public function setUp() { global $current_user, $sugar_config; SugarTestHelper::setUp('current_user', array(true)); $current_user->setPreference('dec_sep', ','); $current_user->setPreference('num_grp_sep', '.'); $current_user->setPreference('default_currency_significant_digits', 3); SugarTestHelper::setUp('app_list_strings'); SugarTestHelper::setUp('beanFiles'); SugarTestHelper::setUp('beanList'); parent::setUp(); $this->lm = new LayoutManager(); $this->lm->setAttribute('reporter', new stdClass()); $this->currency_51568 = new Currency(); $this->currency_51568->symbol = 'TT'; $this->currency_51568->conversion_rate = 0.5; $this->currency_51568->save(false); $this->currency_system = new Currency(); $this->currency_system->retrieve(-99); $this->backupSymbol = $this->currency_system->symbol; $this->currency_system->symbol = '¥'; $this->currency_system->save(false); $sugar_config['default_currency_symbol'] = '¥'; get_number_seperators(true); }
function get_currency() { global $current_user, $global_currency_obj; if (empty($global_currency_obj)) { $global_currency_obj = new Currency(); // $global_currency_symbol = '$'; if ($current_user->getPreference('currency')) { $global_currency_obj->retrieve($current_user->getPreference('currency')); } else { $global_currency_obj->retrieve('-99'); } } return $global_currency_obj; }
public function display() { $currency_symbol = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_currency_symbol']; if ($GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('currency')) { require_once 'modules/Currencies/Currency.php'; $currency = new Currency(); $currency->retrieve($GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('currency')); $currency_symbol = $currency->symbol; } $this->chartDefName = $this->which_chart[0]; //$chartDef = $this->chartDefs[$this->chartDefName]; $chartDef = array('type' => 'code', 'id' => 'Chart_invoices_by_month', 'label' => 'Invoices by Month', 'chartUnits' => 'Invoice Size in $1K', 'chartType' => 'stacked group by chart', 'groupBy' => array('m', 'state_in_chart'), 'base_url' => array('module' => 'reg_invoices', 'action' => 'index', 'query' => 'true', 'searchFormTab' => 'advanced_search'), 'url_params' => array('state', 'date_closed')); require_once 'include/SugarCharts/SugarChartFactory.php'; // Special chart config for RegInvoices $sugarChart = SugarChartFactory::getInstance('Jit', 'RegInvoices'); $sugarChart->setProperties('', translate('LBL_FACT_SIZE', 'reg_invoices') . ' ' . $currency_symbol . '1' . translate('LBL_OPP_THOUSANDS', 'Charts'), $chartDef['chartType']); $sugarChart->base_url = $chartDef['base_url']; $sugarChart->is_currency = true; $sugarChart->group_by = $chartDef['groupBy']; $sugarChart->url_params = array(); $sugarChart->getData($this->constructQuery()); $this->sortData($sugarChart->data_set); $xmlFile = $sugarChart->getXMLFileName($this->id); $sugarChart->saveXMLFile($xmlFile, $sugarChart->generateXML()); return $this->getTitle('<div align="center"></div>') . '<div align="center">' . $sugarChart->display($this->id, $xmlFile, '100%', '480', false) . '</div><br />'; }
function populateCurrency() { global $mod_strings; require_once 'modules/Currencies/Currency.php'; $currency = new Currency(); $currText = ''; if (isset($this->bean->currency_id) && !empty($this->bean->currency_id)) { $currency->retrieve($this->bean->currency_id); if ($currency->deleted != 1) { $currText = $currency->iso4217 . ' ' . $currency->symbol; } else { $currText = $currency->getDefaultISO4217() . ' ' . $currency->getDefaultCurrencySymbol(); } } else { $currText = $currency->getDefaultISO4217() . ' ' . $currency->getDefaultCurrencySymbol(); } $javascript = "<script language='javascript'>\n"; $javascript .= "var CurrencyText = new Array(); \n"; $javascript .= "CurrencyText['-99'] = '" . $currency->getDefaultISO4217() . ' ' . $currency->getDefaultCurrencySymbol() . "';\n"; $sql = "SELECT id, iso4217, symbol FROM currencies"; $res = $this->bean->db->query($sql); while ($row = $this->bean->db->fetchByAssoc($res)) { $javascript .= "CurrencyText['" . $row['id'] . "'] = '" . $row['iso4217'] . ' ' . $row['symbol'] . "';\n"; } $javascript .= "</script>"; echo $javascript; $this->ss->assign('CURRENCY', "<div id =curr_symbol>{$currText}</div>"); $mod_strings['LBL_LIST_PRICE'] .= " (" . $currText . ")"; $mod_strings['LBL_UNIT_PRICE'] .= " (" . $currText . ")"; $mod_strings['LBL_VAT_AMT'] .= " (" . $currText . ")"; $mod_strings['LBL_TOTAL_PRICE'] .= " (" . $currText . ")"; $mod_strings['LBL_SERVICE_PRICE'] .= " (" . $currText . ")"; }
/** * @see DashletGenericChart::display() */ public function display() { global $current_user, $sugar_config; require "modules/Charts/chartdefs.php"; $chartDef = $chartDefs['lead_source_by_outcome']; require_once 'include/SugarCharts/SugarChartFactory.php'; $sugarChart = SugarChartFactory::getInstance(); $sugarChart->is_currency = true; $currency_symbol = $sugar_config['default_currency_symbol']; if ($current_user->getPreference('currency')) { $currency = new Currency(); $currency->retrieve($current_user->getPreference('currency')); $currency_symbol = $currency->symbol; } $subtitle = translate('LBL_OPP_SIZE', 'Charts') . " " . $currency_symbol . "1" . translate('LBL_OPP_THOUSANDS', 'Charts'); $sugarChart->setProperties('', $subtitle, $chartDef['chartType']); $sugarChart->base_url = $chartDef['base_url']; $sugarChart->group_by = $chartDef['groupBy']; $sugarChart->url_params = array(); if (count($this->lsbo_ids) > 0) { $sugarChart->url_params['assigned_user_id'] = array_values($this->lsbo_ids); } $sugarChart->getData($this->constuctQuery()); $sugarChart->data_set = $sugarChart->sortData($sugarChart->data_set, 'lead_source', true, 'sales_stage', true, true); $xmlFile = $sugarChart->getXMLFileName($this->id); $sugarChart->saveXMLFile($xmlFile, $sugarChart->generateXML()); return $this->getTitle('<div align="center"></div>') . '<div align="center">' . $sugarChart->display($this->id, $xmlFile, '100%', '480', false) . '</div>' . $this->processAutoRefresh(); }
