public static function fonts()
     if (self::$fonts == NULL) {
         self::$fonts = new CrayonFonts();
     return self::$fonts;
 public static function admin_scripts()
     $themes_ = CrayonResources::themes()->get();
     $themes = array();
     foreach ($themes_ as $theme) {
         $themes[$theme->id()] = $theme->name();
     $settings = array('themes' => $themes, 'themes_url' => plugins_url(CRAYON_THEME_DIR, dirname(dirname(__FILE__))));
     wp_localize_script('crayon_theme_editor', 'CrayonThemeEditorSettings', $settings);
 public static function font($editor = FALSE)
     $db_font = self::$options[CrayonSettings::FONT];
     // Theme name from db
     if (!array_key_exists(CrayonSettings::FONT, self::$options)) {
         $db_font = '';
     $fonts_array = CrayonResources::fonts()->get_array();
     self::dropdown(CrayonSettings::FONT, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, $fonts_array);
     echo '<span class="crayon-span-5"></span>';
     echo '<a href="" target="_blank">', crayon__('Add More'), '</a>';
     echo '<span class="crayon-span-10"></span>';
     self::checkbox(array(CrayonSettings::FONT_SIZE_ENABLE, crayon__('Custom Font Size') . ' '), FALSE);
     self::textbox(array('id' => CrayonSettings::FONT_SIZE, 'size' => 2));
     echo '<span class="crayon-span-margin">', crayon__('Pixels'), '</span></br>';
     if (!CrayonResources::fonts()->is_loaded($db_font) || !CrayonResources::fonts()->exists($db_font)) {
         // Default font doesn't actually exist as a file, it means do not override default theme font
         echo '<span class="crayon-error">', sprintf(crayon__('The selected font with id %s could not be loaded'), '<strong>' . $db_font . '</strong>'), '. </span><br/>';
     if ($editor) {
     echo '<div style="height:10px;"></div>';
     self::checkbox(array(CrayonSettings::ENQUEUE_FONTS, crayon__('Enqueue fonts in the header (more efficient).') . self::help_button('')));
 public static function crayon_font_css()
     global $CRAYON_VERSION;
     $css = CrayonResources::fonts()->get_used_css();
     foreach ($css as $font_id => $url) {
         wp_enqueue_style('crayon-font-' . $font_id, $url, array(), $CRAYON_VERSION);
<div id="crayon-te-content">

$crayon_root_te = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
require_once $crayon_root_te . '/crayon_wp.class.php';
require_once CrayonWP::wp_load_path();
require_once CRAYON_TE_PHP;
require_once CRAYON_PARSER_PHP;
$langs = CrayonParser::parse_all();
$curr_lang = CrayonGlobalSettings::val(CrayonSettings::FALLBACK_LANG);
$themes = CrayonResources::themes()->get();
$curr_theme = CrayonGlobalSettings::val(CrayonSettings::THEME);
$fonts = CrayonResources::fonts()->get();
$curr_font = CrayonGlobalSettings::val(CrayonSettings::FONT);
class CrayonTEContent
    public static function select_resource($id, $resources, $current, $set_class = TRUE)
        $id = CrayonSettings::PREFIX . $id;
        if (count($resources) > 0) {
            $class = $set_class ? 'class="' . CrayonSettings::SETTING . ' ' . CrayonSettings::SETTING_SPECIAL . '"' : '';
            echo '<select id="' . $id . '" name="' . $id . '" ' . $class . ' ' . CrayonSettings::SETTING_ORIG_VALUE . '="' . $current . '">';
            foreach ($resources as $resource) {
                $asterisk = $current == $resource->id() ? ' *' : '';
                echo '<option value="' . $resource->id() . '" ' . selected($current, $resource->id()) . ' >' . $resource->name() . $asterisk . '</option>';
            echo '</select>';
        } else {
            // None found, default to text box
 function language_detect()
     // Attempt to detect the language
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $this->log("The language '{$id}' could not be loaded.");
     $this->language = CrayonResources::langs()->detect($this->url, $this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::FALLBACK_LANG));

