function processAdjustUserDataRequest($request) { $prfx = DB_PREFIX; $user_row = RequestUtils::testSession($request->sessionID); $adjust_user_id = $request->userID; $adjust_user_row = Data::getRow(sprintf("SELECT * FROM {$prfx}user WHERE id=%s", Data::quote_smart($adjust_user_id))); if (!$adjust_user_row) { throwBusinessLogicError(2); } if ($user_row['user_type'] === 'Participant') { throwBusinessLogicError(0); } if ($user_row['user_type'] === 'ContestAdmin' && $user_row['contest_id'] != $adjust_user_row['contest_id']) { throwBusinessLogicError(0); } $queries = array(); if (!is_null($request->login)) { $queries['login'] = $request->login; } if (!is_null($request->password)) { $queries['password'] = $request->password; } if (!is_null($request->userData)) { $queries['user_data'] = @serialize($request->userData); } if (!is_null($request->newType)) { $queries['user_type'] = $request->newType; } $q = Data::composeUpdateQuery("user", $queries, sprintf("id=%s", Data::quote_smart($adjust_user_id))); Data::submitModificationQuery($q); return new AcceptedResponse(); }
function queryForContestDescription($contest_description, $contest_id) { //get current contest settings $prfx = DB_PREFIX; $row = Data::getRow("SELECT settings FROM {$prfx}contest WHERE id={$contest_id}"); $settings = Data::_unserialize($row['settings']); copyValues($contest_description, $settings); RequestUtils::assertContestSettingsIntegrity($settings); $col_value = array('settings' => @serialize($settings)); Data::submitModificationQuery(Data::composeUpdateQuery("contest", $col_value, "id={$contest_id}")); }
function processDisconnectRequest($request) { $prfx = DB_PREFIX; $where = sprintf("WHERE session_id = %s", Data::quote_smart($request->sessionID)); //TODO think how to implement this more efficient in our architecture if (!Data::getRow("SELECT * FROM {$prfx}session {$where}")) { throwBusinessLogicError(3); } Data::submitModificationQuery("DELETE FROM {$prfx}session {$where}"); return new AcceptedResponse(); }
function processAdjustPluginRequest($request) { $prfx = DB_PREFIX; $user_row = RequestUtils::testSession($request->sessionID); //authorize if ($user_row['user_type'] !== 'SuperAdmin') { throwBusinessLogicError(0); } //test plugin alias if (preg_match('/^[\\p{L}0-9 ]+$/', $request->pluginAlias) === 0) { throwBusinessLogicError(238); } $plugin_type = $request->side === 'Client' ? 'client' : 'server'; //test if there already is such plugin $where_clause = sprintf("alias=%s", Data::quote_smart($request->pluginAlias)); $plugin_row = Data::getRow("SELECT * FROM {$prfx}{$plugin_type}_plugin WHERE {$where_clause}"); if ($plugin_row) { $modify = true; } else { $modify = false; } //test all parameters specified if (!$modify && is_null($request->description)) { $request->description = ""; } if (!$modify && (is_null($request->pluginData) || is_null($request->description))) { throwBusinessLogicError(1); } //TODO test pluginAlias to be secure if ($plugin_type === 'client') { $ext = '.jar'; } else { $ext = '.php'; } //set file data if (!is_null($request->pluginData)) { file_put_contents($GLOBALS["dces_dir_{$plugin_type}_plugins"] . '/' . $request->pluginAlias . $ext, $request->pluginData); } //prepare set plugin description $col_value = array(); if (!is_null($request->description)) { $col_value['description'] = $request->description; } if ($modify) { $query = Data::composeUpdateQuery("{$plugin_type}_plugin", $col_value, $where_clause); } else { $col_value['alias'] = $request->pluginAlias; $query = Data::composeInsertQuery("{$plugin_type}_plugin", $col_value); } Data::submitModificationQuery($query); return new AcceptedResponse(); }
