/** * Render cabinet properties into this view. * * The cabinet properties zone, row, model, maximum weight and installation date * are rendered to be for this page. It checks if the user is allowed to see the * content of the cabinet and only if the user does the information is provided. * * @param Cabinet $cab * @param CabinetAudit $audit * @param string $AuditorName */ function renderCabinetProps($cab, $audit, $AuditorName) { $tmpDC = new DataCenter(); $tmpDC->DataCenterID = $cab->DataCenterID; $tmpDC->GetDataCenter(); $AuditorName = $AuditorName != '' ? "<br>{$AuditorName}" : ""; $renderedHTML = "\t\t<table id=\"cabprop\">\n\t\t\t<tr><td>" . __("Last Audit") . ":</td><td id=\"lastaudit\">{$audit->AuditStamp}{$AuditorName}</td></tr>\n\t\t\t<tr><td>" . __("Model") . ":</td><td>{$cab->Model}</td></tr>\n\t\t\t<tr><td>" . __("Data Center") . ":</td><td>{$tmpDC->Name}</td></tr>\n\t\t\t<tr><td>" . __("Install Date") . ":</td><td>{$cab->InstallationDate}</td></tr>\n"; if ($cab->ZoneID) { $zone = new Zone(); $zone->ZoneID = $cab->ZoneID; $zone->GetZone(); $renderedHTML .= "\t\t\t<tr><td>" . __("Zone") . ":</td><td>{$zone->Description}</td></tr>\n"; } if ($cab->CabRowID) { $cabrow = new CabRow(); $cabrow->CabRowID = $cab->CabRowID; $cabrow->GetCabRow(); $renderedHTML .= "\t\t\t<tr><td>" . __("Row") . ":</td><td>{$cabrow->Name}</td></tr>\n"; } $renderedHTML .= "\t\t\t<tr><td>" . __("Tags") . ":</td><td>" . renderTagsToString($cab) . "</td></tr>\n"; // This is out of context here and makes the information confusing. // $renderedHTML .= ' <tr><td class="left">' . __('Front Edge') . ':</td>'; // $renderedHTML .= "<td class=\"right\">$cab->FrontEdge </td></tr>\n"; $renderedHTML .= "\t\t</table>\n"; return $renderedHTML; }
function builddclist($id = null) { $dc = new DataCenter(); $dcList = $dc->GetDCList(); $idnum = ''; if (!is_null($id)) { if ($id == "dc-front") { $idnum = 1; } elseif ($id == "dc-rear") { $idnum = 2; } $id = " name=\"{$id}\" id=\"{$id}\""; } $dcpicklist = "<select{$id}><option value=0> </option>"; foreach ($dcList as $d) { $dcpicklist .= "<option value={$d->DataCenterID}>{$d->Name}</option>"; } $dcpicklist .= '</select>'; return $dcpicklist; }
function _putresources() { parent::_putresources(); $this->_putbookmarks(); } function _putcatalog() { parent::_putcatalog(); if (count($this->outlines) > 0) { $this->_out('/Outlines ' . $this->OutlineRoot . ' 0 R'); $this->_out('/PageMode /UseOutlines'); } } } if (!isset($_REQUEST['action'])) { $dc = new DataCenter(); $dcList = $dc->GetDCList(); ?> <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="CACHE-CONTROL" content="NO-CACHE"> <meta http-equiv="EXPIRES" content="Mon, 01 Jan 1997 01:00:00 GMT"> <meta http-equiv="PRAGMA" content="NO-CACHE"> <title>openDCIM Inventory Reporting</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/inventory.php" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery-ui.css" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/validationEngine.jquery.css" type="text/css">
<?php require_once "db.inc.php"; require_once "facilities.inc.php"; $subheader = __("XML Output for CFD Simulation"); $datacenter = new DataCenter(); $dcList = $datacenter->GetDCList(); if (!isset($_REQUEST['datacenterid'])) { ?> <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="CACHE-CONTROL" content="NO-CACHE"> <meta http-equiv="EXPIRES" content="Mon, 01 Jan 1997 01:00:00 GMT"> <meta http-equiv="PRAGMA" content="NO-CACHE"> <title>openDCIM Data Center Inventory</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/inventory.php" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery-ui.css" type="text/css"> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/ie.css" type="text/css" /> <![endif]--> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery-ui.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $('#generate').hide();
