$activities = $ta->getCalendarActivities($user_id, $day->getTimestamp(), $day->getTimestamp() + 24 * 60 * 60, 'hour');
if ($activities === FALSE) {
    $error_msg .= "Could not retrieve activities!\n";
// Make sure the current date is selected
$sHours = array(new Hour(date('Y'), date('m'), date('d'), date('H')));
// Build the hour list for that day
$title = "Calendar - Month View";
require 'header.php';
<table class="dg_table" width="450">
		<TD COLSPAN="2" CLASS="dg_header_cell"><?php 
echo date('l F jS', $day->thisDay(true));

// Loop through the hours
while ( ($hour = $day->fetch()) != false ) {
    // Set a range for the hours; only between 8am and 6pm
    //if ( $hour->thisHour() < 6 || $hour->thisHour() > 20 )
    //    continue;

    // For alternating row colors
    $alt= $alt=="dg_data_cell_1" ? "dg_data_cell_2" : "dg_data_cell_1";