public function translate($phrase, $lang_from = "ru", $lang_to = "en") { $params = ['key' => $this->config['key'], 'text' => $phrase, 'lang' => "{$lang_from}-{$lang_to}"]; $response = json_decode($this->curl->get("api/v1.5/tr.json/translate", $params), true); if ($response['code'] != 200) { throw new Exception($this->error_codes[$this->curl->last_http_code] ?: "Unknown error", $this->curl->last_http_code); } return $response; }
/** * @param Url $url * * @return File * @throws DownloadFailedException */ public function download(Url $url) { $this->output->writeInfo(sprintf('Downloading %s', $url)); $response = $this->curl->get($url); if ($response->getHttpCode() !== 200) { throw new DownloadFailedException(sprintf('Download failed (HTTP status code %s) %s', $response->getHttpCode(), $response->getErrorMessage())); } if (empty($response->getBody())) { throw new DownloadFailedException('Download failed - response is empty'); } return new File($this->getFilename($url), $response->getBody()); }
public function run() { $pageURL = $this->getUrl(); $pageHTML = $this->curl->get($pageURL); $emails = $this->parser->getEmails($pageHTML); $countEmails = count($emails); $URLs = $this->parser->getURLs($pageHTML); $this->model->saveEmails($emails); $this->model->saveURLs($URLs); echo "Download emails from address '{$pageURL}' is complete.\n"; echo "There are {$countEmails} records.\n"; }
/** * @param string $keyId * * @return string * @throws DownloadFailedException */ public function download($keyId) { $params = ['search' => '0x' . $keyId, 'op' => 'get', 'options' => 'mr']; foreach ($this->keyServers as $keyServer) { $this->output->writeInfo(sprintf('Trying %s', $keyServer)); $result = $this->curl->get(new Url($keyServer . self::PATH), $params); if ($result->getHttpCode() == 200) { $this->output->writeInfo('Sucessfully downloaded key'); return $result->getBody(); } $this->output->writeWarning(sprintf('Failed with status code %s: %s', $result->getHttpCode(), $result->getErrorMessage())); } throw new DownloadFailedException(sprintf('Key %s not found on key servers', $keyId)); }
public static function getProblemInfo($problemId) { // 新建一个curl $ch = new Curl(); $url = '' . $problemId; $html = $ch->get($url); if (empty($html) || $ch->error()) { $ch->close(); return false; } $ch->close(); $problemInfo = array(); $matches = array(); // 获取标题 preg_match('/<div class="ptt" lang="en-US">(.*)<\\/div>/sU', $html, $matches); $problemInfo['title'] = ''; if (!empty($matches[1])) { $problemInfo['title'] = trim($matches[1]); } // 获取来源 preg_match('/<a href="searchproblem\\?field=source.*>(.*)<\\/a>/sU', $html, $matches); $problemInfo['source'] = ''; if (!empty($matches[1])) { $problemInfo['source'] = trim($matches[1]); } $problemInfo['problem_id'] = $problemId; $problemInfo['problem_code'] = $problemId; return $problemInfo; }
public function process_user($username, $password, $facility_code) { $curl = new Curl(); $response = array(); //Get Supplier $supplier = $this->get_supplier($facility_code); if ($supplier == "kemsa") { //Use nascop url $url = $this->default_url; $post = array("email" => $username, "password" => $password); $url = $this->default_url . 'sync/user'; $curl->post($url, $post); } else { //Use escm url $curl->setBasicAuthentication($username, $password); $curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); $url = $this->default_url . 'user/' . $username; $curl->get($url); } //Handle Response if ($curl->error) { $response['error'] = TRUE; $response['content'] = array($curl->error_code); } else { $response['error'] = FALSE; $response['content'] = json_decode($curl->response, TRUE); } return json_encode($response); }
