 $values = $input;
 // Load the DataLayer
 @(include_once 'includes/datalayer.class.php');
 // Make sure the DataLayer class loaded sucessfully
 if (!class_exists('DataLayer')) {
     die("ERROR: Unable to load DataLayer class.\n");
 $dl = new DataLayer($config['datalayer']);
 if ($dl === false) {
     die("ERROR: Unable to connect to database.\n");
 // Prune out dead servers
 bzlog('Deleting inactive servers from list', 3);
 $dl->Servers_Delete_ByAge(NOW - $config['maximumServerAge']);
 // Check if they are requesting a token
 if (isset($values['username']) && isset($values['password'])) {
     // Pull the player's information from the database
     $data['player'] = $dl->Player_Fetch_ByUsername($values['username']);
     // Verify that the user exists and that their password is correct
     if (!$data['player'] || md5($values['password']) != $data['player']['password']) {
         // If not, they do not get a token. Inform the client.
         die("NOTOK: Invalid username or password.\n");
     } else {
         // We're done with the password, so get rid of it
         // If there is still enough time left before the token expires, give it
         // back to them.  Verify this is a request from the same IP.
         if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == $data['player']['tokenipaddress'] && !empty($data['player']['token']) && $data['player']['tokendate'] + ($config['token']['lifetime'] - $config['token']['regenerationGracePeriod']) > NOW) {
             echo "TOKEN: " . $data['player']['token'] . "\n";