function processConnectToContestRequest($request) { $prfx = DB_PREFIX; //find user in table $row = Data::getRow(sprintf("SELECT {$prfx}user.*, {$prfx}contest.settings\r\n FROM {$prfx}user\r\n LEFT JOIN {$prfx}contest\r\n ON {$prfx}user.contest_id = {$prfx}\r\n WHERE login=%s AND contest_id=%s", Data::quote_smart($request->login), Data::quote_smart($request->contestID))); //test if there is at least one user if (!$row) { throwBusinessLogicError(12); } //test password if ($row['password'] !== $request->password) { throwBusinessLogicError(12); } //get contest settings and contest time $settings = Data::_unserialize($row['settings'], null); if (is_null($row['contest_start'])) { $now = getdate(); $now = $now[0]; $q = Data::composeUpdateQuery('user', array('contest_start' => DatePHPToMySQL($now)), "id={$row['id']}"); Data::submitModificationQuery($q); $row['contest_start'] = $now; } $contest_time = getCurrentContestTime($settings, DateMySQLToPHP($row['contest_start']), DateMySQLToPHP($row['contest_finish'])); if ($contest_time['interval'] === 'before' && $row['user_type'] === 'Participant') { throwBusinessLogicError(19); } //start new session $session_id = RequestUtils::createSession($row['id']); //get finish time if (is_null($settings)) { $finish_time = 0; } elseif ($settings->contestTiming->selfContestStart) { $finish_time = $row['contest_start'] + 60 * $settings->contestTiming->maxContestDuration; } else { $finish_time = $settings->finish; } if (is_null($finish_time)) { $finish_time = 0; } $res = new ConnectToContestResponse(); $res->sessionID = $session_id; $res->finishTime = $finish_time; $res->user = new UserDescription(); $res->user->userID = (int) $row['id']; $res->user->login = $request->login; $res->user->dataValue = Data::_unserialize($row['user_data'], array()); $res->user->userType = $row['user_type']; return $res; }
/** * Updates user result for a specified problem * @static * @param $user_id id of the user * @param $problem_id id of the problem * @param $choice type of choice, Self of Last * @param $transfer_settings settings of transfer * @param $plugin plugin associated with the problem, needed only when $choice == Best to find best submission * @param $last_result last result of user if present * @return array array with results for results table */ public static function getUserResults($user_id, $problem_id, $choice, $transfer_settings, $plugin, $last_result = null) { $prfx = DB_PREFIX; //get new result $all_results_request = "\n SELECT result, submission_time\n FROM {$prfx}submission_history\n WHERE user_id={$user_id}\n ORDER BY submission_time DESC\n "; if ($choice === 'Last') { if ($last_result) { $new_result = $last_result; } else { //get all rows sorted with descending time, and then get first $row = Data::getRow($all_results_request); if (!$row) { $new_result = array(); } else { $new_result = Data::_unserialize($row['result']); } } } else { // $choice === 'Best' $history_results = array(); if ($last_result) { $history_results[] = $last_result; } $rows = Data::getRows($all_results_request); while ($row = Data::getNextRow($rows)) { $history_results[] = $row['result']; } $num_results = count($history_results); if ($num_results == 0) { $new_result = array(); } else { $new_result = $history_results[$num_results - 1]; for ($i = $num_results - 2; $i >= 0; $i--) { if ($plugin->compareResults($history_results[$i], $new_result) === 1) { $new_result = $history_results[$i]; } } } } $transfer = new ResultsTransfer($transfer_settings); return $transfer->convert($new_result); }
