 function id2record($idstring)
     $pairs = explode('&', $idstring);
     foreach ($pairs as $pair) {
         list($attname, $attval) = explode('=', $pair);
         $attname = urldecode($attname);
         $attval = urldecode($attval);
         $colVals[$attname] = $attval;
     $rrecord = new Dataface_RelatedRecord($this->record, $this->relationship->_name);
     return $rrecord;
文件: Record.php 项目: promoso/HVAC
 function &current()
     $rec = new Dataface_RelatedRecord($this->_record, $this->_relationshipName, $this->_records[current($this->_keys)]);
     return $rec;
  * Saves the related record.
  * @param values Associative array of values received from the submitted form.
 function save($values)
     $colVals = array();
      * In case some values were not submitted, we will use the defaults (as specified in the relationships.ini
      * file for this relationship to fill in the blanks.
     if (isset($this->_relationship->_schema['new'])) {
         foreach ($this->_relationship->_schema['new'] as $key => $value) {
             if (!isset($values[$key])) {
                 $values[$key] = $value;
     $io = new Dataface_IO($values['-table']);
     // for writing the related record
     $record = new Dataface_Record($values['-table'], array());
     // The parent record... not the record being inserted.
     $io->read($values['__keys__'], $record);
     // We submitted the keys to the parent record in the form
     // so that we can load the parent record of this related record.
     // convert groups
     foreach (array_keys($values) as $key) {
         if (isset($this->_groups[$key])) {
             foreach ($values[$key] as $fieldkey => $fieldval) {
                 $values[$fieldkey] = $fieldval;
     foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
         // We will go through each submitted value from the form and try
         // to figure out how it should be stored.
         if (strpos($key, '-') === 0) {
         if ($key == "-Save") {
         // We don't parse the "Save" button
         $fullPath = $this->_relationshipName . '.' . $key;
         // The full path to the field can be used to obtain information
         // about the field from the parent table, since most methods
         // in the table class will take field names of the form
         // <relationship name>.<fieldname>
         if (!$this->_parentTable->exists($fullPath)) {
              * If the field in question does not exist then we just skip it.
              * Perhaps we should throw an error?!!
             //echo $fullPath.' does not exist in table '.$this->_parentTable->tablename;
         // At this point we know that the field exists so lets obtain references
         // to the useful components for us to work with this field.
         if (isset($field)) {
         $field =& $this->_parentTable->getField($fullPath);
         // Field array with data about the field.
         if (PEAR::isError($field)) {
             throw new Exception("Error obtaining field '{$fullPath}' while saving related record.", E_USER_ERROR);
         $abs_fieldName = $this->_parentTable->absoluteFieldName($key, $this->_relationship->_schema['selected_tables']);
         // The absolute fieldname of this field. e.g., of the form <Tablename>.<Fieldname>
         if (PEAR::isError($abs_fieldName)) {
             throw new Exception("Error trying to obtain absolute field name for the related field: '{$fullPath}'", E_USER_ERROR);
         list($tablename, $fieldname) = explode('.', $abs_fieldName);
         if (isset($table)) {
         $table =& Dataface_Table::loadTable($tablename);
         // Reference to the table object where this field resides
         if (isset($quickForm)) {
         $quickForm =& $this->_quickForms[$tablename];
         // QuickForm object for this field's table.
         $el = $this->getElement($key);
         $metaValues = array();
         // The $metaValues array will store the meta values associated with
         // the current field.  A meta value is an associated value that
         // should be stored in another field.  For example the mimetype
         // is a metavalue for a file upload field.  The $metaValues array
         // be of the form [Column Name] -> [Column Value].
         // Get the absolute field name of the field.  An absolute field name is
         // of the form <Tablename>.<Fieldname>
         $tempVal = $quickForm->pushValue($fieldname, $metaValues, $el);
         // $tempVal will contain the value as submitted by the form.. ready
         // to be added to a record.
         // The QuickForm element.
         // !!! Just changed arg from $abs_fieldName to $fullPath to fix errors... but still don't
         // !!! fully understand what was going on  - or why it was working before!?!?!
         if ($this->_parentTable->isMetaField($fullPath)) {
             // If this is a meta field, we don't insert it on its own...
