  * display block
  * @param array       $blockinfo     a blockinfo structure
  * @return output      the rendered bock
 public function display($blockinfo)
     // Security check
     if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('EZComments:EZCommentsblock:', "{$blockinfo['bid']}::", ACCESS_READ)) {
         return false;
     if (!ModUtil::load('EZComments')) {
         return false;
     // Get variables from content block
     $vars = BlockUtil::varsFromContent($blockinfo['content']);
     // Defaults
     if (!isset($vars['numentries'])) {
         $vars['numentries'] = 5;
     if (!isset($vars['numdays'])) {
         $vars['numdays'] = 0;
     if (!isset($vars['showdate'])) {
         $vars['showdate'] = 0;
     if (!isset($vars['showusername'])) {
         $vars['showusername'] = 0;
     if (!isset($vars['linkusername'])) {
         $vars['linkusername'] = 0;
     $options = array('numitems' => $vars['numentries']);
     if (isset($vars['mod']) && $vars['mod'] != '*') {
         $options['mod'] = $vars['mod'];
     if (!isset($vars['showpending']) || $vars['showpending'] == 0) {
         // don't show pending comments
         $options['status'] = 0;
     // filter comments posted in last number of days
     if ($vars['numdays'] > 0) {
         // date for filtering in format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
         $options['addwhere'] = "date>='" . DateUtil::getDatetime_NextDay(-$vars['numdays']) . "'";
     // get the comments
     $items = ModUtil::apiFunc('EZComments', 'user', 'getall', $options);
     // augment the info
     $comments = ModUtil::apiFunc('EZComments', 'user', 'prepareCommentsForDisplay', $items);
     $this->view->assign('comments', $comments);
     // Populate block info and pass to theme
     $blockinfo['content'] = $this->view->fetch('ezcomments_block_ezcomments.tpl');
     return BlockUtil::themesideblock($blockinfo);
     * Display the data to the containing Content page
    public function display()
        // Parameters for category related items properties like topicimage
        $lang = ZLanguage::getLanguageCode();
        $topicProperty = ModUtil::getVar('News', 'topicproperty');
        $topicField = empty($topicProperty) ? 'Main' : $topicProperty;

        // work out the parameters for the News api call
        $apiargs = array();
        switch ($this->show)
            case 3: // non index page articles
                $apiargs['displayonindex'] = 0;
            case 2: // index page articles
                $apiargs['displayonindex'] = 1;
            // all - doesn't need displayonindex
        $apiargs['numitems'] = $this->limit; // Nr of articles to obtain
        $apiargs['status'] = (int) $this->status; // Published status
        // Handle the sorting order
        switch ($this->orderoptions)
            case 2:
                $apiargs['order'] = 'weight';
            case 3:
                $apiargs['order'] = 'random';
            case 1:
                $apiargs['order'] = 'counter';
            case 0:
            // Use News module setting, so don't set apiargs[order]

        $enablecategorization = ModUtil::getVar('News', 'enablecategorization');

        // Make a category filter only if categorization is enabled in News module
        if ($enablecategorization && $this->categories != null) {
            // Get the registrered categories for the News module
            $catregistry = CategoryRegistryUtil::getRegisteredModuleCategories('News', 'news');
            $apiargs['catregistry'] = $catregistry;
            $apiargs['category'] = $this->categories;

        // Limit the shown articles in days using DateUtil
        if ((int) $this->dayslimit > 0 && $vars['order'] == 0) {
            $apiargs['from'] = DateUtil::getDatetime_NextDay(-$this->dayslimit);
            $apiargs['to'] = DateUtil::getDatetime();

        // Apply datefiltering
        $apiargs['filterbydate'] = true;

        // call the News api and get the requested articles with the above arguments
        $items = ModUtil::apiFunc('News', 'user', 'getall', $apiargs);

        // UserUtil is not automatically loaded, so load it now if needed and set anonymous
        if ($this->dispuname) {
            $anonymous = System::getVar('anonymous');