public static function testSession($session_id) { //returns user id, dies absolutely if session is invalid $prfx = DB_PREFIX; //test session ID to have only alphanumeric characters $session_regexp = "^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+\$"; if (!ereg($session_regexp, $session_id)) { throwBusinessLogicError(3); } //test if there is at least one such user $user_row = Data::getRow("SELECT {$prfx}user.*, {$prfx}contest.settings\r\n FROM {$prfx}session\r\n INNER JOIN {$prfx}user\r\n ON {$prfx}session.user_id={$prfx}\r\n LEFT JOIN {$prfx}contest\r\n ON {$prfx}user.contest_id={$prfx}\r\n WHERE session_id='{$session_id}'"); if (!$user_row) { throwBusinessLogicError(3); } if (is_null($user_row['settings'])) { $user_row['settings'] = serialize(null); } RequestUtils::$user_row = $user_row; //return found user return $user_row; }
function processRemoveUserRequest($request) { $prfx = DB_PREFIX; $user_row = RequestUtils::testSession($request->sessionID); $remove_user_id = $request->userID; $remove_user_row = Data::getRow(sprintf("SELECT *\r\n FROM {$prfx}user\r\n WHERE id=%s", Data::quote_smart($remove_user_id))); if (!$remove_user_row) { throwBusinessLogicError(2); } if ($user_row['user_type'] === 'Participant') { throwBusinessLogicError(0); } if ($user_row['user_type'] === 'ContestAdmin' && $user_row['contest_id'] != $remove_user_row['contest_id']) { throwBusinessLogicError(0); } //remove user $remove_user_id $prfx = DB_PREFIX; //from 'users' table Data::submitModificationQuery(sprintf("DELETE FROM {$prfx}user WHERE id=%s", Data::quote_smart($remove_user_id))); Data::submitModificationQuery(sprintf("DELETE FROM {$prfx}session WHERE user_id=%s", Data::quote_smart($remove_user_id))); Data::submitModificationQuery(sprintf("DELETE FROM {$prfx}submission_history WHERE user_id=%s", Data::quote_smart($remove_user_id))); Data::submitModificationQuery(sprintf("DELETE FROM {$prfx}problem_status WHERE user_id=%s", Data::quote_smart($remove_user_id))); return new AcceptedResponse(); }
function processSubmitSolutionRequest($request) { $prfx = DB_PREFIX; //get user_id or die, if session is invalid $userRow = RequestUtils::testSession($request->sessionID); $user_id = $userRow['id']; //authorize user for this operation // get contest ID $user_type = $userRow['user_type']; //get problem row $problem_row = Data::getRow(sprintf("SELECT * FROM {$prfx}problem WHERE id=%s", Data::quote_smart($request->problemID))); if (!$problem_row) { throwBusinessLogicError(4); } //get contest id of a problem $problem_contest_id = $problem_row['contest_id']; //test if we have rights to submit solution for the contest $contest_id = RequestUtils::getRequestedContest($problem_contest_id, $userRow['contest_id'], $user_type); if ($contest_id < 0) { throwBusinessLogicError(0); } //get all settings $contest_settings = Data::_unserialize($userRow['settings']); //test submission time $cur_time = getCurrentContestTime($contest_settings, DateMySQLToPHP($userRow['contest_start']), DateMySQLToPHP($userRow['contest_finish'])); if ($cur_time['interval'] === 'before') { throwBusinessLogicError(19); } if ($cur_time['interval'] === 'after') { throwBusinessLogicError(20); } $problem_settings = Data::_unserialize($problem_row['contest_settings']); //test that not all submission attempts were used $hist = Data::getRow(sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM {$prfx}submission_history WHERE (problem_id=%s) AND (user_id=%s)", Data::quote_smart($request->problemID), Data::quote_smart($user_id))); if ($hist >= getSetting($contest_settings->problemsDefaultSettings->sendCount, $problem_settings->sendCount)) { throwBusinessLogicError(21); } //save submission result in history $cur_php_time = getdate(); $col_value = array(); $col_value['problem_id'] = $request->problemID; $col_value['user_id'] = $user_id; $col_value['submission'] = serialize($request->problemResult); $col_value['result'] = null; //serialize($check_result); $col_value['submission_time'] = DatePHPToMySQL($cur_php_time[0]); //TODO implement asynchronous