 public function execute()
     $updateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->lastRun);
     $select = $this->dbService->select();
     $select->from('project')->joinInner('task', 'task.projectid = project.id', new Zend_Db_Expr('task.id as taskid'))->where("task.updated > ?", $updateTime);
     $projects = $this->dbService->fetchObjects('Project', $select);
     $done = array();
     foreach ($projects as $project) {
         if (in_array($project->id, $done)) {
         $done[] = $project->id;
         echo "Updating time for project #{$project->id} " . $project->title . "\n";
     $select = $this->dbService->select();
     $select->from('project')->joinInner('feature', 'feature.projectid = project.id', new Zend_Db_Expr('feature.id as featureid'))->where("feature.updated > ?", $updateTime);
     $projects = $this->dbService->fetchObjects('Project', $select);
     foreach ($projects as $project) {
         if (in_array($project->id, $done)) {
         $done[] = $project->id;
         echo "Updating time for project #{$project->id} " . $project->title . "\n";
 public function getTotalEntries()
     $select = $this->dbService->select();
     /* @var $select Zend_Db_Select */
     $select->from('trackerentry', new Zend_Db_Expr("count(*) as total"));
     $count = $this->dbService->fetchOne($select);
     return $count;
  * Get a list of related items for the passed in item.
  * works by comparing the list of things this item has against what all other items have, 
  * and returns the results ordered by the item with the most matches
 public function getRelatedItems($item, $type = null)
     // First get the tags for this item
     $tags = $this->getItemTags($item);
     $in = '';
     $sep = '';
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         $in .= $sep . $this->dbService->quote($tag->tag);
         $sep = ',';
     if (!mb_strlen($in)) {
         return new ArrayObject();
     $in = '(' . $in . ')';
     // Alright, now lets query for those items with these tags, ordering by the most tagged
     $select = $this->dbService->select();
     $select->from('tag', array('tag', 'itemid', 'itemtype', new Zend_Db_Expr('count(itemid) as score')));
     $select->where(new Zend_Db_Expr('tag in ' . $in));
     if ($type) {
         $select->where('itemtype=?', $type);
     // Make sure to ignore the current object
     $select->where('itemid<>?', $item->id);
     $select->where('itemtype<>?', mb_strtolower(get_class($item)));
     $select->order('score desc');
     $result = $this->dbService->query($select, null);
     $items = new ArrayObject();
     $tags = $result->fetchAll(Zend_Db::FETCH_ASSOC);
     foreach ($tags as $tag) {
         // get the item
         $items[] = $this->dbService->getById($tag['itemid'], $tag['itemtype']);
     return $items;
  * Get the expenses for a client
  * @param array $where 
 public function getExpenses($where = array(), $page = null, $number = null)
     $select = $this->dbService->select();
     /* @var $select Zend_Db_Select */
     $select->from(strtolower('Expense'), '*');
     $select->joinLeft('project', 'project.id=expense.projectid', 'project.title as projecttitle');
     $select->joinLeft('client', 'client.id=expense.clientid', 'client.title as clienttitle');
     $select->joinInner('crmuser', 'crmuser.username=expense.username', array('crmuser.firstname as firstname', 'crmuser.lastname as lastname'));
     foreach ($where as $field => $value) {
         $select->where($field . ' ?', $value);
     $select->order('expensedate desc');
     if (!is_null($page)) {
         $select->limitPage($page, $number);
     $items = $this->dbService->fetchObjects('Expense', $select);
     return $items;
  * Get all the current subscribers to an item
  * Returned array is indexed by username => watch details
 public function getSubscribers($id, $type)
     if ($type == null) {
         $type = get_class($id);
         $id = $id->id;
     $select = $this->dbService->select();
     $select->from('itemwatch', '*')->where('itemtype = ?', $type)->where('itemid = ?', $id);
     $select->order('created desc');
     $items = $this->dbService->fetchObjects('ItemWatch', $select);
     $subscribers = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $subscribers[$item->userid] = $item;
     return $subscribers;
  * Get a summary of task timing for a given period
  * @param RegisteredUser $user
  * @param int $taskid
  * @param int $projectid
  * @param int $clientid
  * @param time $start
  * @param time $end
  * @return ArrayObject
 public function getSummaryTimesheet($user = null, $taskid = null, $projectid = null, $clientid = null, $timesheet = -1, $start = null, $end = null)
     $select = $this->dbService->select()->from('task', array(new Zend_Db_Expr('task.title as title'), 'id'))->joinLeft('crmuser', 'task.userid=crmuser.username', 'username')->joinLeft('timesheetrecord', 'task.id=timesheetrecord.taskid', new Zend_Db_Expr('SUM(endtime - starttime) as timespent'));
     $select = $this->filterBaseTimesheetQuery($select, $taskid, $projectid, $clientid, $start, $end);
     // If we weren't passed a user, just load
     // one from the request
     if ($user != null) {
         $select->where('task.userid = ?', $user->getUsername());
     if ($timesheet >= 0) {
         $select->where('timesheetrecord.timesheetid = ?', $timesheet);
     $select->group(new Zend_Db_Expr('task.id'));
     $select->order('endtime DESC');
     $tasks = $this->dbService->fetchObjects('task', $select);
     return $tasks;
  * Get all items that are the pointy end of a linking tree. These items
  * exist in a 'from' relationship, but NOT as a 'to' target of a link. 
