public function testSiblings() { $node = new Node(); $node->appendChild($a = new A()); $b = new B($node); $node->prependChild($c = new C()); $node->appendChild($d = new D()); $a->remove(); $this->assertSame(null, $c->getPreviousSibling()); $this->assertSame($b, $c->getNextSibling()); $this->assertSame(null, $d->getNextSibling()); $this->assertSame($b, $d->getPreviousSibling()); $this->assertSame($c, $b->getPreviousSibling()); $this->assertSame($d, $b->getNextSibling()); }
public static function getValue($value, $settings, $model) { // Check if the src is set and the converted values are not - this means we need to check for // the progress file and possibly update the database if (is_array($value) && isset($value['src']) && strlen($value['src']) > 0 && (!isset($value['converted']) || empty($value['converted']))) { // See if the progress file exists $path = DOCROOT . $value['src']; if (file_exists($path . '.progress')) { $value['progress'] = json_decode(file_get_contents($path . '.progress')); } else { // It doesn't exist - populate the field if (isset($value['progress'])) { unset($value['progress']); } $path_info = pathinfo($value['src']); $value['poster'] = $path_info['dirname'] . '/' . $path_info['basename'] . '.jpg'; $value['converted'] = array('mp4' => $path_info['dirname'] . '/converted/' . $path_info['filename'] . '.mp4', 'webm' => $path_info['dirname'] . '/converted/' . $path_info['filename'] . '.webm'); //$class = \CMF::getClass($model); $field_name = $settings['mapping']['fieldName']; $model->set($field_name, $value); \D::manager()->persist($model); \D::manager()->flush(); } } return $value; }
public static function enableListener() { if (empty(static::$listener)) { return; } \D::manager()->getEventManager()->addEventSubscriber(static::$listener); }
function main() { $c = new C(); B::test($c); C::test($c); D::test($c); }
function main() { $c = new C(); $d = new D(); $c->foo(); $d->foo(); echo "**************\n"; $c->bar(); $d->bar(); echo "**************\n"; C::foo(); D::bar(); echo "**************\n"; $d->yar(); D::yar(); }
public static function __callStatic($name, $args) { if (!self::$instance) { self::$instance = new D\ump(); } return call_user_func_array([self::$instance, $name], $args); }
/** * Purge all expired API keys from the database */ public function removeOldKeys() { $keys = \CMF\Model\User\Apikey::select('item')->andWhere('item.expires_at < :now')->setParameter('now', new \DateTime())->getQuery()->getResult(); foreach ($keys as $key) { \D::manager()->remove($key); } \D::manager()->flush(); }
public function getModels() { $models = D::queryGoodsModels(array('make' => $this->make, 'series' => $this->series, 'year' => $this->year)); // if (!empty($models)) { // $add_model = array(array("modelId" => "ALL", "name" => "ALL")); // $models = array_merge($add_model, $models); // } return $models; }
private static function out($return) { if (self::$enable) { self::$out = '<pre>' . self::$out . '</pre>'; if ($return) { return self::$out; } else { echo self::$out; } } }
public static function cleanOld() { $urls = \CMF\Model\URL::select('item')->getQuery()->getResult(); $deleted = 0; foreach ($urls as $url) { $item = $url->item(); if (empty($item)) { \D::manager()->remove($url); $deleted++; } } \D::manager()->flush(); return $deleted; }
public function action_languageCanonicals() { $lang = \Config::get('language'); $em = \D::manager(); if (empty($lang)) { throw new \Exception("You do not have set any language for this site , this action is not available"); } $canonicalLanguage = ""; if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CONTENT_LANGUAGE"])) { $canonicalLanguage = $_SERVER["HTTP_CONTENT_LANGUAGE"]; if ($canonicalLanguage == $lang) { throw new \Exception("Canonical Language id the same as Main site language"); } } else { throw new \Exception("The Request has got not language set"); } $jsonObject = null; try { $jsonObject = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input')); } catch (\Exception $e) { } if (!empty($jsonObject) && !empty($jsonObject->data)) { foreach ($jsonObject->data as $table => $items) { foreach ($items as $canonical) { $class = $canonical->class; $item = $class::find($canonical->id); if (!empty($item) && !empty($item->settings)) { $settings = $item->settings; if (!isset($settings['languages'])) { $settings['languages'] = array(); } if (isset($canonical->url)) { if (!isset($settings['languages'][$canonicalLanguage])) { $settings['languages'][$canonicalLanguage] = \Uri::base(false) . $item->url; } $settings['languages'][$canonicalLanguage] = $canonical->url; } else { if (isset($settings['languages'][$canonicalLanguage])) { unset($settings['languages'][$canonicalLanguage]); } } $item->set('settings', $settings); $em->persist($item); } } } } $em->flush(); exit(true); }
