/** * @return Region */ public function getParent() { if ($this->parent_id) { //for now "parents" are always a country return Country::get($this->parent_id); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function assignResult($server) { $this->name = $server['name']; $this->address = $server['address']; $this->country = Country::get($server['country']); $this->owner = $server['owner']; $this->online = $server['online']; $this->info = unserialize($server['info']); $this->updated = TimeDate::fromMysql($server['updated']); $this->status = $server['status']; }
public function index() { $post = array('alert' => ''); Model::load('admincp/taxrate'); $curPage = 0; if ($match = Uri::match('\\/page\\/(\\d+)')) { $curPage = $match[1]; } if (Request::has('btnAction')) { actionProcess(); } if (Request::has('btnAdd')) { try { insertProcess(); $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-success">Add new category success.</div>'; } catch (Exception $e) { $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-warning">' . $e->getMessage() . '</div>'; } } if (Request::has('btnSave')) { $match = Uri::match('\\/edit\\/(\\d+)'); try { updateProcess($match[1]); $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-success">Update category success.</div>'; } catch (Exception $e) { $post['alert'] = '<div class="alert alert-warning">' . $e->getMessage() . '</div>'; } } if (Request::has('btnSearch')) { filterProcess(); } else { $post['pages'] = Misc::genPage('admincp/taxrate', $curPage); $post['theList'] = Taxrates::get(array('limitShow' => 20, 'limitPage' => $curPage, 'orderby' => 'order by taxid desc', 'cacheTime' => 1)); } if ($match = Uri::match('\\/edit\\/(\\d+)')) { $loadData = Taxrates::get(array('where' => "where taxid='" . $match[1] . "'")); $post['edit'] = $loadData[0]; if (strlen($loadData[0]['country_short']) > 0) { $post['edit']['countries'] = explode(',', $loadData[0]['country_short']); } // print_r($post['countries']);die(); } $post['listCountries'] = Country::get(); System::setTitle('Taxrate list - ' . ADMINCP_TITLE); View::make('admincp/head'); self::makeContents('taxrateList', $post); View::make('admincp/footer'); }
public function getCMSFields() { $fields = parent::getCMSFields(); $eventTypeSource = EventType::get()->map()->toArray(); $countrySource = Country::get()->map()->toArray(); $fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.Main', array(TextField::create('LocationName', 'Location Name'), TextareaField::create('LocationAddress', 'Location Address'), $startDate = DatetimeField::create('StartTime', 'Start'), $endDate = DatetimeField::create('EndTime', 'End'), TextareaField::create('Price', 'Price'), DropdownField::create('EventTypeID', 'Type', $eventTypeSource), DropdownField::create('CountryID', 'Country', $countrySource), UploadField::create('Image', 'Image'))); $date = Date('Y-m-d', time()); $time = Date('H:i:s', time()); $startDate->getDateField()->setConfig('showcalendar', true); $startDate->getDateField()->setValue($date); $startDate->getTimeField()->setValue($time); $endDate->getDateField()->setConfig('showcalendar', true); $endDate->getDateField()->setValue($date); $endDate->getTimeField()->setValue($time); return $fields; }
/** * Render a list of comma-separated usernames for the user to see * * @param FormView $view * @param FormInterface $form * @param array $options */ public function buildView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options) { if ($this->type === 'Role') { foreach ($view->vars['choices'] as $choice) { $role = \Role::get($choice->value); $icon = $role->getDisplayIcon(); if ($icon !== null) { $choice->attr['data-icon'] = $icon; } } } elseif ($this->type === 'Country') { foreach ($view->vars['choices'] as $choice) { $country = \Country::get($choice->value); $choice->attr['data-iso'] = $country->getISO(); } } }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * GET /countries * * @return Response */ public function index() { return Response::json(Country::get()); }
public function run() { DB::table('wines')->truncate(); DB::table('wineries')->truncate(); DB::connection()->disableQueryLog(); set_time_limit(3600); $c = 0; $i = 1; $count = 1; $winery_id = 1; try { $file = app_path() . '/rakuten_wine_data_20140905.csv'; //$file = app_path() . '/testcsv.csv'; $i = 1; $country_name_on_wines = Wine::take(300)->get(array('country_name')); $country_name_ja_list = Country::get(array('country_name_ja')); foreach ($country_name_ja_list as $country_name) { if ($country_name->country_name_ja != null) { if ($i == 1) { $re = $country_name->country_name_ja; $i++; } else { $re = $re . "|" . $country_name->country_name_ja; } } } $re_country_name = "'/" . $re . "/'"; $parser = \KzykHys\CsvParser\CsvParser::fromFile($file, array("encoding" => "UTF-8")); foreach ($parser as $column_wine) { echo $c++ . "\n"; if (count($column_wine) == 33) { $validator = Validator::make(array('rakuten_id' => $column_wine[0]), array('rakuten_id' => 'exists:wines2,rakuten_id')); if ($validator->passes()) { if ($column_wine[13] == 'NA' && $column_wine[14] !