fclose($fh); print "<p>Anything shown here is just a notice. It is not necessarily an error. We will occasionally have to repeat database modifications that will fail and will show here. <b>This is behavior is to be expected</b>. Take note of any errors displayed in red then press F5 to reload this page until it goes to the configuration screen.</p>"; } else { echo '<p class="success">All is well. Please remove install.php to return to normal functionality</p>'; } ?> </body> </html> <?php exit; } require_once "facilities.inc.php"; $dept = new Department(); $dc = new DataCenter(); $cab = new Cabinet(); function BuildFileList() { $imageselect = '<div id="preview"></div><div id="filelist">'; $path = './images'; $dir = scandir($path); foreach ($dir as $i => $f) { if (is_file($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $f) && round(filesize($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $f) / 1024, 2) >= 4 && $f != "serverrack.png" && $f != "gradient.png") { $imageinfo = getimagesize($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $f); if (preg_match('/^image/i', $imageinfo['mime'])) { $imageselect .= "<span>{$f}</span>\n"; } } } $imageselect .= "</div>";
<?php require_once "db.inc.php"; require_once "facilities.inc.php"; $subheader = __("Data Center Cabinet Inventory"); // Get the list of departments that this user is a member of $viewList = $person->isMemberOf(); $cab = new Cabinet(); $head = $legend = $zeroheight = $body = $deptcolor = ""; $deptswithcolor = array(); $dev = new Device(); $templ = new DeviceTemplate(); $tempDept = new Department(); $dc = new DataCenter(); $cabrow = new CabRow(); $cabrow->CabRowID = $_REQUEST['row']; $cabrow->GetCabRow(); $cab->CabRowID = $cabrow->CabRowID; $cabinets = $cab->GetCabinetsByRow(); $frontedge = $cabrow->GetCabRowFrontEdge(); if (isset($_GET["rear"])) { //opposite view $cabinets = array_reverse($cabinets); } //start loop to parse all cabinets in the row foreach ($cabinets as $index => $cabinet) { $currentHeight = $cabinet->CabinetHeight; if ($config->ParameterArray["ReservedColor"] != "#FFFFFF" || $config->ParameterArray["FreeSpaceColor"] != "#FFFFFF") { $head .= "\t\t<style type=\"text/css\">\n\t\t\t.reserved{background-color: {$config->ParameterArray['ReservedColor']};}\n\t\t\t.freespace{background-color: {$config->ParameterArray['FreeSpaceColor']};}\n"; } $side = null;
static function RowToObject($dbRow, $filterrights = true) { /* * Generic function that will take any row returned from the fac_Cabinet * table and convert it to an object for use in array or other */ $cab = new Cabinet(); $cab->CabinetID = $dbRow["CabinetID"]; $cab->DataCenterID = $dbRow["DataCenterID"]; $cab->Location = $dbRow["Location"]; $cab->LocationSortable = $dbRow["LocationSortable"]; $cab->AssignedTo = $dbRow["AssignedTo"]; $cab->ZoneID = $dbRow["ZoneID"]; $cab->CabRowID = $dbRow["CabRowID"]; $cab->CabinetHeight = $dbRow["CabinetHeight"]; $cab->Model = $dbRow["Model"]; $cab->Keylock = $dbRow["Keylock"]; $cab->MaxKW = $dbRow["MaxKW"]; $cab->MaxWeight = $dbRow["MaxWeight"]; $cab->InstallationDate = $dbRow["InstallationDate"]; $cab->SensorIPAddress = $dbRow["SensorIPAddress"]; $cab->SensorCommunity = $dbRow["SensorCommunity"]; $cab->SensorTemplateID = $dbRow["SensorTemplateID"]; $cab->MapX1 = $dbRow["MapX1"]; $cab->MapY1 = $dbRow["MapY1"]; $cab->MapX2 = $dbRow["MapX2"]; $cab->MapY2 = $dbRow["MapY2"]; $cab->FrontEdge = $dbRow["FrontEdge"]; $cab->Notes = $dbRow["Notes"]; $cab->U1Position = $dbRow["U1Position"]; if ($filterrights) { $cab->FilterRights(); } if ($cab->U1Position == "Default") { $dc = new DataCenter(); $dc->DataCenterID = $cab->DataCenterID; $dc->GetDataCenter(); if ($dc->U1Position == "Default") { global $config; $cab->U1Position = $config->ParameterArray["U1Position"]; } else { $cab->U1Position = $dc->U1Position; } } return $cab; }