public function __construct($metadata, $model, $prefix = '', $prepopulate = array(), $exclude = array(), $disable_groups = false, $disable_widgets = false, $extra_settings = null) { $class_name = $metadata->name; $model_id = $model->id; $this->table_name = $metadata->table['name']; $this->prepopulate = \Arr::merge(\Input::get(), $prepopulate); $this->exclude = $exclude; $this->disable_groups = $disable_groups; $this->disable_widgets = $disable_widgets; $this->title = $model_id && method_exists($model, 'getFormTitle') ? $model->getFormTitle() : $class_name::singular(); if (\Input::param('alias', false) !== false) { $this->icon = 'link'; $this->plural = 'Links'; $this->singular = 'Link'; } else { $this->icon = $class_name::icon(); $this->plural = $class_name::plural(); $this->singular = $class_name::singular(); } // Tabs, Groups, Fields $this->tabs = $class_name::tabs(); $this->groups = $class_name::groups(); $this->default_tab = $class_name::defaultTab(); $this->default_group = $class_name::defaultGroup(); // Merge in extra field settings $this->fields = \Admin::getFieldSettings($class_name); if ($extra_settings !== null && is_array($extra_settings)) { $this->fields = \Arr::merge($this->fields, $extra_settings); } $this->validator_meta = \D::validator()->getMetadataFactory()->getMetadataFor($class_name); // Merge any DB settings into the mix... $model_settings = $model->settings; if (is_array($model_settings)) { $_model_settings = array(); foreach ($model_settings as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value) && ($metadata->hasField($key) || $metadata->hasAssociation($key))) { $_model_settings[$key] = $value; } } $this->fields = \Arr::merge($this->fields, $_model_settings); } // The field data $this->processFieldSettings($metadata, $model, $prefix); // The group data $this->processGroups(); // The form structure $this->processFormStructure(); $this->assets['js'] = array_unique($this->assets['js']); $this->assets['css'] = array_unique($this->assets['css']); }
public function newDb($name) { $database = $this->libs->Config->get('databases', $name); //Sweetframework::getClass('lib', 'databases/drivers/' . $database['driver'], ); //App::includeLibrary('Databases/Drivers/' . $database['driver'] . '.php'); $this->setCurrentDb($name); $this->databases[$name] = Sweetframework::loadClass('lib', 'databases/drivers/' . $database['driver'], $database); //new $database['driver']($database); if(!$this->databases[$name]->connect()) { D::warn('failed to connect to the db'); } }
public function startQuery($sql, array $params = null, array $types = null) { if ($this->logger) { $this->logger->startQuery($sql, $params, $types); } // Store select queries for later use if (substr($sql, 0, 6) == 'SELECT') { if ($params) { // Attempt to replace placeholders so that we can log a final SQL query for profiler's EXPLAIN statement // (this is not perfect-- getPlaceholderPositions has some flaws-- but it should generally work with ORM-generated queries) $is_positional = is_numeric(key($params)); list($sql, $params, $types) = \Doctrine\DBAL\SQLParserUtils::expandListParameters($sql, $params, $types); if (empty($types)) { $types = array(); } $placeholders = \Doctrine\DBAL\SQLParserUtils::getPlaceholderPositions($sql, $is_positional); if ($is_positional) { $map = array_flip($placeholders); } else { $map = array(); foreach ($placeholders as $name => $positions) { foreach ($positions as $pos) { $map[$pos] = $name; } } } ksort($map); $src_pos = 0; $final_sql = ''; $first_param_index = key($params); foreach ($map as $pos => $replace_name) { $final_sql .= substr($sql, $src_pos, $pos - $src_pos); if ($sql[$pos] == ':') { $src_pos = $pos + strlen($replace_name); $index = trim($replace_name, ':'); } else { $src_pos = $pos + 1; $index = $replace_name + $first_param_index; } $final_sql .= \D::manager()->getConnection()->quote($params[$index], \Arr::get($types, $index)); } $final_sql .= substr($sql, $src_pos); $this->queries[] = $final_sql; } else { $this->queries[] = $sql; } } }
