 private function handleAddModify()
     $perm = get_checkbox('perm');
     $perm_user = get_checkbox('perm_user');
     $show_dialog = false;
     // Modification/Creation?
     // The object_id is known on modification. When it is not known 'type' is set
     // to create new objects
     if ($this->object_id !== null) {
         // The handler has been called in "view_params" mode. In this case the user has
         // less options and the options to
         // 1. modify these parameters only for the current open view
         // 2. Save the changes for himselfs
         // 3. Save the changes to the map config (-> Use default code below)
         if ($this->mode == 'view_params' && !$perm && !$perm_user) {
             // This is the 1. case -> redirect the user to a well formated url
             $attrs = array_merge($this->attrs, $this->attrs_filtered);
             js('document.getElementById("_submit").disabled = true;' . 'window.location.href = makeuri(' . json_encode($attrs) . ');');
             $show_dialog = true;
         } elseif ($this->mode == 'view_params' && !$perm && $perm_user) {
             // This is the 2. case -> saving the options only for the user
             $USERCFG = new CoreUserCfg();
             $attrs = $this->attrs;
             $USERCFG->doSet(array('params-' . $this->MAPCFG->getName() => $attrs));
             // On success, always scroll to top of page
             success(l('Personal settings saved.'));
             js('document.getElementById("_submit").disabled = true;' . 'window.setTimeout(function() { window.location.reload(); }, 2000);');
             $show_dialog = true;
         } else {
             if (!$this->MAPCFG->objExists($this->object_id)) {
                 throw new NagVisException(l('The object does not exist.'));
             // Update the map configuration
             if ($this->mode == 'view_params') {
                 // Only modify/add the given attributes. Don't remove any
                 // set options in the array
                 foreach ($this->attrs as $key => $val) {
                     $this->MAPCFG->setValue($this->object_id, $key, $val);
             } else {
                 // add/modify case: Rewrite whole object with the given attributes
                 $this->MAPCFG->updateElement($this->object_id, $this->attrs, true);
             $t = $this->object_type == 'global' ? l('map configuration') : $this->object_type;
             $result = array(2, null, l('The [TYPE] has been modified. Reloading in 2 seconds.', array('TYPE' => $t)));
             js('popupWindowClose();' . 'refreshMapObject(null, "' . $this->object_id . '", false);');
     } else {
         // Create the new object
         // append a new object definition to the map configuration
         $obj_id = $this->MAPCFG->addElement($this->object_type, $this->attrs, true);
         js('popupWindowClose();' . 'refreshMapObject(null, "' . $obj_id . '", false);');
     // delete map lock
     if (!$this->MAPCFG->deleteMapLock()) {
         throw new NagVisException(l('mapLockNotDeleted'));
     return $show_dialog;
 protected function doSet($a)
     $CFG = new CoreUserCfg();
     return $CFG->doSet($a['opts']);