public function updateRevision(DatabaseBase $dbw, $continue = null) { $rows = $dbw->select('flow_revision', array('rev_id', 'rev_user_id', 'rev_user_text', 'rev_mod_user_id', 'rev_mod_user_text', 'rev_edit_user_id', 'rev_edit_user_text'), array('rev_id > ' . $dbw->addQuotes($continue), $dbw->makeList(array('rev_user_id' => 0, 'rev_mod_user_id' => 0, 'rev_edit_user_id' => 0), LIST_OR)), __METHOD__, array('LIMIT' => $this->mBatchSize, 'ORDER BY' => 'rev_id')); $continue = null; foreach ($rows as $row) { $continue = $row->rev_id; $updates = array(); if ($row->rev_user_id == 0) { $updates['rev_user_ip'] = $row->rev_user_text; } if ($row->rev_mod_user_id == 0) { $updates['rev_mod_user_ip'] = $row->rev_mod_user_text; } if ($row->rev_edit_user_id == 0) { $updates['rev_edit_user_ip'] = $row->rev_edit_user_text; } if ($updates) { $dbw->update('flow_revision', $updates, array('rev_id' => $row->rev_id), __METHOD__); } } return $continue; }
/** * @param Array $options * @param DatabaseBase $db * @return array */ protected function getWamIndexConditions($options, $db) { $conds = array('fw1.time_id = FROM_UNIXTIME(' . $options['currentTimestamp'] . ')'); if ($options['wikiId']) { $conds['fw1.wiki_id'] = $options['wikiId']; } if (!is_null($options['wikiWord'])) { $conds[] = "dw.url like '%" . $db->strencode($options['wikiWord']) . "%' " . "OR dw.title like '%" . $db->strencode($options['wikiWord']) . "%'"; } if ($options['verticalId']) { $verticals = $options['verticalId']; } else { $verticals = $this->verticalIds; } $conds['fw1.vertical_id'] = $verticals; if (!is_null($options['wikiLang'])) { $conds['dw.lang'] = $db->strencode($options['wikiLang']); } if (!empty($options['excludeBlacklist']) || !empty($options['excludeNonCommercial'])) { $bannedIds = !empty($options['excludeBlacklist']) ? $this->getIdsBlacklistedWikis() : []; $nonCommercialIds = !empty($options['excludeNonCommercial']) ? $this->getNonCommercialWikis() : []; $blacklistIds = array_merge($bannedIds, $nonCommercialIds); if (!empty($blacklistIds)) { $conds[] = 'fw1.wiki_id NOT IN (' . $db->makeList($blacklistIds) . ')'; } } return $conds; }
/** * Update one property table by inserting or deleting rows, and compute * the changes that this entails for the property usage counts. The * given rows are inserted into the table if $insert is true; otherwise * they are deleted. The property usage counts are recorded in the * call-by-ref parameter $propertyUseIncrements. * * The method assumes that all of the given rows are about the same * subject. This is ensured by callers. * * @since 1.8 * @param array $propertyUseIncrements * @param SMWSQLStore3Table $propertyTable * @param array $rows array of rows to insert/delete * @param boolean $insert * @param DatabaseBase $dbw used for writing */ protected function writePropertyTableRowUpdates(array &$propertyUseIncrements, SMWSQLStore3Table $propertyTable, array $rows, $insert, DatabaseBase $dbw) { if (empty($rows)) { //print "Nothing to " . ( $insert ? 'insert' : 'delete' ) . " for table {$propertyTable->getName()}.\n"; //DEBUG return; } //print ( $insert ? 'Inserting ' : 'Deleting ' ) . count( $rows ) . " row(s) in table {$propertyTable->getName()}.\n"; //DEBUG //print var_export( $rows, true ) . "\n"; //DEBUG if (!$propertyTable->usesIdSubject()) { // does not occur, but let's be strict throw new InvalidArgumentException('Operation not supported for tables without subject IDs.'); } if ($insert) { $dbw->insert($propertyTable->getName(), array_values($rows), "SMW::writePropertyTableRowUpdates-insert-{$propertyTable->getName()}"); } else { $condition = ''; // We build a condition that mentions s_id only once, // since it must be the same for all rows. This should // help the DBMS in selecting the rows (it would not be // easy for to detect that all tuples share one s_id). $sid = false; foreach ($rows as $row) { if ($sid === false) { $sid = $row['s_id']; // 's_id' exists for all tables with $propertyTable->usesIdSubject() } unset($row['s_id']); if ($condition != '') { $condition .= ' OR '; } $condition .= '(' . $dbw->makeList($row, LIST_AND) . ')'; } $condition = "s_id=" . $dbw->addQuotes($sid) . " AND ({$condition})"; $dbw->delete($propertyTable->getName(), array($condition), "SMW::writePropertyTableRowUpdates-delete-{$propertyTable->getName()}"); } if ($propertyTable->isFixedPropertyTable()) { $property = new SMWDIProperty($propertyTable->getFixedProperty()); $pid = $this->store->smwIds->makeSMWPropertyID($property); } foreach ($rows as $row) { if (!$propertyTable->isFixedPropertyTable()) { $pid = $row['p_id']; } if (!array_key_exists($pid, $propertyUseIncrements)) { $propertyUseIncrements[$pid] = 0; } $propertyUseIncrements[$pid] += $insert ? 1 : -1; } }
