public function get($id) { require_once 'DataBase.php'; $data = new DataBase(); $data->open(); $sql = "BEGIN GETRUTACONDUCTOR(:p_id, :rc); END;"; $sent = oci_parse($data->getConn(), $sql); $refcur = oci_new_cursor($data->getConn()); $this->id = $id; oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':p_id', $this->id); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':rc', $refcur, -1, OCI_B_CURSOR); if (!oci_execute($sent)) { return false; } if (!oci_execute($refcur)) { return false; } while (($row = oci_fetch_array($refcur, OCI_ASSOC + OCI_RETURN_NULLS)) != false) { $this->ruta = $row['ID_RUTA']; $this->conductor = $row['ID_CONDUCTOR']; $this->kilometraje = $row['KILOMETRAJE']; $this->descripcion = $row['DESCRIPCION']; } oci_free_statement($refcur); $data->free($sent); $data->close(); return true; }
public function saveToDB($poiId, $componentId, $stageRating) { global $secKeys; $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); try { DataBase::connect('localhost', $secKeys->cakeVars->{'dbUsr'}, $secKeys->cakeVars->{'dbPw'}, $secKeys->cakeVars->{'dbCake'}); $sql = "INSERT INTO stages (component_id, poi_id, created, modified, rating) VALUES (:component_id, :poi_id, :tstamp, :tstamp, :rating)"; $para = array('component_id' => $componentId, 'poi_id' => $poiId, 'tstamp' => $now, 'rating' => $stageRating); DataBase::fire($sql, $para); $this->savedStagesCount = DataBase::lastInsertId(); DataBase::close(); } catch (Exception $e) { die('Fehler bei .... Fehler: ' . $e->getMessage()); } }
public function get($id) { require_once 'DataBase.php'; $data = new DataBase(); $data->open(); $sql = "BEGIN GETPLANIFICACION(:id, :nombre, :distancia, :ruta); END;"; $sent = oci_parse($data->getConn(), $sql); $this->id = $id; oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':id', $this->id); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':nombre', $this->nombre); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':distancia', $this->distancia); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':ruta', $this->ruta); oci_execute($sent); $data->free($sent); $data->close(); }
public function getBook($id) { require_once 'dbm.php'; $data = new DataBase(); $data->open(); $query = "SELECT * FROM `archivo` WHERE `id_archivo` = {$id}"; $result = mysqli_query($data->get_connect(), $query); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result); $this->id = $row[0]; $this->user = $row[1]; $this->title = $row[2]; $this->path = $row[5]; $this->description = $row[3]; $this->punteo = $row[6]; $data->close(); }
static function handle() { $bd = new DataBase(); $gestor = new ManageRelations($bd); $action = Request::req("action"); $do = Request::req("do"); $metodo = $action . ucfirst($do); if (method_exists(get_class(), $metodo)) { //ucfirst pone la primera en mayuscula echo 'El método existe'; self::$metodo($gestor); } else { echo 'la función no existe'; self::readView($gestor); } $bd->close(); }
public function get($courriel) { $cnx = DataBase::getInstance(); $pstmt = $cnx->prepare("SELECT * FROM user WHERE courriel = :c"); $pstmt->execute(array('c' => $courriel)); $result = $pstmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); if ($result) { $u = new User(); $u->loadFromObject($result); $pstmt->closeCursor(); DataBase::close(); return $u; } $pstmt->closeCursor(); DataBase::close(); return NULL; }
function getComentarios($id_archivo) { require_once 'dbm.php'; require_once 'user.php'; $data = new DataBase(); $data->open(); $comentarios = array(); $query = "SELECT comentario.id_usuario, comentario.texto FROM comentario WHERE comentario.id_archivo = {$id_archivo} ORDER BY comentario.id_comentario DESC"; $result = mysqli_query($data->get_connect(), $query); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $elemento = new Comment(); $usuario = new User(); $usuario->getUser($row[0]); $elemento->setComentario($usuario->getNombre(), $row[1]); $comentarios[] = $elemento; } $data->close(); return $comentarios; }
public function findAll() { $liste = array(); $cnx = DataBase::getInstance(); $pstmt = $cnx->prepare("SELECT * FROM alerts ORDER BY active=1 DESC"); $pstmt->execute(); while ($result = $pstmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) { $p = new Alert(); $p->setId($result->id); $p->setTitle($result->title); $p->setText($result->text); $p->setDate($result->date); $p->setActive($result->active); array_push($liste, $p); } $pstmt->closeCursor(); DataBase::close(); return $liste; }
