  * @return object
 public function __call($name, $args)
     if (substr($name, 0, 6) === 'create') {
         return call_user_func_array(array($this->container, DIContainer::getMethodName($this->namespace . substr($name, 6), FALSE)), $args);
     throw new NotSupportedException();
 public function processServices()
     $this->parseServices($this->container, $this->config);
     foreach ($this->extensions as $name => $extension) {
         $this->container->addDefinition($name)->setClass('DINestedAccessor', array('@container', $name))->setAutowired(FALSE);
         if (isset($this->config[$name])) {
             $this->parseServices($this->container, $this->config[$name], $name);
     foreach ($this->container->getDefinitions() as $name => $def) {
         $factory = $name . 'Factory';
         if (!$def->shared && !$def->internal && !$this->container->hasDefinition($factory)) {
             $this->container->addDefinition($factory)->setClass('Callback', array('@container', DIContainer::getMethodName($name, FALSE)))->setAutowired(FALSE)->tags = $def->tags;
  * Does the service exist?
  * @param  string service name
  * @return bool
 public function hasService($name)
     return isset($this->registry[$name]) || isset($this->factories[$name]) || method_exists($this, $method = DIContainer::getMethodName($name)) && $this->getReflection()->getMethod($method)->getName() === $method;
  * Formats PHP code for class instantiating, function calling or property setting in PHP.
  * @return string
  * @internal
 public function formatStatement(DIStatement $statement, $self = NULL)
     $entity = $this->normalizeEntity($statement->entity);
     $arguments = $statement->arguments;
     if (is_string($entity) && Strings::contains($entity, '?')) {
         // PHP literal
         return $this->formatPhp($entity, $arguments, $self);
     } elseif ($service = $this->getServiceName($entity)) {
         // factory calling or service retrieving
         if ($this->definitions[$service]->shared) {
             if ($arguments) {
                 throw new ServiceCreationException("Unable to call service '{$entity}'.");
             return $this->formatPhp('$this->getService(?)', array($service));
         $params = array();
         foreach ($this->definitions[$service]->parameters as $k => $v) {
             $params[] = preg_replace('#\\w+$#', '\\$$0', is_int($k) ? $v : $k) . (is_int($k) ? '' : ' = ' . PhpHelpers::dump($v));
         $rm = new FunctionReflection(create_function(implode(', ', $params), ''));
         $arguments = DIHelpers::autowireArguments($rm, $arguments, $this);
         return $this->formatPhp('$this->?(?*)', array(DIContainer::getMethodName($service, FALSE), $arguments), $self);
     } elseif ($entity === 'not') {
         // operator
         return $this->formatPhp('!?', array($arguments[0]));
     } elseif (is_string($entity)) {
         // class name
         if ($constructor = ClassReflection::from($entity)->getConstructor()) {
             $arguments = DIHelpers::autowireArguments($constructor, $arguments, $this);
         } elseif ($arguments) {
             throw new ServiceCreationException("Unable to pass arguments, class {$entity} has no constructor.");
         return $this->formatPhp("new {$entity}" . ($arguments ? '(?*)' : ''), array($arguments), $self);
     } elseif (!Validators::isList($entity) || count($entity) !== 2) {
         throw new InvalidStateException("Expected class, method or property, " . PhpHelpers::dump($entity) . " given.");
     } elseif ($entity[0] === '') {
         // globalFunc
         return $this->formatPhp("{$entity['1']}(?*)", array($arguments), $self);
     } elseif (Strings::contains($entity[1], '$')) {
         // property setter
         Validators::assert($arguments, 'list:1', "setup arguments for '" . Callback::create($entity) . "'");
         if ($this->getServiceName($entity[0], $self)) {
             return $this->formatPhp('?->? = ?', array($entity[0], substr($entity[1], 1), $arguments[0]), $self);
         } else {
             return $this->formatPhp($entity[0] . '::$? = ?', array(substr($entity[1], 1), $arguments[0]), $self);
     } elseif ($service = $this->getServiceName($entity[0], $self)) {
         // service method
         if ($this->definitions[$service]->class) {
             $arguments = $this->autowireArguments($this->definitions[$service]->class, $entity[1], $arguments);
         return $this->formatPhp('?->?(?*)', array($entity[0], $entity[1], $arguments), $self);
     } else {
         // static method
         $arguments = $this->autowireArguments($entity[0], $entity[1], $arguments);
         return $this->formatPhp("{$entity['0']}::{$entity['1']}(?*)", array($arguments), $self);