function runGeoLookup()
    global $GEOIP_REGION_NAME;
    $geoip = Net_GeoIP::getInstance(BT_ROOT . "/bt-config/GeoLiteCity.dat");
    $location = null;
    try {
        $location = $geoip->lookupLocation($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        //ignore it, seriously dude, friggin ignore it.
    if ($location) {
        $country = DB::quote($location->countryCode);
        $country_full = DB::quote($location->countryName);
        $state = DB::quote($location->region);
        $state_full = @DB::quote($GEOIP_REGION_NAME[strtoupper($location->countryCode)][strtoupper($location->region)]);
        $city = DB::quote($location->city);
        $timezone = @DB::quote(get_time_zone($location->countryCode, $location->region));
        $postalcode = DB::quote($location->postalCode);
    } else {
        return 0;
    $sql = "select location_id from bt_g_geo_locations where country='{$country}' and state='{$state}' and city='{$city}'";
    $id = DB::getVar($sql);
    if (!$id) {
        $sql = "insert into bt_g_geo_locations values ('','{$country}','{$country_full}','{$state}','{$state_full}','{$city}','{$timezone}','{$postalcode}')";
        $id = DB::insertId();
    return $id;
 public static function getNumPreviousClicks($campaign_id, $ip_id)
     if (!is_numeric($campaign_id) || !is_numeric($ip_id)) {
         return false;
     return DB::getVar("select count(1) from bt_s_clicks_advanced left join bt_s_clicks using (click_id) where campaign_id='" . DB::quote($campaign_id) . "' and ip_id='" . DB::quote($ip_id) . "'");
 public static function checkUniqueVariableName($name)
     if ($name == 'click_id' || $name == 'referer') {
         return true;
     return DB::getVar("select 1 from bt_u_campaign_options where name like 'var_%' and value = '" . DB::quote($name) . "'");
 function article($id = null)
     $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 1;
     $pageSize = isset($_GET['pagesize']) ? intval($_GET['pagesize']) : 10;
     if ($id) {
         $id = intval($id);
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM SIMU WHERE ID ={$id}";
         $article = DB::getLine($sql);
         if ($article) {
             self::json(array('code' => 0, 'data' => $article));
         } else {
             self::json(array('code' => -1, 'msg' => '没有找到这篇文章哦!'));
     } else {
         $offset = ($page - 1) * $pageSize;
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM SIMU ORDER BY UPDATEID LIMIT {$offset},{$pageSize}";
         $data = DB::getData($sql);
         if ($data) {
             foreach ($data as &$item) {
             $total = DB::getVar("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM SIMU");
             $total = ceil($total / $pageSize);
             self::json(array('code' => 0, 'page' => $page, 'total' => $total, 'data' => $data));
         } else {
             self::json(array('code' => -1, 'msg' => '哇,你已经全部都看完了!'));
 public static function checkLastIps($ip_id)
     $ip_id = DB::quote($ip_id);
     if (DB::getVar("SELECT 1 FROM bt_s_clicks_advanced left join bt_s_clicks using (click_id) where ip_id='{$ip_id}' and time > (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - (60 * 60 * 24)) limit 1")) {
         return true;
     return false;
 public function clickSpy($user_id, $start, $length)
     $cnt = DB::getVar("select count(1) from bt_s_clicks click\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN bt_u_campaigns camp ON (click.campaign_id = camp.campaign_id)\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN bt_u_traffic_sources ts ON (ts.traffic_source_id = click.traffic_source_id)\n\t\t\twhere ts.deleted=0\n\t\t\tand camp.deleted=0\n\t\t");
     $data = array("count" => $cnt);
     $click_sql = "SELECT  click.click_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tclick.time,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\ as ``,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tip_address,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tkeyword,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlead,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfiltered,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tlanding_url as landing,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tclick.cloaked,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tadv.browser_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tadv.platform_id,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\treferer_url as referer_url_address,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\treferer_domain as referer_domain_host,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\toffer_url as redirect_url_address,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t  