        // check for an empty return
        if (!empty($items)) {
            // loop through the items and prepare for display
            foreach (array_keys($items) as $k)
                // Get specific information from the article. It was a choice not to use the pnuserapi functions
                // GetArticleInfo, GetArticleLinks and getArticlesPreformat because of speed etc.
                // --- Check for Topic related properties like topicimage, topicsearchurl etc.
                if ($enablecategorization && !empty($items[$k]['__CATEGORIES__']) && isset($items[$k]['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField])) {
                    $items[$k]['topicid'] = $items[$k]['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField]['id'];
                    $items[$k]['topicname'] = isset($items[$k]['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField]['display_name'][$lang]) ? $items[$k]['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField]['display_name'][$lang] : $items[$k]['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField]['name'];
                    // set the topic image if topic_image category property exists
                    $items[$k]['topicimage'] = (isset($items[$k]['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField]['__ATTRIBUTES__']) && isset($items[$k]['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField]['__ATTRIBUTES__']['topic_image'])) ? $items[$k]['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField]['__ATTRIBUTES__']['topic_image'] : '';
                    // set the topic description if exists
                    $items[$k]['topictext'] = isset($items[$k]['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField]['display_desc'][$lang]) ? $items[$k]['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField]['display_desc'][$lang] : '';
                    // set the path of the topic
                    $items[$k]['topicpath'] = isset($items[$k]['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField]['path_relative']) ? $items[$k]['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField]['path_relative'] : '';
                    // set the url to search for this topic
                    if (System::getVar('shorturls', false)) {
                        $items[$k]['topicsearchurl'] = DataUtil::formatForDisplay(ModUtil::url('News', 'user', 'view', array('prop' => $topicField, 'cat' => $items[$k]['topicpath'])));
                    } else {
                        $items[$k]['topicsearchurl'] = DataUtil::formatForDisplay(ModUtil::url('News', 'user', 'view', array('prop' => $topicField, 'cat' => $items[$k]['topicid'])));
                } else {
                    $items[$k]['topicid'] = null;
                    $items[$k]['topicname'] = '';
                    $items[$k]['topicimage'] = '';
                    $items[$k]['topictext'] = '';
                    $items[$k]['topicpath'] = '';
                    $items[$k]['topicsearchurl'] = '';

                // Optional new image if the difference in days from the publishing date and now < the specified limit
                $items[$k]['dispnewimage'] = ($this->dispnewimage && DateUtil::getDatetimeDiff_AsField($items[$k]['from'], DateUtil::getDatetime(), 3) < (int) $this->newimagelimit);
                // Wrap the title if needed
                $items[$k]['titlewrapped'] = false;
                if ((int) $this->maxtitlelength > 0 && strlen($items[$k]['title']) > (int) $this->maxtitlelength) {
                    // wrap the title
                    $items[$k]['title'] = substr($items[$k]['title'], 0, (int) $this->maxtitlelength);
                    $items[$k]['titlewrapped'] = true;
                    //$items[$k]['title'] .= $this->titlewraptext;
                // Get the user information from the author id
                if ($this->dispuname) {
                    if ($items[$k]['cr_uid'] == 0) {
                        $items[$k]['uname'] = $anonymous;
                        $items[$k]['aid_name'] = $anonymous;
                    } else {
                        $user = UserUtil::getVars($items[$k]['cr_uid']);
                        $items[$k]['uname'] = $user['uname'];
                        $items[$k]['aid_name'] = $user['uname'];
                // Get the optional commentcount if EZComments is available
                if ($this->dispcomments && ModUtil::available('EZComments')) {
                    $items[$k]['comments'] = ModUtil::apiFunc('EZComments', 'user', 'countitems', array('mod' => 'News', 'objectid' => $items[$k]['sid'], 'status' => 0));
                // Optional display of the hometext (frontpage teaser)
                if ($this->disphometext) {
                    if ($this->maxhometextlength > 0 && strlen(strip_tags($items[$k]['hometext'])) > (int) $this->maxhometextlength) {
                        $items[$k]['hometextwrapped'] = true;
                $items[$k]['readperm'] = (SecurityUtil::checkPermission('News::', "$items[$k][cr_uid]::$items[$k][sid]", ACCESS_READ));
            if ($this->dispuname || $this->dispdate || $this->dispreads || $this->dispcomments) {
                $this->view->assign('dispinfo', true);
                $this->view->assign('dispuname', $this->dispuname);
                $this->view->assign('dispdate', $this->dispdate);
                $this->view->assign('dispreads', $this->dispreads);
                $this->view->assign('dispcomments', $this->dispcomments);
                $this->view->assign('dispsplitchar', $this->dispsplitchar);
            } else {
                $this->view->assign('dispinfo', false);
            if ($this->dispnewimage) {
                $this->view->assign('newimageset', $this->newimageset);
                $this->view->assign('newimagesrc', $this->newimagesrc);
            $this->view->assign('disphometext', $this->disphometext);
            if ($this->disphometext) {
                $this->view->assign('hometextwraptext', $this->hometextwraptext);
                $this->view->assign('maxhometextlength', $this->maxhometextlength);
            $this->view->assign('titlewraptext', $this->titlewraptext);
        $this->view->assign('News', ModUtil::getVar('News'));
        $this->view->assign('dateformat', $this->dateformat);
        $this->view->assign('linktosubmit', $this->linktosubmit);
        $this->view->assign('stories', $items);
        $this->view->assign('title', $this->title);
        $this->view->assign('displayStoryImage', $this->displayStoryImage);
        $this->view->assign('useshorturls', System::getVar('shorturls', false));

