 function Pager($sql_count, $sql, $current_page)
     global $g_rb_database_type, $g_rb_pagerLimit, $DB_LINK;
     $this->page_limit = $g_rb_pagerLimit;
     $this->page = $current_page;
     $this->sql = $sql;
     if ($g_rb_database_type == "postgres") {
         $sql .= " LIMIT " . $this->page_limit;
         if ($this->page > 0) {
             $sql .= " OFFSET " . ($this->page - 1) * $this->page_limit;
     } else {
         if ($g_rb_database_type == "mysql") {
             $sql .= " LIMIT ";
             if ($this->page > 0) {
                 $sql .= ($this->page - 1) * $this->page_limit . ", ";
             $sql .= $this->page_limit;
     // Get the count
     $rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql_count);
     DBUtils::checkResult($rc, NULL, NULL, $sql_count);
     $this->total_results = $rc->fields[0];
     // Make the query and set the results
     $this->dbResults = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
     DBUtils::checkResult($this->dbResults, NULL, NULL, $sql);
     // Compute the max number of pages
     $this->max_pages = ceil($this->total_results / $this->page_limit);
 	Gets a Column out of the database and returns them as a ADOdb type result
 	@param $table the table to query from
 	@param $valFld the first field to select
 	@param $keyFld The seconf field to select
 	@param $order how to order the result (should be either $valFld or $keyFld)
 	@return A ADOdb result
 public static function fetchColumn($table, $valFld, $keyFld = '', $order = '')
     global $DB_LINK;
     $table = $DB_LINK->addq($table, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
     $valFld = $DB_LINK->addq($valFld, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
     $keyFld = $DB_LINK->addq($keyFld, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
     $order = $DB_LINK->addq($order, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
     $sql = "SELECT {$valFld}" . ($keyFld ? ",{$keyFld}" : "") . " FROM {$table}" . ($order ? " ORDER BY {$order}" : "");
     $rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
     DBUtils::checkResult($rc, NULL, NULL, $sql);
     return $rc;
 	Loads all of the recipes we are going to export into the $exportRecipes
 	@param $id The recipe id to be exported, if set to 0 then export all recipes
 function getData($id)
     global $DB_LINK, $db_table_recipes;
     if ($id == 0) {
         $this->exportAll = true;
         // recursively call for all the recipes in the database
         $sql = "SELECT recipe_id FROM {$db_table_recipes}";
         $rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
         DBUtils::checkResult($rc, NULL, NULL, $sql);
         while (!$rc->EOF) {
     } else {
         $recipeObj = new Recipe($id);
         $this->exportRecipes[] = $recipeObj;
if ($ingredient_id && !$SMObj->checkAccessLevel("EDITOR")) {
    // Figure out who the owner of this ingredient is, Editors can edit anyones recipes
    // The owner of a ingredient does not change when someone edits it.
    $sql = "SELECT ingredient_user FROM {$db_table_ingredients} WHERE ingredient_id = " . $DB_LINK->addq($ingredient_id, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
    $rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
    // If the recipe is owned by someone else then do not allow editing
    if ($rc->fields['ingredient_user'] != "" && $rc->fields['ingredient_user'] != $SMObj->getUserID()) {
        die($LangUI->_('You are not the owner of this ingredient, you are not allowed to edit it'));
// get the information about the Ingredient (empty query if new Ingredient)
if ($ingredient_id) {
    $sql = "SELECT *\n\t\t\tFROM {$db_table_ingredients}\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$db_table_units} ON ingredient_unit = unit_id\n\t\t\tWHERE ingredient_id = " . $DB_LINK->addq($ingredient_id, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
    $ingredients = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
    DBUtils::checkResult($ingredients, NULL, NULL, $sql);

<script language="javascript">
	$(document).ready(function() {
			source: "index.php?m=ingredients&a=get_core&format=no",
			minLength: 1,
			select: function(event, ui) {
				if (ui.item.id)
					console.log('set it');
 	Loads the ingredient information if it is not already set
 function loadIngredient()
     global $DB_LINK, $db_table_ingredients, $db_table_units, $db_table_locations, $db_table_core_ingredients, $LangUI;
     // Only run this if we have not loaded the information yet
     if ($this->name == NULL) {