FROM      bt_s_clicks  AS click  \n\t\t\t\t\t  \t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN bt_s_clicks_advanced adv USING (click_id)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN bt_s_clicks_site USING (click_id)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN bt_u_traffic_sources ts ON (ts.traffic_source_id = click.traffic_source_id)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN bt_s_ips ON (bt_s_ips.ip_id = adv.ip_id)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN bt_s_keywords ON (bt_s_keywords.keyword_id = adv.keyword_id)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN bt_u_campaigns camp ON (click.campaign_id = camp.campaign_id)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t  WHERE ts.deleted=0 and camp.deleted=0 order by click.click_id desc limit " . DB::quote($start) . ',' . DB::quote($length);
     $click_rows = DB::getRows($click_sql);
     $data['click_rows'] = $click_rows;
     return $data;
 public function OyladiMi($UyeID, $SoruID)
     $sonuc = DB::getVar("SELECT OyID FROM oylar WHERE SoruID=:SoruID AND UyeID=:UyeID", array(':SoruID' => $SoruID, ':UyeID' => $UyeID));
     if ($sonuc == false) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
function runOrganizationLookup()
    $orgip = Net_GeoIP::getInstance(BT_ROOT . "/bt-config/GeoIPOrg.dat");
    $org = '';
    try {
        $org = $orgip->lookupOrg($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        return 0;
    if (!$org) {
        return 0;
    $org = DB::quote($org);
    $sql = "select org_id from bt_g_organizations where name='{$org}'";
    $id = DB::getVar($sql);
    if (!$id) {
        $sql = "insert into bt_g_organizations values ('','{$org}')";
        $id = DB::insertId();
    return $id;
  * Returns the installed version string
  * @return stirng
 public static function version()
     return DB::getVar("select version from bt_g_version");
 public function getLifetimeData()
     $cols = array('lifetime', 'leads', 'payout', 'income');
     $cnt_query = "select count(1) from (select 1 from";
     $cnt_query .= getReportFilters('analyze/lifetime');
     $cnt_query .= " GROUP BY click.lifetime) thedata";
     $cnt = DB::getVar($cnt_query);
     $sql = 'select click.lifetime, ';
     $sql .= getReportGeneralSelects() . ' from ';
     $sql .= getReportFilters('analyze/lifetime', '');
     $sql .= ' and lead=1 group by click.lifetime ';
     $sql .= getReportOrder($cols);
     $sql .= getReportLimits();
     $result = DB::getRows($sql);
     foreach ($result as &$row) {
         $row['lifetime'] = $this->LifetimeTime($row['lifetime']);
     return array('data' => $result, 'cnt' => $cnt, 'cols' => $cols);
 public function getBreakdownData()
     $cols = array('time', 'clicks', 'leads', 'conv', 'payout', 'epc', 'cpc', 'income', 'cost', 'net', 'roi');
     $start = (int) $_GET['iDisplayStart'];
     $length = (int) $_GET['iDisplayLength'];
     if ($start == 0) {
     $cnt = DB::getVar("select count(*) from bt_c_statcache WHERE user_id='" . DB::quote(getUserID()) . "' and type='breakdown'");
     $breakdown_sql = "SELECT * FROM bt_c_statcache WHERE user_id='" . DB::quote(getUserID()) . "' and type='breakdown' limit {$start},{$length}";
     $breakdown_result = DB::getRows($breakdown_sql);
     $breakdown_type = BTAuth::user()->getPref('breakdown');
     foreach ($breakdown_result as &$row) {
         $ex = explode('-', $row['time_from']);
         if ($breakdown_type == 'day') {
             $row['time'] = date('M d, Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $ex[1], $ex[2], $ex[0]));
         } elseif ($breakdown_type == 'month') {
             $row['time'] = date('M Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, $ex[1], 1, $ex[0]));
         } elseif ($breakdown_type == 'year') {
             $row['time'] = date('Y', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $ex[0]));
     return array('data' => $breakdown_result, 'cols' => $cols, 'cnt' => $cnt);

require_once __DIR__ . '/../includes/connect.php';
require_once BT_ROOT . '/private/includes/traffic/lifetime.php';
$sql = "select click_id,(lead_time - time) as lifetime from bt_s_clicks where (lead=1) and (lead_time > time) and (lead_time > 0) and (lifetime = 0) limit %s, %s";
$cnt = DB::getVar("select count(*) from bt_s_clicks where (lead=1) and (lead_time > time) and (lead_time > 0) and (lifetime = 0)");
$cursor = 0;
$page = 200;
while ($rows = DB::getRows(sprintf($sql, $cursor, $page))) {
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        $time = $row['lifetime'];
        $id = $row['click_id'];
        DB::query("update bt_s_clicks set lifetime='" . DB::quote(getClickLifetimeInterval($time)) . "' where click_id='" . $id . "'");
