
	<!-- Security Token Database Selection -->
	<div>Security Token Database</div>
//create an instance of this class
$apiSecTokenDBConnections = new DBConnections();
//change the "select_list_id" property (the element ID)
$apiSecTokenDBConnections->select_list_id = 'api_sec_token_db_connection_list';
//change the "select_list_label" property (the title which appears if you hover over it)
$apiSecTokenDBConnections->select_list_label = 'Select Database for Security Token';
//change the "select_list_connection_form_value" property (this denotes which connection is shown as selected in the select menu)
$apiSecTokenDBConnections->select_list_connection_form_value = $APITools->api_sec_token_db_connection_list;
//now call this method and echo out the result (should be a select list!)
echo $apiSecTokenDBConnections->db_connection_select_list();
echo $APITools->table_checker_builder('security_tokens', $APITools->api_key_db_connection_list, $APITools->api_sec_token_db_connection_list);


	<!-- variables list-->
//get the list of variables
$variables_list = $APITools->userDefinedVariables;
// check its not empty
if (empty($variables_list)) {
    $variables_list = $APITools->variables_list();
    $variables_list = $variables_list[1];