         $sql = "SELECT {$db_table_ingredients}.*, unit_desc, location_desc, unit_system, core.description FROM {$db_table_ingredients} " . "LEFT JOIN {$db_table_units} ON unit_id = ingredient_unit " . "LEFT JOIN {$db_table_locations} ON location_id = ingredient_location " . "LEFT JOIN {$db_table_core_ingredients} core ON core.id = ingredient_core " . "WHERE ingredient_id=" . $DB_LINK->addq($this->id, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
         $rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
         DBUtils::checkResult($rc, NULL, $LangUI->_('There was an error loading the ingredient'), $sql);
         $this->name = $rc->fields['ingredient_name'];
         $this->description = $rc->fields['ingredient_desc'];
         $this->unit = $rc->fields['ingredient_unit'];
         $this->unitDescription = $rc->fields['unit_desc'];
         switch ($rc->fields['unit_system']) {
             case "0":
                 $this->unitSystem = "static";
             case "1":
                 $this->unitSystem = "usa";
             case "2":
                 $this->unitSystem = "metric";
         $this->location = $rc->fields['ingredient_location'];
         $this->locationDescription = $rc->fields['location_desc'];
         $this->coreDescription = $rc->fields['description'];
         if ($DB_LINK->true == $rc->fields['ingredient_solid']) {
             $this->solid = true;
         } else {
             $this->solid = false;
         $this->system = $rc->fields['ingredient_system'];
     return TRUE;

require_once "classes/DBUtils.class.php";
$recipe_id = isValidID($_REQUEST['recipe_id']) ? $_REQUEST['recipe_id'] : 0;
$review = isset($_REQUEST['review']) ? htmlentities($_REQUEST['review'], ENT_QUOTES, $LangUI->getEncoding()) : '';
$rating = isset($_REQUEST['rating']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['rating']) ? $_REQUEST['rating'] : 0;
$userId = $SMObj->getUserID();
if ($SMObj->IsUserLoggedIn() && $review != '') {
    $sql = "INSERT INTO {$db_table_reviews} (review_recipe, review_comments, review_user) VALUES (?,?,?)";
    $stmt = $DB_LINK->Prepare($sql);
    $rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($stmt, array($recipe_id, $review, $userId));
    DBUtils::checkResult($rc, $LangUI->_('Review submitted successfully'), $LangUI->_('Failed to save review!'), $sql);
if ($rating && $ip != '') {
    $sql = "INSERT INTO {$db_table_ratings} (rating_recipe, rating_score, rating_ip) VALUES (?,?,?)";
    $stmt = $DB_LINK->Prepare($sql);
    $rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($stmt, array($recipe_id, $rating, $ip));
    DBUtils::checkResult($rc, $LangUI->_('Rating submitted successfully'), $LangUI->_('You have already rated this recipe!'), NULL);

require_once "classes/DBUtils.class.php";
$source_id = isset($_REQUEST['source_id']) && isValidID($_REQUEST['source_id']) ? $_REQUEST['source_id'] : 0;
// We need to get the data now
$sql = "SELECT source_title,source_desc FROM {$db_table_sources}";
if ($source_id > 0) {
    $sql .= " WHERE source_id = " . $DB_LINK->addq($source_id, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
$sources = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
DBUtils::checkResult($sources, NULL, NULL, $sql);
// Error check

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="0" width="100%">
	<td align="center" class="title">
if ($source_id == 0) {
    echo $LangUI->_('Sources');
} else {
    echo $LangUI->_('Source');
<table cellspacing="5" cellpadding="2" border="0" class="ing" width="100%">
while (!$sources->EOF) {
require_once "classes/Restaurant.class.php";
require_once "classes/DBUtils.class.php";
$restaurant_id = isValidID($_GET['restaurant_id']) ? $_GET['restaurant_id'] : 0;
if ($restaurant_id && !$SMObj->checkAccessLevel("EDITOR")) {
    // Figure out who the owner of this restaurant is, Editors can edit anyones items
    $sql = "SELECT restaurant_user FROM {$db_table_restaurants} WHERE restaurant_id = " . $DB_LINK->addq($restaurant_id, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
    $rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
    // If the recipe is owned by someone else then do not allow editing
    if ($rc->fields['restaurant_user'] != "" && $rc->fields['restaurant_user'] != $SMObj->getUserID()) {
        die($LangUI->_('You are not the owner of this restaurant, you are not allowed to delete it'));
// clean up the old picture if we are suppose to
if ($g_rb_database_type == "postgres") {
    $sql = "SELECT restaurant_picture FROM {$db_table_restaurants} WHERE restaurant_id=" . $DB_LINK->addq($restaurant_id, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
    $rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
    if (trim($rc->fields['restaurant_picture']) != "") {
        $rc = $DB_LINK->BlobDelete($rc->fields['restaurant_picture']);