<?php require_once "db.inc.php"; require_once "facilities.inc.php"; $subheader = __("Data Center Statistics"); $cab = new Cabinet(); $dc = new DataCenter(); $dc->DataCenterID = $_REQUEST["dc"]; $dcStats = $dc->GetDCStatistics(); $height = 0; $width = 0; $ie8fix = ""; if (strlen($dc->DrawingFileName) > 0) { $mapfile = "drawings/{$dc->DrawingFileName}"; if (file_exists($mapfile)) { list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($mapfile); // There is a bug in the excanvas shim that can set the width of the canvas to 10x the width of the image $ie8fix = "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n\tfunction uselessie(){\n\t\tdocument.getElementById(\\'mapCanvas\\').className = \"mapCanvasiefix\";\n\t}\n</script>\n<style type=\"text/css\">\n.mapCanvasiefix {\n\t width: {$width}px !important;\n}\n</style>"; } } // If no mapfile is set then we don't need the buttons to control drawing the map. Adjust the CSS to hide them and make the heading centered if (strlen($dc->DrawingFileName) < 1 || !file_exists("drawings/{$dc->DrawingFileName}")) { $screenadjustment = "<style type=\"text/css\">.dcstats .heading > div { width: 100% !important;} .dcstats .heading > div + div { display: none; }</style>"; } if ($config->ParameterArray["mUnits"] == "english") { $vol = __("Square Feet"); $density = __("Watts per Square Foot"); } else { $vol = __("Square Meters"); $density = __("Watts per Square Meter"); }
<?php require_once "db.inc.php"; require_once "facilities.inc.php"; $subheader = __("Data Center Statistics"); $cab = new Cabinet(); $dc = new DataCenter(); $dev = new Device(); //setting airflow if (isset($_POST["cabinetid"]) && isset($_POST["airflow"]) && $person->SiteAdmin) { $cab->CabinetID = $_POST["cabinetid"]; if ($cab->GetCabinet()) { if ($cab->CabRowID > 0 && isset($_POST["row"]) && $_POST["row"] == "true") { //update all row $cabinets = $cab->GetCabinetsByRow(); foreach ($cabinets as $index => $cabinet) { $cabinet->FrontEdge = $_POST["airflow"]; $cabinet->UpdateCabinet(); } } else { //update cabinet $cab->FrontEdge = $_POST["airflow"]; $cab->UpdateCabinet(); } } exit; } if (isset($_POST['dc']) && (isset($_POST['getobjects']) || isset($_POST['getoverview']))) { $payload = array(); if (isset($_POST['getobjects'])) { $cab->DataCenterID = $_POST['dc'];
<?php require_once 'db.inc.php'; require_once 'facilities.inc.php'; $searchKey = $_REQUEST['key']; //Remove control characters tab, enter, etc $searchTerm = preg_replace("/[[:cntrl:]]/", "", $_REQUEST['search']); //Remove any extra quotes that could get passed in from some funky js or something $searchTerm = str_replace(array("'", '"'), "", $searchTerm); $dc = new DataCenter(); $dcList = $dc->GetDCList(); $dev = new Device(); $esx = new ESX(); $cab = new Cabinet(); $pdu = new PowerDistribution(); $dept = new Department(); $resultcount = 0; $title = __("Search Results"); if ($searchKey == 'serial') { $dev->SerialNo = $searchTerm; $devList = $dev->SearchDevicebySerialNo(); $resultcount = count($devList); $title = __("Serial number search results for") . " "{$searchTerm}""; } elseif ($searchKey == 'ip') { $dev->PrimaryIP = $searchTerm; $devList = $dev->SearchDevicebyIP(); $resultcount = count($devList); $title = __("PrimaryIP search results for") . " "{$searchTerm}""; } elseif ($searchKey == 'label') { $dev->Label = $searchTerm; $devList = $dev->SearchDevicebyLabel();