/** * Makes an encoded list of strings from an array * $mode: * LIST_COMMA - comma separated, no field names * LIST_AND - ANDed WHERE clause (without the WHERE) * LIST_OR - ORed WHERE clause (without the WHERE) * LIST_SET - comma separated with field names, like a SET clause * LIST_NAMES - comma separated field names * LIST_SET_PREPARED - like LIST_SET, except with ? tokens as values * @param array $a * @param int $mode * @throws DBUnexpectedError * @return string */ function makeList($a, $mode = LIST_COMMA) { if (!is_array($a)) { throw new DBUnexpectedError($this, 'DatabaseIbm_db2::makeList called with incorrect parameters'); } // if this is for a prepared UPDATE statement // (this should be promoted to the parent class // once other databases use prepared statements) if ($mode == LIST_SET_PREPARED) { $first = true; $list = ''; foreach ($a as $field => $value) { if (!$first) { $list .= ", {$field} = ?"; } else { $list .= "{$field} = ?"; $first = false; } } $list .= ''; return $list; } // otherwise, call the usual function return parent::makeList($a, $mode); }
/** * SQL clause to skip forbidden log types for this user * * @param DatabaseBase $db * @param string $audience Public/user * @param User $user User to check, or null to use $wgUser * @return string|bool String on success, false on failure. */ public static function getExcludeClause($db, $audience = 'public', User $user = null) { global $wgLogRestrictions; if ($audience != 'public' && $user === null) { global $wgUser; $user = $wgUser; } // Reset the array, clears extra "where" clauses when $par is used $hiddenLogs = array(); // Don't show private logs to unprivileged users foreach ($wgLogRestrictions as $logType => $right) { if ($audience == 'public' || !$user->isAllowed($right)) { $hiddenLogs[] = $logType; } } if (count($hiddenLogs) == 1) { return 'log_type != ' . $db->addQuotes($hiddenLogs[0]); } elseif ($hiddenLogs) { return 'log_type NOT IN (' . $db->makeList($hiddenLogs) . ')'; } return false; }
/** * Of the current set of keys, construct database query conditions. * @since 2011-12-28 * @param DatabaseBase $db * @return string */ protected function getTitleConds($db) { // Array of array( namespace, pagename ) $byNamespace = array(); foreach ($this->getTitles() as $title) { $namespace = $title->getNamespace(); $pagename = $title->getDBKey(); $byNamespace[$namespace][] = $pagename; } $conds = array(); foreach ($byNamespace as $namespaces => $pagenames) { $cond = array('page_namespace' => $namespaces, 'page_title' => $pagenames); $conds[] = $db->makeList($cond, LIST_AND); } return $db->makeList($conds, LIST_OR); }
/** * Makes an encoded list of strings from an array * @param array $a Containing the data * @param int $mode Constant * - LIST_COMMA: comma separated, no field names * - LIST_AND: ANDed WHERE clause (without the WHERE). See * the documentation for $conds in DatabaseBase::select(). * - LIST_OR: ORed WHERE clause (without the WHERE) * - LIST_SET: comma separated with field names, like a SET clause * - LIST_NAMES: comma separated field names * @param array $binaryColumns Contains a list of column names that are binary types * This is a custom parameter only present for MS SQL. * * @throws MWException|DBUnexpectedError * @return string */ public function makeList($a, $mode = LIST_COMMA, $binaryColumns = array()) { if (!is_array($a)) { throw new DBUnexpectedError($this, 'DatabaseBase::makeList called with incorrect parameters'); } if ($mode != LIST_NAMES) { // In MS SQL, values need to be specially encoded when they are // inserted into binary fields. Perform this necessary encoding // for the specified set of columns. foreach (array_keys($a) as $field) { if (!isset($binaryColumns[$field])) { continue; } if (is_array($a[$field])) { foreach ($a[$field] as &$v) { $v = new MssqlBlob($v); } unset($v); } else { $a[$field] = new MssqlBlob($a[$field]); } } } return parent::makeList($a, $mode); }