        return $this->view->fetch($this->getTemplate());
     * Get bookings depending on date periods
     * @author	Albert Pérez Monfort (aperezm@xtec.cat)
     * @author	Josep Ferràndiz Farré (jferran6@xtec.cat)
     * @return	List or table with the bookings
    public function taula($args) {
        // Security check
        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('IWbookings::', "::", ACCESS_READ)) {
            throw new Zikula_Exception_Forbidden();

        $sid = FormUtil::getPassedValue('sid', isset($args['sid']) ? $args['sid'] : null, 'GETPOST');
        $mensual = FormUtil::getPassedValue('mensual', isset($args['mensual']) ? $args['mensual'] : null, 'GET');
        $currentDate = FormUtil::getPassedValue('currentDate', isset($args['currentDate']) ? $args['currentDate'] : null, 'GET');
        $canbook = FormUtil::getPassedValue('canbook', isset($args['canbook']) ? $args['canbook'] : false, 'GET');

        //Array amb els noms dels dies de la setmana
        $dies = array($this->__('Monday'),

        //D'entrada farem que les taules es mostrin de forma horitzontal. Despr�s, si
        //hi ha un marc horari definit canviarem al que correspongui
        $vertical = 0;
        //(ModUtil::getVar('IWbookings', 'eraseold')==1)?
        //$actualitza=ModUtil::apiFunc('IWbookings','user','esborra_antigues', array('sid'=> $sid, 'mensual'=> $mensual)):"";
        // Get space info          
        $espai = ModUtil::apiFunc('IWbookings', 'user', 'get', array('sid' => $sid));
        //Per si falla la c�rrega de les dades
        if ($espai == false) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('The room or equipment was not found'));

        $nom_espai = $espai['space_name'];

        //Comprovem si la taula est� lligada a un marc horari i si aquest marc horari
        //no ha estat esborrat
        if ($espai['mdid'] != 0) {
            //Busquem les franges hor�ries
            $franges = ModUtil::apiFunc('IWbookings', 'user', 'getall_hores', array('mdid' => $espai['mdid']));
            if (!empty($franges)) {
                $vertical = $espai['vertical'];

        // Obtenim la data inicial i final de la setmana seleccionada
        $week = ModUtil::apiFunc('IWbookings', 'user', 'getWeek', array('date' => $currentDate,
                    'format' => 'ymd'));
        $startDate = $week['start'];
        $endDate = $week['end'];

        //Generem la taula amb el format corresponent
        if ($vertical != 1) {
            //Taula en format horitzontal
            $taula = array();
            $d = 0;
            $fields1 = explode('-', $startDate);
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($dies as $dia) {

