KEY slug (slug), KEY displayorder (displayorder) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$db_prefix}relationships; CREATE TABLE {$db_prefix}relationships ( cid mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', mid mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (cid,mid) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; EOT; //添加新表 runquery($add); $query = $DB->query("SELECT cid, name, displayorder FROM {$db_prefix}categories"); while ($cate = $DB->fetch_array($query)) { $DB->query("INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}metas (name, type, displayorder) VALUES ('" . addslashes($cate['name']) . "', 'category', '" . addslashes($cate['displayorder']) . "')"); $mid = $DB->insert_id(); $articles = $DB->query("SELECT articleid, visible FROM {$db_prefix}articles WHERE cid='" . $cate['cid'] . "'"); while ($article = $DB->fetch_array($articles)) { $r = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT cid FROM {$db_prefix}relationships WHERE mid='{$mid}' LIMIT 1"); if (!$r) { $DB->query("INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}relationships (cid,mid) VALUES ('" . $article['articleid'] . "', '{$mid}')"); } else { if ($article['articleid'] != $r['cid']) { $DB->query("INSERT INTO {$db_prefix}relationships (cid,mid) VALUES ('" . $article['articleid'] . "', '{$mid}')"); } } if ($article['visible']) { $DB->unbuffered_query("UPDATE {$db_prefix}metas SET count=count+1 WHERE mid='{$mid}' AND type='category'"); }
// Connect to Database define('TABLE_PREFIX', $config['database']['table_prefix']); $db->connect($config['database']); $db->set_table_prefix(TABLE_PREFIX); $db->type = $config['database']['type']; // Load Settings if (file_exists(MYBB_ROOT . "inc/settings.php")) { require_once MYBB_ROOT . "inc/settings.php"; } if (!file_exists(MYBB_ROOT . "inc/settings.php") || !$settings) { if (function_exists('rebuild_settings')) { rebuild_settings(); } else { $options = array("order_by" => "title", "order_dir" => "ASC"); $query = $db->simple_select("settings", "value, name", "", $options); while ($setting = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $setting['value'] = str_replace("\"", "\\\"", $setting['value']); $settings[$setting['name']] = $setting['value']; } } } $settings['wolcutoff'] = $settings['wolcutoffmins'] * 60; $settings['bbname_orig'] = $settings['bbname']; $settings['bbname'] = strip_tags($settings['bbname']); // Fix for people who for some specify a trailing slash on the board URL if (substr($settings['bburl'], -1) == "/") { $settings['bburl'] = my_substr($settings['bburl'], 0, -1); } $mybb->settings =& $settings; $mybb->parse_cookies(); require_once MYBB_ROOT . "inc/class_datacache.php";
} echo '<description>' . stripslashes($ForumArr['synopsis']) . '</description>'; echo '<copyright>Copyright(C) PhpSay</copyright>'; echo '<generator>AlanZhu</generator>'; echo '<lastBuildDate>' . date('r') . '</lastBuildDate>'; echo '<ttl>120</ttl>'; echo '<image>'; echo '<url>http://' . $site_domain . $site_catalog . 'images/slogo.gif</url>'; echo '<title>' . $site_name . '</title>'; echo '<link>http://' . $site_domain . $site_catalog . '</link>'; echo '</image>'; $TSQL = "SELECT I.`tid`,I.`author`,I.`subject`,I.`dateline`,T.`message` FROM `" . $table_post . "` I "; $TSQL .= "LEFT JOIN `" . $table_post2 . "` T ON I.`pid`=T.`pid` "; $TSQL .= "WHERE I.`fid`=" . $ForumArr['fid'] . " AND I.`replyfloor`=0 ORDER BY I.