public function getAllGroups() { $url = $this->apiUrl . "/cgi-bin/groups/get?access_token={$this->access_token}"; $content = Curl::get($url); $result = json_decode($content, true); return $this->get($result); }
function get($url, $get = array()) { $curl = Curl::get($url, $get); $curl->option(array(CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION => true, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR => $this->cookie, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => $this->header, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 100)); $r = $curl->call(); return $r->raw_body; }
public function total() { $url = $this->apiUrl . "/cgi-bin/material/get_materialcount?access_token={$this->access_token}"; $content = Curl::get($url); $result = json_decode($content, true); return $this->get($result); }
public function getUserLists($next_openid = '') { $url = $this->apiUrl . "/cgi-bin/user/get?access_token={$this->access_token}&next_openid={$next_openid}"; $content = Curl::get($url); $result = json_decode($content, true); return $this->get($result); }
function testValidatedSsl() { $curl = new Curl(); $curl->setValidateSsl(true); $response = $curl->get(''); $this->assertEquals(200, $response->headers['Status-Code']); }
function test_error() { assert_throws('CurlException', function () { $curl = new Curl(); $curl->get(''); }); }
public static function getProblemInfo($problemId) { // 新建一个curl $ch = new Curl(); $url = '' . $problemId; $html = $ch->get($url); if (empty($html) || $ch->error()) { $ch->close(); return false; } $ch->close(); $problemInfo = array(); $matches = array(); // 获取标题 preg_match('/<td align=center><h1 style=\'color:#1A5CC8\'>(.*)<\\/h1>/sU', $html, $matches); $problemInfo['title'] = ''; if (!empty($matches[1])) { $problemInfo['title'] = trim($matches[1]); $problemInfo['title'] = iconv('GBK', 'UTF-8', $problemInfo['title']); } // 获取来源 preg_match('/>Source.*<a.*\\/search.php.*>(.*)<\\/a>/sU', $html, $matches); $problemInfo['source'] = ''; if (!empty($matches[1])) { $problemInfo['source'] = trim($matches[1]); $problemInfo['source'] = iconv('GBK', 'UTF-8', $problemInfo['source']); } $problemInfo['problem_id'] = $problemId; $problemInfo['problem_code'] = $problemId; return $problemInfo; }
public function expressTakeDetail($userID) { $curl = new Curl(); $expressTakeDetail = $curl->get($this->url['expressTakeUser'] . "?userID=" . $userID); $expressListUsers = $curl->get($this->url['expressListUsers']); foreach ($expressTakeDetail as $key => &$takeDetail) { $createUserID = $takeDetail->express_create_user_id; $fromUserID = $takeDetail->express_from_user_id; $toUserID = $takeDetail->express_to_user_id; $takeDetail->express_create_user_id_attr = $expressListUsers->{$createUserID}; $takeDetail->express_from_user_id_attr = $expressListUsers->{$fromUserID}; $takeDetail->express_to_user_id_attr = $expressListUsers->{$toUserID}; $takeDetail->express_take_status_attr = self::$error[$takeDetail->express_take_status]; } return $expressTakeDetail; }
public function get_link() { // Check Captcha $response = file_get_contents("" . Input::get('g-recaptcha-response')); $obj = json_decode($response); if ($obj->success == false) { echo 'Captcha error'; exit; } else { libxml_use_internal_errors(true); require_once app_path('Libraries/Curl.php'); $url = Input::get('url'); $url = str_replace("http://", "https://", $url); // step 1: Login $curl = new \Curl(); $curl->get(''); $session_id = $curl->getCookie('session_id'); $doc = new \DOMDocument(); $doc->loadHTML($curl->response); $xpath = new \DOMXpath($doc); $array = $xpath->query("//*[@id='login-form']//*[@name='fs_csrf']"); foreach ($array as $value) { $fs_csrf = $value->getAttribute('value'); } $curl->setCookie('session_id', $session_id); $curl->post('', array("fs_csrf" => $fs_csrf, "LoginForm[email]" => "*****@*****.