function display() { global $app_list_strings; $this->ss->assign('APP_LIST', $app_list_strings); if (isset($_REQUEST['mode']) && $_REQUEST['mode'] == 'set_target') { require_once 'modules/Campaigns/utils.php'; //call function to create campaign logs $mess = track_campaign_prospects($this->bean); $confirm_msg = "var ajax_C_LOG_Status = new SUGAR.ajaxStatusClass(); \n window.setTimeout(\"ajax_C_LOG_Status.showStatus('" . $mess . "')\",1000); \n window.setTimeout('ajax_C_LOG_Status.hideStatus()', 1500); \n window.setTimeout(\"ajax_C_LOG_Status.showStatus('" . $mess . "')\",2000); \n window.setTimeout('ajax_C_LOG_Status.hideStatus()', 5000); "; $this->ss->assign("MSG_SCRIPT", $confirm_msg); } if ($this->bean->campaign_type == 'Email' || $this->bean->campaign_type == 'NewsLetter') { $this->ss->assign("ADD_BUTTON_STATE", "submit"); $this->ss->assign("TARGET_BUTTON_STATE", "hidden"); } else { $this->ss->assign("ADD_BUTTON_STATE", "hidden"); $this->ss->assign("DISABLE_LINK", "display:none"); $this->ss->assign("TARGET_BUTTON_STATE", "submit"); } $currency = new Currency(); if (isset($this->bean->currency_id) && !empty($this->bean->currency_id)) { $currency->retrieve($this->bean->currency_id); if ($currency->deleted != 1) { $this->ss->assign('CURRENCY', $currency->iso4217 . ' ' . $currency->symbol); } else { $this->ss->assign('CURRENCY', $currency->getDefaultISO4217() . ' ' . $currency->getDefaultCurrencySymbol()); } } else { $this->ss->assign('CURRENCY', $currency->getDefaultISO4217() . ' ' . $currency->getDefaultCurrencySymbol()); } parent::display(); //We want to display subset of available, panels, so we will call subpanel //object directly instead of using sugarview. $GLOBALS['focus'] = $this->bean; require_once 'include/SubPanel/SubPanelTiles.php'; $subpanel = new SubPanelTiles($this->bean, $this->module); //get available list of subpanels $alltabs = $subpanel->subpanel_definitions->get_available_tabs(); if (!empty($alltabs)) { //iterate through list, and filter out all but 3 subpanels foreach ($alltabs as $key => $name) { if ($name != 'prospectlists' && $name != 'emailmarketing' && $name != 'tracked_urls') { //exclude subpanels that are not prospectlists, emailmarketing, or tracked urls $subpanel->subpanel_definitions->exclude_tab($name); } } //only show email marketing subpanel for email/newsletter campaigns if ($this->bean->campaign_type != 'Email' && $this->bean->campaign_type != 'NewsLetter') { //exclude emailmarketing subpanel if not on an email or newsletter campaign $subpanel->subpanel_definitions->exclude_tab('emailmarketing'); // Bug #49893 - 20120120 - Captivea (ybi) - Remove trackers subpanels if not on an email/newsletter campaign (useless subpannl) $subpanel->subpanel_definitions->exclude_tab('tracked_urls'); } } //show filtered subpanel list echo $subpanel->display(); }
function perform_save(&$focus) { //US DOLLAR if (isset($focus->amount) && !number_empty($focus->amount)) { $currency = new Currency(); $currency->retrieve($focus->currency_id); $focus->amount_usdollar = $currency->convertToDollar($focus->amount); } }
function perform_save(&$focus) { require_once 'modules/Currencies/Currency.php'; //US DOLLAR if (isset($focus->price) && !number_empty($focus->price)) { $currency = new Currency(); $currency->retrieve($focus->currency_id); $focus->price_usdollar = $currency->convertToDollar(unformat_number($focus->price)); } }
/** * Overriding display of value of currency because of currencies are not stored in app_list_strings * * @param array $layout_def * @return string for display */ public function &displayListPlain($layout_def) { static $currencies; $value = $this->_get_list_value($layout_def); if (empty($currencies[$value])) { $currency = new Currency(); $currency->retrieve($value); $currencies[$value] = $currency->symbol . ' ' . $currency->iso4217; } return $currencies[$value]; }
function updateAmountByID($id, $curID, $price) { global $db, $currencies; if (isset($id) && !empty($id)) { $currency = new Currency(); $currency->retrieve($curID); $dollars = $currency->convertToDollar($price); $query = "update opportunities set price='{$price}', currency_id='{$curID}', price_usdollar='{$dollars}' where id='{$id}';"; $db->query($query); } }
function save($check_notify = FALSE) { //"amount_usdollar" is really amount_basecurrency. We need to save a copy of the amount in the base currency. if (isset($this->amount) && !number_empty($this->amount)) { if (!number_empty($this->currency_id)) { $currency = new Currency(); $currency->retrieve($this->currency_id); $this->amount_usdollar = $currency->convertToDollar($this->amount); } else { $this->amount_usdollar = $this->amount; } } return parent::save($check_notify); }
function populateCurrency() { require_once 'modules/Currencies/Currency.php'; $currency = new Currency(); if (isset($this->bean->currency_id) && !empty($this->bean->currency_id)) { $currency->retrieve($focus->currency_id); if ($currency->deleted != 1) { $this->currSymbol = $currency->symbol; } else { $this->currSymbol = $currency->getDefaultCurrencySymbol(); } } else { $this->currSymbol = $currency->getDefaultCurrencySymbol(); } }
/** * Products, Quotations & Invoices modules. * Extensions to SugarCRM * @package Advanced OpenSales for SugarCRM * @subpackage Products * @copyright SalesAgility Ltd * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * along with this program; if not, see * or write to the Free Software Foundation,Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * @author Salesagility Ltd <*****@*****.**> */ function perform_aos_save($focus) { //US DOLLAR foreach ($focus->field_defs as $field) { if (isset($focus->field_defs[$field['name'] . '_usdollar'])) { $fieldName = $field['name'] . '_usdollar'; $focus->{$fieldName} = ''; if (!number_empty($focus->field_defs[$field['name']])) { $currency = new Currency(); $currency->retrieve($focus->currency_id); $focus->{$fieldName} = $currency->convertToDollar($focus->{$field}['name']); } } } }
function display() { $currency = new Currency(); if (isset($this->bean->currency_id) && !empty($this->bean->currency_id)) { $currency->retrieve($this->bean->currency_id); if ($currency->deleted != 1) { $this->ss->assign('CURRENCY', $currency->iso4217 . ' ' . $currency->symbol); } else { $this->ss->assign('CURRENCY', $currency->getDefaultISO4217() . ' ' . $currency->getDefaultCurrencySymbol()); } } else { $this->ss->assign('CURRENCY', $currency->getDefaultISO4217() . ' ' . $currency->getDefaultCurrencySymbol()); } parent::display(); }