`pid` DESC LIMIT 50"; $Result = $DB->query($TSQL); while ($Re = $DB->fetch_array($Result)) { echo '<item>'; echo '<title>' . filterHTML($Re['subject']) . '</title>'; if ($site_rewrite) { echo '<link>http://' . $site_domain . $site_catalog . 'topic-' . $Re['tid'] . '-1.html</link>'; } else { echo '<link>http://' . $site_domain . $site_catalog . 'topic.php?tid=' . $Re['tid'] . '</link>'; } echo '<description><![CDATA[' . showStr($Re['message']) . ']]></description>'; echo '<category>' . stripslashes($ForumArr['name']) . '</category>'; echo '<author>' . stripslashes($Re['author']) . '</author>'; echo '<pubDate>' . date('r', $Re['dateline']) . '</pubDate>'; echo '</item>'; } echo '</channel>'; echo '</rss>';
$fp = fopen($dbsql, "rb"); $installdata = fread($fp, filesize($dbsql)); $installdata = str_replace("\r", "\n", str_replace(' sablog_', ' ' . $db_prefix, $installdata)); fclose($fp); } preg_match("/CREATE TABLE " . $db_prefix . $value . "\\s+\\(.+?;/is", $installdata, $a); $DB->query(createtable($a[0])); } foreach ($repair as $table => $valuedata) { foreach ($valuedata as $value) { echo print_r($value); echo '<br>'; if (!in_array($r_table, $repairtable)) { list($r_table, $r_field, $option) = explode('|', $value); if (!isset($repairrtable[$r_table]) && ($fieldsquery = $DB->query("SHOW FIELDS FROM {$db_prefix}{$r_table}", 'SILENT'))) { while ($fields = $DB->fetch_array($fieldsquery)) { $fielddefault[$r_table][$fields['Field']] = $fields['Default']; } } $field = $saxdb[$r_table][$r_field]; $altersql = '`' . $field['Field'] . '` ' . $field['Type']; $altersql .= $field['Null'] == 'NO' ? ' NOT NULL' : ''; $altersql .= in_array($fielddefault[$r_table][$field['Field']], array('', '0')) && in_array($field['Default'], array('', '0')) || $field['Null'] == 'NO' && $field['Default'] == '' || preg_match('/text/i', $field['Type']) || preg_match('/auto_increment/i', $field['Extra']) ? '' : ' default \'' . $field['Default'] . '\''; $altersql .= $field['Extra'] != '' ? ' ' . $field['Extra'] : ''; $altersql = $option == 'modify' ? "MODIFY COLUMN " . $altersql : "ADD COLUMN " . $altersql; $alter[$r_table][] = $altersql; } } } foreach ($alter as $r_table => $sqls) { $DB->query("ALTER TABLE `{$db_prefix}{$r_table}` " . implode(',', $sqls), 'SILENT');
$_COOKIE = sax_stripslashes($_COOKIE); } if ($_POST['sax_cookie_auth']) { list($sax_uid, $sax_pw, $sax_logincount) = explode("\t", authcode($_POST['sax_cookie_auth'], 'DECODE')); } else { list($sax_uid, $sax_pw, $sax_logincount) = $_COOKIE['sax_auth'] ? explode("\t", authcode($_COOKIE['sax_auth'], 'DECODE')) : array('', '', 0); } $sax_uid = (int) $sax_uid; $sax_pw = sax_addslashes($sax_pw); $sax_logincount = (int) $sax_logincount; $sax_group = 4; $_EVO = array(); $seccode = 0; if ($sax_uid) { $query = $DB->query("SELECT userid AS sax_uid, username AS sax_user, password AS sax_pw, groupid AS sax_group, logincount AS sax_logincount, email as sax_email, url as sax_url, lastpost, lastip, lastvisit, lastactivity\r\n\t\tFROM {$db_prefix}users\r\n\t\tWHERE userid='{$sax_uid}' AND password='******' AND logincount='{$sax_logincount}'"); $_EVO = $DB->fetch_array($query); if (!$_EVO) { dcookies(); } } @extract($_EVO); $lastvisit = !$lastvisit ? $timestamp : $lastvisit; if (!$sax_uid || !$sax_user) { $sax_uid = $sax_logincount = 0; $sax_user = ''; $sax_group = 6; } if ($sax_group == 1) { error_reporting(7); } $formhash = formhash();