function PrintData($Indx, $Condition)
     // Get Data from DB
     $SQL = 'SELECT ' . $this->FieldList . ' FROM ' . $this->TableList . ' WHERE ' . $Condition;
     if (isset($this->OrderByList) == true) {
         $SQL .= ' ORDER BY ' . $this->OrderByList;
     } else {
         $SQL .= ' ORDER BY ' . $this->FieldList;
     $DataDB = new Database_MySQL();
     $DataDB->ConnectToDB($this->DatabaseName, DB_PATH, DB_USER, DB_PWORD);
     // if this is an HTML report ...
     if ($this->isExcelSheet == false) {
         // Set Color to RowColorOn...
         $BGColor = $this->RowColorOn;
     } else {
         // Set Format to EXCEL_FORMAT_TEXT_COLOR_ON
     // Add Leading Spacers
     for ($SpacerIndx = 0; $SpacerIndx < $Indx; $SpacerIndx++) {
     // For each Field in List
     for ($FieldIndx = 0; $FieldIndx < count($this->aFields); $FieldIndx++) {
         // Add Heading for Field
         $Heading = $this->ReturnFieldHeading($this->aFields[$FieldIndx]);
         $this->WriteHeading($Heading, $BGColor);
         // if this is an HTML report ...
         /*			if ( $this->isExcelSheet == false ) {
         				// Add Header to output table...
         				$this->OutputTable->AddTableCell( '<strong>'.$Heading.'</strong>', $BGColor.' class="modify" valign="bottom" ');
         			} else {
         				// Add Header to Excel Workbook
         				$this->ExcelWorkBook->AddCell( $Heading, EXCEL_FORMAT_HEADING );
     // Next Field
     // For each value returned
     while ($this->Row = $DataDB->RetrieveRow()) {
         $BGColor = $this->ToggleColor($BGColor);
         // Add Leading Spacers
         for ($SpacerIndx = 0; $SpacerIndx < $Indx; $SpacerIndx++) {
         // For each Field in List
         for ($FieldIndx = 0; $FieldIndx < count($this->aFields); $FieldIndx++) {
             // Output Value
             $TempValue = $this->ReturnFieldValue($this->aFields[$FieldIndx]);
             // if this is an HTML report ...
             if ($this->isExcelSheet == false) {
                 // Add Data to output table...
                 $this->OutputTable->AddTableCell($TempValue, $BGColor . ' class="modify" valign="top" ');
             } else {
                 // Add Data to Excel Workbook
                 $this->ExcelWorkBook->AddCell($TempValue, $BGColor);
         // Next Field
     // next
     // if this is an HTML report ...
     if ($this->isExcelSheet == false) {
         for ($SpacerIndx = 0; $SpacerIndx < $Indx; $SpacerIndx++) {
         // Add a Row of Spacers ...
         $this->OutputTable->AddTableCell('<hr width="100%" size="1" noshade color="#223450">', $this->SpacerCell, DISPLAYOBJECT_TYPE_HTML, $this->NumColumns - $SpacerIndx);
     } else {
         // Add 2 Rows of Spaces
         for ($SpacerIndx = 0; $SpacerIndx < $this->NumColumns * 2; $SpacerIndx++) {
         //			// Add Data to Excel Workbook
         //			$this->ExcelWorkBook->AddCell( '-----------------------', '' ,$this->NumColumns - $SpacerIndx );
 function CreateBar()
     $this->Labels = new MultiLingual_Labels('AI', 'NavBar', 'NavBar', $this->LanguageID);
     // Get List of User's Groups as a Group Clause
     $SQL = 'SELECT * FROM login.logingroups WHERE login_ViewerID=' . $this->ViewerID;
     if ($this->DB->RunSQL($SQL) == true) {
         $GroupClause = '';
         while ($Row = $this->DB->RetrieveRow()) {
             if ($GroupClause != '') {
                 $GroupClause .= ' OR grouplist_id=' . $Row['grouplist_id'];
             } else {
                 $GroupClause = 'grouplist_id=' . $Row['grouplist_id'];
         // make sure "All" Group (Group ID = 0) is included ...
