
//path to  the CreateDocx class within your PHPDocX installation
require_once '../../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
$footnote = new WordFragment($docx, 'document');
$footnote->addFootnote(array('textDocument' => 'footnote', 'textFootnote' => 'The footnote we want to insert.'));
$text = array();
$text[] = array('text' => 'Here comes the ');
$text[] = $footnote;
$text[] = array('text' => ' and some other text.');
$docx->addText('Some other text.');

//path to  the CreateDocx class within your PHPDocX installation
require_once '../../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
//You should include the relative path to the image you want to use as background
//add a paragraph of text
$docx->addText('Please, use a discrete background image so the text is easily readable.');
$docx->addText('This one is pretty annoying but it illustrates well the functionality :-)');

//path to  the CreateDocx class within your PHPDocX installation
require_once '../../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
//Style options
$style = array('color' => '999999', 'border' => 'single', 'borderLeft' => 'double', 'borderColor' => '990000', 'borderRightColor' => '000099', 'borderWidth' => 12, 'borderTopWidth' => 24, 'indentLeft' => 920);
//Create custom style
$docx->createParagraphStyle('myStyle', $style);
//insert a paragraph with that style
$text = 'A paragraph in grey color with borders. All borders are red but the right one that is blue. ';
$text .= 'The general border style is single but the left border that is double. The top border is also thicker. ';
$text .= 'We also include big left indentation.';
$docx->addText($text, array('pStyle' => 'myStyle'));
 * Sets the default language of the document.
 * @category   Phpdocx
 * @package    examples
 * @subpackage easy
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) Narcea Producciones Multimedia S.L.
 *             (http://www.2mdc.com)
 * @license    LGPL
 * @version    3.0
 * @link       http://www.phpdocx.com
 * @since      File available since Release 3.0
require_once '../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
$docx->AddText('Este documento tiene el español de España como idioma por defecto (The default document language has been set to Spanish-Spain).');