    $cursor += $page;
printf("%d Links processed\n", $cnt);
 public function getDatabaseSize()
     global $dbname;
     return DB::getVar("SELECT ((SUM(DATA_LENGTH+INDEX_LENGTH) / 1024) / 1024)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t     FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES \n\t\t\t\t\t\t     WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '" . $dbname . "'");
 public function getTimezoneData()
     $cols = array('timezone', 'clicks', 'click_throughs', 'click_through_rates', 'leads', 'conv', 'payout', 'epc', 'income');
     $cnt_query = "select count(1) from (select 1 from";
     $cnt_query .= getReportFilters('geography/time_zones', 'left join bt_s_clicks_advanced as adv on (click.click_id=adv.click_id) left join bt_g_geo_locations geo on adv.location_id=geo.location_id ');
     $cnt_query .= " group by geo.timezone) thedata";
     $cnt = DB::getVar($cnt_query);
     $sql = 'select geo.timezone, ';
     $sql .= getReportGeneralSelects() . 'from ';
     $sql .= getReportFilters('geography/time_zones', 'left join bt_s_clicks_advanced as adv on (click.click_id=adv.click_id) left join bt_g_geo_locations geo on adv.location_id=geo.location_id ');
     $sql .= ' group by geo.timezone ';
     $sql .= getReportOrder($cols);
     $sql .= getReportLimits();
     $result = DB::getRows($sql);
     foreach ($result as &$row) {
         if (!$row['timezone']) {
             $row['timezone'] = '[unknown timezone]';
     return array('data' => $result, 'cnt' => $cnt, 'cols' => $cols);
  * 检查程序,检查阶段涨幅数据是否更新
 function check()
     $code = 530008;
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM `fund_data` WHERE `code`={$code} ORDER BY create_date DESC";
     $data = DB::getLine($sql);
     $lastUpdate = strtotime($data['update_date']);
     $last = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() - 21600);
     if ($lastUpdate < time() - 21600) {
         self::log('!!!!Warning:fund_data was not update at least 6 hours');
     } else {
         $num = DB::getVar("SELECT count(1) FROM `fund_data` where update_date > '{$last}'");
         self::log("fund_data was updated at {$data['update_date']},please check {$code} {$data['increase']}");
         self::log("total update {$num}/3034");
     $date = DB::getVar("SELECT date(create_date) create_date FROM `fund_value` WHERE `code`=740601 ORDER BY create_date DESC LIMIT 1");
     if ($date != date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 days'))) {
         self::log("!!!!Warning:fund_value has no yesterday data,recent date {$date}");
     } else {
         self::log("fund_value last update {$date}");
         $last = date('Y-m-d 00:00:00', strtotime('-1 days'));
         $num = DB::getVar("SELECT count(1) FROM `fund_value` where create_date = '{$last}'");
         self::log("total update {$num}/3107");
 private static function getStart()
     $sql = "SELECT `date` FROM `bond` ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 1";
     $date = DB::getVar($sql);
     return $date ? $date : '2003-01-01';
 public function countLoginLogs()
     return DB::getVar("select count(1) from bt_s_authsessions where user_id='" . DB::quote($this->id()) . "'");
function dayparting_data($order = '', $use_cache = false)
    $offset = date('Z');
    DB::query("delete from bt_c_statcache where user_id='" . DB::quote(getUserId()) . "'  and type='daypart'");
    /****GET SPENDING****/
    $time = grab_timeframe();
    $spend_from = date("Y-m-d", $time['from']);
    $spend_to = date("Y-m-d", $time['to']);
    $sql = "select sum(amount) as cost from bt_u_spending where date >= '{$spend_from}' and date <= '{$spend_to}' ";
    $sql .= getSpendingReportFilters('bt_u_spending', getReportOptionsForPage('dateparting/date'));
    $spending_amt = DB::getVar($sql);
    /****END SPENDING****/
    $bulk = new DB_Bulk_Insert('bt_c_statcache', array('user_id', 'time_from', 'time_to', 'type'));
    for ($i = 0; $i < 24; $i++) {
        $bulk->insert(array(getUserId(), $i, "0", "'daypart'"));
    $cols = array('time_from_int', 'clicks', 'leads', 'conv', 'payout', 'epc', 'income', 'cost', 'net', 'roi');
    $sql = "select FROM_UNIXTIME(time + {$offset},'%H') as time_from, ";
    $sql .= getReportGeneralSelects() . ' from ';
    $sql .= getReportFilters('dateparting/date', '');
    $sql .= ' group by time_from ';
    $result = DB::getRows($sql);
    $total_clicks = 0;
    foreach ($result as $row) {
        $total_clicks += $row['clicks'];
    $st = DB::prepare("update bt_c_statcache set clicks=?, leads=?, conv=?, payout=?, epc=?, income=?, cost=?, net=?, roi=? where user_id=? and type='daypart' and time_from=?");
    foreach ($result as $row) {
        //simple ratio.
