public static function cp_mp_order_notification_body($content, $order) { if ('3.0' === self::get_base() && !is_object($order) && !empty($order)) { $order = new MP_Order($order); } if (cp_get_order_course_id($order->ID)) { $course_id = cp_get_order_course_id($order->ID); $course = new Course($course_id); $tags = array('CUSTOMER_NAME', 'BLOG_NAME', 'LOGIN_ADDRESS', 'WEBSITE_ADDRESS', 'COURSE_ADDRESS', 'COURSE_TITLE', 'ORDER_ID', 'ORDER_STATUS_URL'); $course_title = ''; $course_address = ''; $order_name = ''; $tracking_url = ''; switch (self::get_base()) { case '3.0': $cart = $order->get_cart(); $items = $cart->get_items(); $order_post = get_post($order->ID); $course_title = ''; $course_address = ''; $order_name = $order->get_meta('mp_billing_info->first_name') . ' ' . $order->get_meta('mp_billing_info->last_name'); $counter = 0; foreach ($items as $product_id => $qty) { $counter += 1; $course_id = (int) get_post_meta($product_id, 'course_id', true); $course_title .= get_post_field('post_title', $course_id); $course_address .= get_permalink($course_id); if (count($items) > 0 && $counter !== count($items)) { $course_title .= ', '; $course_address .= ', '; } } $tracking_url = apply_filters('wpml_marketpress_tracking_url', mp_orderstatus_link(false, true) . $order_post->post_title . '/'); break; case '2.0': $order_name = $order->mp_shipping_info['name']; $course_address = $course->get_permalink(); $course_title = $course->details->post_title; $tracking_url = apply_filters('wpml_marketpress_tracking_url', mp_orderstatus_link(false, true) . $order->post_title . '/'); break; } $tags_replaces = array($order_name, get_bloginfo(), cp_student_login_address(), home_url(), $course_address, $course_title, $order->ID, $tracking_url); $message = coursepress_get_mp_order_content_email(); $message = str_replace($tags, $tags_replaces, $message); add_filter('wp_mail_from', 'my_mail_from_function', 99); if (!function_exists('my_mail_from_function')) { function my_mail_from_function($email) { return coursepress_get_mp_order_from_email(); } } add_filter('wp_mail_from_name', 'my_mail_from_name_function', 99); if (!function_exists('my_mail_from_name_function')) { function my_mail_from_name_function($name) { return coursepress_get_mp_order_from_name(); } } return $message; } else { return $content; } }
function course_signup($atts) { ob_start(); $allowed = array('signup', 'login'); extract(shortcode_atts(array('page' => isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : '', 'failed_login_text' => __('Invalid login.', 'cp'), 'failed_login_class' => 'red', 'logout_url' => '', 'signup_tag' => 'h3', 'signup_title' => __('Signup', 'cp'), 'login_tag' => 'h3', 'login_title' => __('Login', 'cp'), 'signup_url' => '', 'login_url' => '', 'redirect_url' => ''), $atts, 'course_signup')); $failed_login_text = sanitize_text_field($failed_login_text); $failed_login_class = sanitize_html_class($failed_login_class); $logout_url = esc_url_raw($logout_url); $signup_tag = sanitize_html_class($signup_tag); $signup_title = sanitize_text_field($signup_title); $login_tag = sanitize_html_class($login_tag); $login_title = sanitize_text_field($login_title); $signup_url = esc_url_raw($signup_url); $redirect_url = esc_url_raw($redirect_url); $page = in_array($page, $allowed) ? $page : 'signup'; $signup_prefix = empty($signup_url) ? '&' : '?'; $login_prefix = empty($login_url) ? '&' : '?'; $signup_url = empty($signup_url) ? CoursePress::instance()->get_signup_slug(true) : $signup_url; $login_url = empty($login_url) ? CoursePress::instance()->get_login_slug(true) : $login_url; if (!empty($redirect_url)) { $signup_url = $signup_url . $signup_prefix . 'redirect_url=' . urlencode($redirect_url); $login_url = $login_url . $login_prefix . 