public static function render($app, $ref_id, $title = 'Comments') { if (!isset($app)) { throw new \FuelException('Petro_Comment : Invalid $app = ' . $app); } $query = \DB::query('SELECT ' . static::$_table . '.*, users.username FROM ' . static::$_table . ', users' . ' WHERE ' . static::$_table . '.user_id =' . ' AND ' . static::$_table . '.app = "' . $app . '"' . ' AND ' . static::$_table . '.ref_id = ' . $ref_id . ' ORDER BY ' . static::$_table . '.created_at asc')->execute(); $data['title'] = $title; $data['app'] = $app; $data['ref_id'] = $ref_id; $data['total_comments'] = count($query); if ($data['total_comments'] <= 0) { $data['comments'] = str_replace('{text}', 'No comments yet.', \Config::get('petro.template.comment.empty')); } else { $t = \Config::get('petro.template.comment.item'); $out = ''; foreach ($query as $item) { $author = isset($item['username']) ? $item['username'] : '******'; $date = empty($item['created_at']) ? '' : \Date::forge($item['created_at'])->format(\Config::get('petro.date_format', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')); $cost = empty($item['cost']) ? '' : number_format($item['cost']); $out .= str_replace(array('{comment_id}', '{comment_author}', '{comment_date}', '{comment_text}', '{comment_cost}'), array($item['id'], $author, $date, nl2br($item['text']), $cost), $t); } $data['comments'] = $out; } $data['last_url'] = \Uri::current(); return \View::forge('petro/comments/_form', $data, false)->render(); }
public function action_edit($id = null) { $client = Model_Client::find($id); $form = $this->setup_form(); if (Input::method() == 'POST') { if ($form->validation()->run() === true) { $fields = $form->validated(); $client->code = $fields['code']; $client->name = $fields['name']; $client->name_en = $fields['name_en']; $client->status = $fields['status']; $client->updated_at = Date::forge()->get_timestamp(); if ($client->save()) { Session::set_flash('success', 'Updated client #' . $id); Response::redirect('clients'); } else { Session::set_flash('error', 'Could not update client #' . $id); } } else { $this->template->set_global('errors', $form->error(), false); } } $this->template->page_title = "Edit Client"; $this->template->set('content', $form->build($client), false); }
/** * 対象のフリマを取得 * * @access private * @return Model_Fleamarket array */ private function getFleamarkets() { $target_event_statuses = array(\Model_Fleamarket::EVENT_STATUS_SCHEDULE, \Model_Fleamarket::EVENT_STATUS_RESERVATION_RECEIPT, \Model_Fleamarket::EVENT_STATUS_RECEIPT_END); $date = \Date::forge(strtotime('- 1 day')); $fleamarkets = \Model_Fleamarket::find('all', array('select' => array('fleamarket_id', 'event_status'), 'where' => array(array('event_date', '<=', $date->format('mysql')), array('register_type', '=', \Model_Fleamarket::REGISTER_TYPE_ADMIN), array('event_time_end', '<=', $date::time()->format('mysql')), array('event_status', 'IN', $target_event_statuses)))); return $fleamarkets; }
public function action_review($pid) { $this->template->title = "旅ログ"; $ret = Model_Members_General::getPostHeader($pid); $first = array_shift($ret); // ******************************** if (Input::method() == 'POST') { /*-------- ユーザが入力した値とその時の時刻を保持 ------*/ $first['input_title'] = Input::post('title'); $first['input_comment'] = Input::post('comment'); $first['input_rating'] = Input::post('rating'); $time = Date::forge()->get_timestamp(); } /*----------- Validationの準備 -----------*/ //Validationオブジェクトを呼び出す $val = Validation::forge(); //フォームのルール設定 $val->add('title', 'タイトル')->add_rule('required')->add_rule('max_length', 30); $val->add('comment', 'コメント')->add_rule('required'); //コメントの長さ制限いる? $val->add('rating', '評価')->add_rule('required'); //Validationチェック if ($val->run()) { /*------------ postされた各データをDBに保存 ----------------*/ $props = array('uid' => $this->viewer_info['uid'], 'pid' => $pid, 'title' => $first['input_title'], 'comment' => $first['input_comment'], 'rating' => $first['input_rating'], 'datetime' => $time); //モデルオブジェクト作成 $new = Model_Review::forge(); $new->set($props); //データを保存する if (!$new->save()) { //保存失敗 $data['save'] = '正しく投稿できませんでした。'; } else { //保存成功 //$input_title, $input_comment, $input_rating を初期化 $first['input_title'] = ''; $first['input_comment'] = ''; $first['input_rating'] = 5.0; } } //$val->run()ここまで //Validationオブジェクトをビューに渡す $first['val'] = $val; // ******************************** $first['itta'] = Model_Members_General::countItta($pid); $first['ikitai'] = Model_Members_General::countIkitai($pid); $first['reviews'] = Model_Members_General::getReviews($pid); $first['revnum'] = Model_Members_General::countReview($pid); $first['msg'] = $this->msg; $this->template->content = View::forge('members/postlookuprev', $first); }