/** * Products, Quotations & Invoices modules. * Extensions to SugarCRM * @package Advanced OpenSales for SugarCRM * @subpackage Products * @copyright SalesAgility Ltd * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * along with this program; if not, see * or write to the Free Software Foundation,Inc., 51 Franklin Street, * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * @author Salesagility Ltd <*****@*****.**> */ function perform_aos_save($focus) { foreach ($focus->field_defs as $field) { $fieldName = $field['name']; $fieldNameDollar = $field['name'] . '_usdollar'; if (isset($focus->field_defs[$fieldNameDollar])) { $focus->{$fieldNameDollar} = ''; if (!number_empty($focus->field_defs[$field['name']])) { $currency = new Currency(); $currency->retrieve($focus->currency_id); $focus->{$fieldNameDollar} = $currency->convertToDollar(unformat_number($fieldName)); } } } }
public function display($title, $subTitle, $xmlFile, $chartType, $width = '100%', $height = '480') { global $current_user, $sugar_config; require "modules/Charts/chartdefs.php"; require_once 'include/SugarCharts/SugarChartFactory.php'; $sugarChart = SugarChartFactory::getInstance(); $sugarChart->is_currency = true; $currency_symbol = $sugar_config['default_currency_symbol']; $sugarChart->setProperties($title, $subTitle, $chartType); if ($current_user->getPreference('currency')) { $currency = new Currency(); $currency->retrieve($current_user->getPreference('currency')); $currency_symbol = $currency->symbol; } return $this->getTitle('<div align="center"></div>') . '<div align="center">' . $sugarChart->display($this->id, $xmlFile, $width, $height, false) . '</div>'; }
public function __construct() { $this->db =& DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); $this->ss = new Sugar_Smarty(); $this->chart_yAxis['yMin'] = 0; $this->chart_yAxis['yMax'] = 0; if ($GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('currency')) { $currency = new Currency(); $currency->retrieve($GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('currency')); $this->div = $currency->conversion_rate; $this->currency_symbol = $currency->symbol; } else { $this->currency_symbol = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_currency_symbol']; $this->div = 1; $this->is_currency = false; } }
function pushFeed($bean, $event, $arguments) { $text = ''; if (empty($bean->fetched_row)) { $currency = new Currency(); $currency->retrieve($bean->currency_id); $text = '{SugarFeed.CREATED_OPPORTUNITY} [' . $bean->module_dir . ':' . $bean->id . ':' . $bean->name . '] {SugarFeed.WITH} [Accounts:' . $bean->account_id . ':' . $bean->account_name . '] {SugarFeed.FOR} ' . $currency->symbol . format_number($bean->amount); } else { if (!empty($bean->fetched_row['sales_stage']) && $bean->fetched_row['sales_stage'] != $bean->sales_stage && $bean->sales_stage == 'Closed Won') { $currency = new Currency(); $currency->retrieve($bean->currency_id); $text = '{SugarFeed.WON_OPPORTUNITY} [' . $bean->module_dir . ':' . $bean->id . ':' . $bean->name . '] {SugarFeed.WITH} [Accounts:' . $bean->account_id . ':' . $bean->account_name . '] {SugarFeed.FOR} ' . $currency->symbol . format_number($bean->amount); } } if (!empty($text)) { SugarFeed::pushFeed2($text, $bean); } }
public function __construct() { $this->db =& DBManagerFactory::getInstance(); $this->ss = new Sugar_Smarty(); $this->chart_yAxis['yMin'] = 0; $this->chart_yAxis['yMax'] = 0; if ($GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('currency')) { $currency = new Currency(); $currency->retrieve($GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('currency')); $this->div = $currency->conversion_rate; $this->currency_symbol = $currency->symbol; } else { $this->currency_symbol = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_currency_symbol']; $this->div = 1; $this->is_currency = false; } $this->image_export_type = extension_loaded('gd') && function_exists('gd_info') ? "png" : "jpg"; }
function handleAdd() { global $current_user; if ($current_user->is_admin) { if (isset($_POST['edit']) && $_POST['edit'] == 'true' && isset($_POST['name']) && !empty($_POST['name']) && isset($_POST['conversion_rate']) && !empty($_POST['conversion_rate']) && isset($_POST['symbol']) && !empty($_POST['symbol'])) { $currency = new Currency(); if (isset($_POST['record']) && !empty($_POST['record'])) { $currency->retrieve($_POST['record']); } $currency->name = $_POST['name']; $currency->status = $_POST['status']; $currency->symbol = $_POST['symbol']; $currency->iso4217 = $_POST['iso4217']; $currency->conversion_rate = unformat_number($_POST['conversion_rate']); $currency->save(); $this->focus = $currency; } } }
function populateCurrency() { global $mod_strings; require_once 'modules/Currencies/Currency.php'; $currency = new Currency(); $currText = ''; if (isset($this->bean->currency_id) && !empty($this->bean->currency_id)) { $currency->retrieve($focus->currency_id); if ($currency->deleted != 1) { $currText = $currency->iso4217 . ' ' . $currency->symbol; } else { $currText = $currency->getDefaultISO4217() . ' ' . $currency->getDefaultCurrencySymbol(); } } else { $currText = $currency->getDefaultISO4217() . ' ' . $currency->getDefaultCurrencySymbol(); } $this->ss->assign('CURRENCY', $currText); $mod_strings['LBL_LIST_PRICE'] .= " (" . $currText . ")"; $mod_strings['LBL_UNIT_PRICE'] .= " (" . $currText . ")"; $mod_strings['LBL_VAT_AMT'] .= " (" . $currText . ")"; $mod_strings['LBL_TOTAL_PRICE'] .= " (" . $currText . ")"; }
/** * @see DashletGenericChart::display() */ public function display() { $currency_symbol = $GLOBALS['sugar_config']['default_currency_symbol']; if ($GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('currency')) { $currency = new Currency(); $currency->retrieve($GLOBALS['current_user']->getPreference('currency')); $currency_symbol = $currency->symbol; } require "modules/Charts/chartdefs.php"; $chartDef = $chartDefs['outcome_by_month']; require_once 'include/SugarCharts/SugarChartFactory.php'; $sugarChart = SugarChartFactory::getInstance(); $sugarChart->setProperties('', translate('LBL_OPP_SIZE', 'Charts') . ' ' . $currency_symbol . '1' . translate('LBL_OPP_THOUSANDS', 'Charts'), $chartDef['chartType']); $sugarChart->base_url = $chartDef['base_url']; $sugarChart->group_by = $chartDef['groupBy']; $sugarChart->url_params = array(); $sugarChart->getData($this->constructQuery()); $sugarChart->is_currency = true; $sugarChart->data_set = $sugarChart->sortData($sugarChart->data_set, 'm', false, 'sales_stage', true, true); $xmlFile = $sugarChart->getXMLFileName($this->id); $sugarChart->saveXMLFile($xmlFile, $sugarChart->generateXML()); return $this->getTitle('<div align="center"></div>') . '<div align="center">' . $sugarChart->display($this->id, $xmlFile, '100%', '480', false) . '</div>' . $this->processAutoRefresh(); }