             // we will wait until its value is supplied by its described
             // field.
         foreach ($metaValues as $metaKey => $metaValue) {
             // Set the meta values
             $colVals[$tablename . '.' . $metaKey] = $metaValue;
         $colVals[$abs_fieldName] = $tempVal;
         // Add the value to the array to be saved in the RelatedRecord
         // object.
         // Note that right now, Dataface_RelatedRecord will just ignore
         // the part of the field name before the period, but in the future,
         // this extra information may be used to allow multiple fields
         // with the same name from different tables in a single relationship.
     //$queryBuilder = new Dataface_QueryBuilder($this->_parentTable->tablename);
     $relatedRecord = new Dataface_RelatedRecord($record, $this->_relationshipName, array());
     $res = $io->addRelatedRecord($relatedRecord, true);
     if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
         return $res;
     //$res = $io->performSQL($sql);
     return $res;
文件: IO.php 项目: promoso/HVAC
  * Returns a record or record value given it's unique URI.
  * @param string $uri The URI of the data we wish to retrieve.
  * The URI must be of one of the following forms:
  * tablename?key1=val1&keyn=valn#fieldname
  * tablename?key1=val1&keyn=valn
  * tablename/relationshipname?key1=val1&keyn=valn&relationshipname::relatedkey=relatedval#fieldname
  * tablename/relationshipname?key1=val1&keyn=valn&relationshipname::relatedkey=relatedval
  * Where url encoding is used as in normal HTTP urls.  If a field is specified (after the '#')
  * @param string $filter The name of a filter to pass the data through.  This
  * 		is only applicable when a field name is specified.  Possible filters 
  *		include: 
  *			strval - Returns the string value of the field. (aka stringValue, getValueAsString)
  *			display - Returns the display value of the field. (This substitutes valuelist values)
  *			htmlValue - Returns the html value of the field.
  *			preview - Returns the preview value of the field (usually this limits
  *					  the length of the output and strips any HTML.
  * @returns mixed Either a Dataface_Record object, a Dataface_RelatedRecord object
  *				of a value as stored in the object.  The output depends on 
  *				the input.  If it receives invalid input, it will return a PEAR_Error
  *				object.
  * Example usage:
  * <code>
  * // Get record from Users table with UserID=10
  * $user =& Dataface_IO::getByID('Users?UserID=10');
  * 		// Dataface_Record object
  * // get birthdate of user with UserID=10
  * $birthdate =& Dataface_IO::getByID('Users?UserID=10#birthdate');
  *		// array('year'=>'1978','month'=>'12','day'=>'27', ...)
  * // get related record from jobs relationship of user with UserID=10
  * // where the jobtitle is "cook"
  * $job =& Dataface_IO::getByID('Users?UserID=10&jobs::jobtitle=cook");
  * 		// Dataface_RelatedRecord object
  * // Get the employers name of the cook job
  * $employername = Dataface_IO::getByID('Users?UserID=10&jobs::jobtitle=cook#employername');
  *		// String
  * // Add filter, so we get the HTML value of the bio field rather than just 
  * // the raw value.
  * $bio = Dataface_IO::getByID('Users?UserID=10#bio', 'htmlValue');
  * </code>
 static function &getByID($uri, $filter = null)
     if (strpos($uri, '?') === false) {
         return PEAR::raiseError("Invalid record id: " . $uri);
     $uri_parts = df_parse_uri($uri);
     if (PEAR::isError($uri_parts)) {
         return $uri_parts;
     if (!isset($uri_parts['relationship'])) {
         // This is just requesting a normal record.
         // Check to see if this is to be a new record or an existing record
         if (@$uri_parts['action'] and $uri_parts['action'] == 'new') {
             $record = new Dataface_Record($uri_parts['table'], array());
             return $record;
         foreach ($uri_parts['query'] as $ukey => $uval) {
             if ($uval and $uval[0] != '=') {
                 $uval = '=' . $uval;
             $uri_parts['query'][$ukey] = $uval;
         // At this point we are sure that this is requesting an existing record
         $record =& df_get_record($uri_parts['table'], $uri_parts['query']);
         if (isset($uri_parts['field'])) {
             if (isset($filter) and method_exists($record, $filter)) {
                 $val =& $record->{$filter}($uri_parts['field']);
                 return $val;
             } else {
                 $val =& $record->val($uri_parts['field']);
                 return $val;
         } else {
             return $record;
     } else {
         // This is requesting a related record.