  * @return ArrayObject
 public function getOrphanItems($type, $where = array(), $sortby = 'id asc')
     /* @var $select Zend_Db_Select */
     $select = $this->dbService->select();
     $tableName = mb_strtolower($this->sanitizeType($type));
     // $tableName = $this->dbService->quote(mb_strtolower($type));
     // select * from $type left join itemlink on itemlink.type = $type and itemlink.to=$type.id where itemlink.to is null
     $select->from($tableName)->joinLeft('itemlink', 'itemlink.totype = ' . $this->dbService->quote($type) . ' and itemlink.toid=' . $tableName . '.id', 'itemlink.toid')->where(new Zend_Db_Expr('itemlink.toid is null '));
     foreach ($where as $field => $value) {
         if ($value instanceof Zend_Db_Expr && is_int($field)) {
         } else {
             $select->where($field . ' ?', $value);
     $objects = $this->dbService->fetchObjects($type, $select);
     return $objects;
  * Get contacts for a given client
  * @param Client $client
 public function getContacts($client = null, $where = array(), $order = 'firstname asc', $page = null, $number = null)
     if ($client) {
         $where['clientid='] = $client->id;
     $select = $this->dbService->select();
     /* @var $select Zend_Db_Select */
     $select->from('contact', '*');
     $select->joinLeft('client', 'contact.clientid=client.id', 'client.title as company');
     foreach ($where as $field => $value) {
         $select->where($field . ' ?', $value);
     if (!is_null($page)) {
         $select->limitPage($page, $number);
     $contacts = $this->dbService->fetchObjects('Contact', $select);
     return $contacts;
  * Get a list of issues.
  * @return arrayObject
 public function getIssues($where = array(), $order = 'issue.created desc', $page = null, $number = null)
     // if the current user is an external, filter by their clientid
     if (za()->getUser()->getRole() == User::ROLE_EXTERNAL) {
         // get their client
         $client = $this->clientService->getUserClient(za()->getUser());
         $where['issue.clientid='] = $client->id;
     $select = $this->dbService->select();
     /* @var $select Zend_Db_Select */
     $select->from('issue', '*');
     $select->joinInner('client', 'client.id=issue.clientid', 'client.title as clientname');
     $select->joinLeft('project', 'project.id=issue.projectid', array('project.title as projectname', 'project.isprivate as privateproject'));
     $this->dbService->applyWhereToSelect($where, $select);
     if (!is_null($page)) {
         $select->limitPage($page, $number);
     $tasks = $this->dbService->fetchObjects('Issue', $select);
     return $tasks;
  * Creates a new user
  * @param  Array $params
  * @return The created user
  * @throws InvalidModelException
  * @throws ExistingUserException
 public function createUser($params, $setAsAuthenticated = true, $role = User::ROLE_USER, $userType = null)
     if ($userType == null) {
         $userType = $this->userClass;
     // Check if there's a user with this email first.
     $select = $this->dbService->select();
     $select->from(strtolower($userType), '*')->where('username=?', $params['username'])->orWhere('email=?', $params['email']);
     $existing = $this->dbService->getObject($select, $userType);
     if ($existing) {
         throw new ExistingUserException($params['username'] . ' already exists');
     $newPass = null;
     if (isset($params['password'])) {
         $newPass = $params['password'];
     $params['role'] = $role;
     // Create a user with initial information
     $user = $userType;
     $user = new $user();
     $validator = new ModelValidator();
     if (!$validator->isValid($user)) {
         throw new InvalidModelException($validator->getMessages());
     // so now we save the user, then reset their password which emails,
     // then we set them as the authenticated user.
     if ($this->dbService->createObject($user)) {
         $this->trackerService->track('create-user', $user->id);
         if ($setAsAuthenticated) {
         return $user;
     return null;
  * Get a list of versions of objects for the passed in objects.
  * This is a useful way of getting a complete history of the state of objects
  * at a particular time. To get a snapshot of the 'valid' objects for
  * a given time, use the 'getVersionedObjects' method
  * @param ArrayObject $objects
 public function getVersionsFor($object, $from = null, $to = null, $filter = array())
     $type = null;
     if (is_object($object) && (!is_array($object) || !$object instanceof ArrayAccess)) {
         $object = array($object);
     } else {
         if (is_string($object)) {
             $type = $object;
     $ids = array();
     if (!$type) {
         foreach ($object as $obj) {
             $ids[] = $obj->id;
             $type = get_class($obj);
     $table = mb_strtolower($type . 'Version');
     $select = $this->dbService->select();
     /* @var $select Zend_Db_Select */
     $select->from($table, '*');
     if ($from) {
         // From means versions that were created after this date
         $select->where('versioncreated > ?', $from);
         // $select->where('validfrom > ?', $from);
     if ($to) {
         $select->where('validfrom < ?', $to);
     if (count($ids)) {
         $filter['recordid'] = $ids;
     $select->order('id DESC');
     $this->dbService->applyWhereToSelect($filter, $select);
     $versions = $this->dbService->fetchObjects($type . 'Version', $select);
     return $versions;