$crayon_root_theme_editor = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));
require_once $crayon_root_theme_editor . '/crayon_wp.class.php';
require_once CrayonWP::wp_load_path();
$theme = CrayonResources::themes()->get_default();
$editing = false;
if (isset($_GET['curr_theme'])) {
    $theme = CrayonResources::themes()->get($_GET['curr_theme']);
if (isset($_GET['editing'])) {
    $editing = CrayonUtil::str_to_bool($_GET['editing'], FALSE);
// var_dump($_GET);
// var_dump($theme);
// var_dump($editing);

<div id="icon-options-general" class="icon32"><br>
<h2>Crayon Syntax Highlighter <?php 
crayon_e('Theme Editor');

if ($editing) {
    echo sprintf(crayon__('Editing "%s" Theme'), $theme->name());
} else {
    echo sprintf(crayon__('Creating Theme From "%s"'), $theme->name());
 public static function delim_to_internal($matches)
     // Mark as mixed so we can show (+)
     $capture_group = count($matches) - 2;
     $capture_groups = array_keys(self::$delimiters);
     $lang_id = $capture_groups[$capture_group];
     if (($lang = CrayonResources::langs()->get($lang_id)) === NULL) {
         return $matches[0];
     $internal = sprintf('{{crayon-internal:%d}}', count(self::$delim_pieces));
     // TODO fix
     self::$delim_pieces[] = CrayonFormatter::format_code($matches[0], $lang, self::$curr);
     return $internal;
    public static function content()
        $langs = CrayonLangs::sort_by_name(CrayonParser::parse_all());
        $curr_lang = CrayonGlobalSettings::val(CrayonSettings::FALLBACK_LANG);
        $themes = CrayonResources::themes()->get();
        $curr_theme = CrayonGlobalSettings::val(CrayonSettings::THEME);
        $fonts = CrayonResources::fonts()->get();
        $curr_font = CrayonGlobalSettings::val(CrayonSettings::FONT);

    <div id="crayon-te-content" class="crayon-te">
        <div id="crayon-te-bar">
            <div id="crayon-te-bar-content">
                <div id="crayon-te-title">Title</div>
                <div id="crayon-te-controls">
                    <a id="crayon-te-ok" href="#"><?php 
</a> <span
                        class="crayon-te-seperator">|</span> <a id="crayon-te-cancel"