'redirect_url=' . urlencode($redirect_url); } if (!empty($_POST['redirect_url'])) { $signup_url = CoursePress::instance()->get_signup_slug(true) . '?redirect_url=' . $_POST['redirect_url']; $login_url = CoursePress::instance()->get_login_slug(true) . '?redirect_url=' . $_POST['redirect_url']; } //Set a cookie now to see if they are supported by the browser. setcookie(TEST_COOKIE, 'WP Cookie check', 0, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN); if (SITECOOKIEPATH != COOKIEPATH) { setcookie(TEST_COOKIE, 'WP Cookie check', 0, SITECOOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN); } //Set a redirect for the logout form if (!empty($logout_url)) { update_option('cp_custom_login_url', $logout_url); } $form_message = ''; $form_message_class = ''; // Attempt a login if submitted if (isset($_POST['log']) && isset($_POST['pwd'])) { $auth = wp_authenticate_username_password(null, $_POST['log'], $_POST['pwd']); if (!is_wp_error($auth)) { // if( defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX ) { cp_write_log('doing ajax'); } $user = get_user_by('login', $_POST['log']); $user_id = $user->ID; wp_set_current_user($user_id); wp_set_auth_cookie($user_id); if (!empty($redirect_url)) { wp_redirect(urldecode($redirect_url)); } else { wp_redirect(CoursePress::instance()->get_student_dashboard_slug(true)); } exit; } else { $form_message = $failed_login_text; $form_message_class = $failed_login_class; } } switch ($page) { case 'signup': if (!is_user_logged_in()) { if (cp_user_can_register()) { ?> <?php $form_message_class = ''; $form_message = ''; $student = new Student(0); if (isset($_POST['student-settings-submit'])) { check_admin_referer('student_signup'); $min_password_length = apply_filters('coursepress_min_password_length', 6); $student_data = array(); $form_errors = 0; do_action('coursepress_before_signup_validation'); if ($_POST['username'] != '' && $_POST['first_name'] != '' && $_POST['last_name'] != '' && $_POST['email'] != '' && $_POST['password'] != '' && $_POST['password_confirmation'] != '') { if (!username_exists($_POST['username'])) { if (!email_exists($_POST['email'])) { if ($_POST['password'] == $_POST['password_confirmation']) { if (!preg_match("#[0-9]+#", $_POST['password']) || !preg_match("#[a-zA-Z]+#", $_POST['password']) || strlen($_POST['password']) < $min_password_length) { $form_message = sprintf(__('Your password must be at least %d characters long and have at least one letter and one number in it.', 'cp'), $min_password_length); $form_message_class = 'red'; $form_errors++; } else { if ($_POST['password_confirmation']) { $student_data['user_pass'] = $_POST['password']; } else { $form_message = __("Passwords don't match", 'cp'); $form_message_class = 'red'; $form_errors++; } } } else { $form_message = __('Passwords don\'t match', 'cp'); $form_message_class = 'red'; $form_errors++; } $student_data['role'] = 'student'; $student_data['user_login'] = $_POST['username']; $student_data['user_email'] = $_POST['email']; $student_data['first_name'] = $_POST['first_name']; $student_data['last_name'] = $_POST['last_name']; if (!is_email($_POST['email'])) { $form_message = __('E-mail address is not valid.', 'cp'); $form_message_class = 'red'; $form_errors++; } if (isset($_POST['tos_agree'])) { if ($_POST['tos_agree'] == '0') { $form_message = __('You must agree to the Terms of Service in order to signup.', 'cp'); $form_message_class = 'red'; $form_errors++; } } if ($form_errors == 0) { if ($student_id = $student->add_student($student_data) !== 0) { //$form_message = __( 'Account created successfully! You may now <a href="' . ( get_option( 'use_custom_login_form', 1 ) ? trailingslashit( site_url() . '/' . $this->get_login_slug() ) : wp_login_url() ) . '">log into your account</a>.', 'cp' ); //$form_message_class = 'regular'; $email_args['email_type'] = 'student_registration'; $email_args['student_id'] = $student_id; $email_args['student_email'] = $student_data['user_email']; $email_args['student_first_name'] = $student_data['first_name']; $email_args['student_last_name'] = $student_data['last_name']; $email_args['student_username'] = $student_data['user_login']; $email_args['student_password'] = $student_data['user_pass']; coursepress_send_email($email_args); $creds = array(); $creds['user_login'] = $student_data['user_login']; $creds['user_password'] = $student_data['user_pass']; $creds['remember'] = true; $user = wp_signon($creds, false); if (is_wp_error($user)) { $form_message = $user->get_error_message(); $form_message_class = 'red'; } // if( defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX ) { cp_write_log('doing ajax'); } if (isset($_POST['course_id']) && is_numeric($_POST['course_id'])) { $course = new Course($_POST['course_id']); wp_redirect($course->get_permalink()); } else { if (!empty($redirect_url)) { wp_redirect(apply_filters('coursepress_redirect_after_signup_redirect_url', $redirect_url)); } else { wp_redirect(apply_filters('coursepress_redirect_after_signup_url', CoursePress::instance()->get_student_dashboard_slug(true))); } } exit; } else { $form_message = __('An error occurred while creating the account. Please check the form and try again.', 'cp'); $form_message_class = 'red'; } } } else { $form_message = __('Sorry, that email address is already used!', 'cp'); $form_message_class = 'error'; } } else { $form_message = __('Username already exists. Please choose another one.', 'cp'); $form_message_class = 'red'; } } else { $form_message = __('All fields are required.', 'cp'); $form_message_class = 'red'; } } else { $form_message = __('All fields are required.', 'cp'); } ?> <?php //ob_start(); if (!empty($signup_title)) { echo '<' . $signup_tag . '>' . $signup_title . '</' . $signup_tag . '>'; } ?> <p class="form-info-<?php echo apply_filters('signup_form_message_class', sanitize_text_field($form_message_class)); ?> "><?php echo apply_filters('signup_form_message', sanitize_text_field($form_message)); ?> </p> <?php do_action('coursepress_before_signup_form'); ?> <form id="student-settings" name="student-settings" method="post" class="student-settings"> <?php do_action('coursepress_before_all_signup_fields'); ?> <input type="hidden" name="course_id" value="<?php esc_attr_e(isset($_GET['course_id']) ? $_GET['course_id'] : ' '); ?> "/> <input type="hidden" name="redirect_url" value="<?php echo $redirect_url; ?> "/> <label> <?php _e('First Name', 'cp'); ?> : <input type="text" name="first_name" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['first_name']) ? $_POST['first_name'] : ''; ?> "/> </label> <?php do_action('coursepress_after_signup_first_name'); ?> <label> <?php _e('Last Name', 'cp'); ?> : <input type="text" name="last_name" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['last_name']) ? $_POST['last_name'] : ''; ?> "/> </label> <?php do_action('coursepress_after_signup_last_name'); ?> <label> <?php _e('Username', 'cp'); ?> : <input type="text" name="username" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['username']) ? $_POST['username'] : ''; ?> "/> </label> <?php do_action('coursepress_after_signup_username'); ?> <label> <?php _e('E-mail', 'cp'); ?> : <input type="text" name="email" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : ''; ?> "/> </label> <?php do_action('coursepress_after_signup_email'); ?> <label> <?php _e('Password', 'cp'); ?> : <input type="password" name="password" value=""/> </label> <?php do_action('coursepress_after_signup_password'); ?> <label class="right"> <?php _e('Confirm Password', 'cp'); ?> : <input type="password" name="password_confirmation" value=""/> </label> <br clear="both"/><br/> <?php if (shortcode_exists('signup-tos')) { if (get_option('show_tos', 0) == '1') { ?> <label class="full"><?php echo do_shortcode('[signup-tos]'); ?> </label> <?php } } ?> <?php do_action('coursepress_after_all_signup_fields'); ?> <label class="full"> <?php printf(__('Already have an account? %s%s%s!', 'cp'), '<a href="' . $login_url . '">', __('Login to your account', 'cp'), '</a>'); ?> </label> <label class="full-right"> <input type="submit" name="student-settings-submit" class="apply-button-enrolled" value="<?php _e('Create an Account', 'cp'); ?> "/> </label> <?php do_action('coursepress_after_submit'); ?> <?php wp_nonce_field('student_signup'); ?> </form> <div class="clearfix" style="clear: both;"></div> <?php do_action('coursepress_after_signup_form'); ?