/** * Compute the full inventory on devices in the data centers and return the data * center summary statistics * * @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $worksheet * @param array $DProps properties defined for the Excel document * @return (array|array|array|boolean)[] * statistics array, device inventory, cabinet inventory */ function computeSheetBodyDCInventory($DProps) { global $person; global $sessID; $dc = new DataCenter(); $cab = new Cabinet(); $device = new Device(); $invData = array(); $invCab = array(); $sheetColumns = $DProps['DC Inventory']['Columns']; $cabinetColumns = $DProps['Rack Inventory']['Columns']; $devTemplates = DeviceTemplate::getTemplateListIndexedbyID(); $deptList = Department::GetDepartmentListIndexedbyID(); $contactList = $person->GetUserList('indexed'); $limitedUser = false; $dcList = $dc->GetDCList(); $Stats = array(); // A little code to update the counter $percentDone = 0; $sectionMaxPercent = 40; $incrementalPercent = 1 / sizeof($dcList) * $sectionMaxPercent; foreach ($dcList as $dc) { $dcContainerList = $dc->getContainerList(); $dcStats = array(); $cab->DataCenterID = $dc->DataCenterID; $dcStats['Fl_Spc'] = $dc->SquareFootage; $dcStats['DesignPower'] = $dc->MaxkW; $dcStats['Watts'] = 0; $dcStats['Rk_Num'] = 0; $dcStats['Rk_UtT'] = 0; $dcStats['Rk_UtU'] = 0; $dcStats['Rk_UtE'] = 0; $dcStats['Rk_Res'] = 0; $cabList = $cab->ListCabinetsByDC(); if (count($cabList) == 0) { // empty data center room $devSpec = makeEmptySpec($sheetColumns, $dcContainerList); $devSpec['DC Name'] = $dc->Name; $invData[] = $devSpec; } else { foreach ($cabList as $cab) { if (!$person->ReadAccess and $cab->AssignedTo == 0 or $cab->AssignedTo > 0 and !$person->canRead($cab->AssignedTo)) { // User is not allowed to see anything in here $limitedUser = true; continue; } $zoneName = getZoneName($cab); $rowName = getRowName($cab); addRackStat($invCab, $cab, $cabinetColumns, $dc, $dcContainerList); $cab_height = $cab->CabinetHeight; if (mb_strtoupper($cab->Model) == 'RESERVED') { $dcStats['Rk_Res']++; } else { $dcStats['Rk_Num']++; } $dcStats['Rk_UtT'] += $cab_height; $device->Cabinet = $cab->CabinetID; $device_list = $device->ViewDevicesByCabinet(); // empty cabinet if (count($device_list) == 0 && $cab->CabinetHeight > 0) { $dcStats['Rk_UtE'] += $cab_height; $devSpec = makeEmptySpec($sheetColumns, $dcContainerList); $devSpec['Zone'] = $zoneName; $devSpec['Row'] = $rowName; $devSpec['DC Name'] = $dc->Name; $devSpec['Cabinet'] = $cab->Location; $devSpec['Position'] = 1; $devSpec['Height'] = $cab->CabinetHeight; $devSpec['Device'] = '__EMPTY'; $invData[] = $devSpec; } else { usort($device_list, 'cmpDevPos'); $low_idx = 1; foreach ($device_list as $dev) { if ($low_idx < $dev->Position) { // range of empty slots if ($dev->Position <= $cab_height) { $height = $dev->Position - $low_idx; } else { $height = $cab_height - $low_idx + 1; } if ($height > 0) { $dcStats['Rk_UtE'] += $height; $devSpec = makeEmptySpec($sheetColumns, $dcContainerList); ${$devSpec}['Zone'] = $zoneName; $devSpec['Row'] = $rowName; $devSpec['DC Name'] = $dc->Name; $devSpec['Cabinet'] = $cab->Location; $devSpec['Position'] = $low_idx; $devSpec['Height'] = $height; $devSpec['Device'] = '__EMPTY'; $invData[] = $devSpec; } $low_idx = $dev->Position; } // device in cabinet $reserved = $dev->Reservation ? 