                $today = DateUtil::getDatetime_NextDay(($i - 1), '%Y-%m-%d', $fields1[0], // Year
                                $fields1[1], // Month
                                $fields1[2]); // Day;
                $tomorrow = DateUtil::getDatetime_NextDay(($i), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $fields1[0], // Year
                                $fields1[1], // Month
                                $fields1[2], 23, 59, 59); // Day;

                $reserves = ModUtil::apiFunc('IWbookings', 'user', 'getall_reserves', array('sid' => $sid,
                            'from' => $today,
                            'to' => $tomorrow));
                $registres = array();

                //Afegim les reserves temporals a la matriu registres fent la correcci� de la data
                foreach ($reserves as $reserva) {
                    //Mirem que coincideixi el dia de la setmana
                    if ($reserva['dayofweek'] == $i) {
                        if (($reserva['usuari'] == UserUtil::getVar('uid'))
                                or (SecurityUtil::checkPermission('IWbookings::', "::", ACCESS_ADMIN))) {
                            $candelete = true;
                        } else {
                            $candelete = false;
                        $registres[] = array('inici' => $reserva['inici'],
                            'final' => $reserva['final'],
                            'bid' => $reserva['bid'],
                            'usuari' => $reserva['usuari'],
                            'dow' => $dies[$i - 1],
                            'grup' => $reserva['grup'],
                            'motiu' => $reserva['motiu'],
                            'candelete' => $candelete,
                            'temp' => $reserva['temp']);
                if (!empty($registres)) {
                    $nr = 0;
                    foreach ($registres as $registre) {
                        $registre['data'] = $registre['dow'] . " " . date('d-m-Y', strtotime($today)); //$dia." ".date("d/m/y",$data1);
                        $registre['inici'] = date('H:i', strtotime($registre['inici'])); //date("H:i",$registre['inici']);
                        $registre['final'] = date('H:i', strtotime($registre['final'])); //date("H:i",$registre['final']);
                        $registre['usuari'] = ModUtil::func('IWmain', 'user', 'getUserInfo', array('uid' => $registre['usuari'],
                                    'sv' => ModUtil::func('IWmain', 'user', 'genSecurityValue'),
                                    'info' => 'ncc'));
                        $taula[$d][$nr] = $registre;
                        $nr++; //Incrementem l'�ndex de reserves del dia
                    $d++;  //Incrementem el dia
            } // foreach $dies
            $this->view->assign('numdies', count($taula))
                    ->assign('record', $taula);
        } else {    // show bookings in table format
            $dies_data = array();
            $fields = explode('-', $startDate);
            (ModUtil::getVar('IWbookings', 'weekends')) ? $numdies = 7 : $numdies = 5;
            for ($i = 0; $i <= $numdies; $i++) {
                $dies_data[$i] = DateUtil::buildDatetime($fields[0], $fields[1], $fields[2] + $i, 0, 0, 0, '%d-%m-%y'); // Day
            //Make table column headers: day of week and date
            (ModUtil::getVar('IWbookings', 'weekends')) ?
                            $dies_taula = array($this->__('Monday') . ' ' . $dies_data[0],
                        $this->__('Tuesday') . ' ' . $dies_data[1], $this->__('Wednesday') . ' ' . $dies_data[2], $this->__('Thursday') . ' ' .
                        $dies_data[3], $this->__('Friday') . ' ' . $dies_data[4], $this->__('Saturday') . ' ' . $dies_data[5], $this->__('Sunday') . ' ' . $dies_data[6]) :
                            $dies_taula = array($this->__('Monday') . ' ' . $dies_data[0],
                        $this->__('Tuesday') . ' ' . $dies_data[1], $this->__('Wednesday') . ' ' . $dies_data[2], $this->__('Thursday') . ' ' .
                        $dies_data[3], $this->__('Friday') . ' ' . $dies_data[4]);

            // Get all bookings between startDate and endDate
            $reserves = ModUtil::apiFunc('IWbookings', 'user', 'getall_reserves', array('sid' => $sid,
                        'from' => $startDate,
                        'to' => $endDate));

            $now = DateUtil::getDatetime(DateUtil::makeTimestamp() + SessionUtil::getVar('timeOffset'));