function set($name) { //@todo rename this to just set $newPlace = 'app/themes/' . $name; D::log(LOC . '/' . $newPlace, 'new Place'); if(is_dir(LOC . '/' . $newPlace)) { if(substr(URL, -1) == '?') { T::$url = $this->themeUrl = substr(URL, 0, -1) . $newPlace; } else { T::$url = $this->themeUrl = URL . $newPlace; } T::$loc = LOC . '/' . $newPlace; //$this->libs->Config->set('site', 'theme', $newPlace); return true; } else { D::error('Theme doesn\'t exist'); } }
/** inheritdoc */ public static function instance() { $called_class = get_called_class(); if (!isset($called_class::$instances[$called_class])) { $result = $called_class::select('item, start_page')->leftJoin('item.start_page', 'start_page')->setMaxResults(1)->getQuery()->getResult(); if (count($result) == 0) { // Create the item if it doesn't exist $result = new $called_class(); $result->blank(); \D::manager()->persist($result); \D::manager()->flush(); $called_class::$instances[$called_class] = $result; } else { $called_class::$instances[$called_class] = $result[0]; } } return $called_class::$instances[$called_class]; }
function set($name) { //@todo rename this to just set $newPlace = 'themes/' . $name; D::log($name, 'Theme Set'); // D::log(URL, 'URL'); if(is_dir(APP_FOLDER . '/' . $newPlace)) { if(defined('URL')) { if(substr(URL, -1) == '?') { T::$url = $this->themeUrl = substr(URL, 0, -1) . APP_NAME . '/' . $newPlace . '/'; } else { T::$url = $this->themeUrl = URL . APP_NAME . '/' . $newPlace . '/'; } } T::$loc = $this->themeLoc = APP_FOLDER . '/' . $newPlace; //$this->libs->Config->set('site', 'theme', $newPlace); return true; } else { D::error('Theme doesn\'t exist'); } }
function query($sql, $returnType) { if($this->prepared == false) { $this->prepare($sql); } //echo "\n SQL call = " . $sql . "\n"; $this->queries[] = $sql; $this->result = $this->connection->query($sql); //D::log($this->connection->error, 'db error'); D::log($sql, 'Sql call'); if(!empty($this->connection->error)) { D::report('There is something wrong with the sql.', $this->connection->error); } $this->prepared = false; //return $this->result->fetch_all(MYSQLI_ASSOC); $return = array(); switch ($returnType){ case 'object': while($value = $this->result->fetch_object()) { $return[] = $value; } //D::log($return); return $return; case 'assoc': while($value = $this->result->fetch_assoc()) { $return[] = $value; } return $return; case 'raw': return $this->result; default: return true; } }
function properJsonDecode($json) { //maybe if we check something on the left we can validate that the value on the right is actaully a value and not part of a string. $return = json_decode(D::log(preg_replace('@"(\w*)"\s*:\s*(-?\d{9,})\s*([,|\}])@', '"$1":"$2"$3', $json), 'raw json') ); switch(json_last_error()) { case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: $echo = ' - Maximum stack depth exceeded'; break; case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: $echo = ' - Unexpected control character found'; break; case JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX: $echo = ' - Syntax error, malformed JSON'; break; case JSON_ERROR_NONE: $echo = ' - No errors'; break; } D::growl($echo, 'json error'); return $return; }
function test() { D::D(); $X = "D"; $m = "D"; D::$m(); $X::$m(); $X::$m(); G::D(); J::D(); J::J(); $X = "G"; $m = "D"; G::$m(); $X::$m(); $X = "J"; $m = "D"; J::$m(); $X::$m(); $m = "J"; J::$m(); $X::$m(); }
protected function pageTree($model = 'Model_Page_Base', $label = null, $active_url = null, $extra_fields = null) { $extra_fields_str = !is_null($extra_fields) ? ', page.' . implode(', page.', $extra_fields) : ''; if ($model == 'Model_Page_Base') { $extra_fields_str = ', TYPE(page) AS type'; } $nodes = $model::select(', page.title, page.menu_title, page.lvl, page.lft, page.rgt' . $extra_fields_str . ', url.url, url.slug', 'page')->leftJoin('page.url', 'url')->where('page.lvl > 0')->andWhere('page.visible = true')->orderBy('page.root, page.lft', 'ASC')->getQuery(); // Set the query hint if multi lingual! if (\CMF\Doctrine\Extensions\Translatable::enabled()) { $nodes->setHint(\Doctrine\ORM\Query::HINT_CUSTOM_OUTPUT_WALKER, 'Gedmo\\Translatable\\Query\\TreeWalker\\TranslationWalker'); } $nodes = $nodes->getArrayResult(); $root_label = $label ? $label . '_level1' : 'level1'; $crumbs_label = $label ? $label . '_crumbs' : 'crumbs'; $uri = $active_url ? $active_url : \CMF::link(\CMF::original_uri()); $nodes = \D::manager()->getRepository($model)->buildTree($nodes, array()); $this->{$crumbs_label} = array(); $this->processNodes($nodes, $uri, 1, $label, $model); $crumbs = $this->{$crumbs_label}; ksort($crumbs); $this->{$crumbs_label} = $crumbs; return $this->{$root_label} = $nodes; }