         $record =& df_get_record($uri_parts['table'], $uri_parts['query']);
         if (!$record) {
             return PEAR::raiseError("Could not find any records matching the query");
         // Check to see if we are creating a new record
         if (@$uri_parts['action'] and $uri_parts['action'] == 'new') {
             $related_record = new Dataface_RelatedRecord($record, $uri_parts['relationship']);
             return $related_record;
         // At this point we can be sure that we are requesting an existing record.
         $related_records =& $record->getRelatedRecordObjects($uri_parts['relationship'], 0, 1, $uri_parts['related_where']);
         if (count($related_records) == 0) {
             return PEAR::raiseError("Could not find any related records matching the query: " . $uri_parts['related_where']);
         if (isset($uri_parts['field'])) {
             if (isset($filter) and method_exists($related_records[0], $filter)) {
                 $val =& $related_records[0]->{$filter}($uri_parts['field']);
                 return $val;
             } else {
                 $val =& $related_records[0]->val($uri_parts['field']);
                 return $val;
         } else {
             return $related_records[0];
文件: grid.php 项目: promoso/HVAC
 function commit(&$grid)
     $columnnames = array_keys($grid->columns);
     if ($this->recordid == '__new__') {
         // this is a new record - so we must create a new one.
         $parentObj =& $grid->getParentObject();
         if (is_a($parentObj, 'Dataface_Table')) {
             $record = new Dataface_Record($parentObj->tablename, array());
         } else {
             $record = new Dataface_RelatedRecord($parentObj, $grid->relationship, array());
     } else {
         $record =& df_get_record_by_id($this->recordid);
     $rowdata =& $grid->data[$this->rowid];
     $savedata = array();
     foreach ($this->params['cells'] as $key) {
         $savedata[$key] = $rowdata[$key];
     if ($this->recordid == '__new__' and is_a($record, 'Dataface_RelatedRecord')) {
         $io = new Dataface_IO($parentObj->_table->tablename);
     } else {
 function testAddRelatedRecord()
     $fragrance = df_get_record('fragrances', array('fragrance_id' => '=1'));
     $this->assertTrue($fragrance instanceof Dataface_Record, 'Loaded fragrance should be a Dataface_Record object.');
     $formulasRelationship = $fragrance->table()->getRelationship('formulas');
     $this->assertTrue($formulasRelationship instanceof Dataface_Relationship, 'The formulas relationship does not exist or could not be loaded.');
     $relatedRecord = new Dataface_RelatedRecord($fragrance, 'formulas');
     $this->assertTrue(!$relatedRecord->isDirty('formula_name'), 'Record should not be dirty when it is first created.');
     $formula = $relatedRecord->toRecord('formulas');
     $this->assertTrue($formula instanceof Dataface_Record, 'Formula should be a Dataface_Record');
     $records = $relatedRecord->toRecords();
     $this->assertTrue($records[0] instanceof Dataface_Record, 'Formulas record from toRecords() should be of type Dataface_Record.');
     $relatedRecord->setValues(array('formula_name' => 'Test formula', 'formula_description' => 'This is just a test formula', 'ingredients' => array(0 => array('ingredient_id' => 3, 'concentration' => 10, 'concentration_units' => 1, 'amount' => 10, 'amount_units' => 2, '__id__' => 'new', '__order__' => 0), '__loaded__' => 1)));
     $this->assertTrue($relatedRecord->isDirty('formula_name'), 'The formula name should be dirty before it is saved.');
     $this->assertTrue($relatedRecord->isDirty('ingredients'), 'The ingredients should be dirty befor it is saved.');
     $io = new Dataface_IO('fragrances');
     $res = $io->addRelatedRecord($relatedRecord);
     $this->assertTrue(!PEAR::isError($res), 'The result of saving a related formula should not be an error.');