            //Generem les franges hor�ries amb les corresponents reserves
            //Generate timeframes with their bookings
            $i = 0;
            $f = 0;

            foreach ($franges as $franja) {
                $horari[$i]['hi'] = substr($franja['hora'], 0, 5);
                $horari[$i]['hf'] = substr($franja['hora'], -5);
                $temps = explode(":", substr($franja['hora'], -5));
                $j = 0;
                $d = 0;
                foreach ($dies as $dia) {
                    $registre1 = array();
                    foreach ($reserves as $reserva) {
                        // Mirem que coincideixi el dia de la setmana
                        // See day of week coincidence
                        if ($reserva['dayofweek'] == $j
                                && (date('H:i', strtotime($reserva['inici'])) == substr($franja['hora'], 0, 5))
                                && (date('H:i', strtotime($reserva['final'])) == substr($franja['hora'], -5))) {
                            $usr = ModUtil::func('IWmain', 'user', 'getUserInfo', array('uid' => $reserva['usuari'],
                                        'sv' => ModUtil::func('IWmain', 'user', 'genSecurityValue'),
                                        'info' => 'ncc'));
                            //if (($reserva['usuari'] == UserUtil::getVar('uid')) or (SecurityUtil::checkPermission('IWbookings::', "::", ACCESS_DELETE))) {
                            if (($reserva['usuari'] == UserUtil::getVar('uid'))
                                    or (SecurityUtil::checkPermission('IWbookings::', "::", ACCESS_ADMIN))) {
                                $candelete = true;
                            } else {
                                $candelete = false;
                            $registre1 = array('inici' => $reserva['inici'],
                                'final' => $reserva['final'],
                                'bid' => $reserva['bid'],
                                'grup' => $reserva['grup'],
                                'motiu' => $reserva['motiu'],
                                'temp' => $reserva['temp'],
                                'candelete' => $candelete,
                                'usuari' => $usr);

                    $taula[$f][$d] = $registre1;
                    if (empty($registre1)) {
                        $taula[$f][$d]['usuari'] = " - ";
                        // Data i hora de refer�ncia per comparar amb la actual i decidir si es mostra o no
                        // Assign a date and a time. This value is compared with real time and date and determines if it will be showed or not
                        $taula[$f][$d]['final'] = DateUtil::buildDatetime($fields[0], $fields[1], $fields[2] + ($d), $temps[0], $temps[1], 0, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
                    // Incrementem el dia de la setmana
                    // Increase the day of week
                // Passem a la seg�ent franja hor�ria
                // Next timeframe
            $this->view->assign('dies_data', $dies_data)
                    ->assign('dies_taula', $dies_taula)
                    ->assign('franges', $franges)
                    ->assign('horari', $horari)
                    ->assign('record', $taula)
                    ->assign('now', $now);
        $this->view->assign('vertical', $vertical)
                ->assign('canbook', $canbook)
                ->assign('sid', $sid)
                ->assign('dies', $dies)
                ->assign('date', date('Y-m-d', strtotime($currentDate)))
                ->assign('d', date('d-m-y', strtotime($currentDate)))
                ->assign('periode', $this->__('Period from ') . date('d-m-Y', strtotime($startDate)) . $this->__(' to ') . date('d-m-Y', strtotime($endDate)));
        return $this->view->fetch('IWbookings_user_taula.htm');
     * display block
     * @author       Erik Spaan [espaan]
     * @param        array       $blockinfo     a blockinfo structure
     * @return       output      the rendered bock
    public function display($blockinfo)
        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('Storiesextblock::', "$blockinfo[bid]::", ACCESS_OVERVIEW)) {

        // Break out options from our content field
        $vars = BlockUtil::varsFromContent($blockinfo['content']);
        // Get the News categorization setting
        $enablecategorization = ModUtil::getVar('News', 'enablecategorization');
        $lang = ZLanguage::getLanguageCode();
        $topicProperty = ModUtil::getVar('News', 'topicproperty');
        $topicField = empty($topicProperty) ? 'Main' : $topicProperty;
        $catimagepath = ModUtil::getVar('News', 'catimagepath');