plugin //get problem and create plugin $problem = new Problem(getProblemFile($request->problemID)); $plugin_alias = $problem->getServerPlugin(); require_once getServerPluginFile(); require_once getServerPluginFile($plugin_alias); $plugin = new $plugin_alias($problem); //check solution $last_result = $plugin->checkSolution(Data::getInsertedID(), $request->problemResult); $col_value['result'] = serialize($last_result); Data::submitModificationQuery(Data::composeInsertQuery('submission_history', $col_value)); //get result for result table and store in user $all_results = Data::_unserialize($userRow['results']); $user_result = ResultUtils::getUserResults($user_id, $request->problemID, getSetting($contest_settings->problemsDefaultSettings->tableResultChoice, $problem_settings->tableResultChoice), getSetting($contest_settings->problemsDefaultSettings->resultTransition, $problem_settings->resultTransition), $plugin, $last_result); //update user result for results table $all_results[$request->problemID] = $user_result; Data::submitModificationQuery(Data::composeUpdateQuery('user', array('results' => serialize($all_results)), 'id=' . Data::quote_smart($user_id))); //return submission result $res = new AcceptedResponse(); return $res; }
function processGetContestDataRequest($request) { $prfx = DB_PREFIX; $is_anonymous = is_null($request->sessionID); if (!$is_anonymous) { //get user_id or die, if session is invalid $userRow = RequestUtils::testSession($request->sessionID); $user_id = $userRow['id']; //authorize user for this operation // get contest ID $user_type = $userRow['user_type']; //compare requested contest and user contest $contest_id = RequestUtils::getRequestedContest($request->contestID, $userRow['contest_id'], $user_type); } else { $contest_id = $request->contestID; } if ($contest_id <= 0) { throwBusinessLogicError(0); } //create response $res = new GetContestDataResponse(); //fill contest description with data //query db $row = Data::getRow(sprintf("SELECT * FROM {$prfx}contest WHERE id=%s", Data::quote_smart($contest_id))) or throwBusinessLogicError(14); //TODO remove this code duplication, the code is similar to AvailableContests.php $c = Data::_unserialize($row['settings']); $c->contestID = (int) $row['id']; $res->contest = $c; //fill problem data if ($is_anonymous) { return $res; } //query db to find out problems $problems_rows = Data::getRows(sprintf("SELECT * FROM {$prfx}problem WHERE contest_id=%s ORDER BY contest_pos ASC", Data::quote_smart($contest_id))); //fill problems data $res->problems = array(); $info_type = $request->infoType; $extended_data = $request->extendedData; while ($row = Data::getNextRow($problems_rows)) { $pd = new ProblemDescription(); $res->problems[] = $pd; $pd->id = (int) $row['id']; $pd->settings = Data::_unserialize($row['contest_settings']); //do we need any information if ($info_type == 'NoInfo') { continue; } //do we need to return some info for this problem if (!is_null($extended_data) && !in_array($pd->id, $extended_data)) { continue; } $problem = new Problem(getProblemFile($pd->id)); if ($info_type !== 'NoInfo') { //fill extended data: statement or statementData and answerData if ($info_type === "ParticipantInfo") { $pd->problem = $problem->getParticipantVersion($user_id)->getProblemBytes(); } elseif ($info_type === "AdminInfo") { if ($user_type === "Participant") { throwBusinessLogicError(0); } $pd->problem = $problem->getProblemBytes(); } } } return $res; }