'reserved' : null; list($manufacturer, $model) = getDeviceTemplateName($devTemplates, $dev); $devSpec = makeEmptySpec($sheetColumns, $dcContainerList); $devSpec['DevID'] = $dev->DeviceID; $devSpec['Zone'] = $zoneName; $devSpec['Row'] = $rowName; $devSpec['DC Name'] = $dc->Name; $devSpec['Cabinet'] = $cab->Location; $devSpec['Position'] = $dev->Position; $devSpec['Half Depth'] = getDeviceDepthPos($dev); $devSpec['Height'] = $dev->Height; $devSpec['Device'] = $dev->Label; $devSpec['Parent Device'] = null; $devSpec['Manufacturer'] = $manufacturer; $devSpec['Model'] = $model; $devSpec['Device Type'] = $dev->DeviceType; $devSpec['Asset Number'] = $dev->AssetTag; $devSpec['Serial No.'] = $dev->SerialNo; $devSpec['Install Date'] = $dev->InstallDate; $devSpec['Warranty End'] = $dev->WarrantyExpire; $devSpec['Owner'] = getOwnerName($dev, $deptList); $devSpec['Power (W)'] = $dev->NominalWatts; $devSpec['Reservation'] = $reserved; $devSpec['Contact'] = getContactName($contactList, $dev->PrimaryContact); $devSpec['Tags'] = getTagsString($dev); $devSpec['Notes'] = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($dev->Notes), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'); $invData[] = $devSpec; $dcStats['Watts'] += $dev->NominalWatts; // devices can be installed at the same position and // could be of different height; count only the free // rack units which are not covered by any device if ($low_idx == $dev->Position) { $low_idx += $dev->Height; $dcStats['Rk_UtU'] += $dev->Height; } else { $rest_height = $dev->Position + $dev->Height - $low_idx; $rest_height = $rest_height > 0 ? $rest_height : 0; $low_idx += $rest_height; $dcStats['Rk_UtU'] += $rest_height; } if ($dev->DeviceType == 'Chassis') { list($watts, $invData) = computeDeviceChildren($sheetColumns, $invData, $dev, $dc->Name, $cab, $devTemplates, $deptList, $contactList, $dcContainerList); $dcStats['Watts'] += $watts; } } if ($low_idx <= $cab->CabinetHeight) { // empty range at the top of the cabinet, $low_idx is // the potentially free location $height = $cab->CabinetHeight - $low_idx + 1; $dcStats['Rk_UtE'] += $height; $devSpec = makeEmptySpec($sheetColumns, $dcContainerList); $devSpec['Zone'] = $zoneName; $devSpec['Row'] = $rowName; $devSpec['DC Name'] = $dc->Name; $devSpec['Cabinet'] = $cab->Location; $devSpec['Position'] = $low_idx; $devSpec['Height'] = $height; $devSpec['Device'] = '__EMPTY'; $invData[] = $devSpec; } } } } assignStatsVal($Stats, $dc, $dcStats); $percentDone += $incrementalPercent; JobQueue::updatePercentage($sessID, $percentDone); } return array($Stats, $invData, $invCab, $limitedUser); }
<?php require_once 'db.inc.php'; require_once 'facilities.inc.php'; $subheader = __("Data Center Detail"); if (!$person->SiteAdmin) { // No soup for you. header('Location: ' . redirect()); exit; } $status = ""; $dc = new DataCenter(); // AJAX Action if (isset($_POST['confirmdelete']) && isset($_POST['datacenterid'])) { // About the nuke this place from orbit $junkremoval = $_POST['junkremoval'] == 'delete' ? true : false; $dc->DataCenterID = $_POST['datacenterid']; if ($dc->DeleteDataCenter($junkremoval)) { echo 'ok'; } else { echo 'no'; } exit; } if (isset($_POST['action']) && ($_POST['action'] == 'Create' || $_POST['action'] == 'Update')) { $dc->DataCenterID = $_POST['datacenterid']; $dc->Name = trim($_POST['name']); $dc->SquareFootage = $_POST['squarefootage']; $dc->DeliveryAddress = $_POST['deliveryaddress']; $dc->Administrator = $_POST['administrator']; $dc->DrawingFileName = $_POST['drawingfilename'];
function GetChildDCList() { $this->MakeSafe(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM fac_DataCenter WHERE ContainerID={$this->ContainerID} \n\t\t\tORDER BY Name ASC;"; $datacenterList = array(); foreach ($this->query($sql) as $row) { $datacenterList[$row["DataCenterID"]] = DataCenter::RowToObject($row); } return $datacenterList; }