**", "LoginForm[password]" => "7508286", "LoginForm[rememberMe]" => "0", "yt0" => "Đăng nhập")); $session_id = $curl->getCookie('session_id'); $curl->setCookie('session_id', $session_id); $curl->post('', array("fs_csrf" => $fs_csrf, "LoginForm[email]" => "*****@*****.**", "LoginForm[password]" => "7508286", "LoginForm[rememberMe]" => "0", "yt0" => "Đăng nhập")); echo "Step 1: Login - Done !!! <br>"; // step 2: Get link download $curl->get($url); $doc = new \DOMDocument(); $doc->loadHTML($curl->response); $xpath = new \DOMXpath($doc); $array = $xpath->query("//*[@id='download-form']/div[1]/input"); foreach ($array as $value) { $fs_csrf = $value->getAttribute('value'); } $split_url = explode('/', $url); $curl->post('', array("fs_csrf" => $fs_csrf, "DownloadForm[pwd]" => "", "DownloadForm[linkcode]" => end($split_url), "ajax" => "download-form", "undefined" => "undefined")); echo "Step 2: Get Link Download - Done !!! <br><br>"; echo "URL: " . @$curl->response->url; return redirect()->away($curl->response->url); } // END IF CHECK RECAPTCHA }
public function testError() { $this->curl->setOpt(CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS, 2000); $this->curl->get(''); $this->assertTrue($this->curl->error === TRUE); $this->assertTrue($this->curl->curl_error === TRUE); $this->assertTrue($this->curl->curl_error_code === CURLE_OPERATION_TIMEOUTED); }
function __scrapeTVShow($url, $offset=0, $count=12) { if ($this->stats) { $this->stats->start('', "$url"); } $curl = new Curl(); $html = $curl->get($url); if (!$html) { return false; } $dom = new DOMDocument(); @$dom->loadHTML($html); // Suppress warnings - odds are there are PLENTY! $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); $nodes = $xpath->query("//h1"); $seasons = array(); foreach ($nodes as $header) { // Scrape IMDB info (name, id, metainfo) $name = $header->nodeValue; # and starts-with(@href, '')", $header); $imdblinks = $xpath->query(".//a[@class='iframe' and starts-with(@href, '')]", $header); $metaInfo = array(); foreach ($imdblinks as $imdblink) { $imdblink = $imdblink->attributes->getNamedItem('href')->nodeValue; if (preg_match('|/title/(tt[0-9]+)|', $imdblink, $matches)) { $id = $matches[1]; $metaInfo = $this->metahandler->getMetaInfo($id); $metaInfo['id'] = $id; } break; } $metaInfo['name'] = $name; // Scrape seasons $nodes = $xpath->query("//span[@class='list']/h4|//span[@class='list']/a[@href and starts-with(@href, '/ip.php')]"); $season = FALSE; foreach ($nodes as $node) { // Should be both h4 and a nodes. if ($node->nodeName == 'h4') { if ($season) { $seasons[] = $season; } $season = array('name' => $node->nodeValue, 'episodes' => array()); } else if ($node->nodeName == 'a' && $season) { $episode = array('name' => $node->nodeValue, 'url' => $node->attributes->getNamedItem('href')->nodeValue); $season['episodes'][] = $episode; } } if ($season) { $seasons[] = $season; } break; } $data = array('show' => $metaInfo, 'seasons' => $seasons, 'count' => sizeof($nodes)); $this->pagecache->cacheMovies($url, 0, 0, $data); if ($this->stats) { $this->stats->end(''); } return $data; }