/** * Creates PIE CHART image of opportunities by lead_source. * param $datax- the sales stage data to display in the x-axis * param $datay- the sum of opportunity amounts for each opportunity in each sales stage * to display in the y-axis * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.. * All Rights Reserved.. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function gen_xml($legends = array('foo', 'bar'), $user_id = array('1'), $cache_file_name = 'a_file', $refresh = true, $current_module_strings) { global $app_strings, $charset, $lang, $pieChartColors, $current_user; require_once 'modules/Currencies/Currency.php'; $kDelim = $current_user->getPreference('num_grp_sep'); if (!file_exists($cache_file_name) || $refresh == true) { $GLOBALS['log']->debug("starting pipeline chart"); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("legends is:"); $GLOBALS['log']->debug($legends); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("user_id is: "); $GLOBALS['log']->debug($user_id); $GLOBALS['log']->debug("cache_file_name is: {$cache_file_name}"); $opp = new Opportunity(); //Now do the db queries //query for opportunity data that matches $legends and $user $where = ""; //build the where clause for the query that matches $user $count = count($user_id); $id = array(); if ($count > 0 && !empty($user_id)) { foreach ($user_id as $the_id) { $id[] = "'" . $the_id . "'"; } $ids = join(",", $id); $where .= "opportunities.assigned_user_id IN ({$ids}) "; } if (!empty($where)) { $where .= 'AND'; } //build the where clause for the query that matches $datax $count = count($legends); $legendItem = array(); if ($count > 0 && !empty($legends)) { foreach ($legends as $key => $value) { $legendItem[] = "'" . $key . "'"; } $legendItems = join(",", $legendItem); $where .= " opportunities.lead_source IN\t({$legendItems}) "; } $query = "SELECT lead_source,sum(amount_usdollar/1000) as total,count(*) as opp_count FROM opportunities "; $query .= "WHERE " . $where . " AND opportunities.deleted=0 "; $query .= "GROUP BY lead_source ORDER BY total DESC"; //build pipeline by lead source data $total = 0; $div = 1; global $sugar_config; $symbol = $sugar_config['default_currency_symbol']; global $current_user; if ($current_user->getPreference('currency')) { $currency = new Currency(); $currency->retrieve($current_user->getPreference('currency')); $div = $currency->conversion_rate; $symbol = $currency->symbol; } $subtitle = $current_module_strings['LBL_OPP_SIZE'] . ' ' . $symbol . '1' . $current_module_strings['LBL_OPP_THOUSANDS']; $fileContents = ''; $fileContents .= ' <pie defaultAltText="' . $current_module_strings['LBL_ROLLOVER_WEDGE_DETAILS'] . '" legendStatus="on">' . "\n"; $result = $opp->db->query($query) or sugar_die("Error selecting sugarbean: " . mysql_error()); $leadSourceArr = array(); while ($row = $opp->db->fetchByAssoc($result, -1, false)) { if ($row['lead_source'] == '') { $leadSource = $current_module_strings['NTC_NO_LEGENDS']; } else { $leadSource = $row['lead_source']; } if ($row['total'] * $div <= 100) { $sum = round($row['total'] * $div, 2); } else { $sum = round($row['total'] * $div); } $leadSourceArr[$leadSource]['opp_count'] = $row['opp_count']; $leadSourceArr[$leadSource]['sum'] = $sum; } $i = 0; foreach ($legends as $lead_source_key => $translation) { if ($lead_source_key == '') { $lead_source_key = $current_module_strings['NTC_NO_LEGENDS']; $translation = $current_module_strings['NTC_NO_LEGENDS']; } if (!isset($leadSourceArr[$lead_source_key])) { $leadSourceArr[$lead_source_key] = $lead_source_key; $leadSourceArr[$lead_source_key]['sum'] = 0; } $color = generate_graphcolor($lead_source_key, $i); $fileContents .= ' <wedge title="' . $translation . '" kDelim="' . $kDelim . '" value="' . $leadSourceArr[$lead_source_key]['sum'] . '" color="' . $color . '" labelText="' . currency_format_number($leadSourceArr[$lead_source_key]['sum'], array('currency_symbol' => true)) . '" url="index.php?module=Opportunities&action=index&lead_source=' . urlencode($lead_source_key) . '&query=true&searchFormTab=advanced_search" altText="' . format_number($leadSourceArr[$lead_source_key]['opp_count'], 0, 0) . ' ' . $current_module_strings['LBL_OPPS_IN_LEAD_SOURCE'] . ' ' . $translation . '"/>' . "\n"; if (isset($leadSourceArr[$lead_source_key])) { $total += $leadSourceArr[$lead_source_key]['sum']; } $i++; } $fileContents .= ' </pie>' . "\n"; $fileContents .= ' <graphInfo>' . "\n"; $fileContents .= ' <![CDATA[]]>' . "\n"; $fileContents .= ' </graphInfo>' . "\n"; $fileContents .= ' <chartColors '; foreach ($pieChartColors as $key => $value) { $fileContents .= ' ' . $key . '=' . '"' . $value . '" '; } $fileContents .= ' />' . "\n"; $fileContents .= '</graphData>' . "\n"; $total = round($total, 2); $title = $current_module_strings['LBL_TOTAL_PIPELINE'] . currency_format_number($total, array('currency_symbol' => true)) . $app_strings['LBL_THOUSANDS_SYMBOL']; $fileContents = '<graphData title="' . $title . '" subtitle="' . $subtitle . '">' . "\n" . $fileContents; $GLOBALS['log']->debug("total is: {$total}"); if ($total == 0) { return $current_module_strings['ERR_NO_OPPS']; } save_xml_file($cache_file_name, $fileContents); } $return = create_chart('pieF', $cache_file_name); return $return; }
function action_saveadminwizard() { global $current_user; if (!is_admin($current_user)) { sugar_die($GLOBALS['app_strings']['ERR_NOT_ADMIN']); } $focus = new Administration(); $focus->retrieveSettings(); $focus->saveConfig(); $configurator = new Configurator(); $configurator->populateFromPost(); $configurator->handleOverride(); $configurator->parseLoggerSettings(); $configurator->saveConfig(); // Bug 37310 - Delete any existing currency that matches the one we've just set the default to during the admin wizard $currency = new Currency(); $currency->retrieve($currency->retrieve_id_by_name($_REQUEST['default_currency_name'])); if (!empty($currency->id) && $currency->symbol == $_REQUEST['default_currency_symbol'] && $currency->iso4217 == $_REQUEST['default_currency_iso4217']) { $currency->deleted = 1; $currency->save(); } SugarApplication::redirect('index.php?module=Users&action=Wizard&skipwelcome=1'); }