        $cost = $row['clicks'] * $spending_amt / $total_clicks;
        $row['cost'] = round($cost, 2);
        $row['net'] = calculate_net($row['income'], $row['cost']);
        $row['roi'] = calculate_roi($row['income'], $row['cost']);
        $arr = array($row['clicks'], $row['leads'], $row['conv'], $row['payout'], $row['epc'], $row['income'], $row['cost'], $row['net'], $row['roi'], getUserID(), (int) $row['time_from']);
    $sql = "select *,convert(`time_from`,UNSIGNED INTEGER) as time_from_int,? as total_spend from bt_c_statcache where user_id=? and type='daypart' ";
    $sql .= getReportOrder($cols);
    $st = DB::prepare($sql);
    $st->execute(array($spending_amt, getUserID()));
    $rows = $st->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    //show breakdown
    $total_clicks = 0;
    $total_leads = 0;
    $total_income = 0;
    $total_cost = 0;
    $cnt = 0;
    foreach ($rows as &$row) {
        $row['time_from_int'] = dayparting_time($row['time_from_int']) . ' - ' . dayparting_time($row['time_from_int'] + 1);
        $total_clicks += $row['clicks'];
        $total_leads += $row['leads'];
        $total_income += $row['income'];
        $total_cost = $row['total_spend'];
    $data_array = array();
    $data_array['time_from_int'] = 'Totals for report';
    $data_array['clicks'] = $total_clicks;
    $data_array['leads'] = $total_leads;
    $data_array['conv'] = calculate_conv($total_clicks, $total_leads);
    $data_array['payout'] = calculate_payout($total_leads, $total_income);
    $data_array['epc'] = calculate_epc($total_clicks, $total_income);
    $data_array['income'] = $total_income;
    $data_array['cost'] = $total_cost;
    $data_array['net'] = calculate_net($total_income, $total_cost);
    $data_array['roi'] = calculate_roi($total_income, $total_cost);
    $rows[] = $data_array;
    echo getDatatablesReportJson($rows, count($rows), $cols);
    if (!DB::query($sql)) {
        echo "Upgrade to {$version} failed at: " . $sql;
function upgradeVersion($version)
    $query = "update bt_g_version set version='{$version}'";
    upgradeSql($version, $query);
    echo "Upgraded to {$version}<br><br>";
    return $version;
define('BT_IS_ROUTED', false);
define('BYPASS_CONFIG_LOCATION', '/bt-config/conf.php');
require_once __DIR__ . '/private/includes/BTApp.php';
$cur_ver = DB::getVar("select version from bt_g_version");
if ($cur_ver == '13.04.10') {
    $new = '13.04.11';
    $sql = "CREATE TABLE `bt_s_variables` (\n\t\t`var_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n\t\t`var_value` varchar(100) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL,\n\t\tPRIMARY KEY (`var_id`),\n\t\tUNIQUE KEY `value` (`var_value`)\n\t  ) ENGINE=InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT=1 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8";
    upgradeSql($new, $sql);
    upgradeSql($new, "insert into bt_s_variables set var_value=''");
    $id = DB::quote(DB::insertId());
    upgradeSql($new, "update bt_s_clicks_advanced set v1_id='{$id}', v2_id='{$id}',v3_id='{$id}',v4_id='{$id}'");
    upgradeSql($new, "drop table bt_u_tracking_v1");
    upgradeSql($new, "drop table bt_u_tracking_v2");
    upgradeSql($new, "drop table bt_u_tracking_v3");
    upgradeSql($new, "drop table bt_u_tracking_v4");
    $cur_ver = upgradeVersion($new);
if ($cur_ver == '13.04.11') {
    $new = '13.04.12';
  * @param string $query Default NULL
  * @param int $total
  * @return void
 public function saveTags($query = NULL, $total)
     if ($query == NULL or $total < 1) {
     if (!Config::get('save', 'tags')) {
     if (strlen(seoLinks($query, TRUE)) < Config::get('minCharLimit', 'tags')) {
     if ($total < Config::get('minResultsLimit', 'tags')) {
     $query = str_replace('-', ' ', seoLinks($query, TRUE));
     DB::where(array('tag' => $query));
     $getTag = DB::getVar();
     if ($getTag) {
     DB::insert('tag', array('tag' => $query));