/** * Ajax request to comment submission * @param sfWebRequest $request */ public function executeAjaxCommentSubmission(sfWebRequest $request) { if ($request->isMethod(sfRequest::POST)) { if (!$request->hasParameter("my_comment") || trim($request->getParameter("my_comment")) == "") { echo "Comment cannot be empty."; } elseif (!$request->hasParameter("term")) { echo "Must choose a term."; } elseif (!$request->hasParameter("year")) { echo "Must choose a year."; } elseif (!$request->hasParameter("security") || trim($request->getParameter("security")) == "") { echo "Must type in the security string."; } else { // first, check for security string $code = $_SESSION['securityImage']; if (trim($request->getParameter("security")) != $code) { echo "Security string does not match."; return sfView::NONE; } // second, get the course object $id = $request->getParameter("id"); $conn = Propel::getConnection(); $courseObj = CoursePeer::retrieveByPK($id, $conn); if (!is_object($courseObj)) { echo "Error with comment submission. Please try again later."; return sfView::NONE; } // third, check for spam $c = new Criteria(); $year = $request->getParameter("year"); $term = $request->getParameter("term"); $crit = $c->getNewCriterion(CourseCommentPeer::APPLIES_TO, $year . $term); $c->addAnd($crit); $_list = $courseObj->getCourseComments($c, $conn, true); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; //FIXME i have disabled spam checking because computers in the computer lab might all have the same ip /*$isSpam = false; foreach ($_list as $commentObj){ if ($commentObj->getIp() == $ip){ $isSpam = true; break; } } if ($isSpam){ echo "You cannot comment on the same semester twice!"; return sfView::NONE; }*/ // now we can save try { $_comment = trim($request->getParameter("my_comment")); $date = date(skuleadminConst::TIMESTAMP_FORMAT); $newComment = new CourseComment(); $newComment->setComment($_comment); $newComment->setAppliesTo($year . $term); $newComment->setApproved(0); $newComment->setCourse($courseObj); $newComment->setIp($ip); $newComment->setInputDt($date); $newComment->save($conn); // send notification $msg = "A new comment on [course=" . $courseObj->getId() . "; term=" . $year . $term . "] has been submitted by " . $ip . " on " . $date . ".\n\n"; $msg .= "Below is the main body of the comment:\n\n" . $_comment; $msg .= "\n\nPlease access the siteadmin module: http://courses.skule.ca/siteadmin to approve the submission."; helperFunctions::sendEmailNotice("Comment Submission", $msg); echo "Submission successful. Pending moderator review.\n <script type='text/javascript'>eval(\"document.getElementById('commentInputBtns').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('commentSuccessBtns').style.display='block';\")</script>"; return sfView::NONE; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Error with comment submission. Please try again later."; helperFunctions::sendEmailNotice("Comment Submission Error", $e->getMessage()); return sfView::NONE; } } } return sfView::NONE; }