    if (!$bUploadError) {
        // get ZIP folder and MD5 has to store in hidden form fields
        // these are used if the form is resubmitted (options changed) to prevent the
        // need to re-upload the ZIP file
        $oTemplate->Set('zipFolder', $oCssSpriteGen->GetZipFolder());
        $oTemplate->Set('zipFolderHash', $oCssSpriteGen->GetZipFolderHash());
    // if no form or upload errors then get parameters for sprite image
    if (!$bFormError && !$bUploadError) {
        $oTemplate->Set('filename', $oCssSpriteGen->GetSpriteFilename());
        $oTemplate->Set('hash', $oCssSpriteGen->GetSpriteHash());
        $oTemplate->Set('css', $oCssSpriteGen->GetCss());
        $oTemplate->Set('validImages', $oCssSpriteGen->ValidImages());
    } else {
        $oTemplate->Set('validImages', false);
    // pass error flags to template
    $oTemplate->Set('formError', $bFormError);
    $oTemplate->Set('uploadError', $bUploadError);
// get all errors
$aFormErrors = $oCssSpriteGen->GetAllErrors();
// pass data to template
$oTemplate->Set('title', $oTranslations->Get('page.title.home'));
$oTemplate->Set('maxFileSize', (int) ConfigHelper::Get('/upload/max_file_size'));
$oTemplate->Set('imageTypes', TemplateFunctions::ConvertArrayToMulti($oCssSpriteGen->GetImageTypes()));
$oTemplate->Set('formPosted', $bFormPosted);
$oTemplate->Set('formErrors', $aFormErrors);
$oTemplate->Set('useApi', !empty($_GET['use-api']));
$oTemplate->Set('functions', new TemplateFunctions($bFormPosted, $aFormErrors));
  * Grabs background images with no-repeat attribute from css and merge them in one file called a sprite.
  * Css is updated with sprite url and correct background positions for affected images.
  * Sprite saved in {Joomla! base}/images/jch-optimize/
  * @param string $sCss       Aggregated css file before sprite generation
  * @param string $sLnEnd     Document line end
  * @return string           Css updated with sprite information on success. Original css on failure
 protected function generateSprite($sCss, $sLnEnd)
     if (extension_loaded('imagick') && extension_loaded('exif')) {
         $sImageLibrary = 'imagick';
     } else {
         if (!extension_loaded('gd') || !extension_loaded('exif')) {
             return $sCss;
         $sImageLibrary = 'gd';
     $iMinMaxImages = $this->params->get('csg_min_max_images', 0);
     $sDelStart = '~';
     $sRegexStart = '(?:(?<=^|})
     $sRegexMin = '|(?:\\s0)|(?:\\s\\d{1,5}(?:%|in|(?:c|m)m|e(?:m|x)|p(?:t|c|x)))){1,2}[^;]*?;)';
     $sRegexMax = '|(?:\\s[1-9]\\d{0,4}(?:%|in|(?:c|m)m|e(?:m|x)|p(?:t|c|x)))){1,2}[^;]*?;)';
     $sRegexEnd = ')[^}])*?})';
     $sDelEnd = '~sx';
     $aIncludeImages = $this->getArray($this->params->get('csg_include_images'));
     $aExcludeImages = $this->getArray($this->params->get('csg_exclude_images'));
     $sIncImagesRegex = '';
     if (!empty($aIncludeImages[0]) && !$iMinMaxImages) {
         foreach ($aIncludeImages as $sIncImage) {
             $sIncImage = str_replace('.', '\\.', $sIncImage);
             $sIncImagesRegex .= '|(?:(?<=^|})([^{]+?){[^}]+?(url\\(([^}]+?' . $sIncImage . ')[^}]*?\\))[^}]*?})';
     $sExImagesRegex = '';
     if (!empty($aExcludeImages[0]) && $iMinMaxImages) {
         foreach ($aExcludeImages as $sExImage) {
             $sExImage = str_replace('.', '\\.', $sExImage);
             $sExImagesRegex .= '|(?:\\b' . $sExImage . ')';
     $sMinMaxRegex = $iMinMaxImages ? $sRegexMax : $sRegexMin;
     $sRegex = $sDelStart . $sRegexStart . $sMinMaxRegex . $sExImagesRegex . $sRegexEnd . $sIncImagesRegex . $sDelEnd;
     $iResult = preg_match_all($sRegex, $sCss, $aMatches);
     if ($iResult <= 0) {
         return $sCss;
     require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'cache' . DS . 'css-sprite-gen.inc.php';
     $aDeclaration = $aMatches[2];
     $aImages = $aMatches[4];
     $aFormValues = array();
     $aFormValues['wrap-columns'] = $this->params->get('csg_wrap_images', 'off');
     $aFormValues['build-direction'] = $this->params->get('csg_direction', 'vertical');
     $aFormValues['image-output'] = $this->params->get('csg_file_output', 'PNG');
     $oSpriteGen = new CssSpriteGen($sImageLibrary, $aFormValues);
     $aImageTypes = $oSpriteGen->GetImageTypes();
     $aSpriteCss = $oSpriteGen->GetCssBackground();
     $aNeedles = array();
     $aReplacements = array();
     $sImageSelector = '';
     $sBaseUrl = JURI::base(true);
     $sBaseUrl = $sBaseUrl == '/' ? $sBaseUrl : $sBaseUrl . '/';
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($aSpriteCss); $i++) {
         if (@$aSpriteCss[$i]) {
             $aNeedles[] = $aDeclaration[$i];
                         (?:[^;]*?);~ix', $aDeclaration[$i], $aBgColor);
                             )\\s(?:(?:[^;]+?)?;)~ix', $aDeclaration[$i], $aBgAttach);
             $sBgImage = 'url(' . $sBaseUrl . 'images/jch-optimize/' . $oSpriteGen->GetSpriteFilename() . ')';
             $sBackground = 'background: ' . @$aBgColor[1] . ' ' . $sBgImage . ' ' . @$aBgAttach[1] . ' ' . $aSpriteCss[$i] . ' no-repeat; ';
             $sDecUnique = preg_replace('~background[^;]+?;~sx', '', $aDeclaration[$i]);
             $aReplacements[] = str_replace('{', '{' . $sLnEnd . $sBackground, $sDecUnique);
     $sCss = str_replace($aNeedles, $aReplacements, $sCss);
     //$sCss    =   $sImageSelector.'{background-image:'.$sBgImage.');}'.$sCss;
     return $sCss;