$query_click .= " FROM campaign_log "; $query_click .= " WHERE campaign_id = '{$campaign_id}' AND activity_type='link' AND related_type='CampaignTrackers' AND archived=0 AND deleted=0"; //if $marketing id is specified, then lets filter the chart by the value if (!empty($marketing_id)) { $query_click .= " AND marketing_id ='{$marketing_id}'"; } $query_click .= " GROUP BY activity_type, target_type"; $query_click .= " ORDER BY activity_type, target_type"; $result = $campaign->db->query($query_click); $xtpl->assign("OPP_COUNT", $opp_data1['opp_count']); $xtpl->assign("ACTUAL_COST", $opp_data1['actual_cost']); $xtpl->assign("PLANNED_BUDGET", $opp_data1['budget']); $xtpl->assign("EXPECTED_REVENUE", $opp_data1['expected_revenue']); $currency = new Currency(); if (isset($focus->currency_id) && !empty($focus->currency_id)) { $currency->retrieve($focus->currency_id); if ($currency->deleted != 1) { $xtpl->assign("CURRENCY", $currency->iso4217 . ' ' . $currency->symbol); } else { $xtpl->assign("CURRENCY", $currency->getDefaultISO4217() . ' ' . $currency->getDefaultCurrencySymbol()); } } else { $xtpl->assign("CURRENCY", $currency->getDefaultISO4217() . ' ' . $currency->getDefaultCurrencySymbol()); } global $current_user; if (is_admin($current_user) && $_REQUEST['module'] != 'DynamicLayout' && !empty($_SESSION['editinplace'])) { $xtpl->assign("ADMIN_EDIT", "<a href='index.php?action=index&module=DynamicLayout&from_action=" . $_REQUEST['action'] . "&from_module=" . $_REQUEST['module'] . "&record=" . $_REQUEST['record'] . "'>" . SugarThemeRegistry::current()->getImage("EditLayout", "border='0' align='bottom'", null, null, '.gif', $mod_strings['LBL_EDIT_LAYOUT']) . "</a>"); } //$detailView->processListNavigation($xtpl, "CAMPAIGN", $offset, $focus->is_AuditEnabled()); // adding custom fields: //require_once('modules/DynamicFields/templates/Files/DetailView.php');
/** * Creates opportunity pipeline image as a VERTICAL accumlated bar graph for multiple users. * param $datax- the month data to display in the x-axis * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.. * All Rights Reserved.. * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.. */ function gen_xml($date_start = '1971-10-15', $date_end = '2010-10-15', $user_id = array('1'), $cache_file_name = 'a_file', $refresh = false, $current_module_strings) { global $app_strings, $app_list_strings, $charset, $lang, $barChartColors, $current_user; $kDelim = $current_user->getPreference('num_grp_sep'); global $timedate; if (!file_exists($cache_file_name) || $refresh == true) { Log::debug("date_start is: {$date_start}"); Log::debug("date_end is: {$date_end}"); Log::debug("user_id is: "); Log::debug($user_id); Log::debug("cache_file_name is: {$cache_file_name}"); $where = ""; //build the where clause for the query that matches $user $count = count($user_id); $id = array(); if ($count > 0) { foreach ($user_id as $the_id) { $id[] = "'" . $the_id . "'"; } $ids = join(",", $id); $where .= "opportunities.assigned_user_id IN ({$ids}) "; } // cn: adding user-pref date handling $dateStartDisplay = $timedate->asUserDate($timedate->fromString($date_start)); $dateEndDisplay = $timedate->asUserDate($timedate->fromString($date_end)); $opp = new Opportunity(); //build the where clause for the query that matches $date_start and $date_end $where .= "AND opportunities.date_closed >= " . db_convert("'" . $date_start . "'", 'date') . " AND opportunities.date_closed <= " . db_convert("'" . $date_end . "'", 'date') . " AND opportunities.deleted=0"; $query = "SELECT sales_stage," . db_convert('opportunities.date_closed', 'date_format', array("'%Y-%m'"), array("'YYYY-MM'")) . " as m, sum(amount_usdollar/1000) as total, count(*) as opp_count FROM opportunities "; $query .= "WHERE " . $where; $query .= " GROUP BY sales_stage," . db_convert('opportunities.date_closed', 'date_format', array("'%Y-%m'"), array("'YYYY-MM'")) . "ORDER BY m"; //Now do the db queries //query for opportunity data that matches $datay and $user //_pp($query); $result = $opp->db->query($query, true); //build pipeline by sales stage data $total = 0; $div = 1; global $sugar_config; $symbol = $sugar_config['default_currency_symbol']; $other = $current_module_strings['LBL_LEAD_SOURCE_OTHER']; $rowTotalArr = array(); $rowTotalArr[] = 0; global $current_user; $salesStages = array("Closed Lost" => $app_list_strings['sales_stage_dom']["Closed Lost"], "Closed Won" => $app_list_strings['sales_stage_dom']["Closed Won"], "Other" => $other); if ($current_user->getPreference('currency')) { $currency = new Currency(); $currency->retrieve($current_user->getPreference('currency')); $div = $currency->conversion_rate; $symbol = $currency->symbol; } $months = array(); $monthArr = array(); while ($row = $opp->db->fetchByAssoc($result, false)) { if ($row['total'] * $div <= 100) { $sum = round($row['total'] * $div, 2); } else { $sum = round($row['total'] * $div); } if ($row['sales_stage'] == 'Closed Won' || $row['sales_stage'] == 'Closed Lost') { $salesStage = $row['sales_stage']; $salesStageT = $app_list_strings['sales_stage_dom'][$row['sales_stage']]; } else { $salesStage = "Other"; $salesStageT = $other; } $months[$row['m']] = $row['m']; if (!isset($monthArr[$row['m']]['row_total'])) { $monthArr[$row['m']]['row_total'] = 0; } $monthArr[$row['m']][$salesStage]['opp_count'][] = $row['opp_count']; $monthArr[$row['m']][$salesStage]['total'][] = $sum; $monthArr[$row['m']]['outcome'][$salesStage] = $salesStageT; $monthArr[$row['m']]['row_total'] += $sum; $total += $sum; } $fileContents = ' <xData length="20">' . "\n"; if (!empty($months)) { foreach ($months as $month) { $rowTotalArr[] = $monthArr[$month]['row_total']; if ($monthArr[$month]['row_total'] > 100) { $monthArr[$month]['row_total'] = round($monthArr[$month]['row_total']); } $fileContents .