        DBUtils::checkResult($rc, $LangUI->_('Picture successfully deleted'), NULL, $sql);
// In Postgres everything will be cleaned up with one delete
$RestaurantObj = new Restaurant($restaurant_id);
echo $LangUI->_('Restaurant Deleted');
        $query .= " ingredient_name LIKE '%" . $DB_LINK->addq($_REQUEST['name'], get_magic_quotes_gpc()) . "%' AND";
    if (isValidID($_REQUEST['location_id'])) {
        $query .= " ingredient_location=" . $DB_LINK->addq($_REQUEST['location_id'], get_magic_quotes_gpc());
    $query = preg_replace("/AND\$/", "", $query);
    // Put the order on the end
    $query .= $query_order;
/* ----------------------
		The Query has been made, format and output the values returned from the database
if ($query != "") {
    $counter = 0;
    $rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($query);
    DBUtils::checkResult($rc, NULL, NULL, $query);
    // Error check
    # exit if we did not find any matches
    if ($rc->RecordCount() == 0) {
        echo $LangUI->_('No values returned from search');
    } else {
		<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border=0 width="80%" class="data">
		<form name="searchForm" action="" method="post">
		<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="add">
		<tr valign="top">
			<td colspan=6 align=left>
				<input type="button" value="<?php 
        echo $LangUI->_('Add to shopping list');
" class="button" onClick='submitForm("list")'>&nbsp;
if (!$SMObj->checkAccessLevel("EDITOR") && ($recipe->fields['recipe_private'] == $DB_LINK->true && $SMObj->getUserID() != $recipe->fields['recipe_user'])) {
    die($LangUI->_('This recipe is private and you do not have permission to view it!'));
# fetch the ingredients for the recipe
$sql = "SELECT {$db_table_ingredientmaps}.*,\n        unit_desc,\n        ingredient_name\nFROM {$db_table_ingredientmaps}\nLEFT JOIN {$db_table_units} ON unit_id = map_unit\nLEFT JOIN {$db_table_ingredients} ON ingredient_id = map_ingredient\nWHERE map_recipe = ? ORDER BY map_order";
$stmt = $DB_LINK->Prepare($sql);
$ingredients = $DB_LINK->Execute($stmt, array($recipe_id));
// Error check
DBUtils::checkResult($ingredients, NULL, NULL, $sql);
# fetch the related ingredients
$sql = "\nSELECT related_child, recipe_name, recipe_directions, related_required\nFROM {$db_table_related_recipes}\nLEFT JOIN {$db_table_recipes} ON recipe_id = related_child\nWHERE related_parent= ? ORDER BY related_order";
$stmt = $DB_LINK->Prepare($sql);
$related = $DB_LINK->Execute($stmt, array($recipe_id));
// Error check
DBUtils::checkResult($related, NULL, NULL, $sql);
// if no scale is set the read from the database
if (isset($_GET['recipe_scale']) && $recipe->fields['recipe_serving_size'] != NULL) {
    $recipe_scale = $_GET['recipe_scale'];
    $scale_by = $recipe_scale / $recipe->fields['recipe_serving_size'];
} else {
    if ($recipe->fields['recipe_serving_size'] != NULL) {
        $recipe_scale = $recipe->fields['recipe_serving_size'];
        $scale_by = 1;
    } else {
        $recipe_scale = "";
        $recipe->fields['recipe_serving_size'] = "";
        $scale_by = 1;
$related_names = array();
 	Imports all of the recipes currently loaded (do a parseDataFile first)
 function importData()
     global $LangUI, $DB_LINK, $SMObj, $db_table_recipes, $db_table_ingredients, $db_table_related_recipes;
     // Iterate through all the recipes and create them
     foreach ($this->importRecipes as $item) {
         $recipeObj = $item[0];
         $recipeObj->user = $SMObj->getUserID();
         $id = $recipeObj->insert();
         $order = 0;
         // order the ingredients
         foreach ($item[1] as $ingObj) {
             if ($ingObj != NULL) {
                 // See if the ingredient exists
                 $sql = "SELECT ingredient_id FROM {$db_table_ingredients} WHERE ingredient_name=? and ingredient_user=?";
                 $stmt = $DB_LINK->Prepare($sql);
                 $rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($stmt, array($ingObj->name, $SMObj->getUserID()));
                 // Error check
                 DBUtils::checkResult($rc, NULL, NULL, $sql);
                 if ($rc->RecordCount() == 0) {
                     // Note: lots of defaults are guessed if this option is taken
                     $ingObj->solid = $DB_LINK->true;
                     $ingObj->price = '0.00';
                     $ingObj->user = $SMObj->getUserID();
                     // Create the Ingredient and then set the ID
                     $ing_id = $ingObj->insert();
                 } else {
                     $ing_id = $rc->fields['ingredient_id'];
                 // Map the ingredient
                 $ingObj->id = $ing_id;
                 // We have an ID set it.