         if ($GroupClause != '') {
             $GroupClause = '(' . $GroupClause . ' OR grouplist_id=0)';
         } else {
             $GroupClause = 'grouplist_id=0';
         // Now Get List of Menu's
         $SQL = 'SELECT * FROM login.navbarmenu WHERE ' . $GroupClause . ' OR viewer_id=' . $this->ViewerID;
         $SQL .= ' ORDER BY navbarmenu_order';
         if ($this->DB->RunSQL($SQL) == true) {
             // Begin Main Menu
             $MenuList = "with(milonic=new menuname(\"Main Menu\")){\n";
             $MenuList .= "   style=barStyle;\n";
             $MenuList .= "   alwaysvisible=1;\n";
             $MenuList .= "   orientation=\"horizontal\";\n";
             $MenuList .= "   overfilter=\"\";\n";
             $MenuList .= "   position=\"relative\";\n";
             $MenuListCounter = 1;
             // Prep a DB Object for working with MenuEntries
             $MenuEntryDB = new Database_MySQL();
             $MenuEntryDB->ConnectToDB('login', DB_PATH, DB_USER, DB_PWORD);
             $MenuEntryList = '';
             // For Each Menu Item
             while ($Row = $this->DB->RetrieveRow()) {
                 $CurrentMenuEntries = array();
                 // Get MenuEntries Related To this MenuItem
                 $SQL = 'SELECT * FROM login.navbarentries WHERE navbarmenu_id=' . $Row['navbarmenu_id'];
                 $SQL .= ' AND (' . $GroupClause . ' OR viewer_id=' . $this->ViewerID . ') ';
                 $SQL .= ' ORDER BY navbarentries_order ';
                 if ($MenuEntryDB->RunSQL($SQL) == true) {
                     $TempMenuEntry = "with(milonic=new menuname(\"menu" . $MenuListCounter . "\")){\n";
                     $TempMenuEntry .= "   style=menuStyle;\n";
                     $TempMenuEntry .= "   overflow=\"scroll\";\n";
                     $MenuEntryCounter = 1;
                     while ($EntryRow = $MenuEntryDB->RetrieveRow()) {
                         if (array_key_exists($EntryRow['navbarentries_cmd'], $CurrentMenuEntries) == false) {
                             $Temp = $this->Labels->Label($EntryRow['navbarentries_label']);
                             // if link is local to this site then
                             if ($EntryRow['navbarentries_islocal'] == 1) {
                                 // add an entry with the site root path appended...
                                 $TempMenuEntry .= "aI(\"text=" . $Temp . ";url=" . NAVBAR_PATH . $EntryRow['navbarentries_cmd'] . ";title=" . $EntryRow['navbarentries_title'] . ";\");\n";
                             } else {
                                 // else add an entry with http:// appended...
                                 $TempMenuEntry .= "aI(\"text=" . $Temp . ";url=http://" . $EntryRow['navbarentries_cmd'] . ";title=" . $EntryRow['navbarentries_title'] . ";\");\n";
                             $CurrentMenuEntries[$EntryRow['navbarentries_cmd']] = 0;
                     $TempMenuEntry .= "}\n\n";
                 } else {
                     echo 'NavBar::CreateBar:Unable to get Sub List of Main MenuList [' . $Row['navbarmenu_id'] . '] [' . $SQL . ']<br>';
                 // Add Current Main Menu Entry
                 $Temp = $this->Labels->Label($Row['navbarmenu_label']);
                 $MenuList .= "   aI(\"text=" . $Temp . ";showmenu=menu" . $MenuListCounter . "\");\n";
                 // Save Current Menu Entry List
                 $MenuEntryList .= $TempMenuEntry;
             $MenuList .= "}\n\ndrawMenus();\n";
             // Now Save all this data in NavBarData ...
             $this->NavBarData['MainMenu'] = $MenuList;
             $this->NavBarData['SubMenus'] = $MenuEntryList;
         } else {
             echo 'NavBar::CreateBar:Unable to get Main MenuList [' . $SQL . ']<br>';
     } else {
         echo 'NavBar::CreateBar: Unable to get Viewer\'s List Of Groups.<br>';