        // --- Setting of the Defaults
        if (!isset($vars['category'])) {
            $vars['category'] = null;
        if (!isset($vars['show'])) {
            $vars['show'] = 1;
        if (!isset($vars['status'])) {
            $vars['status'] = 0;
        if (!isset($vars['order'])) {
            $vars['order'] = 0;
        if (!isset($vars['limit'])) {
            $vars['limit'] = 5;
        // Maximum article age in days
        if (!isset($vars['dayslimit'])) {
            $vars['dayslimit'] = 0;
        // Maximum title length
        if (!isset($vars['maxtitlelength'])) {
            $vars['maxtitlelength'] = 0;
        if (!isset($vars['titlewraptxt'])) {
            $vars['titlewraptxt'] = '...';
        // Show 'No News' message instead of empty block
        if (!isset($vars['showemptyresult'])) {
            $vars['showemptyresult'] = 0;
        // Override templates for the block and row display
        if (!isset($vars['blocktemplate'])) {
            $vars['blocktemplate'] = '';
        if (!isset($vars['rowtemplate'])) {
            $vars['rowtemplate'] = '';
        // Display optional article information
        $vars['dispuname'] = (!isset($vars['dispuname'])) ? false : !empty($vars['dispuname']);
        $vars['dispdate'] = (!isset($vars['dispdate'])) ? true : !empty($vars['dispdate']);
        if (!isset($vars['dateformat'])) {
            $vars['dateformat'] = '%x';
        $vars['dispreads'] = (!isset($vars['dispreads'])) ? false : !empty($vars['dispreads']);
        $vars['dispcomments'] = (!isset($vars['dispcomments'])) ? false : !empty($vars['dispcomments']);
        if (!isset($vars['dispsplitchar'])) {
            $vars['dispsplitchar'] = ', ';
        // Display (part of) the hometext of the article
        $vars['disphometext'] = (!isset($vars['disphometext'])) ? false : !empty($vars['disphometext']);
        if (!isset($vars['maxhometextlength'])) {
            $vars['maxhometextlength'] = 0;
        if (!isset($vars['hometextwraptxt'])) {
            $vars['hometextwraptxt'] = '...';
        // Display of a new story image
        $vars['dispnewimage'] = (!isset($vars['dispnewimage'])) ? false : !empty($vars['dispnewimage']);
        if (!isset($vars['newimagelimit'])) {
            $vars['newimagelimit'] = 3;
        if (!isset($vars['newimageset'])) {
            $vars['newimageset'] = 'icons/extrasmall/';
        if (!isset($vars['newimagesrc'])) {
            $vars['newimagesrc'] = 'favorites.png';
        // display the items in a scrolling box, pausing, fading or marquee
        if (!isset($vars['scrolling'])) {
            $vars['scrolling'] = 1;
        if (!isset($vars['scrollstyle'])) {
            $vars['scrollstyle'] = '%DIVID% {
border:0px solid black;
/* IE: Height + 2*padding + 2*border */
voice-family: "\"}\"";
/* regular height */
/* Opera browser */
html>body %DIVID% {
        if (!isset($vars['scrolldelay'])) {
            $vars['scrolldelay'] = 3000;
        if (!isset($vars['scrollmspeed'])) {
            $vars['scrollmspeed'] = 2;
        $scrollfilterduration = 1.0;

        // --- Work out the parameters for the News api call, fill the apiargs array with the necessary fields
        $apiargs = array();
        switch ($vars['show'])
            case 3: // non index page articles
                $apiargs['displayonindex'] = 0;
            case 2: // index page articles
                $apiargs['displayonindex'] = 1;
            // all - doesn't need displayonindex
        $apiargs['numitems'] = $vars['limit']; // Nr of articles to obtain
        $apiargs['status'] = $vars['status']; // Published status

        // Make a category filter only if categorization is enabled in News module
        if ($enablecategorization) {
            // Get the registrered categories for the News module
            $catregistry  = CategoryRegistryUtil::getRegisteredModuleCategories('News', 'news');
            $apiargs['catregistry'] = $catregistry;
            $apiargs['category'] = $vars['category'];

        // Limit the shown articles in days using DateUtil
        if ((int)$vars['dayslimit'] > 0 && $vars['order'] == 0) {
            $apiargs['from'] = DateUtil::getDatetime_NextDay(-$vars['dayslimit']);
            $apiargs['to'] = DateUtil::getDatetime();