                 $ingObj->recipe_id = $id;
                 // Set the Recipe ID as well
                 $ingObj->order = $order;
                 // Set the order of the ingredient
                 // Insert the mapping
     // Now we can link in the related recipes...
     $this->recipes = DBUtils::createList(DBUtils::fetchColumn($db_table_recipes, 'recipe_name', 'recipe_id', 'recipe_name'), 'recipe_name', 'recipe_id');
     foreach ($this->relatedRecipes as $link) {
         if ($this->recipes[$link[0]] != NULL && $this->recipes[$link[1]] != NULL) {
             $sql = "INSERT INTO {$db_table_related_recipes} (related_parent, related_child, related_required) VALUES (?, ?, ?)";
             $stmt = $DB_LINK->Prepare($sql);
             $rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($stmt, array($this->recipes[$link[0]], $this->recipes[$link[1]], $link[2]));
             DBUtils::checkResult($rc, NULL, NULL, $sql);
             echo $LangUI->_('Linking') . ": '" . $link[0] . "' " . $LangUI->_('to') . " '" . $link[1] . "'<br />";
 	Loads all of the ingredients and recipes saved in the database for this shopping
 	list into an instance of this shopping list.
 	@param $clear if true then the list is cleared before new items are added, if false then they are appended
 function loadItems($clear)
     global $DB_LINK, $db_table_list_recipes, $db_table_list_ingredients;
     if (isset($clear) && $clear) {
         // clear out the items if we are told to
         $this->recipes = array();
         $this->ingredients = array();
     // Add the recipes
     $sql = "SELECT list_rp_recipe, list_rp_scale FROM {$db_table_list_recipes} WHERE list_rp_id=" . $DB_LINK->addq($this->id, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
     $rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
     DBUtils::checkResult($rc, NULL, NULL, $sql);
     while (!$rc->EOF) {
         $recipeObj = new Recipe($rc->fields['list_rp_recipe']);
         $this->addRecipe($recipeObj, $rc->fields['list_rp_scale']);
     // Add the ingredients
     $sql = "SELECT list_ing_ingredient,list_ing_unit,list_ing_qualifier,list_ing_quantity FROM {$db_table_list_ingredients} WHERE list_ing_id=" . $DB_LINK->addq($this->id, get_magic_quotes_gpc()) . " ORDER BY list_ing_order";
     $rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
     DBUtils::checkResult($rc, NULL, NULL, $sql);
     while (!$rc->EOF) {
         $ingObj = new Ingredient();
         $ingObj->setIngredientMap($rc->fields['list_ing_ingredient'], NULL, $rc->fields['list_ing_qualifier'], $rc->fields['list_ing_quantity'], $rc->fields['list_ing_unit']);
    // create the user
    $newUserId = $SMObj->addNewUser($sm_login, $sm_name, $sm_password, $sm_email, $sm_language, $sm_country, $sm_provider, $sm_identity, $new_access_level);
    if ($newUserId > 0) {
        // Handle the password emailing, if admin is not creating user
        if (!$SMObj->getNewUserSetPasswd() && !$SMObj->checkAccessLevel($SMObj->getSuperUserLevel())) {
            // mail out the password
            $subject = $LangUI->_('PHPRecipeBook Password');
            $message = $LangUI->_('Your password to login is included in this email below') . ":\n";
            $message .= $LangUI->_('Login ID') . ":" . $sm_login . "\n";
            $message .= $LangUI->_('Password') . ":" . $sm_password . "\n";
            $SMObj->sendEmail($sm_email, $sm_name, $subject, $message);
        if ($create_ingredients == "true") {
            $sql = "INSERT INTO recipe_ingredients (ingredient_name, ingredient_desc, ingredient_location, ingredient_unit, ingredient_solid, ingredient_system, ingredient_user) \n\t\t\t\tSELECT ingredient_name, ingredient_desc, ingredient_location, ingredient_unit, ingredient_solid, ingredient_system, {$newUserId} \n\t\t\t\tFROM   recipe_ingredients\n\t\t\t\tWHERE  ingredient_user = 1";
            $rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
            DBUtils::checkResult($rc, NULL, $LangUI->_('There was an error copying the ingredients'), $sql);
} else {
    if ($sm_mode == "edit") {
        if ($sm_delete == "no") {
            if (!$SMObj->checkAccessLevel($SMObj->getSuperUserLevel()) && $SMObj->getUserLoginID() != $sm_login) {
                die($LangUI->_('You must be an administrator in order to edit other users!'));
            // only the admin can change access levels and groups
            if (!$SMObj->checkAccessLevel($SMObj->getSuperUserLevel())) {
                $sm_access_level = "";
            // If a user is changing the password, make sure the know the old one first