?> > Admin<br> <br/><br/> <input type="submit" value="Save" id="guardarperfil"/> </fieldset> </form> <form action="php/phpdeleteuser.php" method="post"> <br/><br/><br/> <fieldset> <legend>Delete user</legend><br/> <input type="hidden" name="email" value="<?php echo $usuario->getEmail(); ?> "/> <input type="checkbox" name="confirm" value="yes"> Confirm delete user<br> <input type="submit" value="Delete" id="eliminarmensaje"/> </fieldset> </form> </div> </div> <footer> <h class="left">Copyright by Socializate</h> <h class="right">Designed by David Gamarra</h> </footer> </body> </html> <?php $db->close();
<?php $username = $_POST['user']; $password = $_POST['pass']; $rol = 0; require_once 'DataBase.php'; $data = new DataBase(); $data->open(); $id = 0; $sql = "BEGIN LOGIN(:user, :pass, :rol, :id); END;"; $sent = oci_parse($data->getConn(), $sql); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':user', $username); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':pass', $password); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':rol', $rol); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':id', $id); oci_execute($sent); $data->free($sent); $data->close(); if ($rol > 0 && $id > 0) { session_start(); $_SESSION['id'] = $id; $_SESSION['user'] = $username; $_SESSION['rol'] = $rol; header('Location: index.php'); } else { header('Location: loginform.php?error=1'); }
public function delete($id) { require_once 'DataBase.php'; $data = new DataBase(); $data->open(); $sql = "BEGIN DELUSUARIO(:id); END;"; $sent = oci_parse($data->getConn(), $sql); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':id', $id); if (!oci_execute($sent)) { return false; } $data->free($sent); $data->close(); return true; }
public function findBySeasonAndCategory($categ, $season, $page = 0, $taille = 0, $visibleOnly = 1) { $liste = array(); $where = ""; if ($visibleOnly) { $where = " AND hidden=0"; } $cnx = DataBase::getInstance(); if ($page == 0) { $pstmt = $cnx->prepare("SELECT * FROM photo WHERE season=:s AND category=:c" . $where); } else { $debut = $taille * ($page - 1); $pstmt = $cnx->prepare("SELECT * FROM photo WHERE season=:s AND category=:c" . $where . " LIMIT " . $debut . "," . $taille); } $pstmt->execute(array('s' => $season, 'c' => $categ)); while ($result = $pstmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) { $p = new Photo(); $p->loadFromObject($result); array_push($liste, $p); } $pstmt->closeCursor(); DataBase::close(); return $liste; }
<?php require '../clases/AutoCarga.php'; $bd = new DataBase(); $gestorUsuario = new ManageUser($bd); ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> <link href="../css/estilos.css" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> <form action="phpregister.php" method="POST" > <div class="logo"></div> <div class="login-block"> <label for="email">Email: </label><input type="email" name="email" value="" /><br/> <label for="password">Password: </label><input type="password" name="clave" value="" /><br/> <input type="submit" value="Registrar"/> </div> </form> </body> </html> <?php $bd->close();
public function Delete() { require_once 'dbm.php'; $data = new DataBase(); $data->open(); $query = "DELETE FROM categoria WHERE id_categoria = {$this->id}"; $result = mysqli_query($data->get_connect(), $query); $data->close(); if ($result) { $this->id = null; $this->nombre = null; $this->descripcion = null; return true; } else { return false; } }
function getForceBalance($account = "", $from = "", $to = "") { //Connect $sql = new DataBase(); $sql->connect(); //Objects $json = array(); $accounts = $this->get(50, $account); //Data foreach ($accounts as $acc) { //Query $balance = 0; $query = "SELECT transaction.amount, transaction.account_to_id FROM transactions transaction"; $query .= " WHERE (transaction.account_from_id = '" . $acc['id'] . "' OR transaction.account_to_id = '" . $acc['id'] . "')"; if (!empty($from)) { $query .= " AND >= '" . $from . "' "; } if (!empty($to)) { $query .= " AND <= '" . $to . "' "; } //execute $sql->query($query); //Data while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($sql->result)) { if ($data["account_to_id"] == $acc["id"]) { $balance -= $data["amount"]; } else { $balance += $data["amount"]; } } $balance += $acc["initial_balance"]; //Array $acc['balance'] = round($balance, 2); $array = $acc; array_push($json, $array); } return $json; $sql->close(); }
