function getCurrentVersion($fields)
     $base_si_path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../');
     require_once $base_si_path . '/includes/DBConn.php';
     // Check for version using db settings provided by user
     $DB_SERVER = '';
     $DB_DATABASE = '';
     $DB_USER = '';
     $DB_PASSWORD = '';
     if (file_exists($base_si_path . '/includes/global_config.php')) {
         if (include $base_si_path . '/includes/global_config.php') {
             if (defined('DB_SERVER') && defined('DB_USER') && defined('DB_PASSWORD') && defined('DB_DATABASE')) {
                 $this->field_values['db_server'] = DB_SERVER;
                 $this->field_values['db_user'] = DB_USER;
                 $this->field_values['db_password'] = DB_PASSWORD;
                 $this->field_values['db_database'] = DB_DATABASE;
                 $DB_SERVER = DB_SERVER;
                 $DB_DATABASE = DB_DATABASE;
                 $DB_USER = DB_USER;
                 $DB_PASSWORD = DB_PASSWORD;
     if (empty($DB_SERVER) || empty($DB_DATABASE) || empty($DB_USER)) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($fields); $i++) {
             if ($fields[$i]->name == 'db_server') {
                 $DB_SERVER = $fields[$i]->value;
             if ($fields[$i]->name == 'db_database') {
                 $DB_DATABASE = $fields[$i]->value;
             if ($fields[$i]->name == 'db_user') {
                 $DB_USER = $fields[$i]->value;
             if ($fields[$i]->name == 'db_password') {
                 $DB_PASSWORD = $fields[$i]->value;
     $db_conn = new DBConn($DB_SERVER, $DB_DATABASE, $DB_USER, $DB_PASSWORD, TRUE);
     if ($db_conn->connect() == FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     return $this->_getVersionNumberFromDB($db_conn);
function fetch_form_list($uid)
    global $form_list;
    global $form_list_size;
    // permissions should be incorporated here
    $sql_str = "SELECT " . "tng_form.form_id, " . "tng_form.form_name " . "FROM " . "tng_form " . "INNER JOIN tng_process_form_permissions ON tng_form.form_id = tng_process_form_permissions.form_id " . "WHERE " . "tng_process_form_permissions.uid = " . $_SESSION['obj_login']->uid . " ";
    $dbconn = new DBConn();
    $result = pg_query($dbconn->conn, $sql_str);
    if (!$result) {
        echo "An error occurred while executing the query " . pg_last_error($dbconn->conn);
    } else {
        // successfuly ran the query
        $form_list_size = pg_num_rows($result);
        // fill the array with the form ids and form names.
        // each element in the form_list array is an array
        // of two elements.
        for ($i = 0; $i < $form_list_size; $i++) {
            $form_list[$i] = array(pg_fetch_result($result, $i, 0), pg_fetch_result($result, $i, 1));
        $invoices[$row['invoice']]['ids'][] = $ta->id;
        $checks[$row['check']]['user_id'] = $row['user_id'];
        $checks[$row['check']]['ids'][] = $ta->cost_trans_id;
        if ($ta->end_ts > $checks[$row['check']]['timestamp']) {
            $checks[$row['check']]['timestamp'] = $ta->end_ts;
        $checks[$row['check']]['amount'] += $ta->cost;
    debug('Added task activities to sureinvoice!');
assert_die($si_db->connect(TRUE), "Could not connect to sureinvoice database!\n" . $si_db->getLastError());
debug('Connected to sureinvoice database ' . DB_DATABASE);
$dt_db = new DBConn($phpdt_server, $phpdt_database, $phpdt_username, $phpdt_password);
assert_die($dt_db->connect(TRUE), "Could not connect to phpdt database!\n" . $dt_db->getLastError());
debug('Connected to phpdt database ' . $phpdt_database);
// Migrate companies
$companies = array();
$company_rates = array();