//path to  the CreateDocx class within your PHPDocX installation
require_once '../../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
$docx->addText('We will now add a 3D line chart with a title to the Word document:');
$data = array('legend' => array('Series 1', 'Series 2', 'Series 3'), 'data 1' => array(10, 7, 5), 'data 2' => array(20, 60, 3), 'data 3' => array(50, 33, 7), 'data 4' => array(25, 0, 14));
$paramsChart = array('data' => $data, 'type' => 'line3DChart', 'title' => 'Three dimensional line chart', 'color' => '2', 'perspective' => '30', 'rotX' => '30', 'rotY' => '30', 'font' => 'Arial', 'chartAlign' => 'center', 'showTable' => 0, 'sizeX' => '12', 'sizeY' => '10', 'legendPos' => 't', 'legendOverlay' => '0', 'haxLabel' => 'Horizontal label', 'vaxLabel' => 'Vertical label', 'haxLabelDisplay' => 'horizontal', 'vaxLabelDisplay' => 'horizontal', 'hgrid' => '3', 'vgrid' => '1');
$docx->addText('And now the same chart in 2D with a different color schem and options:');
$data = array('legend' => array('Series 1', 'Series 2', 'Series 3'), 'data 1' => array(10, 7, 5), 'data 2' => array(20, 60, 3), 'data 3' => array(50, 33, 7), 'data 4' => array(25, 0, 14));
$paramsChart = array('data' => $data, 'type' => 'lineChart', 'color' => '5', 'chartAlign' => 'center', 'showTable' => 0, 'sizeX' => '12', 'sizeY' => '10', 'legendPos' => 'b', 'legendOverlay' => '0', 'haxLabel' => 'X Axis', 'vaxLabel' => 'Y Axis', 'haxLabelDisplay' => 'horizontal', 'vaxLabelDisplay' => 'vertical', 'hgrid' => '3', 'vgrid' => '1');
$docx->addList($myList, array('val' => 1));
$valuesTable = array(array('cell_1_1', 'cell_1_2', 'cell_1_3', 'cell_1_4'), array('cell_2_1', 'cell_2_2', 'cell_2_3', 'cell_2_4'), array('cell_3_1', 'cell_3_2', 'cell_3_3', 'cell_3_4'));
$paramsTable = array('TBLSTYLEval' => 'MediumGrid3-accent5PHPDOCX');
$docx->addTable($valuesTable, $paramsTable);
$myHTML = '<br /><p style="font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11pt">We include a table with rowspans and colspans using the embedHTML method.</p>
<table style="font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11pt">
	  <td>header 1</td>
	  <td>header 2</td>
	  <td>header 3</td>
	  <td>header 4</td>
	  <td rowspan="2" colspan="2">cell_1_1</td>
$docx->embedHTML($myHTML, array('tableStyle' => 'MediumGrid3-accent5PHPDOCX'));
$docx->embedHTML($myHTML, array('tableStyle' => 'MediumGrid3-accent5PHPDOCX'));
$text = 'We are going to locate three pictures in a row just below this text. And we are going to use Trebuchet MS font to change a little bit :-)';
$paramsText = array('font' => 'Trebuchet MS');
$docx->addText($text, $paramsText);
$images = array('../img/image.png', '../img/image.png', '../img/image.png');
$wordImages = array();
foreach ($images as $image) {
    $paramsImg = array('name' => $image, 'dpi' => 120, 'scaling' => 90, 'spacingTop' => 10, 'spacingBottom' => 10, 'spacingLeft' => 10, 'spacingRight' => 10, 'textWrap' => 1);
    array_push($wordImages, $docx->addElement('addImage', $paramsImg));
$paramsTable = array('TBLSTYLEval' => 'NormalTablePHPDOCX');
$valuesTable = array($wordImages);
$docx->addTable($valuesTable, $paramsTable);
$legends = array('legend' => array('sequence 1', 'sequence 2', 'sequence 3'), 'Category 1' => array(9.300000000000001, 2.4, 2), 'Category 2' => array(8.5, 4.4, 1), 'Category 3' => array(6.5, 1.8, 0.5), 'Category 4' => array(8.5, 3, 1), 'Category 5' => array(6, 5, 2.6));
$args = array('data' => $legends, 'type' => 'colBar', 'title' => 'Chart with table', 'sizeX' => 15, 'sizeY' => 15, 'legendPos' => 't', 'border' => 1, 'vgrid' => 1, 'showtable' => 1);

//path to  the CreateDocx class within your PHPDocX installation
require_once '../../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
$text = 'Some text content for the textbox. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, ' . 'sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut ' . 'enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut' . 'aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit ' . 'in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.';
$textBoxOptions = array('align' => 'right', 'paddingLeft' => 10, 'borderColor' => '#b70000', 'borderWidth' => 4, 'fillColor' => '#dddddd', 'width' => 240);
$docx->addTextBox($text, $textBoxOptions);

//path to  the CreateDocx class within your PHPDocX installation
require_once '../../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
$footnote = new WordFragment($docx, 'document');
$html = new WordFragment($docx, 'footnote');
//notice the different "target"
$htmlCode = '<p>This is some HTML code with a link to <a href="http://www.2mdc.com">2mdc.com</a> and a random image: 
<img src="../../img/image.png" width="35" height="35" style="vertical-align: middle"></p>';
$html->embedHTML($htmlCode, array('downloadImages' => true));
$footnote->addFootnote(array('textDocument' => 'footnote', 'textFootnote' => $html, 'footnoteMark' => array('customMark' => '*')));
$text = array();
$text[] = array('text' => 'Here comes the ');
$text[] = $footnote;
$text[] = array('text' => ' and some other text.');
$docx->addText('Some other text.');
	  <td rowspan="2" colspan="2">cell_1_1</td>
$docx->embedHTML($myHTML, array('tableStyle' => 'MediumGrid3-accent5PHPDOCX'));
$text = 'We are going to locate three pictures in a row just below this text. And we are going to use Trebuchet MS font to change a little bit :-)';
$paramsText = array('font' => 'Trebuchet MS');
$docx->addText($text, $paramsText);
$images = array('../img/image.png', '../img/image.png', '../img/image.png');
$wordImages = array();
foreach ($images as $image) {
    $paramsImg = array('name' => $image, 'dpi' => 120, 'scaling' => 90, 'spacingTop' => 10, 'spacingBottom' => 10, 'spacingLeft' => 10, 'spacingRight' => 10, 'textWrap' => 1);
    array_push($wordImages, $docx->addElement('addImage', $paramsImg));
$paramsTable = array('TBLSTYLEval' => 'NormalTablePHPDOCX');
$valuesTable = array($wordImages);
$docx->addTable($valuesTable, $paramsTable);