/** * Returns a MetaInfo object. **/ function getMetaInfo($id) { if ($this->stats) { $this->stats->start('tmdb', "getMetaInfo, $id"); } $curl = new Curl(); // TODSELECT, ROUND(s1.microtime/1000) 'sec', COUNT(*), MIN(s2.microtime), AVG(s2.microtime), MAX(s2.microtime) FROM `icerss_stats` s1, `icerss_stats` s2 WHERE = GROUP BY, secO: protect against injections? $jsonData = $curl->get('' . $this->api_key . '/' . $id); $data = json_decode($jsonData, true); if (!$data) { return False; } $data = $data[0]; $genres = array(); if (array_key_exists('genres', $data)) { foreach ($data['genres'] as $genre) { $genres[] = $genre['name']; } } // [0.0 - 10.0] -> 0-5 $rating = floatval($data['rating']) / 2; $writers = preg_split(COMMA, $data->Writer); $actors = preg_split(COMMA, $data->Actors); $plot = array('en' => $data['overview']); $poster = 'N/A'; if (array_key_exists('posters', $data)) { foreach ($data['posters'] as $img) { if ($img['image']['size'] == 'cover') { $poster = $img['image']['url']; break; } } } $runtime = intval($data['runtime']); // Minutes $runtime = intval(floor($runtime / 60)) . ' hr ' . ($runtime % 60) . ' mins'; $year = $data['released']; if (strlen($year) > 4) { $year = substr($year, 0, 4); } $tmdb = $data['id']; // TODO: Fetch director, writers + actors if ($this->stats) { $this->stats->end('tmdb'); } return array( 'id' => $id, 'title' => $data['name'], 'year' => $year, 'genres' => $genres, 'plot' => $plot, 'poster' => $poster, 'runtime' => $runtime, 'rating' => $rating, 'director' => '', 'writers' => array(), 'actors' => array() ); }
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $this->app = $this->getApplication(); $curl = new \Curl(); $response = $curl->get(''); if ($response->headers['Status-Code'] != 200) { $output->writeln('GitHub has failed with :' . $response->headers['Status-Code']); } $output->writeln($response->body); }
/** Error checking */ function latest_version() { // only run the version check once per session if (($version = Session::get('latest_version')) === false) { // returns plain text string with version number or 0 on failure. $version = floatval(Curl::get('')); Session::set('latest_version', $version); } return $version; }
/** * 获得用户信息 * */ public function get_user_info($code) { $this->config->load('oauth_qq'); $curl = new Curl(); $access_token = $this->get_access_token($code); $open_id = $this->get_open_id($access_token); $url = ''; $postdata = array('access_token' => $access_token, 'oauth_consumer_key' => $this->config->item('api_key'), 'openid' => $open_id); $response = $curl->get($url, $postdata); return $response; }
public function testHeader() { $c = new Curl(); $c->init(); // testing out of app, so have to initialize manually $result = $c->get(''); $json = json_decode($result); $this->assertEquals($json->key, 'value'); $headers = $c->getHeaders(); $this->assertContains('HTTP/1.1 200 OK', $headers); }
public function snsapiUserinfo() { $data = $this->request('snsapi_userinfo'); if ($data !== FALSE) { $url = "" . $data['access_token'] . "&openid=" . $data['openid'] . "&lang=zh_CN"; $d = Curl::get($url); $res = $this->get(json_decode($d, TRUE)); return isset($data['errcode']) ? FALSE : $res; } return FALSE; }
public function checkConnection() { //Check Internet Connection $curl = new Curl(); $url = ""; $curl->get($url); if ($curl->error) { echo json_encode('0'); } else { echo json_encode('1'); } }
public static function ip($ip) { $url = '' . $ip; $curl = new Curl(); $curl->setHeader("apikey", "29ddcb64dbe2f42764115b28941d2154"); $curl->get($url); $curl->close(); if ($curl->error) { echo 'Error: ' . $curl->errorCode . ': ' . $curl->errorMessage; } else { return $curl->response; } }