/** * Get the where clause to query rows by either old or new name * * @param DatabaseBase $db * * @return string */ private function getNameWhereClause(DatabaseBase $db) { return $db->makeList(array('ru_oldname' => $this->name, 'ru_newname' => $this->name), LIST_OR); }
private static function __parse($aInput, $aParams, &$parser, $returnPlainData = false) { global $wgLang, $wgUser, $wgCityId, $wgParser, $wgTitle; global $wgExtensionsPath, $wgStylePath, $wgRequest; wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); /** * because this parser tag contains elements of interface we need to * inform parser to vary parser cache key by user lang option **/ /* @var $parser Parser */ if ($parser instanceof Parser && $parser->mOutput instanceof ParserOutput) { $parser->mOutput->recordOption('userlang'); } $result = ""; self::$aTables = self::$aWhere = self::$aOptions = array(); self::$dbr = null; /* default settings for query */ self::__setDefault(); $showOnlyPage = 0; try { /* database connect */ self::$dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE, 'dpl'); /* parse parameters as XML tags */ wfDebugLog(__METHOD__, "parse " . count($aInput) . " parameters (XML tags)\n"); $relationArray = array(); foreach ($aInput as $sParamName => $aParamValues) { /* ignore empty lines */ if (empty($aParamValues)) { wfDebugLog(__METHOD__, "ignore empty param: " . $sParamName . " \n"); continue; } /* invalid name of parameter or empty name */ if (!in_array($sParamName, array_keys(self::$aBlogParams))) { throw new Exception(wfMsg('blog-invalidparam', $sParamName, implode(", ", array_keys(self::$aBlogParams)))); } elseif (trim($sParamName) == '') { throw new Exception(wfMsg('blog-emptyparam')); } /* ignore comment lines */ if ($sParamName[0] == '#') { wfDebugLog(__METHOD__, "ignore comment line: " . $sParamName . " \n"); continue; } /* parse value of parameter */ switch ($sParamName) { case 'category': if (!empty($aParamValues)) { $aParamValues = array_slice($aParamValues, 0, self::$aBlogParams[$sParamName]['count']); $aParamValues = str_replace(" ", "_", $aParamValues); if (!empty($aParamValues) && is_array($aParamValues)) { $relationArray[$sParamName] = $aParamValues; } $aPages = self::__getCategories($aParamValues, $parser); if (!empty($aPages)) { self::$aWhere[] = "page_id in (" . implode(",", $aPages) . ")"; } else { self::$aWhere[] = "page_id = 0"; } } break; case 'pages': if (!empty($aParamValues)) { $showOnlyPage = $aParamValues; } break; case 'author': if (!empty($aParamValues)) { $aParamValues = array_slice($aParamValues, 0, self::$aBlogParams[$sParamName]['count']); if (!empty($aParamValues) && is_array($aParamValues)) { $relationArray[$sParamName] = $aParamValues; $aTmpWhere = array(); foreach ($aParamValues as $id => $sParamValue) { $sParamValue = str_replace(" ", "\\_", $sParamValue); $aTmpWhere[] = "page_title like '" . addslashes($sParamValue) . "/%'"; } if (!empty($aTmpWhere)) { self::$aWhere[] = implode(" OR ", $aTmpWhere); } } } break; case 'order': if (!empty($aParamValues) && is_array($aParamValues)) { list($sParamValue) = $aParamValues; self::__makeOrder($sParamName, $sParamValue); } break; case 'ordertype': case 'type': if (!empty($aParamValues) && is_array($aParamValues)) { list($sParamValue) = $aParamValues; self::__makeListOption($sParamName, $sParamValue); } break; case 'count': case 'displaycount': case 'offset': case 'summarylength': case 'create_timestamp': case 'timestamp': if (!empty($aParamValues) && is_array($aParamValues)) { list($sParamValue) = $aParamValues; self::__makeIntOption($sParamName, $sParamValue); } break; case 'summary': case 'paging': if (!empty($aParamValues) && is_array($aParamValues)) { list($sParamValue) = $aParamValues; self::__makeBoolOption($sParamName, $sParamValue); } break; case 