 * Inserts a simple table into the Word document.
 * @category   Phpdocx
 * @package    examples
 * @subpackage easy
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) Narcea Producciones Multimedia S.L.
 *             (http://www.2mdc.com)
 * @license    LGPL
 * @version    3.0
 * @link       http://www.phpdocx.com
 * @since      File available since Release 3.0
require_once '../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
$valuesTable = array(array(11, 12), array(21, 22));
$paramsTable = array('border' => 'single', 'border_sz' => 20);
$docx->addTable($valuesTable, $paramsTable);
  * Exports the complete report as a DOCX file
  * @return	boolean		False on error
  * @todo use unoconv
 public function exportCompleteReportDOC($data)
     $_course = api_get_course_info();
     $filename = 'gb_results_' . $_course['code'] . '_' . gmdate('YmdGis');
     $filepath = api_get_path(SYS_ARCHIVE_PATH) . $filename;
     //build the results
     $inc = api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'phpdocx/classes/CreateDocx.inc';
     require_once api_get_path(LIBRARY_PATH) . 'phpdocx/classes/CreateDocx.inc';
     $docx = new CreateDocx();
     $paramsHeader = array('font' => 'Courrier', 'jc' => 'left', 'textWrap' => 5);
     $docx->addHeader(get_lang('FlatView'), $paramsHeader);
     $params = array('font' => 'Courrier', 'border' => 'single', 'border_sz' => 20);
     $lines = 0;
     $values[] = implode("\t", $data[0]);
     foreach ($data[1] as $line) {
         $values[] = implode("\t", $line);
     //$data = array();
     //$docx->addTable($data, $params);
     $docx->addList($values, $params);
     //$docx->addFooter('', $paramsHeader);
     $paramsPage = array('orient' => 'landscape');
     $docx->createDocx($filepath, $paramsPage);
     //output the results
     $data = file_get_contents($filepath . '.docx');
     $len = strlen($data);
     //header("Content-type: application/vnd.ms-word");
     header('Content-type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document');
     //header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
     header('Content-length: ' . $len);
     header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$filename}.docx\"");
     header('Expires: 0');
     header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0,pre-check=0');
     header('Pragma: public');
     echo $data;
     return true;

//path to  the CreateDocx class within your PHPDocX installation
require_once '../../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
$docx->addText('In this first example we just add an image with a dashed border:');
$options = array('src' => '../../img/image.png', 'imageAlign' => 'center', 'scaling' => 50, 'spacingTop' => 10, 'spacingBottom' => 0, 'spacingLeft' => 0, 'spacingRight' => 20, 'textWrap' => 0, 'borderStyle' => 'lgDash', 'borderWidth' => 6, 'borderColor' => 'FF0000');
$docx->addText('This is a closing paragraph.');

 * Create a DOCX file. Two charts in the same DOCX
 * @category   Phpdocx
 * @package    examples
 * @subpackage intermediate
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Narcea Producciones Multimedia S.L.
 *             (http://www.2mdc.com)
 * @license    LGPL
 * @version    2.0
 * @link       http://www.phpdocx.com
 * @since      File available since Release 2.0
require_once '../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
$legends = array('legend1' => array(10, 11, 12), 'legend2' => array(0, 1, 2), 'legend3' => array(40, 41, 42));
$args = array('data' => $legends, 'type' => 'pie3DChart', 'title' => 'Title first chart', 'cornerX' => 20, 'cornerY' => 20, 'cornerP' => 30, 'color' => 2, 'textWrap' => 0, 'sizeX' => 10, 'sizeY' => 10, 'jc' => 'left', 'showPercent' => 1, 'font' => 'Times New Roman');
$legends = array('0' => array('sequence 1', 'sequence 2', 'sequence 3'), 'Category 1' => array(9.300000000000001, 2.4, 2), 'Category 2' => array(2.5, 4.4, 1), 'Category 3' => array(3.5, 1.8, 0.5), 'Category 4' => array(1.5, 8, 1));
$args = array('data' => $legends, 'type' => 'colChart', 'title' => 'Title second chart', 'color' => 2, 'textWrap' => 0, 'sizeX' => 17, 'sizeY' => 7, 'jc' => 'center', 'font' => 'Arial');