> <?php //$content = ob_get_clean(); // Return the html in the buffer. //return $content; } else { _e('Registrations are not allowed.', 'cp'); } } else { if (!empty($redirect_url)) { wp_redirect(urldecode($redirect_url)); } else { wp_redirect(CoursePress::instance()->get_student_dashboard_slug(true)); } exit; } break; case 'login': ?> <?php if (!empty($login_title)) { echo '<' . $login_tag . '>' . $login_title . '</' . $login_tag . '>'; } ?> <p class="form-info-<?php echo apply_filters('signup_form_message_class', sanitize_text_field($form_message_class)); ?> "><?php echo apply_filters('signup_form_message', sanitize_text_field($form_message)); ?> </p> <?php do_action('coursepress_before_login_form'); ?> <form name="loginform" id="student-settings" class="student-settings" method="post"> <?php do_action('coursepress_after_start_form_fields'); ?> <label> <?php _e('Username', 'cp'); ?> : <input type="text" name="log" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['log']) ? $_POST['log'] : ''; ?> "/> </label> <label> <?php _e('Password', 'cp'); ?> : <input type="password" name="pwd" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['pwd']) ? $_POST['pwd'] : ''; ?> "/> </label> <?php do_action('coursepress_form_fields'); ?> <label class="full"> <?php if (cp_user_can_register()) { printf(__('Don\'t have an account? %s%s%s now!', 'cp'), '<a href="' . $signup_url . '">', __('Create an Account', 'cp'), '</a>'); } ?> </label> <label class="half-left"> <a href="<?php echo wp_lostpassword_url(); ?> "><?php _e('Forgot Password?', 'cp'); ?> </a> </label> <label class="half-right"> <input type="submit" name="wp-submit" id="wp-submit" class="apply-button-enrolled" value="<?php _e('Log In', 'cp'); ?> "><br> </label> <br clear="all"/> <input name="redirect_to" value="<?php echo CoursePress::instance()->get_student_dashboard_slug(true); ?> " type="hidden"> <input name="testcookie" value="1" type="hidden"> <input name="course_signup_login" value="1" type="hidden"> <?php do_action('coursepress_before_end_form_fields'); ?> </form> <?php do_action('coursepress_after_login_form'); ?> <?php break; } $content = ob_get_clean(); // Return the html in the buffer. return $content; }
function virtual_page_template() { global $post, $wp_query; if (isset($post) && $post->post_type == 'virtual_page') { $theme_file = locate_template(array('page.php')); if ($theme_file != '') { include TEMPLATEPATH . "/page.php"; exit; } } if (cp_use_woo() && cp_redirect_woo_to_course()) { if (isset($post) && $post->post_type == 'product') { if (isset($post->post_parent)) { //parent course if ($post->post_parent !== 0 && get_post_type($post->post_parent) == 'course') { $course = new Course($post->post_parent); wp_redirect($course->get_permalink()); exit; } } } } else { if (isset($post) && $post->post_type == 'product' && $wp_query->is_page) { if (isset($post->post_parent)) { //parent course if ($post->post_parent !== 0 && get_post_type($post->post_parent) == 'course') { $course = new Course($post->post_parent); wp_redirect($course->get_permalink()); exit; } } } } }
function widget($args, $instance) { extract($args, EXTR_SKIP); echo $before_widget; $course_id = $instance['course']; $course = new Course($course_id); $selected_type = isset($instance['type']) ? $instance['type'] : 'image'; $selected_priority = isset($instance['priority']) ? $instance['priority'] : 'image'; $title = empty($instance['title']) ? ' ' : apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']); if (!empty($title)) { echo $before_title . $title . $after_title; } ?> <div class=fcp_featured_widget cp_featured_widget-course-<?php echo $course_id; ?> "> <h3 class="cp_featured_widget_title"><?php echo esc_html($course->details->post_title); ?> </h3> <?php echo do_shortcode('[course_media type="' . $selected_type . '" priority="' . $selected_priority . '" course_id="' . $course_id . '"]'); ?> <div class="cp_featured_widget_course_summary"> <?php echo do_shortcode('[course_summary course_id="' . $course_id . '" length="30"]'); ?> </div> <div class="cp_featured_widget_course_link"> <button data-link="<?php echo esc_url($course->get_permalink($course_id)); ?> "><?php echo esc_html($instance['button_title']); ?> </button> </div> </div> <?php echo $after_widget; }