'seemore': case 'title': case 'class': if (!empty($aParamValues) && is_array($aParamValues)) { list($sParamValue) = $aParamValues; self::__makeStringOption($sParamName, $sParamValue); } break; } } wfRunHooks('BlogListAfterParse', array(self::$oTitle, $relationArray)); /* */ if (!empty($showOnlyPage)) { self::$aWhere = array("page_id in (" . self::$dbr->makeList($showOnlyPage) . ")"); } // style attribute is deprecated but we cannot afford braking existing bloglist just because // they have style attribute - bugID: 68203 unset($aParams['style']); /* parse parameters */ foreach ($aParams as $sParamName => $sParamValue) { /* ignore empty lines */ if (!isset($sParamValue)) { wfDebugLog(__METHOD__, "ignore empty param: " . $sParamName . " \n"); continue; } /* invalid name of parameter or empty name */ if (!in_array($sParamName, array_keys(self::$aBlogParams))) { throw new Exception(wfMsg('blog-invalidparam', $sParamName, implode(", ", array_keys(self::$aBlogParams)))); } /* parse value of parameter */ switch ($sParamName) { case 'order': self::__makeOrder($sParamName, $sParamValue); break; case 'ordertype': case 'type': self::__makeListOption($sParamName, $sParamValue); break; case 'count': case 'displaycount': case 'offset': case 'create_timestamp': case 'timestamp': case 'summarylength': self::__makeIntOption($sParamName, $sParamValue); break; case 'summary': case 'paging': self::__makeBoolOption($sParamName, $sParamValue); break; case 'seemore': case 'title': case 'class': self::__makeStringOption($sParamName, $sParamValue); break; } } // Allows caller to turn off paging of results if (self::$aOptions['paging'] == true) { $__pageVal = $wgRequest->getVal('page'); if (isset($__pageVal) && !empty($__pageVal)) { $count = intval(self::$aOptions['count']); self::__makeIntOption('offset', $count * $__pageVal); } } # use revision table to get results self::__addRevisionTable(); /* build query */ if ($returnPlainData) { $res = self::__getResults(); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $res; } else { if (!empty($parser->mOutput) && $parser->mOutput instanceof ParserOutput) { $parser->mOutput->setProperty("blogPostCount", self::getResultsCount()); } if (self::$aOptions['type'] == 'count') { /* get results count */ $result = self::getResultsCount(); } else { $aResult = self::__getResults(); /* set output */ if (!empty($aResult)) { if (self::$aOptions['type'] != 'array') { $sPager = ""; if (self::$aOptions['type'] == 'plain') { $iCount = self::getResultsCount(); $sPager = self::__getPager($iCount, intval(self::$aOptions['offset'])); } if (F::app()->checkSkin('oasis')) { wfRunHooks('BlogsRenderBlogArticlePage', array(&$result, $aResult, self::$aOptions, $sPager)); } else { /* run template */ $oTmpl = new EasyTemplate(dirname(__FILE__) . "/templates/"); $oTmpl->set_vars(array("wgUser" => $wgUser, "cityId" => $wgCityId, "wgLang" => $wgLang, "aRows" => $aResult, "aOptions" => self::$aOptions, "wgParser" => $wgParser, "skin" => RequestContext::getMain()->getSkin(), "wgExtensionsPath" => $wgExtensionsPath, "wgStylePath" => $wgStylePath, "sPager" => $sPager, "wgTitle" => self::$oTitle)); # --- if (self::$aOptions['type'] == 'box') { $result = $oTmpl->render("blog-page"); } else { $page = $oTmpl->render("blog-post-page"); $oTmpl->set_vars(array("page" => $page)); $result = $oTmpl->render("blog-article-page"); } } } else { unset($result); $result = self::__makeRssOutput($aResult); } } else { if (!empty(self::$oTitle) && self::$oTitle->getNamespace() == NS_BLOG_ARTICLE) { $result = wfMsgExt('blog-empty-user-blog', array('parse')); } else { if (self::$aOptions['type'] != 'array') { // $sk = RequestContext::getMain()->getSkin(); $result = ""; // RT #69906 // $result = wfMsg('blog-nopostfound') . " " . $sk->makeLinkObj(Title::newFromText('CreateBlogPage', NS_SPECIAL), wfMsg('blog-writeone' ) ); } else { $result = ""; } } } } } } catch (Exception $e) { wfDebugLog(__METHOD__, "parse error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n"); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $e->getMessage(); } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $result; }