= ' <dataRow title="' . $month . '" endLabel="' . currency_format_number($monthArr[$month]['row_total'], array('currency_symbol' => true)) . '">' . "\n"; arsort($salesStages); foreach ($salesStages as $outcome => $outcome_translation) { if (isset($monthArr[$month][$outcome])) { $fileContents .= ' <bar id="' . $outcome . '" totalSize="' . array_sum($monthArr[$month][$outcome]['total']) . '" altText="' . $month . ': ' . format_number(array_sum($monthArr[$month][$outcome]['opp_count']), 0, 0) . ' ' . $current_module_strings['LBL_OPPS_WORTH'] . ' ' . currency_format_number(array_sum($monthArr[$month][$outcome]['total']), array('currency_symbol' => true)) . $current_module_strings['LBL_OPP_THOUSANDS'] . ' ' . $current_module_strings['LBL_OPPS_OUTCOME'] . ' ' . $outcome_translation . '" url="index.php?module=Opportunities&action=index&date_closed=' . $month . '&sales_stage=' . urlencode($outcome) . '&query=true&searchFormTab=advanced_search"/>' . "\n"; } } $fileContents .= ' </dataRow>' . "\n"; } } else { $fileContents .= ' <dataRow title="" endLabel="">' . "\n"; $fileContents .= ' <bar id="" totalSize="0" altText="" url=""/>' . "\n"; $fileContents .= ' </dataRow>' . "\n"; $rowTotalArr[] = 1000; } $fileContents .= ' </xData>' . "\n"; $max = get_max($rowTotalArr); $fileContents .= ' <yData min="0" max="' . $max . '" length="10" prefix="' . $symbol . '" suffix="" kDelim="' . $kDelim . '" defaultAltText="' . $current_module_strings['LBL_ROLLOVER_DETAILS'] . '"/>' . "\n"; $fileContents .= ' <colorLegend status="on">' . "\n"; $i = 0; asort($salesStages); foreach ($salesStages as $outcome => $outcome_translation) { $color = generate_graphcolor($outcome, $i); $fileContents .= ' <mapping id="' . $outcome . '" name="' . $outcome_translation . '" color="' . $color . '"/>' . "\n"; $i++; } $fileContents .= ' </colorLegend>' . "\n"; $fileContents .= ' <graphInfo>' . "\n"; $fileContents .= ' <![CDATA[' . $current_module_strings['LBL_DATE_RANGE'] . " " . $dateStartDisplay . " " . $current_module_strings['LBL_DATE_RANGE_TO'] . " " . $dateEndDisplay . "<br/>" . $current_module_strings['LBL_OPP_SIZE'] . ' ' . $symbol . '1' . $current_module_strings['LBL_OPP_THOUSANDS'] . ']]>' . "\n"; $fileContents .= ' </graphInfo>' . "\n"; $fileContents .= ' <chartColors '; foreach ($barChartColors as $key => $value) { $fileContents .= ' ' . $key . '=' . '"' . $value . '" '; } $fileContents .= ' />' . "\n"; $fileContents .= '</graphData>' . "\n"; $total = round($total, 2); $title = '<graphData title="' . $current_module_strings['LBL_TOTAL_PIPELINE'] . currency_format_number($total, array('currency_symbol' => true)) . $app_strings['LBL_THOUSANDS_SYMBOL'] . '">' . "\n"; $fileContents = $title . $fileContents; //echo $fileContents; save_xml_file($cache_file_name, $fileContents); } $return = create_chart('vBarF', $cache_file_name); return $return; }
/** * Log the user into the application * * @param UserAuth array $user_auth -- Set user_name and password (password needs to be * in the right encoding for the type of authentication the user is setup for. For Base * sugar validation, password is the MD5 sum of the plain text password. * @param String $application -- The name of the application you are logging in from. (Currently unused). * @param array $name_value_list -- Array of name value pair of extra parameters. As of today only 'language' and 'notifyonsave' is supported * @return Array - id - String id is the session_id of the session that was created. * - module_name - String - module name of user * - name_value_list - Array - The name value pair of user_id, user_name, user_language, user_currency_id, user_currency_name, * - user_default_team_id, user_is_admin, user_default_dateformat, user_default_timeformat * @exception 'SoapFault' -- The SOAP error, if any */ public function login($user_auth, $application, $name_value_list) { $GLOBALS['log']->info('Begin: SugarWebServiceImpl->login'); global $sugar_config, $system_config; $error = new SoapError(); $user = new User(); $success = false; if (!empty($user_auth['encryption']) && $user_auth['encryption'] === 'PLAIN') { $user_auth['password'] = md5($user_auth['password']); } //rrs $system_config = new Administration(); $system_config->retrieveSettings('system'); $authController = new AuthenticationController(); //rrs $isLoginSuccess = $authController->login($user_auth['user_name'], $user_auth['password'], array('passwordEncrypted' => true)); $usr_id = $user->retrieve_user_id($user_auth['user_name']); if ($usr_id) { $user->retrieve($usr_id); } if ($isLoginSuccess) { if ($_SESSION['hasExpiredPassword'] == '1') { $error->set_error('password_expired'); $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('password expired for user ' . $user_auth['user_name']); LogicHook::initialize(); $GLOBALS['logic_hook']->call_custom_logic('Users', 'login_failed'); self::$helperObject->setFaultObject($error); return; } if (!empty($user) && !empty($user->id) && !$user->is_group) { $success = true; global $current_user; $current_user = $user; } } else { if ($usr_id && isset($user->user_name) && $user->getPreference('lockout') == '1') { $error->set_error('lockout_reached'); $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Lockout reached for user ' . $user_auth['user_name']); LogicHook::initialize(); $GLOBALS['logic_hook']->call_custom_logic('Users', 'login_failed'); self::$helperObject->setFaultObject($error); return; } else { if (function_exists('mcrypt_cbc')) { $password = self::$helperObject->decrypt_string($user_auth['password']); if ($authController->login($user_auth['user_name'], $password) && isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_id'])) { $success = true; } } } } if ($success) { session_start(); global $current_user; //$current_user = $user; self::$helperObject->login_success($name_value_list); $current_user->loadPreferences(); $_SESSION['is_valid_session'] = true; $_SESSION['ip_address'] = query_client_ip(); $_SESSION['user_id'] = $current_user->id; $_SESSION['type'] = 'user'; $_SESSION['avail_modules'] = self::$helperObject->get_user_module_list($current_user); $_SESSION['authenticated_user_id'] = $current_user->id; $_SESSION['unique_key'] = $sugar_config['unique_key']; $current_user->call_custom_logic('after_login'); $GLOBALS['log']->info('End: SugarWebServiceImpl->login - succesful login'); $nameValueArray = array(); global $current_language; $nameValueArray['user_id'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('user_id', $current_user->id); $nameValueArray['user_name'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('user_name', $current_user->user_name); $nameValueArray['user_language'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('user_language', $current_language); $cur_id = $current_user->getPreference('currency'); $nameValueArray['user_currency_id'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('user_currency_id', $cur_id); $nameValueArray['user_is_admin'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('user_is_admin', is_admin($current_user)); $nameValueArray['user_default_team_id'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('user_default_team_id', $current_user->default_team); $nameValueArray['user_default_dateformat'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('user_default_dateformat', $current_user->getPreference('datef')); $nameValueArray['user_default_timeformat'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('user_default_timeformat', $current_user->getPreference('timef')); $currencyObject = new Currency(); $currencyObject->retrieve($cur_id); $nameValueArray['user_currency_name'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('user_currency_name', $currencyObject->name); $_SESSION['user_language'] = $current_language; return array('id' => session_id(), 'module_name' => 'Users', 'name_value_list' => $nameValueArray); } LogicHook::initialize(); $GLOBALS['logic_hook']->call_custom_logic('Users', 'login_failed'); $error->set_error('invalid_login'); self::$helperObject->setFaultObject($error); $GLOBALS['log']->info('End: SugarWebServiceImpl->login - failed login'); }
/** * @see DashletGenericChart::display() */ public function display() { global $sugar_config, $current_user; require_once 'include/SugarCharts/SugarChartFactory.php'; $sugarChart = SugarChartFactory::getInstance(); $sugarChart->base_url = array('module' => 'Opportunities', 'action' => 'index', 'query' => 'true', 'searchFormTab' => 'advanced_search'); $sugarChart->url_params = array('assigned_user_id' => $current_user->id); $sugarChart->group_by = $this->constructGroupBy(); $currency_symbol = $sugar_config['default_currency_symbol']; if ($current_user->getPreference('currency')) { $currency = new Currency(); $currency->retrieve($current_user->getPreference('currency')); $currency_symbol = $currency->symbol; } $sugarChart->is_currency = true; $sugarChart->thousands_symbol = translate('LBL_OPP_THOUSANDS', 'Charts'); $subtitle = translate('LBL_OPP_SIZE', 'Charts') . " " . $currency_symbol . "1" . translate('LBL_OPP_THOUSANDS', 'Charts'); $query = $this->constructQuery(); $dataset = $this->constructCEChartData($this->getChartData($query)); $sugarChart->setData($dataset); $total = format_number($this->getHorizBarTotal($dataset), 0, 0, array('convert' => true)); $pipeline_total_string = translate('LBL_TOTAL_PIPELINE', 'Charts') . $sugarChart->currency_symbol . $total . $sugarChart->thousands_symbol; $sugarChart->setProperties($pipeline_total_string, $subtitle, 'horizontal bar chart'); $xmlFile = $sugarChart->getXMLFileName($this->id); $sugarChart->saveXMLFile($xmlFile, $sugarChart->generateXML()); return $this->getTitle('') . '<div align="center">' . $sugarChart->display($this->id, $xmlFile, '100%', '480', false) . '</div><br />' . $this->processAutoRefresh(); }
/** * Log the user into the application * * @param UserAuth array $user_auth -- Set user_name and password (password needs to be * in the right encoding for the type of authentication the user is setup for. For Base * sugar validation, password is the MD5 sum of the plain text password. * @param String $application -- The name of the application you are logging in from. (Currently unused). * @param array $name_value_list -- Array of name value pair of extra parameters. As of today only 'language' and 'notifyonsave' is supported * @return Array - id - String id is the session_id of the session that was created. * - module_name - String - module name of user * - name_value_list - Array - The name value pair of user_id, user_name, user_language, user_currency_id, user_currency_name, * - user_default_team_id, user_is_admin, user_default_dateformat, user_default_timeformat * @exception 'SoapFault' -- The SOAP error, if any */ public function login($user_auth, $application, $name_value_list = array()) { $GLOBALS['log']->info("Begin: SugarWebServiceImpl->login({$user_auth['user_name']}, {$application}, " . print_r($name_value_list, true) . ")"); global $sugar_config, $system_config; $error = new SoapError(); $user = new User(); $success = false; //rrs $system_config = new Administration(); $system_config->retrieveSettings('system'); $authController = new AuthenticationController(!empty($sugar_config['authenticationClass']) ? $sugar_config['authenticationClass'] : 'SugarAuthenticate'); //rrs if (!empty($user_auth['encryption']) && $user_auth['encryption'] === 'PLAIN' && $authController->authController->userAuthenticateClass != "LDAPAuthenticateUser") { $user_auth['password'] = md5($user_auth['password']); } $isLoginSuccess = $authController->login($user_auth['user_name'], $user_auth['password'], array('passwordEncrypted' => true)); $usr_id = $user->retrieve_user_id($user_auth['user_name']); if ($usr_id) { $user->retrieve($usr_id); } if ($isLoginSuccess) { if ($_SESSION['hasExpiredPassword'] == '1') { $error->set_error('password_expired'); $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('password expired for user ' . $user_auth['user_name']); LogicHook::initialize(); $GLOBALS['logic_hook']->call_custom_logic('Users', 'login_failed'); self::$helperObject->setFaultObject($error); return; } if (!empty($user) && !empty($user->id) && !$user->is_group) { $success = true; global $current_user; $current_user = $user; } } else { if ($usr_id && isset($user->user_name) && $user->getPreference('lockout') == '1') { $error->set_error('lockout_reached'); $GLOBALS['log']->fatal('Lockout reached for user ' . $user_auth['user_name']); LogicHook::initialize(); $GLOBALS['logic_hook']->call_custom_logic('Users', 'login_failed'); self::$helperObject->setFaultObject($error); return; } else { if (function_exists('mcrypt_cbc') && $authController->authController->userAuthenticateClass == "LDAPAuthenticateUser" && (empty($user_auth['encryption']) || $user_auth['encryption'] !