$company_sql = "\nSELECT `id`, `name`, `address1`, `address2`, `city`, `state`,\n`zip`, `phone`, `fax`, `hourly_rate`, `created_ts`, `updated_ts`\nFROM `companies`\n";
$company_result = $dt_db->query($company_sql, TRUE);
assert_die($company_result, "Could not get company list!\n" . $dt_db->getLastError());
debug('Got ' . $company_result->numRows() . ' company rows from phpdt.');
while ($row = $company_result->fetchArray(MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
    $company_insert_sql = "\nINSERT INTO companies (id, name, address1, address2, city,\nstate, zip, phone, fax, hourly_rate,created_ts, updated_ts)\nVALUES(" . $row['id'] . ", '" . $si_db->escapeString($row['name']) . "', '" . $row['address1'] . "', \n'" . $row['address2'] . "', '" . $row['city'] . "', '" . $row['state'] . "', \n'" . $row['zip'] . "', '" . $row['phone'] . "', '" . $row['fax'] . "', \n" . $row['hourly_rate'] . ", " . $row['created_ts'] . ", " . $row['updated_ts'] . ")\n\t";
    assert_die($si_db->query($company_insert_sql, TRUE), "Error adding company!\n" . $si_db->getLastError(), FALSE);
    debug('Added ' . $row['name'] . ' to sureinvoice');
    $company_rates[$row['id']] = $row['hourly_rate'];
    $companies[$row['id']] = $row;

//~ ini_set('display_errors', 0);
require_once "servicios.php";
require_once "configuration.php";
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $cscwebPath_g);
require_once "dbconn.php";
$dbconn_g = new DBConn($dbConfig_g);
$link_g = $dbconn_g->getConnection();
$myws = new Servicios();
$idwsname = isset($_GET['wsname']) ? $_GET['wsname'] : NULL;
if (isset($_GET['wsname'])) {
    $idwsname = $_GET['wsname'];
    $record = $_GET;
} else {
    if (isset($_POST['wsname'])) {
        $idwsname = $_POST['wsname'];
        $record = $_POST;
    } else {
        $xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?>';
        $xml .= '<result>';
        $xml .= '<response>KO</response>';
        $xml .= '<description>No existe servicio</description>';
        $xml .= '</result>';
if ($idwsname != NULL) {
    $record = isset($_GET['wsname']) ? $_GET : $_POST;
    if (method_exists($myws, $idwsname)) {
        $xml = $myws->{$idwsname}($record);
// Installer checks
$include_path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
if (!file_exists($include_path . '/global_config.php') || filesize($include_path . '/global_config.php') < 10) {
    if (file_exists(realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../installer') . '/index.php')) {
        $url = WEB_ROOT . 'installer/';
        header("Location: " . $url . "\r\n");
    } else {
        print "No configuration file found: " . $include_path . '/global_config.php' . "<BR>\n";
require_once 'DBConn.php';
require_once 'global_config.php';
if ($db_conn->connect() == FALSE) {
    trigger_error("Could not connect to database!\n" . $db_conn->getLastError(), E_USER_ERROR);
$GLOBALS['CONFIG'] = SI_Config::getAppConfig();
require_once 'html.php';
require_once 'SI_User.php';
require_once 'SI_Config.php';
require_once 'SI_TimeImport.php';
require_once 'version.php';
require_once 'SureInvoice.php';
// Error handling functions
function site_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
    $today = date("D M j G:i:s T Y");
文件: dash.php 项目: guiles00/cfj-cfj

require_once '../src/db.php';
require_once '../src/Db.php';
$conn = new DBConn();
$c = $conn->connect();
//SELECT grupo_curso3 . * , curso . *
//FROM  `curso`
//INNER JOIN  `grupo_curso3` ON  `curso`.`cur_gcu3_id` =  `grupo_curso3`.`gcu3_id`
//INNER JOIN  `grupo_curso2` ON  `grupo_curso3`.`gcu3_gcu2_id` =  `grupo_curso2`.`gcu2_id`
//INNER JOIN  `grupo_curso` ON  `grupo_curso`.`gcu_id` =  `grupo_curso2`.`gcu2_gcu_id`
//->leftJoin('grupo_curso3_grupo_curso2', 'grupo_curso3_grupo_curso2.gcu32_id', '=', 'curso.cur_gcu32_id')