        <table id="crayon-te-table" class="describe">
            <tr class="crayon-tr-center">
                <td class="crayon-nowrap"><?php 
        self::textbox('title', array('placeholder' => crayon__('A short description')));
                    <span id="crayon-te-sub-section"> <?php 
                        <span class="crayon-te-section"><?php 
			</span> <span id="crayon-te-sub-section"> <?php 
                        <span class="crayon-te-section"><?php 
        crayon_e("Don't Highlight");
            <tr class="crayon-tr-center">
                <td class="crayon-nowrap"><?php 
        self::select_resource('lang', $langs, $curr_lang);
                    <span class="crayon-te-section"><?php 
        crayon_e('Line Range');
        self::textbox('range', array('placeholder' => crayon__('(e.g. 3-5 or 3)')));
                    <span class="crayon-te-section"><?php 
        crayon_e('Marked Lines');
        self::textbox('mark', array('placeholder' => crayon__('(e.g. 1,2,3-5)')));
            <tr class="crayon-tr-center" style="text-align: center;">
                    <input type="button" id="crayon-te-clear"
                           class="secondary-primary" value="<?php 
                <td><textarea id="crayon-code" name="code"
        crayon_e('Paste your code here, or type it in manually.');
            <tr class="crayon-tr-center">
                <th id="crayon-url-th"><?php 
        self::textbox('url', array('placeholder' => crayon__('Relative local path or absolute URL')));
                    <div id="crayon-te-url-info" class="crayon-te-info">
        crayon_e("If the URL fails to load, the code above will be shown instead. If no code exists, an error is shown.");
        echo ' ';
        printf(crayon__('If a relative local path is given it will be appended to %s - which is defined in %sCrayon &gt; Settings &gt; Files%s.'), '<span class="crayon-te-quote">' . get_home_url() . '/' . CrayonGlobalSettings::val(CrayonSettings::LOCAL_PATH) . '</span>', '<a href="options-general.php?page=crayon_settings" target="_blank">', '</a>');
                <td id="crayon-te-submit-wrapper" colspan="2"
                    style="text-align: center;"><?php 
            <!--		<tr>-->
            <!--			<td colspan="2"><div id="crayon-te-warning" class="updated crayon-te-info"></div></td>-->
            <!--		</tr>-->
                <td colspan="2"><?php 
        $admin = isset($_GET['is_admin']) ? intval($_GET['is_admin']) : is_admin();
        if (!$admin && !CrayonGlobalSettings::val(CrayonSettings::TAG_EDITOR_SETTINGS)) {
                        <h2 class="crayon-te-heading">
                    <div id="crayon-te-settings-info" class="crayon-te-info">
        crayon_e('Change the following settings to override their global values.');
        echo ' <span class="', CrayonSettings::SETTING_CHANGED, '">';
        crayon_e('Only changes (shown yellow) are applied.');
        echo '</span><br/>';
        echo sprintf(crayon__('Future changes to the global settings under %sCrayon &gt; Settings%s won\'t affect overridden settings.'), '<a href="options-general.php?page=crayon_settings" target="_blank">', '</a>');
        $sections = array('Theme', 'Font', 'Metrics', 'Toolbar', 'Lines', 'Code');
        foreach ($sections as $section) {
            echo '<tr><th>', crayon__($section), '</th><td>';
            call_user_func('CrayonSettingsWP::' . strtolower($section), TRUE);
            echo '</td></tr>';