/** * 新規会員数 * * @access private * @param * @return int * @author ida */ private function getNewMemberCount() { $date = \Date::forge(strtotime('- 1 day')); $field = \DB::expr("DATE_FORMAT(created_at, '%Y-%m-%d')"); $query = \Model_User::query(); $query->where($field, $date->format('%Y-%m-%d')); $count = $query->count(); return $count; }
/** * Demonstrates reading data through an ORM model */ public function action_index() { $event_model = Model_Orm_Event::find("all", array("where" => array(array('start', '>=', Date::forge()->format("%Y-%m-%d"))), "order_by" => array("start" => "asc"), "related" => array("agendas", "location"))); $main_content = View::forge("event/index"); $main_content->set("event_model", $event_model); $this->template->libs_js = array(""); $this->template->page_title = __("ACTION_INDEX_TITLE"); $this->template->page_content = $main_content; }
public function action_index() { echo '<pre>'; echo 'FuelPHP version: ' . Fuel::VERSION . "\n"; echo ' local: ' . setlocale(LC_ALL, '0') . "\n"; echo ' date: ' . Date::forge()->format('mysql') . "\n"; echo 'default_charset: ' . ini_get('default_charset') . "\n"; echo '<pre>'; }
/** * メールマガジン送信 * * @access public * @param int $mail_magazine_id メルマガID * @param int $administrator_id 管理者ID * @param int $limit 1回で処理する件数 * @return void * @author ida */ public function run($mail_magazine_id, $administrator_id = 0, $limit = 1000) { $this->openLog($mail_magazine_id); $this->log('メルマガID: ' . $mail_magazine_id . ' の送信を開始します' . "\n"); if (\Model_Mail_Magazine::isProcess()) { $this->log('メルマガ送信中のため送信できません' . "\n"); exit; } $mail_magazine = \Model_Mail_Magazine::startProcess($mail_magazine_id); $offset = 0; if (!is_numeric($limit) || $limit <= 0) { $limit = 1000; } $total_count = 0; $success_count = 0; $fail_count = 0; while ($limit > 0) { $mail_magazine_users = \Model_Mail_Magazine_User::findByMailMagazineId($mail_magazine_id, $offset, $limit); if (count($mail_magazine_users) == 0) { break; } $is_stop = false; $replace_data = $this->makeReplaceData($mail_magazine); foreach ($mail_magazine_users as $mail_magazine_user) { try { usleep(300000); if (!\Model_Mail_Magazine::isProcess($mail_magazine_id)) { $is_stop = true; $this->log($mail_magazine_user->user_id . ": cancel.\n"); break; } $send_result = $this->send($mail_magazine_user, $mail_magazine, $replace_data); \Model_Mail_Magazine_User::updateStatus(array('send_status' => $send_result, 'error' => null, 'updated_user' => $administrator_id), array('mail_magazine_user_id' => $mail_magazine_user->mail_magazine_user_id)); $this->log($mail_magazine_user->user_id . " : success\n"); $success_count++; } catch (\Exception $e) { $message = $e->getMessage(); $this->log($mail_magazine_user->user_id . ' : fail ' . $message . "\n"); \Model_Mail_Magazine_User::updateStatus(array('send_status' => \Model_Mail_Magazine_User::SEND_STATUS_ERROR_END, 'error' => $message, 'updated_user' => $administrator_id), array('mail_magazine_user_id' => $mail_magazine_user->mail_magazine_user_id)); $fail_count++; } $total_count++; } $offset += $limit; } $this->log('[total] ' . $total_count . ' [success] ' . $success_count . ' [fail] ' . $fail_count . "\n"); $this->log('送信を終了しました'); $this->closeLog(); $mail_magazine->send_datetime = \Date::forge()->format('mysql'); if ($is_stop) { $mail_magazine->send_status = \Model_Mail_Magazine::SEND_STATUS_CANCEL; } else { $mail_magazine->send_status = \Model_Mail_Magazine::SEND_STATUS_NORMAL_END; } $mail_magazine->save(); }
protected static function _columns() { $columns = array('id' => array('label' => 'ID', 'grid' => array('visible' => true, 'sortable' => true)), 'name' => array('label' => 'Name', 'grid' => array('process' => function ($data, $value) { $prof = unserialize($data->profile_fields); return $prof['first_name'] . ' ' . $prof['last_name']; })), 'username' => array('label' => 'Username', 'grid' => array('visible' => true, 'sortable' => true)), 'group' => array('label' => 'Group', 'grid' => array('visible' => true, 'sortable' => true, 'process' => function ($data, $value) { return static::$groups[$data->group]; })), 'email' => array('label' => 'Email', 'grid' => array('visible' => true, 'sortable' => false)), 'last_login' => array('label' => 'Last Login', 'grid' => array('visible' => true, 'sortable' => false, 'process' => function ($data, $value) { return empty($data->last_login) ? '<span class="label warning">Never</span>' : '<span class="label">' . \Date::forge($data->last_login)->format('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') . '</span>'; })), '_action_' => Petro_Grid::default_actions()); return $columns; }