<?php require_once "db.inc.php"; require_once "facilities.inc.php"; $subheader = __("Rows of Cabinets"); if (!$person->SiteAdmin) { // No soup for you. header('Location: ' . redirect()); exit; } $cabrow = new CabRow(); $zone = new Zone(); $DC = new DataCenter(); $zoneList = $zone->GetZoneList(); $formpatch = ""; $status = ""; if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'Delete') { $cabrow->CabRowID = $_POST['cabrowid']; $cabrow->DeleteCabRow(); header('Location: cabrow.php'); exit; } if (isset($_REQUEST["cabrowid"])) { $cabrow->CabRowID = isset($_POST['cabrowid']) ? $_POST['cabrowid'] : $_GET['cabrowid']; $cabrow->GetCabRow(); if (isset($_POST["action"]) && ($_POST["action"] == "Create" || $_POST["action"] == "Update")) { $cabrow->Name = $_POST["name"]; $cabrow->DataCenterID = $_POST["datacenterid"]; $cabrow->ZoneID = $_POST["zoneid"]; if ($_POST["action"] == "Create") { $cabrow->CreateCabRow();
<?php require_once("db.inc.php"); require_once("facilities.inc.php"); $subheader=__("Zone Statistics"); $cab=new Cabinet(); $zone=new Zone(); $dc=new DataCenter(); $dev=new Device(); //setting airflow if(isset($_POST["cabinetid"]) && isset($_POST["airflow"]) && $person->SiteAdmin){ $cab->CabinetID=$_POST["cabinetid"]; if ($cab->GetCabinet()){ if ($cab->CabRowID>0 && isset($_POST["row"]) && $_POST["row"]=="true"){ //update all row $cabinets=$cab->GetCabinetsByRow(); foreach($cabinets as $index => $cabinet){ $cabinet->FrontEdge=$_POST["airflow"]; $cabinet->UpdateCabinet(); } }else{ //update cabinet $cab->FrontEdge=$_POST["airflow"]; $cab->UpdateCabinet(); } } exit; }
} } $data_array = array(); if (isset($_POST['ListUnique'])) { $data_array = $log->ListUnique($_POST['ListUnique']); } if (isset($_POST['BuildTable'])) { echo BuildDataTable($log); exit; } header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($data_array); exit; } $subversion = __("Logging View/Export"); $datacenter = new DataCenter(); $dcList = $datacenter->GetDCList(); $templ = new DeviceTemplate(); $dept = new Department(); $dev = new Device(); $log = new LogActions(); function BuildDataTable($log_object) { $limit = isset($_REQUEST['Limit']) ? $_REQUEST['Limit'] : 1000; $result = $log_object->Search($limit); // Left these expanded in case we need to add or remove columns. Otherwise I would have just collapsed entirely. $body = "<table id=\"export\" class=\"display\">\n\t<thead>\n\t\t<tr>\n\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . __("Time") . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . __("UserID") . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . __("Class") . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . __("ObjectID") . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . __("ChildID") . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . __("Action") . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . __("Property") . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . __("Old Value") . "</th>\n\t\t\t\t<th>" . __("New Value") . "</th>\n\t\t\t</tr>\n\t</thead>\n\t<tbody>\n"; // suppressing errors for when there is a fake data set in place foreach ($result as $logitem) { switch ($logitem->Action) { case 1:
<?php require_once "db.inc.php"; require_once "facilities.inc.php"; $subheader = __("Map Selector"); if (!$person->SiteAdmin) { // No soup for you. header("Location: " . redirect()); exit; } $dc = new DataCenter(); $cab = new Cabinet(); $cab->CabinetID = $_REQUEST["cabinetid"]; $cab->GetCabinet(); $dc->DataCenterID = $cab->DataCenterID; $dc->GetDataCenter(); if (isset($_REQUEST["action"]) && $_REQUEST["action"] == "Submit") { $cab->MapX1 = intval($_REQUEST["x1"]); $cab->MapX2 = intval($_REQUEST["x2"]); $cab->MapY1 = intval($_REQUEST["y1"]); $cab->MapY2 = intval($_REQUEST["y2"]); $cab->FrontEdge = $_REQUEST["frontedge"]; $cab->UpdateCabinet(); $url = redirect("cabnavigator.php?cabinetid={$cab->CabinetID}"); header("Location: {$url}"); } $height = 0; $width = 0; if (strlen($dc->DrawingFileName) > 0) { $mapfile = "drawings/{$dc->DrawingFileName}"; if (file_exists($mapfile)) {
public function initWeibo() { $this->weibo = DataCenter::getWeiboClient(); }