    public static function lvsUpdateStatus(DatabaseMysql $db, $verbose = false, $dryRun = false, $params = array())
        echo "Wiki: {$params['dbname']} (ID:{$params['cityId']})\n";
        if (!$db->tableExists('page_wikia_props')) {
            echo "ERROR: {$params['dbname']} (ID:{$params['cityId']}): page_wikia_props table not exist.\n\n";
        if ($params['dbname'] == F::app()->wg->WikiaVideoRepoDBName) {
            echo "SKIP: {$params['dbname']} (ID:{$params['cityId']})\n\n";
        $limit = 5000;
        $total = 0;
        $kept = 0;
        $swapped = 0;
        $swappedExact = 0;
        $suggestions = 0;
        $totalAffected = 0;
        $statusInfo = WPP_LVS_STATUS_INFO;
        $statusSuggest = WPP_LVS_SUGGEST;
        $status = WPP_LVS_STATUS;
        $sqls[] = <<<SQL
\t\t\t\tSELECT p1.page_id, p1.props as suggestions,
\t\t\t\t\tsubstring(p2.props, locate('"status";i:', p2.props)+11, 1) status
\t\t\t\tFROM page_wikia_props p1
\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN page_wikia_props p2 ON p1.page_id = p2.page_id AND p2.propname = {$statusInfo}
\t\t\t\tWHERE p1.propname = {$statusSuggest}
\t\t\t\tORDER by p1.page_id
\t\t\t\tLIMIT {$limit}
        $sqls[] = <<<SQL
\t\t\t\tSELECT p1.page_id, '' as suggestions,
\t\t\t\t\tsubstring(p1.props, locate('"status";i:', p1.props)+11, 1) status
\t\t\t\tFROM page_wikia_props p1
\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN page_wikia_props p2 ON p1.page_id = p2.page_id AND p2.propname = {$statusSuggest}
\t\t\t\tWHERE p1.propname = {$statusInfo} AND p2.page_id is null
\t\t\t\tORDER by p1.page_id
\t\t\t\tLIMIT {$limit}
        foreach ($sqls as $sql) {
            echo "SQL: {$sql}\n";
            do {
                $result = $db->query($sql, __METHOD__);
                $pages = $result->numRows();
                echo "Total Pages: {$pages}\n";
                $cnt = 1;
                $total = $total + $pages;
                while ($row = $db->fetchObject($result)) {
                    $pageId = $row->page_id;
                    echo "\tPage ID {$pageId} [{$cnt} of {$pages}]: ";
                    $flags = array();
                    $statusList = array();
                    // video with suggestions
                    if (!empty($row->suggestions)) {
                        $statusList[] = "STATUS_SWAPPABLE";
                        $flags[] = LicensedVideoSwapHelper::STATUS_SWAPPABLE;
                    // kept video
                    if (!empty($row->status) && $row->status == 1) {
                        $statusList[] = "STATUS_KEEP";
                        $flags[] = LicensedVideoSwapHelper::STATUS_KEEP;
                    // swapped video
                    if (!empty($row->status) && $row->status == 2) {
                        $statusList[] = "STATUS_SWAP";
                        $flags[] = LicensedVideoSwapHelper::STATUS_SWAP;
                    // swapped video with exact match
                    if (!empty($row->status) && $row->status == 3) {
                        $statusList[] = "STATUS_SWAP";
                        $statusList[] = "STATUS_EXACT ";
                        $flags[] = LicensedVideoSwapHelper::STATUS_SWAP;
                        $flags[] = LicensedVideoSwapHelper::STATUS_EXACT;
                    $props = implode('|', $flags);
                    echo implode(', ', $statusList) . " ( {$props} ) .... ";
                    $sqlInsert = <<<SQL
\t\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO page_wikia_props (page_id, propname, props)
\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES ({$pageId}, {$status}, ({$props}))
\t\t\t\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE props = (props | {$props})
                    if ($dryRun) {
                        $affected = 1;
                    } else {
                        $db->query($sqlInsert, __METHOD__);
                        $affected = $db->affectedRows();
                    echo "{$affected} affected.\n";
                    $totalAffected += $affected;
            } while ($pages == $limit);
            echo "\n";
        echo "{$params['dbname']} (ID:{$params['cityId']}): Total Pages: {$total}, Kept Videos: {$kept}, Swapped Videos: {$swapped}, ";
        echo "Swapped Videos with Exact Match: {$swappedExact}, Videos with Suggestions: {$suggestions}, Affected: {$totalAffected}\n\n";