public function action_index() { $pid = 1; /* 仮 */ $uid = 1; /* 仮 */ /* 本当はレビュー投稿したヒトのuid */ //ビューに渡すデータの配列を初期化 $data = array(); if (Input::method() == 'POST') { /*-------- ユーザが入力した値とその時の時刻を保持 ------*/ $data['input_title'] = Input::post('title'); $data['input_comment'] = Input::post('comment'); $data['input_rating'] = Input::post('rating'); $time = Date::forge()->get_timestamp(); } /*----------- Validationの準備 -----------*/ //Validationオブジェクトを呼び出す $val = Validation::forge(); //フォームのルール設定 $val->add('title', 'タイトル')->add_rule('required')->add_rule('max_length', 30); $val->add('comment', 'コメント')->add_rule('required'); //コメントの長さ制限いる? $val->add('rating', '評価')->add_rule('required'); //Validationチェック if ($val->run()) { /*------------ postされた各データをDBに保存 ----------------*/ $props = array('uid' => $uid, 'pid' => $pid, 'title' => $data['input_title'], 'comment' => $data['input_comment'], 'rating' => $data['input_rating'], 'datetime' => $time); //モデルオブジェクト作成 $new = Model_Review::forge($props); //データを保存する if (!$new->save()) { //保存失敗 $data['save'] = '正しく投稿できませんでした。'; } else { //保存成功 /* 本当はルックアップページのレビュー画面に飛びたい */ Response::redirect('members/top'); } } //$val->run()ここまで //Validationオブジェクトをビューに渡す $data['val'] = $val; return View::forge('members/review', $data, false); }
public function action_index() { echo '<pre>'; echo Fuel::VERSION . "\n"; echo setlocale(LC_ALL, '') . "\n"; echo Date::forge()->format('mysql') . "\n"; echo ini_get('default_charset') . "\n"; echo '</pre>'; $cd = '10001'; $result = Model_Employee::find_by_cd($cd); foreach ($result->as_array() as $row) { echo $row['lname'] . "\n"; echo $row['fname'] . "\n"; } echo count($result); }
public static function check_and_create($foreign_table, $foreign_id, $type) { $since_datetime = \Date::forge(strtotime('-' . \Config::get('notice.periode_to_update.default')))->format('mysql'); if (!($obj = self::get_last4foreign_data($foreign_table, $foreign_id, $type, $since_datetime))) { $obj = self::forge(array('foreign_table' => $foreign_table, 'foreign_id' => $foreign_id, 'type' => $type, 'body' => Site_Util::get_notice_body($foreign_table, $type))); if (!in_array($foreign_table, Site_Util::get_accept_parent_tables()) && ($parent_table = \Site_Model::get_parent_table($foreign_table))) { $obj->parent_table = $parent_table; $foreign_obj_name = \Site_Model::get_model_name($foreign_table); $foreign_obj = $foreign_obj_name::find($foreign_id); $parent_id_prop = $parent_table . '_id'; $obj->parent_id = $foreign_obj->{$parent_id_prop}; } $obj->save(); } return $obj; }
/** * Create tables: users, options, posts, tags, posts_tags */ public function up() { \DBUtil::create_table('users', array('id' => array('type' => 'int', 'constraint' => 11, 'auto_increment' => true), 'username' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'constraint' => 50), 'password' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'constraint' => 256), 'group' => array('type' => 'int', 'constraint' => 11, 'default' => 1), 'email' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'constraint' => 256), 'last_login' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'constraint' => 25), 'login_hash' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'constraint' => 256), 'profile_fields' => array('type' => 'text')), array('id')); // Coming soon // \DBUtil::create_index('users', 'username', 'unique'); // \DBUtil::create_index('users', 'email', 'unique'); \DBUtil::create_table('options', array('id' => array('type' => 'int', 'constraint' => 11, 'auto_increment' => true), 'option' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'constraint' => 128), 'value' => array('type' => 'text')), array('id')); // Coming soon // \DBUtil::create_index('options', 'option', 'unique'); \DBUtil::create_table('posts', array('id' => array('type' => 'int', 'constraint' => 11, 'auto_increment' => true), 'user_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'constraint' => 11), 'title' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'constraint' => 128), 'slug' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'constraint' => 128), 'body' => array('type' => 'text'), 'created_at' => array('type' => 'datetime'), 