//path to  the CreateDocx class within your PHPDocX installation
require_once '../../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
//create a Word fragment with an image
$image = new WordFragment($docx);
$imageOptions = array('src' => '../../img/image.png', 'scaling' => 50, 'float' => 'right', 'textWrap' => 1);
//create a Word fragment with a link
$link = new WordFragment($docx);
$linkOptions = array('url' => 'http://www.google.es', 'color' => '0000FF', 'underline' => 'single');
$link->addLink('link to Google', $linkOptions);
//create a Word fragment with a footnote
$footnote = new WordFragment($docx);
$footnote->addFootnote(array('textDocument' => 'here it is', 'textFootnote' => 'This is the footnote text.'));
//now we insert the different runs of text with created content and some text
$text = array();
$text[] = $image;
$text[] = array('text' => 'I am going to write a link: ', 'bold' => true);
$text[] = $link;
$text[] = array('text' => ' to illustrate how to include links. ');
$text[] = array('text' => ' As you may see it is extremely simple to do so and it can be done with any other Word element. For example to include  a footnote is also as simple as this: ');
$text[] = $footnote;
$text[] = array('text' => ' , as you may check there is a footnote at the bootom of the page. ', 'color' => 'B70000');

 * Insert an unordered list into a Word document.
 * @category   Phpdocx
 * @package    examples
 * @subpackage easy
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) Narcea Producciones Multimedia S.L.
 *             (http://www.2mdc.com)
 * @license    LGPL
 * @version    3.0
 * @link       http://www.phpdocx.com
 * @since      File available since Release 3.0
require_once '../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
$valuesList = array('Line 1', 'Line 2', 'Line 3', 'Line 4', 'Line 5');
$paramsList = array('val' => 1);
$docx->addList($valuesList, $paramsList);

//path to  the CreateDocx class within your PHPDocX installation
require_once '../../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
//Custom options
$latinListOptions = array();
$latinListOptions[0]['type'] = 'lowerLetter';
$latinListOptions[0]['format'] = '%1.';
$latinListOptions[1]['type'] = 'lowerRoman';
$latinListOptions[1]['format'] = '%1.%2.';
//Create the list style with name: latin
$docx->createListStyle('latin', $latinListOptions);
//List items
$myList = array('item 1', array('subitem 1.1', 'subitem 1.2'), 'item 2');
//Insert custom list into the Word document
$docx->addList($myList, 'latin');
//Save the Word document
 * Tutorial example
 * @category   Phpdocx
 * @package    tutorial
 * @subpackage easy
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Narcea Producciones Multimedia S.L.
 *             (http://www.2mdc.com)
 * @license    http://www.phpdocx.com/wp-content/themes/lightword/pro_license.php
 * @version    1.8
 * @link       http://www.phpdocx.com
 * @since      01/03/2012
require_once '../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
$text = array();
$text[] = array('text' => 'I am going to write');
$text[] = array('text' => ' Hello World!', 'b' => 'single');
$text[] = array('text' => ' using bold characters.');

 * Create a DOCX file. Page example
 * @category   Phpdocx
 * @package    examples
 * @subpackage easy
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Narcea Producciones Multimedia S.L.
 *             (http://www.2mdc.com)
 * @license    LGPL
 * @version    2.0
 * @link       http://www.phpdocx.com
 * @since      File available since Release 2.0
require_once '../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
$text = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, ' . 'sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut ' . 'enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut' . 'aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit ' . 'in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. ' . 'Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui ' . 'officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.';
$paramsPage = array('titlePage' => 1, 'orient' => 'normal', 'top' => 4000, 'bottom' => 4000, 'right' => 4000, 'left' => 4000);
$docx->createDocx('example_page', $paramsPage);

require_once '../../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();

