static function getForPost($postid) { global $wpdb; $table = WpExhibitConfig::table_name(WpExhibitConfig::$DATASCRAPS_ASSOC_TABLE_KEY); $scrapid = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT datascrapid FROM {$table} WHERE postid={$postid} ;"); if (!($scrapid == 0)) { $scrap = new DataScrap(); if (DbMethods::loadFromDatabase($scrap, $scrapid)) { return $scrap; } } return NULL; }
static function getForPost($postid) { global $wpdb; $table = WpExhibitConfig::table_name(WpExhibitConfig::$EXHIBITS_ASSOC_TABLE_KEY); $exhibitid = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT exhibitid FROM {$table} WHERE postid={$postid} ;"); if (!($exhibitid == 0)) { $post_exhibit = new WpPostExhibit(); if (DbMethods::loadFromDatabase($post_exhibit, $exhibitid)) { return $post_exhibit; } } return NULL; }
static function save() { /* This file saves, or updates, an exhibit to the database (depending on whether an ID is present). * it returns (JSONP-style) a callback with the Exhibit ID in the database. * * * TODO: * - Protect so that only admins can load this page */ $ex_id = $_POST['exhibitid']; $ex_exhibit = new WpPostExhibit(); if ($ex_id != NULL) { $ex_success = DbMethods::loadFromDatabase($ex_exhibit, $ex_id); } // Loop through data sources contained, add them if necessary, then // add the association $ex_next_datasource = new WpExhibitDatasource(); $formIds = WpExhibitModel::findFormObjectsByPrefix($ex_next_datasource->getFormPrefix()); $datasources = array(); foreach ($formIds as $formId) { $ex_next_datasource = new WpExhibitDatasource(array('formid' => $formId)); array_push($datasources, $ex_next_datasource); } $ex_exhibit->set('datasources', $datasources); // Load all the facets $ex_next_facet = new WpExhibitFacet(); $formIds = WpExhibitModel::findFormObjectsByPrefix($ex_next_facet->getFormPrefix()); $facets = array(); foreach ($formIds as $formId) { $ex_next_facet = new WpExhibitFacet(array('formid' => $formId)); array_push($facets, $ex_next_facet); } $ex_exhibit->set('facets', $facets); // Load all the lenses $ex_next_lens = new WpExhibitLens(); $formIds = WpExhibitModel::findFormObjectsByPrefix($ex_next_lens->getFormPrefix()); $lenses = array(); foreach ($formIds as $formId) { $ex_next_lens = new WpExhibitLens(array('formid' => $formId)); array_push($lenses, $ex_next_lens); } $ex_exhibit->set('lenses', $lenses); // Load all the views $ex_next_view = new WpExhibitView(); $formIds = WpExhibitModel::findFormObjectsByPrefix($ex_next_view->getFormPrefix()); $views = array(); foreach ($formIds as $formId) { $ex_next_view = new WpExhibitView(array('formid' => $formId)); array_push($views, $ex_next_view); } /* Add tile view if no other views are present. if(count($views) == 0) { $list_view = new WpExhibitView(); $list_view->set('kind', 'view-tile'); $list_view->set('label', 'List'); if(count($datasources) > 0) { $title = $datasources[0]->get('sourcename'); $list_view->set('label', $title); } }*/ $ex_exhibit->set('views', $views); // Save exhibit-level configuration options $lightbox = WpExhibitModel::findFormObjectValue('display-configuration-lightbox') == 'show-lightbox'; $height = WpExhibitModel::findFormObjectValue('display-configuration-height'); $css = WpExhibitModel::findFormObjectValue('display-configuration-css'); $custom_html = WpExhibitModel::findFormObjectValue('display-configuration-custom-html'); $ex_exhibit->set('lightbox', $lightbox); if (!$height) { $height = 700; } $ex_exhibit->set('height', $height); if ($css) { $ex_exhibit->set('css', $css); } if ($custom_html) { $ex_exhibit->set('custom_html', $custom_html); } else { $ex_exhibit->set('custom_html', NULL); } $ex_exhibit->save(); echo $ex_exhibit->get('id'); }
} else { // Before 2.6 require_once $root . '/wp-config.php'; } ob_end_clean(); //Ensure we don't have output from other plugins. header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=' . get_option('blog_charset')); /* * Load up the lightboxed exhibit */ global $lightboxed_exhibit; $exhibitid = $_GET['exhibitid']; if (isset($exhibitid) && $exhibitid != NULL) { // We are goiing to try to load just this one $lightboxed_exhibit = new WpPostExhibit(); DbMethods::loadFromDatabase($lightboxed_exhibit, $exhibitid); } $currentview = $_GET['currentview']; $postid = $_GET['postid']; $exhibit_html = $exhibit_html = WpExhibitHtmlBuilder::get_exhibit_html($lightboxed_exhibit, $currentview, $postid); ?> <html> <head> <?php require 'head.php'; ?> </head> <body> <?php echo $exhibit_html; ?>