printf(__('Congratulations, you have successfully enrolled in "%s" course! Check your %s for more info.', 'cp'), '<strong>' . $course->details->post_title . '</strong>', '<a href="' . $this->get_student_dashboard_slug(true) . '">' . __('Dashboard', 'cp') . '</a>'); } else { _e('Something went wrong during the enrollment process. Please try again later.', 'cp'); } } else { if ($course->is_user_purchased_course($course->details->marketpress_product, get_current_user_ID())) { //Enroll student in if ($student->enroll_in_course($course_id)) { printf(__('Congratulations, you have successfully enrolled in "%s" course! Check your %s for more info.', 'cp'), '<strong>' . $course->details->post_title . '</strong>', '<a href="' . $this->get_student_dashboard_slug(true) . '">' . __('Dashboard', 'cp') . '</a>'); } else { _e('Something went wrong during the enrollment process. Please try again later.', 'cp'); } } else { $course->show_purchase_form($course->details->marketpress_product); } } } else { printf(__('Passcode is not valid. Please %s and try again.', 'cp'), '<a href="' . esc_url($course->get_permalink()) . '">' . __('go back', 'cp') . '</a>'); } } else { // if( defined('DOING_AJAX') && DOING_AJAX ) { cp_write_log('doing ajax'); } // _e( 'You have already enrolled in the course.', 'cp' ); //can't enroll more than once to the same course at the time wp_redirect(trailingslashit($course->get_permalink()) . 'units'); exit; } } else { _e('Please select a course first you want to enroll in.', 'cp'); } } else { _e('You must be logged in in order to complete the action', 'cp'); }
function coursepress_send_email($email_args = array()) { if ($email_args['email_type'] == 'student_registration') { global $course_slug; $email_address = $email_args['student_email']; $subject = coursepress_get_registration_email_subject(); $courses_address = trailingslashit(home_url()) . trailingslashit($course_slug); $tags = array('STUDENT_FIRST_NAME', 'STUDENT_LAST_NAME', 'STUDENT_USERNAME', 'STUDENT_PASSWORD', 'BLOG_NAME', 'LOGIN_ADDRESS', 'COURSES_ADDRESS', 'WEBSITE_ADDRESS'); $tags_replaces = array($email_args['student_first_name'], $email_args['student_last_name'], $email_args['student_username'], $email_args['student_password'], get_bloginfo(), cp_student_login_address(), $courses_address, home_url()); $message = coursepress_get_registration_content_email(); $message = str_replace($tags, $tags_replaces, $message); add_filter('wp_mail_from', 'my_registration_from_function'); if (!function_exists('my_registration_from_function')) { function my_registration_from_function($email) { return coursepress_get_registration_from_email(); } } add_filter('wp_mail_from_name', 'my_registration_from_name_function'); if (!function_exists('my_registration_from_name_function')) { function my_registration_from_name_function($name) { return coursepress_get_registration_from_name(); } } } if ($email_args['email_type'] == 'enrollment_confirmation') { global $course_slug; $email_address = $email_args['student_email']; $dashboard_address = $email_args['dashboard_address']; $subject = coursepress_get_enrollment_email_subject(); $courses_address = trailingslashit(home_url()) . trailingslashit($course_slug); $course = new Course($email_args['course_id']); $tags = array('STUDENT_FIRST_NAME', 'STUDENT_LAST_NAME', 'BLOG_NAME', 'LOGIN_ADDRESS', 'COURSES_ADDRESS', 'WEBSITE_ADDRESS', 'COURSE_ADDRESS', 'COURSE_TITLE', 'STUDENT_DASHBOARD'); $tags_replaces = array($email_args['student_first_name'], $email_args['student_last_name'], get_bloginfo(), cp_student_login_address(), $courses_address, home_url(), $course->get_permalink(), $course->details->post_title, $email_args['dashboard_address']); $message = coursepress_get_enrollment_content_email(); $message = str_replace($tags, $tags_replaces, $message); add_filter('wp_mail_from', 'my_enrollment_from_function'); if (!function_exists('my_enrollment_from_function')) { function my_enrollment_from_function($email) { return coursepress_get_enrollment_from_email(); } } add_filter('wp_mail_from_name', 