'updated_at' => array('type' => 'datetime')), array('id')); // Coming soon // \DBUtil::create_index('posts', 'slug', 'unique'); \DBUtil::create_table('tags', array('id' => array('type' => 'int', 'constraint' => 11, 'auto_increment' => true), 'tag' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'constraint' => 128), 'slug' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'constraint' => 128)), array('id')); // Coming soon // \DBUtil::create_index('tags', 'tag', 'unique'); // \DBUtil::create_index('tags', 'slug', 'unique'); \DBUtil::create_table('posts_tags', array('post_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'constraint' => 11), 'tag_id' => array('type' => 'int', 'constraint' => 11))); \Auth::create_user('admin', 'admin', '*****@*****.**', 100); \Option::reset(); \DB::insert('posts')->columns(array('user_id', 'title', 'slug', 'body', 'created_at', 'updated_at'))->values(array(1, 'My first post', 'my-first-post', 'This is my first post. Yiharr!', \Date::forge()->format('mysql'), \Date::forge()->format('mysql')))->execute(); \DB::insert('tags')->columns(array('tag', 'slug'))->values(array('My first tag', 'my-first-tag'))->execute(); \DB::insert('posts_tags')->columns(array('post_id', 'tag_id'))->values(array(1, 1))->execute(); }
/** * Takes a DB timestamp and converts it into a Date object * * @param string value * @param array any options to be passed * * @return \Fuel\Core\Date */ public static function type_time_decode($var, array $settings) { if ($settings['data_type'] == 'time_mysql') { // deal with a 'nulled' date, which according to MySQL is a valid enough to store? if ($var == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { if (array_key_exists('null', $settings) and $settings['null'] === false) { throw new InvalidContentType('Value ' . $var . ' is not a valid date and can not be converted to a Date object.'); } return null; } return \Date::create_from_string($var, 'mysql'); } return \Date::forge($var); }
/** * Update a user's properties * Note: Username cannot be updated, to update password the old password must be passed as old_password * * @param Array properties to be updated including profile fields * @param string * @return bool */ public function update_user($values, $username = null) { $username = $username ?: $this->user['username']; $current_values = \DB::select_array(\Config::get('simpleauth.table_columns', array('*')))->where('username', '=', $username)->from(\Config::get('simpleauth.table_name'))->execute(\Config::get('simpleauth.db_connection')); if (empty($current_values)) { throw new \SimpleUserUpdateException('Username not found', 4); } $update = array(); if (array_key_exists('username', $values)) { throw new \SimpleUserUpdateException('Username cannot be changed.', 5); } if (array_key_exists('password', $values)) { if (empty($values['old_password']) or $current_values->get('password') != $this->hash_password(trim($values['old_password']))) { throw new \SimpleUserWrongPassword('Old password is invalid'); } $password = trim(strval($values['password'])); if ($password === '') { throw new \SimpleUserUpdateException('Password can\'t be empty.', 6); } $update['password'] = $this->hash_password($password); unset($values['password']); } if (array_key_exists('old_password', $values)) { unset($values['old_password']); } if (array_key_exists('email', $values)) { $email = filter_var(trim($values['email']), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL); if (!$email) { throw new \SimpleUserUpdateException('Email address is not valid', 7); } $update['email'] = $email; unset($values['email']); } if (array_key_exists('group', $values)) { if (is_numeric($values['group'])) { $update['group'] = (int) $values['group']; } unset($values['group']); } if (!empty($values)) { $profile_fields = @unserialize($current_values->get('profile_fields')) ?: array(); foreach ($values as $key => $val) { if ($val === null) { unset($profile_fields[$key]); } else { $profile_fields[$key] = $val; } } $update['profile_fields'] = serialize($profile_fields); } $update['updated_at'] = \Date::forge()->get_timestamp(); $affected_rows = \DB::update(\Config::get('simpleauth.table_name'))->set($update)->where('username', '=', $username)->execute(\Config::get('simpleauth.db_connection')); // Refresh user if ($this->user['username'] == $username) { $this->user = \DB::select_array(\Config::get('simpleauth.table_columns', array('*')))->where('username', '=', $username)->from(\Config::get('simpleauth.table_name'))->execute(\Config::get('simpleauth.db_connection'))->current(); } return $affected_rows > 0; }