// $loggedInUser->redirect = 'false'; // $loggedInUser->remember_me_sessid = generateHash(uniqid(rand(), true)); // //Update last sign in // $loggedInUser->updatelast_sign_in(); // if($loggedInUser->remember_me == 0) // $_SESSION["userPieUser"] = $loggedInUser; // else if($loggedInUser->remember_me == 1) { // $db->sql_query("INSERT INTO ".$db_table_prefix."sessions VALUES('".time()."', '".serialize($loggedInUser)."', '".$loggedInUser->remember_me_sessid."')"); // setcookie("userPieUser", $loggedInUser->remember_me_sessid, time()+parseLength($remember_me_length)); // } //LOG $sql4->query("INSERT INTO log(type,message,application_id,profile_id) VALUES ('login','O usuario logou no sistema. Token: " . $generateToken . "','" . $data['id'] . "','" . $userdetails['id'] . "')"); //Retorno /*if($data['return_url'] != '' && !isset($_DATA['redirect'])): header("Location: ".$data['return_url']."?token=".$generateToken); else:*/ echo $generateToken; /*endif;*/ break; } $sql->close(); break; } break; /////////////////////////////////////DEFAULT /////////////////////////////////////DEFAULT default: RestUtils::sendResponse('405'); exit; break; }
function list_of_files() { // Esta funcion devolvera un arreglo de objetos para los archivos require_once 'dbm.php'; $data = new DataBase(); $userid = $this->userid; $query = "SELECT * FROM archivo WHERE id_usuario = {$userid}"; $data->open(); $result = mysqli_query($data->get_connect(), $query); $list_of_files = array(); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { $elemento = new element_book($row[1], $row[2], $row[3], $row[4]); $elemento->setId($row[0]); $list_of_files[] = $elemento; } $data->close(); return $list_of_files; }
public function get($id) { require_once 'DataBase.php'; $data = new DataBase(); $data->open(); $sql = "BEGIN UPDATECONDUCTOR(:id, :nombre, :cui, :direccion, :telefono, :fechanac); END;"; $sent = oci_parse($data->getConn(), $sql); $this->id = $id; oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':id', $id); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':nombre', $this->nombre); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':cui', $this->cui); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':direccion', $this->direccion); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':telefono', $this->telefono); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':fechanac', $this->fechanac); oci_execute($sent); $data->free($sent); $data->close(); }
function delete() { //Connect $sql = new DataBase(); $sql->connect(); //Close connection $sql->close(); }
public function getAll() { $respuesta = array(); require_once 'DataBase.php'; $data = new DataBase(); $data->open(); $sql = "BEGIN GETALLRUTAS(:rc); END;"; $sent = oci_parse($data->getConn(), $sql); $refcur = oci_new_cursor($data->getConn()); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':rc', $refcur, -1, OCI_B_CURSOR); if (!oci_execute($sent)) { return false; } if (!oci_execute($refcur)) { return false; } while (($row = oci_fetch_array($refcur, OCI_ASSOC + OCI_RETURN_NULLS)) != false) { $elemento = new Ruta(); $elemento->id = $row['ID_RUTA']; $elemento->nombre = $row['NOMBRE']; $respuesta[] = $elemento; } oci_free_statement($refcur); $data->free($sent); $data->close(); return $respuesta; }
public function saveToDB($filterdQueryData) { global $secKeys; ControlFunctions::forDebug($filterdQueryData, "Gefilterte Pois"); // for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($filterdQueryData); $i++) { $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); try { DataBase::connect('localhost', $secKeys->cakeVars->{'dbUsr'}, $secKeys->cakeVars->{'dbPw'}, $secKeys->cakeVars->{'dbCake'}); $sql = "INSERT INTO pois (created, modified, name, lat, lng, google_place, icon, rating, vicinity) VALUES (:tstamp, :tstamp, :name, :lat, :lng, :google_place, :icon, :rating, :vicinity)"; $para = array('tstamp' => $now, 'name' => $filterdQueryData[$i]->name, 'lat' => $filterdQueryData[$i]->geometry->location->lat, 'lng' => $filterdQueryData[$i]->geometry->location->lng, 'google_place' => $filterdQueryData[$i]->place_id, 'icon' => $filterdQueryData[$i]->icon, 'rating' => isset($filterdQueryData[$i]->rating) ? $filterdQueryData[$i]->rating : null, 'vicinity' => $filterdQueryData[$i]->vicinity); DataBase::fire($sql, $para); $lastPoisId = DataBase::lastInsertId(); echo ControlFunctions::tagIt("h1", "Letzter Eintrag: " . $lastPoisId); foreach ($filterdQueryData[$i]->types as $tag) { $tagId = null; // Check if tag is already present $sql = "SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tags WHERE title LIKE '%" . $tag . "%')"; $rows = DataBase::fire($sql); $tagPresent = current(current($rows)) == "1" ? true : false; ControlFunctions::forDebug($rows, "Ausgabe für Tag {$tag}"); echo $tagPresent ? "Wert für {$tag} ist: vorhanden" : "Wert für {$tag} ist: Nicht existent!"; if ($tagPresent) { $sql = "SELECT id FROM tags WHERE title LIKE '%" . $tag . "%'"; $rows = DataBase::fire($sql); $tagId = current(current($rows)); ControlFunctions::forDebug($rows, "Ausgabe für Tag {$tag}, tag ID: "); echo ControlFunctions::tagIt("h1", "{$tag} ID: {$tagId}"); } else { // Paste Tag $sql = "INSERT INTO tags (title, created, modified) VALUES (:title, :tstamp, :tstamp)"; $para = array('title' => $tag, 'tstamp' => $now); DataBase::fire($sql, $para); // Save ID $tagId = DataBase::lastInsertId(); } // Paste Relation $sql = "INSERT INTO pois_tags (poi_id, tag_id) VALUES (:poi_id, :tag_id)"; $para = array('poi_id' => $lastPoisId, 'tag_id' => $tagId); DataBase::fire($sql, $para); echo ControlFunctions::tagIt("h1", "Letzter Eintrag: " . DataBase::lastInsertId()); } DataBase::close(); } catch (Exception $e) { die('Fehler bei .... Fehler: ' . $e->getMessage()); } } }
function get($id) { require_once 'DataBase.php'; $data = new DataBase(); $data->open(); $sql = "BEGIN GETVEHICULO(:id, :rc); END;"; $sent = oci_parse($data->getConn(), $sql); $refcur = oci_new_cursor($data->getConn()); $this->id = $id; oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':id', $this->id); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':rc', $refcur, -1, OCI_B_CURSOR); if (!oci_execute($sent)) { return false; } if (!oci_execute($refcur)) { return false; } while (($row = oci_fetch_array($refcur, OCI_ASSOC + OCI_RETURN_NULLS)) != false) { $this->id = $row['ID_VEHICULO']; $this->placa = $row['PLACA']; $this->kilometraje = $row['KILOMETRAJE']; $this->serie = $row['SERIE']; $this->motor = $row['MOTOR']; $this->anio = $row['ANIO']; $this->color = $row['COLOR']; $this->marca = $row['MARCA']; } oci_free_statement($refcur); $data->free($sent); $data->close(); return true; }
public function update() { if ($this->factura != "" && $this->proveedor != "" && $this->id != 0) { require_once 'DataBase.php'; $data = new DataBase(); $data->open(); $sql = "BEGIN UPDMANTENIMIENTO(:id, :factura, :proveedor, :fecha, :monto, :descripcion, :vehiculo, :tipo); END;"; $sent = oci_parse($data->getConn(), $sql); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':id', $this->id); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':factura', $this->factura); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':proveedor', $this->proveedor); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':fecha', $this->fecha); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':monto', $this->monto); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':descripcion', $this->descripcion); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':vehiculo', $this->vehiculo); oci_bind_by_name($sent, ':tipo', $this->tipoMantenimiento); if (!oci_execute($sent)) { return false; } $data->free($sent); $data->close(); return true; } else { return false; } }
function getTransactionTags($count, $id) { $sql = new DataBase(); $sql->connect(); $sql->query("\r\n\t\tSELECT tag.*\r\n\t\tFROM tags tag, transactions_has_tags tht\r\n\t\tWHERE tht.transaction_id = '" . $id . "' AND tag.profile_id = " . CurrentUser::getId() . "\r\n\t\tAND = tht.tag_id\r\n\t\tLIMIT " . $count . "\r\n\t\t"); //Objects $json = array(); //Data while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($sql->result)) { $array = array("id" => $data["id"], "name" => $data["name"]); array_push($json, $array); } //Close connection $sql->close(); //Return return $json; }
private static function loginUser() { $db = new DataBase(); $manager = new ManageUser($db); $user = Request::post("email"); $pass = Request::post("pass"); $usuario = $manager->get($user); $sesion = new Session(); if ($usuario !== null && $usuario->getPass() === sha1($pass)) { $sesion->setUser($user); self::viewIndex(); } else { $sesion->destroy(); self::viewLogin("Login incorrecto"); } $db->close(); }