WHERE platform = ? AND build_number = ? AND date = ?"; $stmt_is_updated = $this->prepare($query); $stmt_is_updated->bind_param('sis', $platform, $build_number, $date); $res = $stmt_is_updated->execute(); if ($res === false) { echo 'Execute failed: (' . $this->errno . ') ' . $this->error; return false; } else { $stmt_is_updated->bind_result($count); $stmt_is_updated->fetch(); $stmt_is_updated->close(); return $count > 0; } } } $dbg = new Dbg('log/regtest_dbg.log'); $ini = parse_ini_file('sdcc_rw.ini'); $regTestDb = new RegTestDB($ini['host'], $ini['username'], $ini['passwd'], $ini['dbname']); if ($regTestDb->connect_error) { die('Connect failed: (' . $regTestDb->connect_errno . ') ' . $regTestDb->connect_error); } // walk through all directories in ./regression_test_results $d = dir('./regression_test_results'); while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) { //$dbg->dbg('Testing dir ' . $d->path . '/' . $entry); if (is_dir($d->path . '/' . $entry) && $entry[0] != '.') { $dbg->dbg('Processing dir ' . $d->path . '/' . $entry); $sd = dir($d->path . '/' . $entry); $platform = $entry; while (false !== ($sentry = $sd->read())) { //$dbg->dbg(' Testing file ' . $sd->path . '/' . $sentry);