 * Create a DOCX file. Table of contents example
 * @category   Phpdocx
 * @package    examples
 * @subpackage easy
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Narcea Producciones Multimedia S.L.
 *             (http://www.2mdc.com)
 * @license    LGPL
 * @version    2.0
 * @link       http://www.phpdocx.com
 * @since      File available since Release 2.0
require_once '../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$objDocx = new CreateDocx();

//path to  the CreateDocx class within your PHPDocX installation
require_once '../../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
//Create a Word fragment with an image to be inserted in the header of the document
$imageOptions = array('src' => '../../img/image.png', 'dpi' => 300);
$headerImage = new WordFragment($docx, 'defaultHeader');
$docx->addHeader(array('default' => $headerImage));
//add some text
$docx->addText('This document has a header with just one image.');

//path to  the CreateDocx class within your PHPDocX installation
require_once '../../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
//parse styles of the default template

//path to  the CreateDocx class within your PHPDocX installation
require_once '../../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
$text = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, ' . 'sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut ' . 'enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut' . 'aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit ' . 'in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. ' . 'Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui ' . 'officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.';
$paramsText = array('b' => true);
$docx->addText($text, $paramsText);
$docx->addSection('nextPage', 'A3');
$paramsText = array('b' => true);
$docx->addText($text, $paramsText);

//path to  the CreateDocx class within your PHPDocX installation
require_once '../../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
$docx->addHeading('First level title', 0);
$text = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, ' . 'sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.';
$docx->addHeading('Second level title', 1);
$options = array('color' => 'FF0000', 'textAlign' => 'center', 'fontSize' => 13);
$docx->addHeading('Third level title with additional custom formatting', 2, $options);

//path to  the CreateDocx class within your PHPDocX installation
require_once '../../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
$endnote = new WordFragment($docx, 'document');
$endnote->addEndnote(array('textDocument' => 'endnote', 'textEndnote' => 'The endnote we want to insert.'));
$text = array();
$text[] = array('text' => 'Here comes the ');
$text[] = $endnote;
$text[] = array('text' => ' and some other text.');
$docx->addText('Some other text.');
		<mfenced open="[" close="]">
$docx->addMathEquation($mathML, 'mathmml');
$text = array();
$text[] = array('text' => 'The same equation inline: ');
$math = new WordFragment($docx);
$math->addMathEquation($mathML, 'mathml');
$text[] = $math;

//path to  the CreateDocx class within your PHPDocX installation
require_once '../../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
$docx->addText('We are now going to add a paragraph by inserting a chunk of WordML code.');
$wordML = '<w:p><w:r><w:t>A very simple paragraph with only text.</w:t></w:r></w:p>';
$docx->addText('Beaware that this is not, in general, a recommendable practice unless you are truly familiar with the OOXML standard.');

//path to  the CreateDocx class within your PHPDocX installation
require_once '../../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
//create a Word fragment to insdert in the default header
$numbering = new WordFragment($docx, 'defaultHeader');
//sert some formatting options
$options = array('textAlign' => 'right', 'bold' => true, 'sz' => 14, 'color' => 'B70000');
$numbering->addPageNumber('numerical', $options);
$docx->addHeader(array('default' => $numbering));
//Now we include a couple of pages to better illustrate the example
$docx->addText('This is the first page.');
$docx->addBreak(array('type' => 'page'));
$docx->addText('This is the second page.');
$docx->addBreak(array('type' => 'page'));
$docx->addText('This is the third page.');

 * Create a DOCX file. List example
 * @category   Phpdocx
 * @package    examples
 * @subpackage easy
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2009-2011 Narcea Producciones Multimedia S.L.
 *             (http://www.2mdc.com)
 * @license    LGPL
 * @version    2.0
 * @link       http://www.phpdocx.com
 * @since      File available since Release 2.0
require_once '../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
$valuesList = array('Line 1', 'Line 2', 'Line 3', 'Line 4', 'Line 5');
$paramsList = array('val' => 1);
$docx->addList($valuesList, $paramsList);