<fieldset> <div class="form-group"> <?php echo Form::label('Имя (фамилия, имя)', 'staff_name', array('class' => 'control-label')); ?> <?php echo Form::input('staff_name', Input::post('staff_name', isset($staff) ? $staff->staff_name : ''), array('class' => 'col-md-4 form-control', 'placeholder' => 'Имя (фамилия, имя)')); ?> </div> <div class="form-group"> <?php echo Form::label('Дата рождения', 'birthdate', array('class' => 'control-label')); ?> <?php echo Form::input('birthdate', Input::post('birthdate', isset($staff) ? Date::forge($staff->birthdate)->format("%d.%m.%Y") : ''), array('class' => 'col-md-4 form-control datepicker', 'placeholder' => 'Дата рождения')); ?> </div> <div class="form-group"> <?php echo Form::label('Данные', 'data', array('class' => 'control-label')); ?> <?php echo Form::textarea('data', Input::post('data', isset($staff) ? $staff->data : ''), array('class' => 'col-md-8 form-control textarea_tinymce', 'rows' => 8, 'placeholder' => 'Данные об игроке')); ?> </div> <div class="form-group"> <?php
/** * Creates a temporary hash that will validate the current login * * @return string */ public function create_login_hash() { if (empty($this->user)) { throw new \SimpleUserUpdateException('User not logged in, can\'t create login hash.'); } $last_login = \Date::forge()->get_timestamp(); $login_hash = sha1(\Config::get('simpleauth.login_hash_salt') . $this->user['username'] . $last_login); \DB::update(\Config::get('simpleauth.table_name'))->set(array('last_login' => $last_login, 'login_hash' => $login_hash))->where('username', '=', $this->user['username'])->execute(\Config::get('simpleauth.db_connection')); $this->user['login_hash'] = $login_hash; return $login_hash; }
/** * Creates a temporary hash that will validate the current login * * @return string */ public function create_login_hash() { // we need a logged-in user to generate a login hash if (empty($this->user)) { throw new \SimpleUserUpdateException('User not logged in, can\'t create login hash.', 10); } // set the previous and current last login $this->user->previous_login = $this->user->last_login; $this->user->last_login = \Date::forge()->get_timestamp(); // generate the new hash $this->user->login_hash = sha1(\Config::get('ormauth.login_hash_salt') . $this->user->username . $this->user->last_login); // store it $this->user->save(); // and return it return $this->user->login_hash; }
<?php echo $activity->isWholeday ? 'Yes' : 'No'; ?> </p> <h5><strong>Date of Activity:</strong></h5> </p> <?php echo Date::forge($activity->date)->format("%b %d, %Y %H:%M %p", true); ?> </p> <h5><strong>Activity Until:</strong></h5> </p> <?php echo Date::forge($activity->end_date)->format("%b %d, %Y %H:%M %p", true); ?> </p> <h5><strong>Subject:</strong></h5> <p> <?php echo Model_Subject::getSubjectName($activity->subject_id) ?: Config::get('no_subject')[$activity->subject_id]; ?> </p> <h5><strong>Activity:</strong></h5> <p> <?php echo $activity->activity_content; ?>
public function delete($cascade = null, $use_transaction = false) { // If we are using a transcation then make sure it's started if ($use_transaction) { $db = \Database_Connection::instance(static::connection(true)); $db->start_transaction(); } // Call the observers $this->observe('before_delete'); // Load temporal properties. $timestamp_end_name = static::temporal_property('end_column'); $mysql_timestamp = static::temporal_property('mysql_timestamp'); // Generate the correct timestamp and save it $current_timestamp = $mysql_timestamp ? \Date::forge()->format('mysql') : \Date::forge()->get_timestamp(); static::disable_primary_key_check(); $this->{$timestamp_end_name} = $current_timestamp; static::enable_primary_key_check(); // Loop through all relations and delete if we are cascading. $this->freeze(); foreach ($this->relations() as $rel_name => $rel) { // get the cascade delete status $relCascade = is_null($cascade) ? $rel->cascade_delete : (bool) $cascade; if ($relCascade) { if (get_class($rel) != 'Orm\\ManyMany') { // Loop through and call delete on all the models foreach ($rel->get($this) as $model) { $model->delete($cascade); } } } } $this->unfreeze(); parent::save(); $this->observe('after_delete'); // Make sure the transaction is committed if needed $use_transaction and $db->commit_transaction(); return $this; }
