 function displayCashier($date, $empno)
     $dbc = FannieDB::get($FANNIE_PLUGIN_SETTINGS['OverShortDatabase']);
     $store = FormLib::get('store', 0);
     $dlog = DTransactionsModel::selectDlog($date);
     $totals = array();
     $counts = array();
     $names = array();
     $counts["SCA"] = 0.0;
     $args = array($empno, $date . ' 00:00:00', $date . ' 23:59:59');
     $totalsQ = "SELECT \n            CASE WHEN trans_subtype IN ('CC','AX') THEN 'CC' ELSE trans_subtype END\n            as trans_subtype,MAX(TenderName) as TenderName,\n            -1*SUM(total) FROM {$dlog} as d LEFT JOIN " . $FANNIE_OP_DB . $dbc->sep() . "tenders as t\n            ON d.trans_subtype=t.TenderCode\n            WHERE emp_no = ?\n            AND tdate BETWEEN ? AND ?\n            AND trans_type='T'\n            AND d.upc NOT IN ('0049999900001', '0049999900002')";
     if ($store != 0) {
         $totalsQ .= ' AND d.store_id = ? ';
         $args[] = $store;
     $totalsQ .= " GROUP BY \n            CASE WHEN trans_subtype IN ('CC','AX') THEN 'CC' ELSE trans_subtype END\n            ORDER BY TenderID";
     $totalsP = $dbc->prepare_statement($totalsQ);
     $totalsR = $dbc->exec_statement($totalsP, $args);
     while ($totalsW = $dbc->fetch_row($totalsR)) {
         if (in_array($totalsW['trans_subtype'], OverShortTools::$EXCLUDE_TENDERS)) {
         $totals[$totalsW[0]] = $totalsW[2];
         $names[$totalsW[0]] = $totalsW[1];
         $counts[$totalsW[0]] = 0.0;
     $model = new DailyCountsModel($dbc);
     foreach ($model->find() as $obj) {
         $counts[$obj->tender_type()] = $obj->amt();
     $posTotal = 0;
     $countTotal = 0;
     $osTotal = 0;
     // cash + checks required
     if (!isset($totals['CA'])) {
         $totals['CA'] = 0.0;
     if (!isset($counts['CA'])) {
         $counts['CA'] = 0.0;
     if (!isset($totals['CK'])) {
         $totals['CK'] = 0.0;
     if (!isset($counts['CK'])) {
         $counts['CK'] = 0.0;
     $ret = "";
     $ret .= "<b>{$date}</b> - Emp. #{$empno}<br />";
     $ret .= '<div class="form-group form-inline">';
     $ret .= "<label>Starting cash</label>: \n            <div class=\"input-group\">\n            <span class=\"input-group-addon\">\$</span>\n            <input class=\"form-control form-control-sm\" type=text onchange=\"resumSheet();\" \n                id=countSCA value=\"" . $counts['SCA'] . "\" />\n            </div>\n            </div>";
     $posTotal += $counts['SCA'];
     $ret .= "<input type=\"hidden\" class=\"tenderCode\" value=\"CA\" />";
     $ret .= "<input type=\"hidden\" class=\"tenderCode\" value=\"CK\" />";
     $ret .= "<form onsubmit=\"save(); return false;\">";
     $ret .= "<table class=\"table\">";
     $ret .= "<tr class=color><th>Cash</th><td>POS</td><td>Count</td><td>O/S</td><td>Cash Counter</td>";
     $ret .= "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
     $ret .= "<th>Checks</th><td>POS</td><td>Count</td><td>O/S</td><td>List checks</td></tr>";
     $ret .= "<tr>";
     $ret .= "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
     $ret .= "<td id=posCA>" . $totals['CA'] . "</td>";
     $ret .= "<td><div class=\"input-group\">\n            <span class=\"input-group-addon\">\$</span>\n            <input type=text onchange=\"resumSheet();\" id=countCA \n                class=\"form-control form-control-sm\" value=\"" . $counts['CA'] . "\" />\n            </div></td>";
     $os = round($counts['CA'] - $totals['CA'] - $counts['SCA'], 2);
     $ret .= "<td id=osCA>{$os}</td>";
     $posTotal += $totals['CA'];
     $countTotal += $counts['CA'];
     $osTotal += $os;
     $ret .= "<td rowspan=7><textarea rows=11 cols=7 id=cash-counter \n            class=\"form-control\" onchange=\"sumCashCounter();\"></textarea></td>";
     $ret .= "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
     $ret .= "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
     $ret .= "<td id=posCK>" . $totals['CK'] . "</td>";
     $ret .= "<td id=countCK>" . $counts['CK'] . "</td>";
     $os = round($counts['CK'] - $totals['CK'], 2);
     $ret .= "<td id=osCK>{$os}</td>";
     $checks = "";
     $model = new DailyChecksModel($dbc);
     $checks = "";
     foreach (explode(",", $model->checks()) as $c) {
         if (is_numeric($c)) {