function processRegisterToContestRequest($request) { $prfx = DB_PREFIX; //get user_id or die, if session is invalid if (is_null($request->sessionID)) { if (!is_numeric($request->contestID)) { throwBusinessLogicError(14); } $contest_id = (int) $request->contestID; $request_user_type = '__Anonymous'; } else { $userRow = RequestUtils::testSession($request->sessionID); $request_user_id = $userRow['id']; $request_user_type = $userRow['user_type']; $contest_id = RequestUtils::getRequestedContest($request->contestID, $userRow['contest_id'], $request_user_type); //make possible for superadmin to register users of zero-contest if ($request_user_type == 'SuperAdmin' && ($request->contestID == 0 || $request->contestID == -1)) { $contest_id = 0; } if ($contest_id == -1) { throwBusinessLogicError(0); } } //test permissions if ($contest_id != 0) { $contest_row = Data::getRow(sprintf("SELECT * FROM {$prfx}contest WHERE id=%s", Data::quote_smart($contest_id))) or throwBusinessLogicError(14); //test if this contest gets users only by admins $contest_settings = @unserialize($contest_row['settings']); if ($contest_settings->registrationType === 'ByAdmins') { if ($request_user_type !== "ContestAdmin" && $request_user_type !== "SuperAdmin") { throwBusinessLogicError(0); } } } else { if ($request_user_type !== "ContestAdmin") { throwBusinessLogicError(0); } } //get user from request $u = $request->user; //test that superadmins are registered only for 0 contest if ($u->userType === 'SuperAdmin' && $contest_id != 0) { throwBusinessLogicError(18); } //test that there is no user with the same login in this contest if (Data::hasRows(sprintf("SELECT * FROM {$prfx}user WHERE contest_id=%s AND login=%s", Data::quote_smart($contest_id), Data::quote_smart($u->login)))) { throwBusinessLogicError(14); } //not participants may be added only by admins if ($u->userType !== "Participant") { if ($request_user_type !== "ContestAdmin" && $request_user_type !== "SuperAdmin") { throwBusinessLogicError(0); } } //add user finally $col_value = array(); $col_value['login'] = $u->login; $col_value['password'] = $u->password; $col_value['user_data'] = @serialize($u->dataValue); $col_value['contest_id'] = $contest_id; $col_value['user_type'] = $u->userType; $col_value['results'] = @serialize(array()); if (strlen($u->login) == 0) { throwBusinessLogicError(22); } if (week_password($u->password)) { throwBusinessLogicError(23); } Data::submitModificationQuery(Data::composeInsertQuery('user', $col_value)); return new AcceptedResponse(); }
function processGetContestResultsRequest($request) { $prfx = DB_PREFIX; //get $is_anonymous, $contest_id, $user_contest_row, $user_contest_start_time if (!is_null($request->sessionID)) { $is_anonymous = false; $user_contest_row = RequestUtils::testSession($request->sessionID); $contest_id = RequestUtils::getRequestedContest($request->contestID, $user_contest_row['contest_id'], $user_contest_row['user_type']); if ($contest_id < 0) { throwBusinessLogicError(14); } $user_contest_start_time = DateMySQLToPHP($user_contest_row['contest_start']); $user_contest_finish_time = DateMySQLToPHP($user_contest_row['contest_finish']); } else { $is_anonymous = true; $contest_id = $request->contestID; $user_contest_start_time = null; //contest was not started for anonymous $user_contest_finish_time = null; //and was not finished } //get $serialized_contest_settings $need_request_for_contest_data = $is_anonymous || $user_contest_row['user_type'] === 'SuperAdmin'; if ($need_request_for_contest_data) { if ($contest_id === 0) { throwBusinessLogicError(14); } $contest_row = Data::getRow(sprintf("SELECT *\r\n FROM {$prfx}contest\r\n WHERE id=%s\r\n ", Data::quote_smart($contest_id))); if (!$contest_row) { throwBusinessLogicError(14); } $serialized_contest_settings = $contest_row['settings']; } else { $serialized_contest_settings = $user_contest_row['settings']; } //get $contest_settings $contest_settings = Data::_unserialize($serialized_contest_settings); //get $is_admin $is_admin = !