'my_enrollment_from_name_function'); if (!function_exists('my_enrollment_from_name_function')) { function my_enrollment_from_name_function($name) { return coursepress_get_enrollment_from_name(); } } } if ($email_args['email_type'] == 'student_invitation') { global $course_slug; $email_address = $email_args['student_email']; if (isset($email_args['course_id'])) { $course = new Course($email_args['course_id']); } $tags = array('STUDENT_FIRST_NAME', 'STUDENT_LAST_NAME', 'COURSE_NAME', 'COURSE_EXCERPT', 'COURSE_ADDRESS', 'WEBSITE_ADDRESS', 'PASSCODE'); $tags_replaces = array($email_args['student_first_name'], $email_args['student_last_name'], $course->details->post_title, $course->details->post_excerpt, $course->get_permalink(), home_url(), $course->details->passcode); if ($email_args['enroll_type'] == 'passcode') { $message = coursepress_get_invitation_content_passcode_email(); $subject = coursepress_get_invitation_passcode_email_subject(); } else { $message = coursepress_get_invitation_content_email(); $subject = coursepress_get_invitation_email_subject(); } $message = str_replace($tags, $tags_replaces, $message); add_filter('wp_mail_from', 'my_passcode_from_function'); if (!function_exists('my_passcode_from_function')) { function my_passcode_from_function($email) { return coursepress_get_invitation_passcode_from_email(); } } add_filter('wp_mail_from_name', 'my_passcode_from_name_function'); if (!function_exists('my_passcode_from_name_function')) { function my_passcode_from_name_function($name) { return coursepress_get_invitation_passcode_from_name(); } } } if ('instructor_invitation' == $email_args['email_type']) { global $course_slug; $course = ''; $course_summary = ''; $course_name = ''; $courses_address = trailingslashit(home_url()) . trailingslashit($course_slug); $bugfix = false; if (isset($email_args['course_id'])) { $course = new Course($email_args['course_id']); $course_name = $course->details->post_title; $course_summary = $course->details->post_excerpt; // For unpublished courses. $permalink = ''; if (in_array($course->details->post_status, array('draft', 'pending', 'auto-draft'))) { $permalink = CoursePress::instance()->get_course_slug(true) . '/' . $course->details->post_name . '/'; } else { $permalink = get_permalink($email_args['course_id']); } $course_address = $permalink; } $confirm_link = $course_address . '?action=course_invite&course_id=' . $email_args['course_id'] . '&c=' . $email_args['invite_code'] . '&h=' . $email_args['invite_hash']; $email_address = $email_args['instructor_email']; $subject = cp_get_instructor_invitation_email_subject(); $tags = array('INSTRUCTOR_FIRST_NAME', 'INSTRUCTOR_LAST_NAME', 'INSTRUCTOR_EMAIL', 'CONFIRMATION_LINK', 'COURSE_NAME', 'COURSE_EXCERPT', 'COURSE_ADDRESS', 'WEBSITE_ADDRESS', 'WEBSITE_NAME'); $tags_replaces = array($email_args['first_name'], $email_args['last_name'], $email_address, $confirm_link, $course_name, $course_summary, $course_address, home_url(), get_bloginfo()); $message = cp_get_instructor_invitation_email(); $message = str_replace($tags, $tags_replaces, $message); add_filter('wp_mail_from', 'my_instructor_invitation_from_function'); if (!function_exists('my_instructor_invitation_from_function')) { function my_instructor_invitation_from_function($email) { return coursepress_get_instructor_invitation_from_email(); } } add_filter('wp_mail_from_name', 'my_instructor_invitation_from_name_function'); if (!function_exists('my_instructor_invitation_from_name_function')) { function my_instructor_invitation_from_name_function($name) { return coursepress_get_instructor_invitation_from_name(); } } } add_filter('wp_mail_content_type', 'cp_email_set_content_type'); if (!function_exists('cp_email_set_content_type')) { function cp_email_set_content_type($content_type) { return 'text/html'; } } add_filter('wp_mail_charset', 'cp_set_charset'); if (!function_exists('cp_set_charset')) { function cp_set_charset($charset) { return get_option('blog_charset'); } } return wp_mail($email_address, stripslashes($subject), stripslashes(nl2br($message))); }