function show_datapress_html() { if (!($guessurl = site_url())) { $guessurl = wp_guess_url(); } $baseuri = $guessurl; $exhibituri = $baseuri . '/wp-content/plugins/datapress'; /* ------------------------------------------------- * Load up the exhibit if it exists * ------------------------------------------------- */ $exhibitID = $_GET['exhibitid']; $exhibitConfig = NULL; if ($exhibitID != NULL) { // See if we know about any data sources associated with this item. $exhibitConfig = new WpPostExhibit(); $ex_success = DbMethods::loadFromDatabase($exhibitConfig, $exhibitID); if (!$ex_success) { $exhibitConfig = NULL; } } ?> <form id="exhibit-config-form" action="javascript:return false;"> <div id="exhibit-input"> <div class="inside"> <div id="exhibit-input-container"> <ul id="ex-tabs" class="outer-tabs"> <li class="ui-state-default ui-corner-top ui-tabs-selected ui-state-active"><a href="#exhibit-data"><span>Add Data</span></a></li> <li class="spacer">></li> <li class="ui-state-default ui-corner-top wp-no-js-hidden"><a href="#exhibit-views"><span>Add Visualizations</span></a></li> <li class="spacer">></li> <li class="ui-state-default ui-corner-top wp-no-js-hidden"><a href="#exhibit-facets" ><span>Add Facets</span></a></li> <li class="spacer">></li> <li class="ui-state-default ui-corner-top wp-no-js-hidden"><a href="#exhibit-display" ><span>Configure Display</span></a></li> <li class="spacer">></li> <li class="ui-state-default ui-corner-top wp-no-js-hidden" ><a href="#exhibit-lenses"><span>Lenses (Advanced)</span></a></li> </ul> <div id="exhibit-data" class="outer-tabs-panel ui-tabs-hide"> <?php include "exhibit-inputbox-data.php"; ?> </div> <div id="exhibit-views" class="outer-tabs-panel ui-tabs-hide"> <?php include "exhibit-inputbox-views.php"; ?> </div> <div id="exhibit-lenses" class="outer-tabs-panel ui-tabs-hide"> <?php include "exhibit-inputbox-lenses.php"; ?> </div> <div id="exhibit-facets" class="outer-tabs-panel ui-tabs-hide"> <?php include "exhibit-inputbox-facets.php"; ?> </div> <div id="exhibit-display" class="outer-tabs-panel ui-tabs-hide"> <?php include "exhibit-inputbox-display.php"; ?> </div> </div> </div> <p align="right"> <input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $exhibitID; ?> " name="exhibitid" /> <input type="hidden" value="save_exhibit_configuration" name="action" /> <input id="save_btn" type="button" class="button savebutton" name="save" value="<?php echo attribute_escape(__('Save')); ?> " /> </p> </div> </form> <script> jQuery(function() { jQuery("#exhibit-input-container").tabs(); }); jQuery(document).ready(function(){ function postExhibit(e) { var paste_exhibit = false; var paste_footnotes = false; if ( == "save_insert") { paste_exhibit = true; } if ( == "save_insert_footnotes") { paste_exhibit = true; paste_footnotes = true; }"<?php bloginfo('wpurl'); ?> /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", jQuery("#exhibit-config-form").serialize(), function(data) { if(geocodeFields.length != 0) { for(key in geocodeFields) { var itemProps = getItemProps(geocodeFields[key]); //these are the arrays to post to wp-exhibit-geocode.php var addresses = Array(); var datumIds = Array(); var i = 0; for(key2 in itemProps) { addresses[i] = itemProps[key2]; datumIds[i] = key2; i++; } try {<?php echo "'{$exhibituri}/wp-exhibit-geocode.php'"; ?> , {'exhibitid': data, 'datumids[]': datumIds, 'addresses[]': addresses, 'addressField': geocodeFields[key]}); } catch(e) { console.log(e); } } } var win = window.dialogArguments || opener || parent || top; win.set_post_exhibit(data); win.add_exhibit_token_and_exit(); }); } jQuery('#save_btn').bind("click", postExhibit); jQuery('#save_insert_btn').bind("click", postExhibit); jQuery('#save_insert_footnotes_btn').bind("click", postExhibit); jQuery('#ex-tabs').tabs({ select: function(event, ui) { alert('selected'); return true; } }); remove_callbacks = new Array(); db = Exhibit.Database.create(); ex_load_links(); }); //print item properties (for debugging) function printItemProps(propertyName) { var props = getItemProps(propertyName); for(key in props) { alert(key + "->" + props[key]); } } function getItemProps(propertyName) { var ret = new Array(); var items = db.getAllItems(); items.visit(function(item) { var obj = db.getObject(item, propertyName); if(obj != null) { ret[item] = obj; } }); return ret; } </script> <?php }