createDefinition() public method

Creates and returns an empty Definition object.
public createDefinition ( string $definition = '' ) : DataSift_Definition
$definition string Optional definition with which to prime the object.
return DataSift_Definition A definition object tied to this user.
    // Ignore the other events for the purposes of this example.
    public function onConnect($consumer)
    public function onDeleted($consumer, $interaction, $hash)
    public function onStatus($consumer, $type, $info)
    public function onWarning($consumer, $message)
    public function onError($consumer, $message)
    public function onDisconnect($consumer)
    public function onStopped($consumer, $reason)
// Create the user
$user = new DataSift_User('username', 'api_key');
// Create a definition looking for the word "datasift"
$def = $user->createDefinition('interaction.content contains "datasift"');
// Get an HTTP stream consumer for that definition
$consumer = $def->getConsumer(DataSift_StreamConsumer::TYPE_HTTP, new EventHandler());
// Consume it - this will not return unless the stream gets disconnected
  * Constructor. Do not use this directly, use the factory method instead.
  * @param DataSift_User                        $user         The user this consumer will run as.
  * @param mixed                                $definition   CSDL string, a Definition object, or an array of hashes.
  * @param DataSift_IStreamConsumerEventHandler $eventHandler The object that will receive events.
  * @throws DataSift_Exception_InvalidData
  * @throws DataSiftExceotion_CompileFailed
  * @throws DataSift_Exception_APIError
 protected function __construct($user, $definition, $eventHandler)
     if (!$user instanceof DataSift_User) {
         throw new DataSift_Exception_InvalidData('Please supply a valid DataSift_User object when creating a DataSift_StreamConsumer object.');
     if (is_array($definition) && count($definition) > 0) {
         // Yes, we're multi
         $this->_is_multi = true;
         // Get the hashes
         foreach ($definition as $d) {
             if ($d instanceof DataSift_Definition) {
                 $this->_hashes[] = $d->getHash();
             } else {
                 $this->_hashes[] = $d;
     } elseif (is_string($definition)) {
         // Convert the CSDL into a Definition object
         $this->_definition = $user->createDefinition($definition);
     } elseif ($definition instanceof DataSift_Definition) {
         // Already a Definition object
         $this->_definition = $definition;
     } else {
         throw new DataSift_Exception_InvalidData('The definition must be a CSDL string, a DataSift_Definition object, or an array of stream hashes.');
     // Set the user
     $this->_user = $user;
     // Validate and set the event handler
     if (!$eventHandler instanceof DataSift_IStreamConsumerEventHandler) {
         throw new DataSift_Exception_InvalidData('Your event handler object must implement the DataSift_IStreamConsumerEventHandler interface.');
     $this->_eventHandler = $eventHandler;
     // Ask for the definition hash - this will compile the definition if
     // necessary
     if (!$this->_is_multi) {
 * This script creates a pull subscription and requests data from it periodically.
// Include the DataSift library
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../lib/datasift.php';
// Include the configuration - put your username and API key in this file
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config.php';
// Authenticate
echo "Creating user...\n";
$user = new DataSift_User(USERNAME, API_KEY);
//Define some CSDL
$csdl = 'interaction.content contains "coffee" AND interaction.type == "tumblr"';
// Create the stream definition
$stream_definition = $user->createDefinition($csdl);
//Create the push definition
$push_definition = $user->createPushDefinition();
$push_sub = $push_definition->subscribeDefinition($stream_definition, 'My PHP pull subscription');
echo "Pull subscription created, ID: " . $push_sub->getId() . "\n";
//Pull 10 times, every 2 seconds
for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
    echo "Pull number {$i}\n";
    $interactions = $push_sub->pull();
    foreach ($interactions as $interaction) {
        if (isset($interaction['interaction']['content'])) {
            echo "{$interaction['interaction']['content']}\n";