        // Handle the sorting order
        switch ($vars['order'])
            case 2:
                $apiargs['order'] = 'weight';
            case 3:
                $apiargs['order'] = 'random';
            case 1:
                $apiargs['order'] = 'counter';
            case 0:
            // Use News module setting, so don't set apiargs[order]

        // Make sure datefiltering is done. Solves #12
        $apiargs['filterbydate'] = true;

        // Call the News api and get the requested articles with the above arguments
        $items = ModUtil::apiFunc('News', 'user', 'getall', $apiargs);

        // check for an empty return
        if (empty($items)) {
            if ($vars['showemptyresult']) {
                // Show empty result message instead of empty block if variable is set
                $blockinfo['content'] = $this->__('No articles.');
                return BlockUtil::themeBlock($blockinfo);
            } else {

        // UserUtil is not automatically loaded, so load it now if needed and set anonymous
        if ($vars['dispuname']) {
            $anonymous = System::getVar('anonymous');

        // --- Select the configurable row template or the default. The row templates is cached with its sid (storyid)
        $storiesoutput = array();
        if (!empty($vars['rowtemplate'])) {
            $rowtemplate = $vars['rowtemplate'];
        } else {
            $rowtemplate = 'block/storiesext/row.tpl';

        // --- loop through the items and prepare every News item for display
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            // Get specific information from the article. It was a choice not to use the pnuserapi functions
            // GetArticleInfo, GetArticleLinks and getArticlesPreformat because of speed etc.
            // --- Check for Topic related properties like topicimage, topicsearchurl etc.
            if ($enablecategorization && !empty($item['__CATEGORIES__']) && isset($item['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField])) {
                $item['topicid'] = $item['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField]['id'];
                $item['topicname'] = isset($item['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField]['display_name'][$lang]) ? $item['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField]['display_name'][$lang] : $item['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField]['name'];
                // set the topic image if topic_image category property exists
                $item['topicimage'] = (isset($item['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField]['__ATTRIBUTES__']) && isset($item['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField]['__ATTRIBUTES__']['topic_image'])) ? $item['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField]['__ATTRIBUTES__']['topic_image'] : '';
                // set the topic description if exists
                $item['topictext'] = isset($item['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField]['display_desc'][$lang]) ? $item['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField]['display_desc'][$lang] : '';
                // set the path of the topic
                $item['topicpath']  = $item['__CATEGORIES__'][$topicField]['path_relative'];
                // set the url to search for this topic
                if (System::getVar('shorturls', false)) {
                    $item['topicsearchurl'] = DataUtil::formatForDisplay(ModUtil::url('News', 'user', 'view', array('prop' => $topicField, 'cat' => $item['topicpath'])));
                } else {
                    $item['topicsearchurl'] = DataUtil::formatForDisplay(ModUtil::url('News', 'user', 'view', array('prop' => $topicField, 'cat' => $item['topicid'])));
            } else {
                $item['topicid']    = null;
                $item['topicname']  = '';
                $item['topicimage'] = '';
                $item['topictext']  = '';
                $item['topicpath']  = '';
                $item['topicsearchurl'] = '';
            // Optional new image if the difference in days from the publishing date and now < the limit
            $item['itemnewimage'] = ($vars['dispnewimage'] && DateUtil::getDatetimeDiff_AsField($item['from'], DateUtil::getDatetime(), 3) < (int)$vars['newimagelimit']);
            // Wrap the title if needed
            $item['titlewrapped'] = false;
            if ($vars['maxtitlelength'] > 0 && strlen($item['title']) > (int)$vars['maxtitlelength'])  {
                // wrap the title with wordwrap (instead of substr)
                $a = explode('[[[wrap]]]', wordwrap($item['title'], (int)$vars['maxtitlelength'], '[[[wrap]]]'));
                $item['title'] = $a[0];
                $item['titlewrapped'] = true;
            if ($vars['dispuname']) {
                // Get the user information from the author id
                if ($item['cr_uid'] == 0) {
                    $this->view->assign('uname', $anonymous);
                    $this->view->assign('aid_name', $anonymous);
                } else {
                    $user = UserUtil::getVars($item['cr_uid']);
                    $this->view->assign('uname', $user['uname']);
                    $this->view->assign('aid_name', $user['name']);
            // Check for EZComments
            if ($vars['dispcomments'] && ModUtil::available('EZComments')) {
                $item['comments'] = ModUtil::apiFunc('EZComments', 'user', 'countitems', array('mod' => 'News', 'objectid' => $item['sid'], 'status' => 0));
            if ($vars['disphometext']) {
                if ($vars['maxhometextlength'] > 0 && strlen(strip_tags($item['hometext'])) > (int)$vars['maxhometextlength']) {
                    $item['hometextwrapped'] = true;
            if ($vars['dispuname']||$vars['dispdate']||$vars['dispreads']||$vars['dispcomments']) {
                $this->view->assign('dispinfo', true);
            $this->view->assign('readperm',(bool)SecurityUtil::checkPermission('News::', "$item[cr_uid]::$item[sid]", ACCESS_READ));
            // Get the cached output per row
            $storiesoutput[] = $this->view->fetch($rowtemplate, $item['sid']);

