public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $dbi = new DBInterface(); $this->strings = KioskClient::getStrings(); $this->set_position(Gtk::WIN_POS_CENTER); $this->set_default_size(300, 200); $this->set_resizable(false); $this->timeLabel = new GtkLabel($this->strings["timeLeftLabel_begin"] . '0' . $this->strings["timeLeftLabel_end"]); $this->set_title($this->strings["windowTitle_begin"] . '0' . $this->strings["windowTitle_end"]); $this->logoutButton = new GtkButton($this->strings['logoutButton']); $this->pauseButton = new GtkButton($this->strings['pauseButton']); $box = new GtkVBox(); $box->pack_start($this->timeLabel); if ($dbi->getSetting('max_pause_time')) { $box->pack_start($this->pauseButton); } $box->pack_start($this->logoutButton); # if ( DEBUG ) { # $this->quitButton = new GtkButton("Quit"); # $box->pack_start( $this->quitButton ); # } # $this->connect_simple( 'destroy', array('Gtk', 'main_quit') ); $this->add($box); }
public function __construct($user_alert_id = 0) { parent::__construct('user_alert', $user_alert_id); if ($user_alert_id) { $this->tag = new Tag($this->tag_id()); } }
public function __construct($legislation_id = 0) { parent::__construct('legislation', $legislation_id); if ($legislation_id) { $state = new State($this->region_id()); $logo = LOGO_PATH . strtolower('state_' . $state->state_abbr() . '_' . $this->current_chamber()) . '.png'; $location = $state->state_name() . ' State ' . $this->current_chamber(); list($category_id, $category_name) = Category::legislation_get_category($this->current_location()); $committee = Category::get_location($this->current_location()); $this->legislator_ids = $this->get_legislator_ids(); $legislators = array(); if (!empty($this->legislator_ids)) { foreach ($this->legislator_ids as $id) { $legislators[] = new Legislator($id); } } $this->sponsors = Legislation::get_legislator_data($legislators, $committee); $this->bill = $this->_extract_bill_id(); $this->image = $logo; $this->bill_location = $location; $this->location_description = $committee; $this->category = array('id' => $category_id, 'name' => $category_name); $this->status = new Status($this->status_id()); $this->date_introduced_parts = get_date_parts($this->date_introduced()); $this->date_heard_parts = get_date_parts($this->date_heard()); $this->_get_public_opinion(); $this->comment_data = $this->get_comment_data(); } }
public function __construct($feedback_id = 0) { parent::__construct('legislation_feedback', $feedback_id); if ($feedback_id) { $this->user = new User($this->user_id()); } }
public function __construct($lc_id = 0) { parent::__construct('category', $lc_id); if ($lc_id) { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM legislation WHERE current_location IN (SELECT lc_category FROM category WHERE lc_parent_id={$lc_id})"; $l_count = db()->Get_Cell($sql); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM announcement WHERE category_id={$lc_id}"; $a_count = db()->Get_Cell($sql); $total_count = $l_count = $a_count; $this->cat_count($total_count); } }
public function __construct($sponsor_id = 0) { parent::__construct('sponsor', $sponsor_id); if ($sponsor_id) { $region = new Region($this->region_id(), $this->region_type()); $office = new Office($this->office_id()); $this->sponsor_id = $sponsor_id; $this->office = $this->title(); $this->full_name = $this->name_first() . ' ' . $this->name_last(); $this->img_name = $this->image(); $this->public_image = $this->get_image_src(); $this->image = $this->get_image_src(); $this->region = $region->city_name(); } }
public function __construct($legislator_id = 0) { $title_abbr = array('Senator' => 'Sen.', 'Assemblymember' => 'Asm.'); parent::__construct('legislator', $legislator_id); if ($legislator_id) { $dist_number = substr($this->district(), 2, 2); $this->id = $this->id(); $this->img_name = remove_accents(strtolower(fix_name($this->name_last()) . '_' . fix_name($this->name_first()))) . '.jpg'; $this->image = $this->get_image_src(); $this->level = $this->state() ? 'State' : ''; $this->title = $title_abbr[$this->name_title()]; $this->full_name = $this->name_first() . ' ' . $this->name_last(); $this->party = substr($this->party(), 0, 1); $this->district = $this->state() . '-' . $dist_number; $this->full_title = sprintf("%s %s - %s (%s)", $this->level, $this->title, $this->party, $this->district); $this->office = $this->name_title(); } }
