  * @group delete-private
 public function testDeletePrivateKey()
     $keyId = '*****@*****.**';
     $expectedKeys = array();
     // {{{ first-keypair@example.com
     $key = new Crypt_GPG_Key();
     $expectedKeys[] = $key;
     $userId = new Crypt_GPG_UserId();
     $userId->setName('First Keypair Test Key');
     $userId->setComment('do not encrypt important data with this key');
     $subKey = new Crypt_GPG_SubKey();
     $subKey->setUsage(Crypt_GPG_SubKey::USAGE_SIGN | Crypt_GPG_SubKey::USAGE_CERTIFY);
     $subKey = new Crypt_GPG_SubKey();
     // }}}
     $keys = $this->gpg->getKeys($keyId);
     $this->assertEquals($expectedKeys, $keys);
  * @group generate-key
 public function testGenerateKeyWithExpirationDate()
     if (!$this->config['enable-key-generation']) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('Key generation tests are disabled. To run key generation ' . 'tests, enable them in the test configuration. See the ' . 'configuration in \'config.php.dist\' for an exampe.');
     // {{{ generate-test@example.com
     $expectedKey = new Crypt_GPG_Key();
     $userId = new Crypt_GPG_UserId();
     $userId->setName('Test Keypair');
     $subKey = new Crypt_GPG_SubKey();
     // truncated to day
     $subKey = new Crypt_GPG_SubKey();
     // truncated to day
     // }}}
     $key = $this->generator->setExpirationDate(2000000000)->generateKey(new Crypt_GPG_UserId('Test Keypair <*****@*****.**>'));
     $this->assertKeyEquals($expectedKey, $key);
  * @group fluent
 public function testFluentInterface()
     $subKey = new Crypt_GPG_SubKey();
     $returnedSubKey = $subKey->setId('8C37DBD2A01B7976');
     $this->assertEquals($subKey, $returnedSubKey, 'Failed asserting fluent interface works for setId() method.');
     $subKey = new Crypt_GPG_SubKey();
     $returnedSubKey = $subKey->setAlgorithm(Crypt_GPG_SubKey::ALGORITHM_DSA);
     $this->assertEquals($subKey, $returnedSubKey, 'Failed asserting fluent interface works for setAlgorithm() method.');
     $subKey = new Crypt_GPG_SubKey();
     $returnedSubKey = $subKey->setFingerprint('8D2299D9C5C211128B32BBB0C097D9EC94C06363');
     $this->assertEquals($subKey, $returnedSubKey, 'Failed asserting fluent interface works for setFingerprint() ' . 'method.');
     $subKey = new Crypt_GPG_SubKey();
     $returnedSubKey = $subKey->setLength(2048);
     $this->assertEquals($subKey, $returnedSubKey, 'Failed asserting fluent interface works for setLength() method.');
     $subKey = new Crypt_GPG_SubKey();
     $returnedSubKey = $subKey->setCreationDate(1234567890);
     $this->assertEquals($subKey, $returnedSubKey, 'Failed asserting fluent interface works for setCreationDate() ' . 'method.');
     $subKey = new Crypt_GPG_SubKey();
     $returnedSubKey = $subKey->setExpirationDate(1234567890);
     $this->assertEquals($subKey, $returnedSubKey, 'Failed asserting fluent interface works for setExpirationDate() ' . 'method.');
     $subKey = new Crypt_GPG_SubKey();
     $returnedSubKey = $subKey->setCanSign(true);
     $this->assertEquals($subKey, $returnedSubKey, 'Failed asserting fluent interface works for setCanSign() method.');
     $subKey = new Crypt_GPG_SubKey();
     $returnedSubKey = $subKey->setCanEncrypt(true);
     $this->assertEquals($subKey, $returnedSubKey, 'Failed asserting fluent interface works for setCanEncrypt() ' . 'method.');
     $subKey = new Crypt_GPG_SubKey();
     $returnedSubKey = $subKey->setHasPrivate(true);
     $this->assertEquals($subKey, $returnedSubKey, 'Failed asserting fluent interface works for setHasPrivate() ' . 'method.');
     $subKey = new Crypt_GPG_SubKey();
     $returnedSubKey = $subKey->setRevoked(true);
     $this->assertEquals($subKey, $returnedSubKey, 'Failed asserting fluent interface works for setRevoked() method.');