<h4><?php echo Html::anchor(Uri::create('news'), 'Новости'); ?> </h4> <?php foreach ($news as $value) { ?> <div class="article"> <h3><?php echo Html::anchor(Uri::create('news/shahter/view/' . $value->id), $value->title); ?> </h3> <div class="details">Когда: <span class="date"><?php echo Date::forge($value->created_at)->format("%d.%m.%Y"); ?> </span> / Комментариев: <span class="comments"><?php echo $value->vk_comments_count; ?> </span></div> <?php echo $value->preview; ?> <p><?php echo Html::anchor(Uri::create('news/shahter/view/' . $value->id), 'Читать далее', array('class' => 'btn btn-success')); ?> </p> </div>
protected function delete_self() { // If soft deleting has been disabled then just call the parent's delete if ($this->_disable_soft_delete) { return parent::delete_self(); } $deleted_column = static::soft_delete_property('deleted_field', static::$_default_field_name); $mysql_timestamp = static::soft_delete_property('mysql_timestamp', static::$_default_mysql_timestamp); // Generate the correct timestamp and save it $this->{$deleted_column} = $mysql_timestamp ? \Date::forge()->format('mysql') : \Date::forge()->get_timestamp(); $result = $this->save(false); return $result; }
/** * Updates the defined deleted_field with a current timestamp rather than * deleting. * * TODO: This method needs a major cleanup but can't be done really until the refactoring starts. This is currently * not maintainable at all, * * @param $cascade boolean * @param $use_transaction boolean * * @return boolean */ public function delete($cascade = null, $use_transaction = false) { // New objects can't be deleted, neither can frozen if ($this->is_new() or $this->frozen()) { return false; } if ($use_transaction) { $db = \Database_Connection::instance(static::connection(true)); $db->start_transaction(); } try { $this->observe('before_delete'); $deleted_column = static::soft_delete_property('deleted_field', static::$_default_field_name); $mysql_timestamp = static::soft_delete_property('mysql_timestamp', static::$_default_mysql_timestamp); //Call the observers $this->observe('before_delete'); //Generate the correct timestamp and save it $this->{$deleted_column} = $mysql_timestamp ? \Date::forge()->format('mysql') : \Date::forge()->get_timestamp(); $this->freeze(); foreach ($this->relations() as $rel_name => $rel) { $rel->delete($this, $this->{$rel_name}, false, is_array($cascade) ? in_array($rel_name, $cascade) : $cascade); } $this->unfreeze(); // Return success of update operation if (!$this->save()) { return false; } $this->freeze(); foreach ($this->relations() as $rel_name => $rel) { //Give model subclasses a chance to chip in. if (!$this->should_cascade_delete($rel)) { //The function returned false so something does not want this relation to be cascade deleted $should_cascade = false; } else { $should_cascade = is_array($cascade) ? in_array($rel_name, $cascade) : $cascade; } $rel->delete($this, $this->{$rel_name}, true, $should_cascade); } $this->unfreeze(); // Perform cleanup: // remove from internal object cache, remove PK's, set to non saved object, remove db original values if (array_key_exists(get_called_class(), static::$_cached_objects) and array_key_exists(static::implode_pk($this), static::$_cached_objects[get_called_class()])) { unset(static::$_cached_objects[get_called_class()][static::implode_pk($this)]); } foreach ($this->primary_key() as $pk) { unset($this->_data[$pk]); } // remove original relations too foreach ($this->relations() as $rel_name => $rel) { $this->_original_relations[$rel_name] = $rel->singular ? null : array(); } $this->_is_new = true; $this->_original = array(); $this->observe('after_delete'); $use_transaction and $db->commit_transaction(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $use_transaction and $db->rollback_transaction(); throw $e; } return $this; }
public function action_update($id = false) { if (!is_numeric($id)) { \Response::redirect('admin/team/list'); } // Get news item to edit if (!($item = Model_Team::find_one_by_id($id))) { \Response::redirect('admin/team/list'); } \View::set_global('title', 'Edit Member'); if (\Input::post()) { $val = Model_Team::validate('update'); // Upload image and display errors if there are any $image = $this->upload_image(); if (!$image['exists'] && \Config::get('details.image.required', false) && empty($item->images)) { // No previous images and image is not selected and it is required \Messages::error('<strong>There was an error while trying to upload content image</strong>'); \Messages::error('You have to select image'); } elseif ($image['errors']) { \Messages::error('<strong>There was an error while trying to upload content image</strong>'); foreach ($image['errors'] as $error) { \Messages::error($error); } } if ($val->run() && $image['is_valid'] && !