== 'NA') { $column_wine[13] = $column_wine[14]; } if ($column_wine[9] == 'NA' && $column_wine[10] !== 'NA') { $column_wine[9] = $column_wine[10]; } for ($j = 0; $j < 33; $j++) { if ($column_wine[$j] == 'NA') { $column_wine[$j] = ''; } } if ($column_wine[3] == '') { $column_wine[3] = $column_wine[1]; } if ($column_wine[9] != null) { $in_string = preg_match($re_country_name, $column_wine[9], $matches); if ($in_string == true) { //$country = explode('・', $country_name->country_name, -1); $country = Country::where('country_name_ja', $matches[0])->first(); if ($country) { $flag = $country->flag_url; } else { $flag = null; } } } $winery = Winery::where('brand_name', $column_wine[16])->first(); if ($winery == null) { $winery_data = array('id' => $winery_id, 'brand_name' => $column_wine[16], 'country_id' => '', 'country_name' => $column_wine[10], 'year' => $column_wine[14], 'winery_url' => $column_wine[18], 'region' => $column_wine[11], 'description' => ''); Winery::create($winery_data); $winery = $winery_id; $winery_id++; } else { $winery = $winery->id; } $wine = array('name' => $column_wine[3], 'name_en' => $column_wine[4], 'sub_name' => $column_wine[5], 'sub_name_en' => $column_wine[6], 'year' => $column_wine[13], 'winery_id' => $winery, 'rakuten_id' => $column_wine[0], 'original_name' => $column_wine[1], 'original_name_2' => $column_wine[2], 'country_name' => $column_wine[9], 'image_url' => $column_wine[27], 'wine_flag' => $flag, 'imformation_image' => $column_wine[21] . ',' . $column_wine[22] . ',' . $column_wine[23] . ',' . $column_wine[24] . ',' . $column_wine[25] . ',' . $column_wine[26], 'rakuten_url' => $column_wine[17], 'wine_unique_id' => $i . '_' . $column_wine[13], 'color' => $column_wine[12], 'average_price' => $column_wine[15], 'average_rate' => 0, 'rate_count' => 0, 'wine_type' => $column_wine[7], 'folder_code' => $column_wine[20]); if ($wine['year'] == '' || $wine['year'] == 0) { $wine['wine_unique_id'] = $i . '_' . $i; } Wine::create($wine); $i++; } } else { $error = implode(",", $column_wine); $file_error = app_path() . "/error.txt"; file_put_contents($file_error, $error . "\n", FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); } } } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } }
/** * Returns a Country object for the user's specified country. Legacy Support: Note that some users may not have country_id specified and rely on older country names. In those cases a new object is returned and can be operated in the same manner as newer country data * @return Country */ public function getCountry() { if (is_null($this->cached_country)) { if ($this->country_id && ($country = Country::get($this->country_id))) { $this->cached_country = $country; } else { $this->cached_country = new Country($this->country); } } return $this->cached_country; }
/** * Get the country the server is in * @return Country The country the server is located in */ public function getCountry() { return Country::get($this->country); }
function manage() { $data['message'] = null; $countries = new Country(); $user_profile = new userProfile(); $countries->get(); foreach ($countries->all as $country) { $data['countries'][$country->id] = $country->name; } $data['user_profile'] = $user_profile->get_by_id($this->dx_auth->get_user_id()); if ($this->dx_auth->is_logged_in()) { $data['email'] = $this->dx_auth->get_user_email(); if ($this->form_validation->run() == false) { $this->load->view('account/manage', $data); } else { $user_profile->country_id = $this->input->post('country'); $user_profile->website = $this->input->post('website'); $user_profile->name = $this->input->post('name'); $user_profile->save(); $data['message'] = '<p class="notice fade">Profile Details saved</p>'; $this->load->view('account/manage', $data); } } else { redirect('session/login'); } }
$request = \Slim\Slim::getInstance()->request(); $city = json_decode($request->getBody()); $cityDAO = new City(); $cityDAO->update($city); echo '{"result":"ok"}'; }); $app->delete('/city', function () { $request = \Slim\Slim::getInstance()->request(); $city = json_decode($request->getBody()); $cityDAO = new City(); $cityDAO->delete($city); echo '{"result":"ok"}'; }); $app->get('/country', function () { $countryDAO = new Country(); $result = $countryDAO->get(); echo json_encode($result); }); $app->post('/country', function () { $request = \Slim\Slim::getInstance()->request(); $country = json_decode($request->getBody()); $countryDAO = new Country(); $countryDAO->insert($country); echo '{"result":"ok"}'; }); $app->put('/country', function () { $request = \Slim\Slim::getInstance()->request(); $country = json_decode($request->getBody()); $countryDAO = new Country(); $countryDAO->update($country); echo '{"result":"ok"}';
function europe() { return $this->sendData(Country::get()->filter([])); // define some filters for european countries ;) }