== 'PLAIN')) { $password = self::$helperObject->decrypt_string($user_auth['password']); $authController->loggedIn = false; // reset login attempt to try again with decrypted password if ($authController->login($user_auth['user_name'], $password) && isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_id'])) { $success = true; } } else { if ($authController->authController->userAuthenticateClass == "LDAPAuthenticateUser" && (empty($user_auth['encryption']) || $user_auth['encryption'] == 'PLAIN')) { $authController->loggedIn = false; // reset login attempt to try again with md5 password if ($authController->login($user_auth['user_name'], md5($user_auth['password']), array('passwordEncrypted' => true)) && isset($_SESSION['authenticated_user_id'])) { $success = true; } else { $error->set_error('ldap_error'); LogicHook::initialize(); $GLOBALS['logic_hook']->call_custom_logic('Users', 'login_failed'); self::$helperObject->setFaultObject($error); return; } } } } } if ($success) { session_start(); global $current_user; //$current_user = $user; self::$helperObject->login_success($name_value_list); $current_user->loadPreferences(); $_SESSION['is_valid_session'] = true; $_SESSION['ip_address'] = query_client_ip(); $_SESSION['user_id'] = $current_user->id; $_SESSION['type'] = 'user'; $_SESSION['avail_modules'] = self::$helperObject->get_user_module_list($current_user); $_SESSION['authenticated_user_id'] = $current_user->id; $_SESSION['unique_key'] = $sugar_config['unique_key']; $GLOBALS['log']->info('End: SugarWebServiceImpl->login - successful login'); $current_user->call_custom_logic('after_login'); $nameValueArray = array(); global $current_language; $nameValueArray['user_id'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('user_id', $current_user->id); $nameValueArray['user_name'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('user_name', $current_user->user_name); $nameValueArray['user_language'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('user_language', $current_language); $cur_id = $current_user->getPreference('currency'); $nameValueArray['user_currency_id'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('user_currency_id', $cur_id); $nameValueArray['user_is_admin'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('user_is_admin', is_admin($current_user)); $nameValueArray['user_default_team_id'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('user_default_team_id', $current_user->default_team); $nameValueArray['user_default_dateformat'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('user_default_dateformat', $current_user->getPreference('datef')); $nameValueArray['user_default_timeformat'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('user_default_timeformat', $current_user->getPreference('timef')); $num_grp_sep = $current_user->getPreference('num_grp_sep'); $dec_sep = $current_user->getPreference('dec_sep'); $nameValueArray['user_number_seperator'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('user_number_seperator', empty($num_grp_sep) ? $sugar_config['default_number_grouping_seperator'] : $num_grp_sep); $nameValueArray['user_decimal_seperator'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('user_decimal_seperator', empty($dec_sep) ? $sugar_config['default_decimal_seperator'] : $dec_sep); $nameValueArray['mobile_max_list_entries'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('mobile_max_list_entries', $sugar_config['wl_list_max_entries_per_page']); $nameValueArray['mobile_max_subpanel_entries'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('mobile_max_subpanel_entries', $sugar_config['wl_list_max_entries_per_subpanel']); $currencyObject = new Currency(); $currencyObject->retrieve($cur_id); $nameValueArray['user_currency_name'] = self::$helperObject->get_name_value('user_currency_name', $currencyObject->name); $_SESSION['user_language'] = $current_language; return array('id' => session_id(), 'module_name' => 'Users', 'name_value_list' => $nameValueArray); } LogicHook::initialize(); $GLOBALS['logic_hook']->call_custom_logic('Users', 'login_failed'); $error->set_error('invalid_login'); self::$helperObject->setFaultObject($error); $GLOBALS['log']->error('End: SugarWebServiceImpl->login - failed login'); }
/** * @see DashletGenericChart::display() */ public function display() { global $current_user, $sugar_config; require_once 'include/SugarCharts/SugarChartFactory.php'; $sugarChart = SugarChartFactory::getInstance(); $sugarChart->base_url = array('module' => 'Opportunities', 'action' => 'index', 'query' => 'true', 'searchFormTab' => 'advanced_search'); //fixing bug #27097: The opportunity list is not correct after drill-down //should send to url additional params: start range value and end range value $sugarChart->url_params = array('start_range_date_closed' => $this->pbss_date_start, 'end_range_date_closed' => $this->pbss_date_end); $sugarChart->group_by = $this->constructGroupBy(); $sugarChart->setData($this->getChartData($this->constructQuery())); $sugarChart->is_currency = true; $sugarChart->thousands_symbol = translate('LBL_OPP_THOUSANDS', 'Charts'); $currency_symbol = $sugar_config['default_currency_symbol']; if ($current_user->getPreference('currency')) { $currency = new Currency(); $currency->retrieve($current_user->getPreference('currency')); $currency_symbol = $currency->symbol; } $subtitle = translate('LBL_OPP_SIZE', 'Charts') . " " . $currency_symbol . "1" . translate('LBL_OPP_THOUSANDS', 'Charts'); $pipeline_total_string = translate('LBL_TOTAL_PIPELINE', 'Charts') . $sugarChart->currency_symbol . format_number($sugarChart->getTotal(), 0, 0, array('convert' => true)) . $sugarChart->thousands_symbol; $sugarChart->setProperties($pipeline_total_string, $subtitle, 'funnel chart 3D'); $xmlFile = $sugarChart->getXMLFileName($this->id); $sugarChart->saveXMLFile($xmlFile, $sugarChart->generateXML()); return $this->getTitle('') . '<div align="center">' . $sugarChart->display($this->id, $xmlFile, '100%', '480', false) . '</div>' . $this->processAutoRefresh(); }