(!$image['exists'] && \Config::get('details.image.required', false) && empty($item->images))) { /** IMAGES **/ // Get all alt texts to update if there is no image change foreach (\Arr::filter_prefixed(\Input::post(), 'alt_text_') as $image_id => $alt_text) { if (strpos($image_id, 'new_') === false) { $item_images[$image_id] = array('id' => $image_id, 'data' => array('alt_text' => \Input::post('alt_text_' . $image_id, ''))); } } // Save images if new files are submitted if (isset($this->_image_data)) { foreach ($this->_image_data as $image_data) { $cover_count = count($item->images); if (strpos($image_data['field'], 'new_') === false) { // Update existing image if (str_replace('image_', '', $image_data['field']) != 0) { $image_id = (int) str_replace('image_', '', $image_data['field']); $cover_count--; $item_images[$image_id] = array('id' => $image_id, 'data' => array('content_id' => $item->id, 'image' => $image_data['saved_as'], 'alt_text' => \Input::post('alt_text_' . $image_id, ''))); $this->delete_image(\Input::post('image_db_' . $image_id, '')); } } else { // Save new image $image_tmp = str_replace('image_new_', '', $image_data['field']); $item_images[0] = array('id' => 0, 'data' => array('content_id' => $item->id, 'image' => $image_data['saved_as'], 'alt_text' => \Input::post('alt_text_new_' . $image_tmp, ''), 'cover' => $cover_count == 0 ? 1 : 0, 'sort' => $cover_count + 1)); } } } Model_Team::bind_images($item_images); /** END OF IMAGES **/ // Get POST values $insert = \Input::post(); // Prepare some values $insert['published_at'] = !empty($insert['published_at']) ? strtotime($insert['published_at']) : \Date::forge()->get_timestamp(); $insert['active_from'] = !empty($insert['active_from']) ? strtotime($insert['active_from']) : NULL; $insert['active_to'] = !empty($insert['active_to']) ? strtotime($insert['active_to']) : NULL; if ($insert['status'] != 2) { unset($insert['active_from']); unset($insert['active_to']); } $item->set($insert); try { $item->save(); \Messages::success('Member successfully updated.'); \Response::redirect(\Input::post('exit', false) ? \Uri::create('admin/team/list/') : \Uri::admin('current')); } catch (\Database_Exception $e) { // show validation errors \Messages::error('<strong>There was an error while trying to update member</strong>'); // Uncomment lines below to show database errors //$errors = $e->getMessage(); //\Messages::error($errors); } } else { // Delete uploaded images if there is news saving error if (isset($this->_image_data)) { foreach ($this->_image_data as $image_data) { $this->delete_image($image_data['saved_as']); } } if ($val->error() != array()) { // show validation errors \Messages::error('<strong>There was an error while trying to update member</strong>'); foreach ($val->error() as $e) { \Messages::error($e->get_message()); } } } } $team = Model_Team::find_one_by_id($id); \Theme::instance()->set_partial('content', $this->view_dir . 'update')->set('team', $team); }
} $max_booth = mt_rand(20, 100); $reservation_booth_limit = mt_rand(1, 10); $entry_style_line = array('fleamarket_id' => $fleamarket_id, 'entry_style_id' => $entry_style_id, 'booth_fee' => $booth_fee, 'max_booth' => $max_booth, 'reservation_booth_limit' => $reservation_booth_limit, 'created_user' => 0, 'updated_user' => null, 'created_at' => \Date::forge()->format('mysql')); \Model_Fleamarket_Entry_Style::forge($entry_style_line)->save(); } } // フリマ説明情報 $about_rand = mt_rand(0, 7); if ($about_rand > 0) { $about_list = array_rand($about_titles, $about_rand); if (!is_array($about_list)) { $about_list = (array) $about_list; } foreach ($about_list as $about_id) { $about_line = array('fleamarket_id' => $fleamarket_id, 'about_id' => $about_id, 'title' => $about_titles[$about_id], 'description' => $abouts[$about_id], 'created_user' => 0, 'updated_user' => null, 'created_at' => \Date::forge()->format('mysql')); \Model_Fleamarket_About::forge($about_line)->save(); } } } /** * 住所から都道府県を省く * * @access private * @param string $address 住所 * @return string * @author ida */ function getAddress($address) { $address_pattern = '/(東京都|北海道|(?:京都|大阪)府|.{6,9}県)' . '((?:四日市|廿日市|野々市|かすみがうら|つくばみらい|いちき串木野)市|' . '(?:杵島郡大町|余市郡余市|高市郡高取)町|' . '.{3,12}市.{3,12}区|.{3,9}区|.{3,15}市(?=.*市)|' . '.{3,15}市|.{6,27}町(?=.*町)|.{6,27}町|' . '.{9,24}村(?=.*村)|.{9,24}村)(.*)/';