$is_anonymous && ($user_contest_row['user_type'] === 'SuperAdmin' || $user_contest_row['user_type'] === 'ContestAdmin'); //get $permission $ctime = getCurrentContestTime($contest_settings, $user_contest_start_time, $user_contest_finish_time); if (!$is_admin) { if ($ctime['interval'] === 'before') { throwBusinessLogicError(19); } if ($ctime['interval'] === 'contest' && !$ctime['is_ending']) { $permission = $contest_settings->resultsAccessPolicy->contestPermission; } else { if ($ctime['is_ending']) { $permission = $contest_settings->resultsAccessPolicy->contestEndingPermission; } else { if ($ctime['interval'] === 'after' && !$ctime['is_ending']) { $permission = $contest_settings->resultsAccessPolicy->afterContestPermission; } } } } else { $permission = 'FullAccess'; } //test rights if ($permission === 'NoAccess') { throwBusinessLogicError(0); } if ($is_anonymous && $permission === "OnlySelfResults") { throwBusinessLogicError(0); } //get problem rows $all_problems_rows = Data::getRows(sprintf("SELECT *\r\n FROM {$prfx}problem\r\n WHERE {$prfx}problem.contest_id=%s\r\n ORDER BY {$prfx}problem.contest_pos ASC", Data::quote_smart($contest_id))); //get users rows if ($permission === 'FullAccess') { $all_users_rows = Data::getRows(sprintf("SELECT *\r\n FROM {$prfx}user\r\n WHERE contest_id=%s", Data::quote_smart($contest_id))); } else { /* if $permission === 'OnlySelfResults'*/ $all_users_rows = $user_contest_row; } //create result $result = new GetContestResultsResponse(); //fill columns ids $result->headers = array(); $result->minorHeaders = array(); //the first column with 'user_id' and 'login' if ($is_admin) { $result->headers[] = 'admin info'; $result->minorHeaders[] = array('id', 'login'); } //column with participant data $result->headers[] = 'participant'; //get participant subcolumns $data_subs = array(); $contest_user_data = $contest_settings->data; if ($contest_user_data) { foreach ($contest_settings->data as $df) { if ($is_admin || $df->showInResult) { $data_subs[] = $df->data; } } } $result->minorHeaders[] = $data_subs; //columns with problems $problem_ids = array(); $problem_cols = array(); while ($problem_row = Data::getNextRow($all_problems_rows)) { $problem_ids[] = $problem_row['id']; $result->headers[] = $problem_row['name']; $col_names = Data::_unserialize($problem_row['column_names']); $result->minorHeaders[] = $col_names; $problem_cols[] = $col_names; } //fill results table $result->table = array(); if ($permission === 'OnlySelfResults') { $result->table[] = getTableRow($user_contest_row, $is_admin, $problem_ids, $problem_cols, $contest_settings->data); $result->userLine = 0; } else { $ind = 0; $result->userLine = -1; while ($user_row = Data::getNextRow($all_users_rows)) { $result->table[] = getTableRow($user_row, $is_admin, $problem_ids, $problem_cols, $contest_settings->data); if ($user_row['id'] == $user_contest_row['id']) { $result->userLine = $ind; } $ind++; } } return $result; }
$a->b->c = "42"; var_dump($a); var_dump($a->b); var_dump($a->b->c); die; require "utils/DataBase.php"; $dces_mysql_host = "localhost:3306"; $dces_mysql_user = "******"; $dces_mysql_password = ""; $dces_mysql_db = "dcestest"; $dces_mysql_prefix = "pr_"; $dces_logging = true; $prfx = DB_PREFIX; //find user in table //test if there is at least one such user $row = Data::getRow("SELECT {$prfx}user.*, {$prfx}contest.settings\r\n FROM {$prfx}session\r\n INNER JOIN {$prfx}user\r\n ON {$prfx}session.user_id={$prfx}\r\n INNER JOIN {$prfx}contest\r\n ON {$prfx}user.contest_id={$prfx}\r\n WHERE session_id='{$session_id}'"); //test if there is at least one user var_dump($row); die; class D { private static $c = 42; static function f() { return D::$c; } } //var_dump(D::$c); var_dump(D::f()); $s = false; if ($s === false) {