$query = "SELECT  *  \nFROM  curso \nLEFT JOIN  grupo_curso3_grupo_curso2 ON grupo_curso3_grupo_curso2.gcu32_id = curso.cur_gcu32_id\nLEFT JOIN  grupo_curso3 ON  curso.cur_gcu3_id =  grupo_curso3.gcu3_id \nLEFT JOIN  grupo_curso2 ON  grupo_curso3.gcu3_gcu2_id =  grupo_curso2.gcu2_id \nLEFT JOIN  grupo_curso ON   grupo_curso.gcu_id =  grupo_curso2.gcu2_gcu_id \nWHERE curso.cur_ecu_id =1 ORDER BY cur_fechaInicio";
$query = "select * from curso\n         inner join grupo_curso3_grupo_curso2 on (gcu32_id = cur_gcu32_id)\n         inner join grupo_curso3 on (gcu3_id = gc32_gcu3_id)\n         inner join grupo_curso2 on (gcu2_id = gc32_gcu2_id)\n         inner join grupo_curso on (gcu_id = gcu2_gcu_id)\nWHERE curso.cur_ecu_id =1 ORDER BY cur_fechaInicio";
//$query = "SELECT * FROM curso INNER JOIN grupo_curso3 ON curso.cur_gcu3_id = grupo_curso3.gcu3_id WHERE curso.cur_ecu_id =1 ORDER BY cur_fechaInicio";
$r = mysqli_query($c, $query);
$cursos_activos = array();
$cursos_actuales = array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($r)) {
    $row['cur_fechaInicio'] = date("d-m-Y", strtotime($row['cur_fechaInicio']));
    $row['cur_fechaFin'] = date("d-m-Y", strtotime($row['cur_fechaFin']));
    $cursos_activos[] = $row;
    if (strtotime(date("d-m-Y")) >= strtotime($row['cur_fechaInicio'])) {
        $cursos_actuales[] = $row;
$cant_cursos_activos = sizeof($cursos_activos);
$cant_cursos_actuales = sizeof($cursos_actuales);
//Usuarios para validar
$query = "SELECT count(*) as validar FROM usuario_sitio WHERE usi_validado =  '-'";
$r = mysqli_query($c, $query);
function get_form_id($submission_id)
    $sql_str = "SELECT " . "form_id " . "FROM " . "tng_form_submission " . "WHERE form_submission_id = " . $submission_id;
    $dbconn = new DBConn();
    if ($dbconn == NULL) {
        die('Could not create connection object');
    $result = pg_query($dbconn->conn, $sql_str);
    if (!$result) {
        echo "An error occurred while executing the query - " . $sql_str . " - " . pg_last_error($dbconn->conn);
        return false;
    $form_id = pg_fetch_result($result, 0, 0);
    return $form_id;
 $src_layer = OGR_DS_GetLayer($src_ds, 0);
 if ($src_layer == NULL) {
     echo "could not open source layer";
 $feature_defn = OGR_L_GetLayerDefn($src_layer);
 /* this is done to find out the geometry type only - should be moved to its own function */
 $feature = OGR_L_GetNextFeature($src_layer);
 $geometry = OGR_F_GetGeometryRef($feature);
 $geom_type = strtolower(OGR_G_GetGeometryName($geometry));
 // execute sql command using form id to find out spatial table name and attribute table
 // namme
 $sql_str = "SELECT " . "tng_spatial_data.table_name, " . "tng_spatial_attribute_table.attr_table_name " . "FROM " . "tng_form_spatial_data " . "INNER JOIN tng_spatial_data ON tng_form_spatial_data.spatial_table_id = tng_spatial_data.spatial_table_id " . "INNER JOIN tng_spatial_attribute_table on tng_form_spatial_data.spatial_table_id = tng_spatial_attribute_table.spatial_table_id " . "WHERE " . "tng_form_spatial_data.form_id = 1 " . "AND " . "tng_spatial_data.geometry_type = '" . $geom_type . "'";
 $dbconn = new DBConn();
 $result = pg_query($dbconn->conn, $sql_str);
 if (!$result) {
     echo "An error occurred while executing the query - class_form.php:47 " . pg_last_error($dbconn->conn);
 } else {
     $dst_layer_name = pg_fetch_result($result, 0, 0);
     $dst_attr_table_name = pg_fetch_result($result, 0, 1);
 /* end find geometry type */
 /* get the handle for the destination layer */
 $dst_layer = OGR_DS_GetLayerByName($dst_ds, $dst_layer_name);
 if ($dst_layer == NULL) {
     echo "could not create a handle for " . $dst_layer_name;