public function testResponse() { $url = 'foo-bar'; $options = [[CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE], [CURLOPT_HEADER, TRUE]]; $request = $this->getMockWithoutInvokingTheOriginalConstructor(Request::class); $response = $this->getMockWithoutInvokingTheOriginalConstructor(Response::class); $requestFactory = $this->getRequestFactory(); $requestFactory->expects($this->once())->method('create')->with($url, $options)->willReturn($request); $responseFactory = $this->getResponseFactory(); $responseFactory->expects($this->once())->method('create')->with($request)->willReturn($response); $curl = new Curl($url); $curl->setRequestFactory($requestFactory); $curl->setResponseFactory($responseFactory); $this->assertSame($response, $curl->get()); }
/** * Execute * Currently only support json * * @param string $output preferred output json|xml (default:json) * * @throws \CurlException * @throws \BadMethodCallException * @return \CurlResponse|false */ public function execute($output = 'json') { if ($this->getLocation() === null) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('location must be set location before execution'); } $endpoint = self::ENDPOINT . $output; $param = array('key' => $this->getKey(), 'location' => $this->getLocation(), 'radius' => $this->getRadius(), 'sensor' => $this->getSensor()); $param += $this->getOptParams(); $curl = new \Curl(); $response = json_decode($curl->get($endpoint, $param)->body); if ($response !== null && $response->status == 'OK') { return $response; } else { throw new \CurlException('Error to execute API', 500); } }
private function getMore($value, $id) { $pattern = '/<span\\s+class="code">(\\d+)<\\/span>/'; $allId = array(); for ($page = 1; $page < 200; $page++) { $url = "{$id}&rs=SYL_3Y&sort=SYL_3Y&sorttype=desc&pageindex={$page}"; $html = Curl::get($url); if (empty(trim($html))) { self::log("{$id} Total Page : " . ($page - 1)); break; } self::log("Get {$id} At Page {$page} Ok"); if (preg_match_all($pattern, $html, $matches)) { $allId = array_merge($allId, $matches[1]); } } return $allId; }
public function getPage($url, $i = 1) { $curl = new Curl(); //$curl->get($url, array(), $this->proxy); $curl->get($url, array()); $curl->setUserAgent($this->getUserAgent()); echo $curl->http_status_code . "\n"; if (200 == $curl->http_status_code) { $body = $curl->response; $findme = 'nid="' . $this->nid . '"'; //echo $findme . "\n"; //var_dump(strpos($body, $findme)); //echo "\n"; if (strpos($body, $findme)) { return $i; } else { if ($i >= 20) { return -1; } //sleep(); //$begin = microtime(true); $nextPagePattern = "/<\\/a><a href=\"\\/(.*?)\" class=\"page-next\" trace='srp_select_pagedown'>/i"; #$nextPagePattern = "/<a href=\"\/([_-=\.\?%&a-z0-9]+?)\" class=\"page-next\" trace='srp_select_pagedown'>/i"; preg_match_all($nextPagePattern, $body, $match); //$end = microtime(true); //echo "cost time: " . ($end - $begin); //echo "\n"; //echo strpos($body, 'page-next'); //echo $body; if (!$match[1][0]) { print_r($match); return -1; } $url = $this->taobaoSearchBaseUrl . $match[1][0]; $sleepSecond = rand(2, 4); sleep($sleepSecond); $i++; echo $i . " not found\n"; return $this->getPage($url, $i); } } }
/** * @biref 将网络文件上传到CDN源,非UTF-8的文本页面可能会出现乱码 * @param string $url 网络文件的url * @param int $id 标识用户id,默认0 * @param string $ext 文件的扩展名,$ext = 'jpg',如果不指定的话,会从url的扩展名中获取 * @return string cdnKey cdnKey * @exception Exception */ public static function uploadRemoteFile($url, $id = 0, $ext = '') { // 获取扩展名 $path = Url::getPath($url); if (empty($ext) && strpos($path, '.')) { $arr = explode('.', $path); $ext = end($arr); } $ossClient = self::getOssClient(); $cdnKey = self::makeKey($id, $ext); // 获取content type $contentType = ''; if (!empty($ext)) { $mimeTypes = Response::getMimeTypes(); $contentType = $mimeTypes[$ext]; } $curl = new Curl(); $ossClient->putObject(array('Bucket' => CdnConfig::BUCKET_NAME, 'Key' => $cdnKey, 'Content' => $curl->get($url), 'ContentEncoding' => GlobalConfig::CONTENT_CHARSET, 'ContentType' => $contentType)); return $cdnKey; }