        // Turn of caching for the block display

        // Use the configured template if set, otherwise use the default static/scrolling ones.
        if (!empty($vars['blocktemplate'])) {
            $blocktemplate = $vars['blocktemplate'];
        } else {
            $blocktemplate = 'block/storiesext/main.tpl';
            if ((int)$vars['scrolling']>1) {
                switch ((int)$vars['scrolling']) {
                    case 2:
                        $blocktemplate = 'block/storiesext/scrollpause.tpl';
                    case 3:
                        $blocktemplate = 'block/storiesext/scrollfade.tpl';
                        // Add the IE fading effect to the existing scrollstyle
                        $vars['scrollstyle'] .= '%DIVID% {filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.GradientWipe(GradientSize=1.0 Duration=' . $scrollfilterduration . ')}';
                    case 4:
                        $blocktemplate = 'block/storiesext/scrollmarquee.tpl';
                        $this->view->assign('scrollmspeed', $vars['scrollmspeed']);
                $this->view->assign('scrollstyle', $vars['scrollstyle']);
                $this->view->assign('scrolldelay', $vars['scrolldelay']);
        $this->view->assign('catimagepath', $catimagepath);
        $this->view->assign('bid', $blockinfo['bid']);
        $this->view->assign('stories', $storiesoutput);

        $blockinfo['content'] = $this->view->fetch($blocktemplate);

        return BlockUtil::themeBlock($blockinfo);
     * Calcula la data inicial de la setmana a la qual pertany una determinada data
     * @author	Josep Ferr�ndiz Farr� (jferran6@xtec.cat)
     * @args The date (a MySQL timestamp or a string)
     * @return	the start date of the week
    public function getWeek($args) {
        $TheDate = FormUtil::getPassedValue('date', isset($args['date']) ? $args['date'] : null, 'GET');
        $format = FormUtil::getPassedValue('format', isset($args['format']) ? $args['format'] : null, 'GET');

        $week = array();

        if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('IWbookings::', '::', ACCESS_READ)) {
            return $week;

        $avui = DateUtil::makeTimestamp($TheDate);
        $dow = date("w", $avui);
        ($dow == 0) ? $dow = 7 : ""; // If sunday
        $fields = explode('-', $TheDate);

        if ($format == 'ymd') {
            $week['start'] = DateUtil::getDatetime_NextDay((1 - $dow), '%Y-%m-%d', $fields[0], $fields[1], $fields[2]);
            $week['end'] = DateUtil::getDatetime_NextDay((7 - $dow), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $fields[0], $fields[1], $fields[2], 23, 59, 59);
        } else {
            $week['start'] = DateUtil::getDatetime_NextDay((1 - $dow), '%d-%m-%y', $fields[0], $fields[1], $fields[2]);
            $week['end'] = DateUtil::getDatetime_NextDay((7 - $dow), "%d-%m-%y", $fields[0], $fields[1], $fields[2]);
        return $week;