var_dump($c2); var_dump(isset($c2->prop)); echo "---------- unsetting \$this ------------\n"; class D { public function f() { echo "Inside " . __METHOD__ . "\n"; var_dump(isset($this)); unset($this); var_dump(isset($this)); $this->g(); // use $this to call sibling instance method } private function g() { echo "Inside " . __METHOD__ . "\n"; var_dump(isset($this)); } } $d = new D(); $d->f(); echo "---------- unsetting array elements ------------\n"; $a = array(10, 20, "xx" => 30); print_r($a); unset($a[1]); print_r($a); unset($a[10]); print_r($a); unset($a["Xx"]); print_r($a);
function query($sql, $returnType=null) { if($this->prepared == false) { $this->prepare($sql); } //echo "\n SQL call = " . $sql . "\n"; $this->queries[] = $sql; // $this->result = $this->connection->query($sql); D::log("\n" . $sql, 'SQL call'); $this->result = mysql_query($sql, $this->connection); $this->prepared = false; if(!$this->result) { D::stack(); D::log(mysql_error($this->connection), 'SQL Errors'); return false; } $returnArray = array(); /* @todo get rid of this switch and use an array of functions instead. */ if(!isset($returnType)) { return true; } switch ($returnType) { case 'object': if(!is_resource($this->result)) { D::stackTrace(); } while($row = mysql_fetch_object($this->result)) { $returnArray[] = $row; } return $returnArray; break; case 'assoc': while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($this->result)) { $returnArray[] = $row; } return $returnArray; break; case 'driver': return $this->result; break; case 'raw': return $this->result; break; default: return true; } }
echo "Accessing X from D:\n"; var_dump(get_class_methods("X")); } } class X { private function privX() { } protected function protX() { } public function pubX() { } public static function testFromX() { echo "Accessing C from X:\n"; var_dump(get_class_methods("C")); echo "Accessing D from X:\n"; var_dump(get_class_methods("D")); echo "Accessing X from X:\n"; var_dump(get_class_methods("X")); } } echo "Accessing D from global scope:\n"; var_dump(get_class_methods("D")); C::testFromC(); D::testFromD(); X::testFromX(); echo "Done";
<?php // Invocation of a static class method of a superclass // Class *definition* is interpreted eval(<<<PHP \tclass C \t{ \t\tstatic function foo() \t\t{ \t\t\techo "C::foo() "; \t\t} \t} \tclass D extends C \t{ \t} PHP ); D::foo();
.chose{font:13px Arial;display:block; float:left; height:25px;line-height:30px; padding-left:10px; margin:2px 0} .choseXc{display:block;float:right; margin-right: 7px;margin-top: 10px;} /*border:1px solid #e1e1e1;width:20px;height:20px;*/ .series_title{ width: 200px;white-space: nowrap;overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; } </style> <div class="pop"> <div id="make-car-m" class="selectDiv4 active" > <div class="selectpop ass-items" style="clear:both; overflow:auto;"> <div class="car_brand" style=" clear:both; overflow:auto;"> <span class="chose">请选择适用车系</span> <p style="clear:both"></p> <div class="left_AA" style="float:left;"> <ul style="list-style:none; margin:0;padding-left:10px; height: 200px; overflow:hidden" > <?php $makes = D::queryGoodsMakes(); ?> <?php if ($makes) { ?> <?php foreach ($makes as $key => $value) { ?> <?php $piny2[] = substr($value['pinyin'], 0, 1); ?> <?php } ?> <?php }
{ $this->p = 'changed in D'; } } echo "Unset and recreate a superclass's private property:\n"; $d = new D(); $d->unsetPrivate(); $d->setPrivate(); var_dump($d); echo "\nUnset superclass's private property, and recreate it as public in subclass:\n"; $d = new D(); $d->unsetPrivate(); $d->setP(); var_dump($d); echo "\nUnset superclass's private property, and recreate it as public at global scope:\n"; $d = new D(); $d->unsetPrivate(); $d->p = 'this will create a public property'; var_dump($d); echo "\n\nUnset and recreate a private property:\n"; $c = new C(); $c->unsetPrivate(); $c->setPrivate(); var_dump($c); echo "\nUnset a private property, and attempt to recreate at global scope (expecting failure):\n"; $c = new C(); $c->unsetPrivate(); $c->p = 'this will fail'; var_dump($c); ?> ==Done==
<?php if ($a == 'B' & $b != null && $c->C(D::E() . 'F')) { $d++; }
<?php $a = $b <=> $c->d; $a = $b <=> $c->d(); $a = $b <=> D::E; $a = $b <=> D::E(); $a = $b <=> D::$E;
<?php class C { public static function foo() { static $x = 0; ++$x; var_dump($x); } } class D extends C { public static function callByParent() { parent::foo(); } } C::foo(); C::foo(); C::foo(); D::foo(); D::foo(); D::callByParent(); D::callByParent();