/** * Test for Date::set_timezone() * * @test */ public function test_set_timezone() { $output = Date::forge(1294176140)->set_timezone("America/Chicago")->get_timezone(); $expected = "America/Chicago"; $this->assertEquals($expected, $output); }
/** * Saves the object to the database by either creating a new record * or updating an existing record. Sets the default values if set. * * @param bool $validate wether to validate the input * @return mixed Rows affected and or insert ID */ public function save($validate = true) { if ($this->frozen()) { throw new \Exception('Cannot modify a frozen row.'); } $vars = $this->to_array(); // Set default if there are any isset(static::$_defaults) and $vars = $vars + static::$_defaults; if ($validate and isset(static::$_rules) and !empty(static::$_rules)) { $vars = $this->pre_validate($vars); $validated = $this->post_validate($this->run_validation($vars)); if ($validated) { $validated = array_filter($this->validation()->validated(), function ($val) { return $val !== null; }); $vars = $validated + $vars; } else { return false; } } $vars = $this->prep_values($vars); if (isset(static::$_properties)) { $vars = \Arr::filter_keys($vars, static::$_properties); } if (isset(static::$_updated_at)) { if (isset(static::$_mysql_timestamp) and static::$_mysql_timestamp === true) { $vars[static::$_updated_at] = \Date::forge()->format('mysql'); } else { $vars[static::$_updated_at] = \Date::forge()->get_timestamp(); } } if ($this->is_new()) { if (isset(static::$_created_at)) { if (isset(static::$_mysql_timestamp) and static::$_mysql_timestamp === true) { $vars[static::$_created_at] = \Date::forge()->format('mysql'); } else { $vars[static::$_created_at] = \Date::forge()->get_timestamp(); } } $query = \DB::insert(static::$_table_name)->set($vars); $this->pre_save($query); $result = $query->execute(static::get_connection(true)); if ($result[1] > 0) { // workaround for PDO connections not returning the insert_id if ($result[0] === false and isset($vars[static::primary_key()])) { $result[0] = $vars[static::primary_key()]; } $this->set($vars); empty($result[0]) or $this->{static::primary_key()} = $result[0]; $this->is_new(false); } return $this->post_save($result); } $query = \DB::update(static::$_table_name)->set($vars)->where(static::primary_key(), '=', $this->{static::primary_key()}); $this->pre_update($query); $result = $query->execute(static::get_connection(true)); $result > 0 and $this->set($vars); return $this->post_update($result); }
echo Html::img('assets/img/teams/' . $match->team_2->logo_uri) . ' <b>' . $match->team_2->value . '</b>'; ?> </center> <br> <small><i> <?php echo $match->name; ?> <br> <?php echo $match->season->value; ?> <br> <?php echo Date::forge($match->date)->format('%d.%m.%Y'); ?> </i> </small> <?php $goals = ''; ?> <?php $f = TRUE; ?> <?php $exist_1 = FALSE; ?> <?php foreach ($match->matches_events as $item) {
public static function get_datetime_list($base_datatime, $second = 1, $type = 'both') { if (!in_array($type, array('both', 'past', 'future'))) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Third parameter is invalid.'); } $base_time = strtotime($base_datatime); $return = array(); switch ($type) { case 'future': $min = 0; $max = $second; break; case 'past': $min = 0 - $second; $max = 0; break; case 'both': default: $min = 0 - $second; $max = $second; break; } for ($i = $min; $i <= $max; $i++) { $return[] = \Date::forge($base_time + $i)->format('mysql'); } return $return; }
<?php foreach ($сategories as $item) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $item->title; ?> </td> <td><?php $count = count($item->photos); echo $count != 0 ? Html::anchor('admin/media/photos/list/index/' . $item->id, count($item->photos)) : 0; ?> </td> <td><?php echo Date::forge($item->created_at)->format("%d.%m.%Y %H:%M"); ?> </td> <td> <div class="btn-toolbar"> <div class="btn-group"> <?php echo Html::anchor('admin/media/photos/list/index/' . $item->id, '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open"></i> Просмотр фото', array('class' => 'btn btn-sm btn-success')); ?> <?php echo Html::anchor('admin/media/photos/categories/edit/' . $item->id, '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></i> Редактировать', array('class' => 'btn btn-sm btn-primary')); ?> <?php echo Html::anchor('admin/media/photos/categories/delete/' . $item->id, '<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i> Удалить', array('class' => 'btn btn-sm btn-danger', 'onclick' => "return confirm('Вы уверены?')"));