             $checks .= "{$c}\n";
     $checks = substr($checks, 0, strlen($checks) - 1);
     $ret .= "<td rowspan=7><textarea rows=11 cols=7 id=checklisting \n            class=\"form-control\" onchange=\"resumChecks();\">{$checks}</textarea></td>";
     $ret .= "</tr>";
     $posTotal += $totals['CK'];
     $countTotal += $counts['CK'];
     $osTotal += $os;
     $codes = array_keys($totals);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($codes); $i++) {
         $code = $codes[$i];
         if ($code == 'CA') {
         if ($code == 'CK') {
         $next = False;
         for ($j = $i + 1; $j < count($codes); $j++) {
             if ($codes[$j] == 'CA') {
             if ($codes[$j] == 'CK') {
             $next = $codes[$j];
             $i += 1;
             // we're consuming two entries this iteration
         //$ret .= "<tr><td colspan=9 height=4><span style=\"font-size:1%;\">&nbsp;</span></td></tr>";
         $ret .= "<tr class=color><th class=\"small\">" . $names[$code] . "</th><td>POS</td><td>Count</td><td>O/S</td>";
         $ret .= "<input type=\"hidden\" class=\"tenderCode\" value=\"{$code}\" />";
         $ret .= "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
         if ($next) {
             $ret .= "<th class=\"small\">" . $names[$next] . "</th><td>POS</td><td>Count</td><td>O/S</td></tr>";
             $ret .= "<input type=\"hidden\" class=\"tenderCode\" value=\"{$next}\" />";
         } else {
             $ret .= "<th colspan=\"4\">&nbsp;</th></tr>";
         $ret .= "<tr>";
         $ret .= "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
         $ret .= "<td id=pos{$code}>" . $totals[$code] . "</td>";
         $ret .= "<td><div class=\"input-group\">\n                <span class=\"input-group-addon\">\$</span>\n                <input type=text onchange=\"resumSheet();\" id=count{$code} \n                    class=\"form-control form-control-sm\" value=\"" . $counts[$code] . "\" />\n                </div></td>";
         if (!isset($counts[$code])) {
             $counts[$code] = 0.0;
         $os = round($counts[$code] - $totals[$code], 2);
         $ret .= "<td id=osCC>{$os}</td>";
         $posTotal += $totals[$code];
         $countTotal += $counts[$code];
         $osTotal += $os;
         $ret .= "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
         if ($next) {
             $ret .= "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
             $ret .= "<td id=pos{$next}>" . $totals[$next] . "</td>";
             $ret .= "<td><div class=\"input-group\">\n                    <span class=\"input-group-addon\">\$</span>\n                    <input type=text onchange=\"resumSheet();\" id=count{$next} \n                        class=\"form-control form-control-sm\" value=\"" . $counts[$next] . "\" />\n                    </div></td>";
             if (!isset($counts[$next])) {
                 $counts[$next] = 0.0;
             $os = round($counts[$next] - $totals[$next], 2);
             $ret .= "<td id=os{$next}>{$os}</td>";
             $posTotal += $totals[$next];
             $countTotal += $counts[$next];
             $osTotal += $os;
         } else {
             $ret .= "<td colspan=\"4\">&nbsp;</td>";
         $ret .= "</tr>";
     $ret .= "<tr><td colspan=10 height=4><span style=\"font-size:1%;\">&nbsp;</span></td></tr>";
     $ret .= "<tr class=color>";
     $ret .= "<th>Totals</th><td>POS</td><td>Count</td><td>O/S</td><td>&nbsp;</td>";
     $model = new DailyNotesModel($dbc);
     $note = str_replace("''", "'", $model->note());
     $ret .= "<td colspan=5 rowspan=2><textarea id=notes class=\"form-control\">{$note}</textarea></td></tr>";
     $ret .= "<tr>";
     $ret .= "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
     $ret .= "<td id=posT>{$posTotal}</td>";
     $ret .= "<td id=countT>{$countTotal}</td>";
     $ret .= "<td id=osT>{$osTotal}</td>";
     $ret .= "<td>&nbsp;</td>";
     $ret .= "</tr>";
     $ret .= "</table>";
     $ret .= "<p><button type=submit class=\"btn btn-default\">Save</button></p>";
     $ret .= "</form>";
     $ret .= "<input type=hidden id=current_empno value=\"{$empno}\" />";
     $ret .= "<input type=hidden id=current_date value=\"{$date}\" />";
     return $ret;