 public static function validate_regex($regex, $element)
     if (is_string($regex) && @get_class($element) == CRAYON_ELEMENT_CLASS) {
         // If the (?alt) tag has been used, insert the file into the regex
         $file = self::regex_match('#\\(\\?alt:(.+?)\\)#', $regex);
         if (count($file) == 2) {
             // Element 0 has full match, 1 has captured groups
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($file[1]); $i++) {
                 $file_lines = CrayonUtil::lines(dirname($element->path()) . crayon_s() . $file[1][$i], 'rcwh');
                 if ($file_lines !== FALSE) {
                     $file_lines = implode('|', $file_lines);
                     // If any spaces exist, treat them as whitespace
                     $file_lines = preg_replace('#[ \\t]+#msi', '\\s+', $file_lines);
                     $regex = str_replace($file[0][$i], "(?:{$file_lines})", $regex);
                 } else {
                     CrayonLog::syslog("Parsing of '{$element->path()}' failed, an (?alt) tag failed for the element '{$element->name()}'");
                     return FALSE;
         // If the (?default:element) function is used, replace the regex with the default, if exists
         $def = self::regex_match('#\\(\\?default(?:\\:(\\w+))?\\)#', $regex);
         if (count($def) == 2) {
             // Load default language
             $default = CrayonResources::langs()->get(CrayonLangs::DEFAULT_LANG);
             // If default has not been loaded, we can't use it, skip the element
             if (!$default) {
                 CrayonLog::syslog("Could not use default regex in the element '{$element->name()}' in '{$element->path()}'");
                 return FALSE;
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($def[1]); $i++) {
                 // If an element has been provided
                 $element_name = !empty($def[1][$i]) ? $def[1][$i] : $element->name();
                 if (($default_element = $default->element($element_name)) != FALSE) {
                     $regex = str_replace($def[0][$i], '(?:' . $default_element->regex() . ')', $regex);
                 } else {
                     CrayonLog::syslog("The language at '{$element->path()}' referred to the Default Language regex for element '{$element->name()}', which did not exist.");
                     return FALSE;
         // If the (?html) tag is used, escape characters in html (<, > and &)
         $html = self::regex_match('#\\(\\?html:(.+?)\\)#', $regex);
         if (count($html) == 2) {
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($html[1]); $i++) {
                 $regex = str_replace($html[0][$i], htmlentities($html[1][$i]), $regex);
         // Ensure all parenthesis are atomic to avoid conflicting with element matches
         $regex = CrayonUtil::esc_atomic($regex);
         // Escape #, this is our delimiter
         $regex = CrayonUtil::esc_hash($regex);
         // Test if regex is valid
         if (@preg_match("#{$regex}#", '') === FALSE) {
             CrayonLog::syslog("The regex for the element '{$element->name()}' in '{$element->path()}' is not valid.");
             return FALSE;
         return $regex;
     } else {
         return '';
 public static function submit()
     global $CRAYON_EMAIL;
     $id = $_POST['id'];
     $message = $_POST['message'];
     $dir = CrayonResources::themes()->dirpath_for_id($id);
     $dest = $dir . 'tmp';
     if (is_dir($dir) && CrayonResources::themes()->exists($id)) {
         try {
             $zipFile = CrayonUtil::createZip($dir, $dest, TRUE);
             $result = CrayonUtil::emailFile(array('to' => $CRAYON_EMAIL, 'from' => get_bloginfo('admin_email'), 'subject' => 'Theme Editor Submission', 'message' => $message, 'file' => $zipFile));
             if ($result) {
                 echo 1;
             } else {
                 echo -3;
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             CrayonLog::syslog($e->getMessage(), "THEME SUBMIT");
             echo -2;
     } else {
         echo -1;
 function language($id = NULL)
     if ($id === NULL || !is_string($id)) {
         return $this->language;
     if (($lang = CrayonResources::langs()->get($id)) != FALSE || ($lang = CrayonResources::langs()->alias($id)) != FALSE) {
         // Set the language if it exists or look for an alias
         $this->language = $lang;
     } else {
         // Attempt to detect the language
         if (!empty($id)) {
             $this->log("The language '{$id}' could not be loaded.");
         $this->language = CrayonResources::langs()->detect($this->url, $this->setting_val(CrayonSettings::FALLBACK_LANG));
     // Prepare the language for use, even if we have no code, we need the name
        $_GET[$key] = CrayonSettings::validate($key, $value);
if (!isset($crayon_preview_dont_override_get) || !$crayon_preview_dont_override_get) {
    $settings = array(CrayonSettings::TOP_SET => TRUE, CrayonSettings::TOP_MARGIN => 10, CrayonSettings::BOTTOM_SET => FALSE, CrayonSettings::BOTTOM_MARGIN => 0);
// Print the theme CSS
$theme_id = $crayon->setting_val(CrayonSettings::THEME);
if ($theme_id != NULL) {
    echo CrayonResources::themes()->get_css($theme_id);
$font_id = $crayon->setting_val(CrayonSettings::FONT);
if ($font_id != NULL) {
    echo CrayonResources::fonts()->get_css($font_id);
// Load custom code based on language
$lang = $crayon->setting_val(CrayonSettings::FALLBACK_LANG);
$path = crayon_pf(dirname(__FILE__) . '/sample/' . $lang . '.txt', FALSE);
if ($lang && @file_exists($path)) {
} else {
    $code = "\r\n// A sample class\r\nclass Human {\r\n\tprivate int age = 0;\r\n\tpublic void birthday() {\r\n\t\tage++;\r\n\t\tprint('Happy Birthday!');\r\n\t}\r\n}\r\n";
$crayon->title('Sample Code');
$crayon->output($highlight = true, $nums = true, $print = true);
echo '</div>';