            if ($sm_password != "" && ($SMObj->getUserPassword($sm_userId) != md5($sm_old_password) && !$SMObj->checkAccessLevel($SMObj->getSuperUserLevel()))) {
                die($LangUI->_('Old password does not match currently set password!'));
function recipe_name_exists($recipe_name)
    global $SMObj, $DB_LINK, $db_table_recipes;
    $sql = "SELECT recipe_name from {$db_table_recipes} where recipe_name = ? AND recipe_user = ?";
    $stmt = $DB_LINK->Prepare($sql);
    $rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($stmt, array($recipe_name, $SMObj->getUserID()));
    DBUtils::checkResult($rc, NULL, NULL, $sql);
    if ($rc->RecordCount()) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
 	Removes all of the meals currently saved for a day so that meals will only be added if they are wanted.  This
 	function can be used in combination with insert(...) in order to remove unwanted recipes
 	@param $date The date to clear in ISO format (use DBUtils)
 function clearDay($date)
     global $DB_LINK, $db_table_mealplans;
     $date = $DB_LINK->addq($date, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
     $sql = "DELETE FROM {$db_table_mealplans} WHERE mplan_date='{$date}'";
     $rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
     DBUtils::checkResult($rc, NULL, NULL, $sql);
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" border="0" width="100%">
	<td align="left" class="title"><?php 
echo $LangUI->_('Add/Edit Sources');

$counter = 0;
$sql = "SELECT source_id,source_title,source_desc FROM {$db_table_sources} WHERE source_user=? ORDER BY source_title";
$stmt = $DB_LINK->Prepare($sql);
$rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($stmt, array($SMObj->getUserID()));
DBUtils::checkResult($rc, NULL, NULL, $sql);
<form action="./index.php?m=admin&a=sources&dosql=update_sources" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="update">
<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0" class="data">
echo $LangUI->_('Delete');
echo $LangUI->_('Title');
echo $LangUI->_('Description');
 	Gets the child/related recipes for this recipe
 	@param $req set to true then only the required recipes are returned, false all are returned
 	@return array of recipe objects
 function getRelated($req)
     global $DB_LINK, $db_table_related_recipes;
     $children = array();
     $sql = "SELECT related_child,related_required FROM {$db_table_related_recipes} WHERE related_parent=" . $DB_LINK->addq($this->id, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
     $rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
     DBUtils::checkResult($rc, NULL, NULL, $sql);
     while (!$rc->EOF) {
         if ($req) {
             // get all the required recipes
             if ($rc->fields['related_required'] == $DB_LINK->true) {
                 $tmpObj = new Recipe($rc->fields['related_child']);
                 $children[] = $tmpObj;
         } else {
             // get all the children
             $tmpObj = new Recipe($rc->fields['related_child']);
             $children[] = $tmpObj;
     return $children;
 	Returns an array with the index as the ID and the description and abbreviate as an array value, for all 
 	the units in the database
 	@return array of units
 function getUnits()
     global $DB_LINK, $db_table_units;
     $units = array();
     $sql = "SELECT unit_id, unit_desc, unit_abbr FROM {$db_table_units}";
     $rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
     DBUtils::checkResult($rc, NULL, NULL, $sql);
     while (!$rc->EOF) {
         $id = $rc->fields['unit_id'];
         $units[$id] = array($rc->fields['unit_desc'], $rc->fields['unit_abbr']);
     return $units;
 	Removes the currently set picture from the restaurant
 function deletePicture()
     global $DB_LINK, $db_table_restaurants, $g_rb_database_type, $LangUI;
     $sql = "UPDATE {$db_table_restaurants} SET restaurant_picture='', restaurant_picture_type='' WHERE restaurant_id=" . $DB_LINK->addq($this->id, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
     $rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
     DBUtils::checkResult($rc, NULL, $LangUI->_('There was an error removing the picture'), $sql);
     // Do the postgres cleanup
     if ($this->picture_oid && $g_rb_database_type == "postgres") {
         $rc = $DB_LINK->BlobDelete($this->picture_oid);
         $this->picture_oid = NULL;
         DBUtils::checkResult($rc, NULL, $LangUI->_('There was an error removing the picture'), $sql);
     return TRUE;