  * Check for and handle form submission.
  * @return bool Have settings been updated?
  * @since 3.0
  * @static
 protected static function maybe_save()
     // Fetch existing settings
     $settings = $existing_settings = DP_Welcome_Pack::get_settings();
     $updated = false;
     // Has the Friend invitation feature been toggled on/off?
     if (!empty($_POST['dpw_friendstoggle'])) {
         if ('on' == $_POST['dpw_friendstoggle']) {
             $settings['dpw_friendstoggle'] = true;
         } else {
             $settings['dpw_friendstoggle'] = false;
     // Has the Group invitation feature been toggled on/off?
     if (!empty($_POST['dpw_groupstoggle'])) {
         if ('on' == $_POST['dpw_groupstoggle']) {
             $settings['dpw_groupstoggle'] = true;
         } else {
             $settings['dpw_groupstoggle'] = false;
     // Has the Start Page feature been toggled on/off?
     if (!empty($_POST['dpw_startpagetoggle'])) {
         if ('on' == $_POST['dpw_startpagetoggle']) {
             $settings['dpw_startpagetoggle'] = true;
         } else {
             $settings['dpw_startpagetoggle'] = false;
     // Has the Welcome Message feature been toggled on/off?
     if (!empty($_POST['dpw_welcomemsgtoggle'])) {
         if ('on' == $_POST['dpw_welcomemsgtoggle']) {
             $settings['dpw_welcomemsgtoggle'] = true;
         } else {
             $settings['dpw_welcomemsgtoggle'] = false;
     // Has the email customisation feature been toggled on/off?
     if (!empty($_POST['dpw_emailtoggle'])) {
         if ('on' == $_POST['dpw_emailtoggle']) {
             $settings['dpw_emailtoggle'] = true;
         } else {
             $settings['dpw_emailtoggle'] = false;
     // Has the list of friends (to send invites to) been updated?
     if (!empty($_POST['friends'])) {
         $settings['friends'] = array_map('absint', (array) $_POST['friends']);
     // Has the list of groups (to send invites to) been updated?
     if (!empty($_POST['groups'])) {
         $settings['groups'] = array_map('absint', (array) $_POST['groups']);
     // Has the Start Page URL been updated?
     if (!empty($_POST['startpage'])) {
         $settings['startpage'] = sanitize_text_field(wp_kses_data($_POST['startpage']));
     // Has the Welcome Message body text been updated?
     if (!empty($_POST['welcomemsg'])) {
         $settings['welcomemsg'] = stripslashes(wp_filter_kses($_POST['welcomemsg']));
     // Has the Welcome Message subject text been updated?
     if (!empty($_POST['welcomemsgsubject'])) {
         $settings['welcomemsgsubject'] = stripslashes(sanitize_text_field(wp_filter_kses($_POST['welcomemsgsubject'])));
     // Has the Welcome Message sender (who the message is sent from) been updated?
     if (!empty($_POST['welcomemsgsender'])) {
         $settings['welcomemsgsender'] = absint($_POST['welcomemsgsender']);
     // If the new settings are different from the existing settings, then they've been changed. Save them to the database!
     if ($settings != $existing_settings) {
         check_admin_referer('dpw-admin', 'dpw-admin-nonce');
         bp_update_option('welcomepack', $settings);
         $updated = true;
     return $updated;
  * Load the email from the database that has been associated with the email that's being sent
  * @param string $subject Email subject
  * @global object $bp
 public function email_load_emails($subject)
     global $bp;
     if (!isset($bp->welcome_pack)) {
         $bp->welcome_pack = array();
     // Triple-check that the email subject passed matches one of the hardcoded email types
     $email_types = DP_Welcome_Pack::email_get_types();
     // This email hasn't been loaded from the database
     if (!empty($email_types[$subject]) && !isset($bp->welcome_pack[$subject])) {
         $bp->welcome_pack[$subject] = new stdClass();
         $email = get_posts(array('meta_key' => 'welcomepack_type', 'meta_value' => (int) $email_types[$subject], 'numberposts' => 1, 'post_type' => 'dpw_email'));
         if (!$email || is_wp_error($email)) {
         $email = array_shift($email);
         $post_content = apply_filters('the_content', $email->post_content);
         $post_title = apply_filters('the_title', $email->post_title, $email->ID);
         $bp->welcome_pack[$subject]->message = $post_content;
         $bp->welcome_pack[$subject]->subject = $post_title;
         $bp->welcome_pack[$subject]->template = get_post_meta($email->ID, 'welcomepack_template', true);
     // Allow third-party plugins to modify the updated email text
     do_action('dpw_email_load_emails', $subject);