public function __construct($region_id = 0, $region_type = REGION_CITY) { if ($region_type == REGION_CITY) { parent::__construct('ref_city', $region_id); if ($region_id) { $this->name($this->city_name()); } } elseif ($region_type == REGION_COUNTY) { parent::__construct('ref_county', $region_id); if ($region_id) { $this->name($this->county_name()); } } elseif ($region_type == REGION_STATE) { parent::__construct('ref_state', $region_id); if ($region_id) { $this->name($this->state_name()); } } elseif ($region_type == REGION_NATION) { } }
public function __construct($announcement_id = 0, $get_list = false) { parent::__construct('announcement', $announcement_id); if ($get_list === false && $announcement_id) { $this->sponsor_ids = $this->get_sponsor_ids(); $sponsors = array(); if (!empty($this->sponsor_ids)) { foreach ($this->sponsor_ids as $id) { $sponsors[] = new Sponsor($id); } } $this->sponsors = Announcement::get_sponsor_data($sponsors); list($category_id, $category_name) = Category::announcement_get_category($this->id()); $this->category = array('id' => $category_id, 'name' => $category_name); $this->status = new Status($this->status_id()); $this->office = new Office($this->sponsor_id()); $this->date_beginning_parts = get_date_parts($this->date_beginning()); $this->date_ending_parts = get_date_parts($this->date_ending()); $this->calendared_parts = get_date_parts($this->calendared()); $this->vote_parts = get_date_parts($this->vote()); $this->_get_public_opinion(); $this->comment_data = $this->get_comment_data(); } }
/** * Переопределяет родительский метод: задает значение по умолчанию для $key_name как 'SHORT_NAME' * * @author Anthony Boutinov * * @param mysqli_result $query_result Резальтат запроса * @param string $key_name (Опционально) Название колонки, которую сделать ключевой * @retval array */ protected function keyRowsByColumn($query_result, $key_name = 'SHORT_NAME') { return parent::keyRowsByColumn($query_result, $key_name); }
public function __construct($log_id = 0) { parent::__construct('log', $log_id); }
public function __construct($image_id = 0) { parent::__construct('ref_image', $image_id); }
<?php /* This file is used to update everything that can be updated in the personal view */ session_start(); include_once "basic.php"; if (checkClearanceLevel(ORGANIZER)) { $permission = true; } else { $permission = false; } if ($permission == true) { include "DBInterface.php"; $dbConn = new DBInterface(); switch ($_POST['toUpdate']) { case 'allocated_time': $data = array("allocated_time" => $_POST['newValue']); $dbConn->updateEmployment($_POST['personID'], $_POST['year'], $data); echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); break; case 'extra_hours': $data = array("hours" => $_POST['newValue']); $dbConn->updateHoursExtra($_POST['id'], $data); echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); break; case 'extra_note': $data = array("description" => $_POST['newValue']); $dbConn->updateHoursExtra($_POST['id'], $data); echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); break;
<?php session_start(); include_once "basic.php"; if (checkClearanceLevel(ORGANIZER)) { include_once "dbcredentialspath.php"; include_once DB_CREDENTIALS_PATH; include_once "DBInterface.php"; /*foreach ($_POST as $test) { echo $test . "\n"; }*/ $dbConn = new DBInterface(); if (isset($_POST['toUpdate'])) { switch ($_POST['toUpdate']) { case 'hoursWorkOnCourse': $data = array("hours" => $_POST['hours']); $hoursWorkForTheCourse = $dbConn->getHoursWorkPerCoursePerPeriod($_POST['coursePerPeriodID']); if (isset($hoursWorkForTheCourse[$_POST['personID']])) { if ($_POST['hours'] == -1) { $dbConn->removeHoursWork($_POST['coursePerPeriodID'], $_POST['personID']); exit; } $dbConn->updateHoursWork($_POST['coursePerPeriodID'], $_POST['personID'], $data); $coursePerPeriod = $dbConn->getCoursePerPeriod($_POST['coursePerPeriodID']); $hoursWork = $dbConn->getTotalHoursWork($_POST['personID'], $coursePerPeriod['year']); if ($_POST['mainField'] == "None") { $sumHours = 0; $sumNrOfCourses = 0; foreach ($hoursWork as $mainfield) { $sumHours += $mainfield['hours']; $sumNrOfCourses += $mainfield['nr_of_courses'];
<?php session_start(); include_once "basic.php"; if (checkClearanceLevel(ORGANIZER)) { include_once "DBInterface.php"; $dbConn = new DBInterface(); $typeName = $dbConn->getTypeName($_POST['typeID']); if ($typeName['name'] == "Semester") { $data = array("id_person" => $_POST['personID'], "year" => $_POST['year'], "id_type_name" => $_POST['typeID'], "display_area" => "UpperField"); } else { $data = array("id_person" => $_POST['personID'], "year" => $_POST['year'], "id_type_name" => $_POST['typeID'], "display_area" => $_POST['display']); } $dbConn->createHoursExtra($data); echo $typeName['name']; }
public function checkPasswords() { if (DEBUG) { echo "SetPasswordWindow::checkPasswords()\n"; } $password1 = $this->passwordEntry1->get_text(); $password2 = $this->passwordEntry2->get_text(); if (empty($password1)) { if (DEBUG) { echo "SetPasswordWidnwo::checkPasswords() :: Password Field 1 is Empty!\n"; } $this->passwordEntry1->grab_focus(); } elseif (empty($password2)) { if (DEBUG) { echo "SetPasswordWidnwo::checkPasswords() :: Password Field 2 is Empty!\n"; } $this->passwordEntry2->grab_focus(); } elseif ($password1 != $password2) { if (DEBUG) { echo "SetPasswordWidnwo::checkPasswords() :: Passwords Do Not Match!\n"; } $this->messageLabel->set_markup($this->strings['passwordsDoNotMatch']); $this->passwordEntry1->set_text(''); $this->passwordEntry2->set_text(''); $this->passwordEntry1->grab_focus(); } else { ## Passwords match, Huzzah!!! if (DEBUG) { echo "SetPasswordWidnwo::checkPasswords() :: Passwords Match! Updating Database.\n"; } $db = new DBInterface(); $db->setPassword($this->username, $password1); $this->destroy(); } }
function __destruct() { parent::__destruct(); }
if (!ob_get_level()) { ob_start(); } define('CLASSES_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/classes/'); define('HTTPS', @$_SERVER['HTTPS'] != '' && @$_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off'); define('SERVER_URL', 'http' . (HTTPS ? 's' : '') . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . (@$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != (HTTPS ? 443 : 80) ? ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : '') . (@$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] ? '@' . @$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] . ':' . @$_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'] : '') . '/'); define('BASE_URL', SERVER_URL . substr(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), 1) . '/'); /** * Autoloads a class from this folder or a subfolder (if the class is namespaced) */ function __autoload($class) { require_once CLASSES_DIR . str_replace("\\", "/", $class) . '.php'; } // __autoload( $class ) $db = new DBInterface("localhost", "project_tracker", "project_tracker", "project_tracker"); /** * Initiates a PHP session if a session ID cookie is found. */ if (array_key_exists(session_name(), $_COOKIE)) { try { session_start(); $loginSession = $db->readLoginSession($_COOKIE[session_name()]); } catch (Exception $ex) { // Unable to restore session for some reason session_destroy(); unset($loginSession); } } function doUnauthorizedRedirect() {
/** * Store a log message -- used by Ledger * * @param string $level * @param string $message * @param string $context (JSON encoded) * @return mixed */ public function store(string $level, string $message, string $context) { return $this->db->insert($this->table, [$this->columns['level'] => $level, $this->columns['message'] => $message, $this->columns['context'] => $context]); }
public function __construct($user_region_id = 0) { parent::__construct('user_region', $user_region_id); }
public function __construct($sms_id = 0) { parent::__construct('sms_gateway', $sms_id); }
public function __construct($status_id = 0) { parent::__construct('status', $status_id); }
public function __construct($office_id = 0) { parent::__construct('ref_office', $office_id); }
public function __construct($state_id = 0) { parent::__construct('ref_state', $state_id); }
/** * This was added to simplify the front-end code for building an array of objects when all of a particular table type for an id are requested. * i.e. to retrieve all videos */ public static function fetchAll($table, $key = null, $id = 0) { $db_interface = new DBInterface($table); return $db_interface->_fetchAll($key, $id); }
<?php include "basic.php"; include "DBInterface.php"; session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION["user_name"])) { $dbConn = new DBInterface(); $dbConn->logOff($_SESSION["user_name"]); $_SESSION["user_name"] = null; $_SESSION["user_password"] = null; setcookie("user_name", "", time() - 3600); setcookie("user_authkey", "", time() - 3600); } session_destroy(); header('Location: index.php');
public function __construct($admin_id = 0) { parent::__construct('user', $admin_id); }
public function __construct($tag_id = 0) { parent::__construct('tag', $tag_id); if ($tag_id) { } }
public function __construct($tf_id = 0) { parent::__construct('tell_friend', $tf_id); }