  * Test des quelques fonctions de base
 public function testNormalization()
     //Test des éléments de module simple
     $this->assertEquals(CopixSelectorFactory::normalize('module:copixtest|classedetest'), 'module:copixtest|classedetest');
     $this->assertEquals(CopixSelectorFactory::normalize('copixtest|classedetest'), 'module:copixtest|classedetest');
     $this->assertEquals(CopixSelectorFactory::normalize('classedetest'), 'module:copixtest|classedetest');
     $this->assertEquals(CopixSelectorFactory::normalize('module:classedetest'), 'module:copixtest|classedetest');
     $this->assertEquals(CopixSelectorFactory::normalize('classedetest'), 'module:default|classedetest');
     $this->assertEquals(CopixSelectorFactory::normalize('module:classedetest'), 'module:default|classedetest');
     //Test des éléments ActionGroup
     $this->assertEquals(CopixSelectorFactory::normalize('module:copixtest|ActionGroup::methode'), 'module:copixtest|ActionGroup::methode');
     $this->assertEquals(CopixSelectorFactory::normalize('copixtest|ActionGroup::methode'), 'module:copixtest|ActionGroup::methode');
     $this->assertEquals(CopixSelectorFactory::normalize('ActionGroup::methode'), 'module:copixtest|ActionGroup::methode');
     //Test des éléments de type "non modifiables" lors de la normalisation
     $this->assertEquals(CopixSelectorFactory::normalize('file:/mon/chemin/de/fichier'), 'file:/mon/chemin/de/fichier');
     $this->assertEquals(CopixSelectorFactory::normalize('var:/mon/chemin/de/fichier'), 'var:/mon/chemin/de/fichier');
     $this->assertEquals(CopixSelectorFactory::normalize('resource:/mon/chemin/de/fichier'), 'resource:/mon/chemin/de/fichier');
     $this->assertEquals(CopixSelectorFactory::normalize('copix:/mon/chemin/de/fichier'), 'copix:/mon/chemin/de/fichier');
  * Execute un script SQL sur la base de test.
  * Dans le nom du chemin, la chaîne $drivername est remplacé par le nom du driver.
  * @param string $pScriptId Identifer du chemin du script (peut être de la forme "module|fichier").
 protected function _runSQLScript($pScriptId)
     $selector = CopixSelectorFactory::create($pScriptId);
     $ct = $this->_getConnection();
     $filePath = str_replace('$drivername', $ct->getProfile()->getDriverName(), $selector->fileName);
     $ct->doSQLScript($selector->getPath($filePath), true);
 public function testSimpleRTFTemplate()
     $template = CopixClassesFactory::create('genericTools|RTFTemplate');
     $template->assign('VARIABLE_1', 'Voici une belle présentation <b>avec des infos importantes</b> ', true);
     $template->assign('VARIABLE_2', '<ul><li>puce 1</li><li>puce 2</li><li>puce 3</li></ul>', true);
     $template->assign('VARIABLE_3', 'Contenu simple', true);
     $codeDuDocumentRTFFinal = $template->fetch('generictools|rtftest.rtf');
     $selector = CopixSelectorFactory::create('generictools|rtftest.expectedresult.rtf');
     $expectedResultFilePath = $selector->getPath(COPIX_TEMPLATES_DIR) . $selector->fileName;
     $codeDuDocumentRTFTest = file_get_contents($expectedResultFilePath);
     CopixFile::write('/tmp/document_sortie.rtf', $codeDuDocumentRTFFinal);
     $this->assertEquals($codeDuDocumentRTFFinal, $codeDuDocumentRTFTest);
  * Récupère dans une chaine de caractère le contenu du RTF
  * @param $pRTFTemplateFileName Le fichier RTF modèle.
  *    Si le sélecteur donné est de type module, on considère que le fichier rtf est dans "templates"
  * @return string le fichier RTF transformé
 public function fetch($pRTFTemplateFileName)
     $selector = CopixSelectorFactory::create($pRTFTemplateFileName);
     if (($content = file_get_contents($selector->getPath($selector->type == 'module' ? COPIX_TEMPLATES_DIR : '') . $selector->fileName)) !== false) {
         preg_match_all('{\\$(\\w+)}', $content, $out);
         foreach ($out[1] as $nomVariable) {
             $content = str_replace('\\{$' . $nomVariable . '\\}', isset($this->_data[$nomVariable]) ? $this->_data[$nomVariable] : '', $content);
         return $content;
     } else {
         return false;
  * creates a new object
 function &create($name)
     //Récupération des éléments critiques.
     $file = CopixSelectorFactory::create($name);
     $filePath = $file->getPath() . COPIX_CLASSES_DIR . strtolower($file->fileName) . '.class.php';
     if (is_readable($filePath)) {
         require_once $filePath;
         $fileClass = $file->fileName;
         return new $fileClass();
     } else {
         trigger_error(CopixI18N::get('copix:copix.error.unfounded.class', $name . '-' . $filePath), E_USER_ERROR);
         return null;
* creates a filePath from a given string module|file and from the given
* type of the file (zone, template, static)
* @param    string  $fileId     "nom de fichier" ou "nom de module|nom de fichier"
* @param    string  $subDir     nom de répertoire relatif (en principe une des valeur COPIX_xxx_DIR definie dans project.inc.php)
* @param    string  $extension
* @return   string  chemin du fichier indiqué ou false si inconnu
function copix_extract_file_path($fileId, $subDir, $extension = '')
    $fileInfo = CopixSelectorFactory::create($fileId);
    $fileName = $fileInfo->fileName;
    if ($extension != '') {
        $fileName = strtolower($fileName) . $extension;
    $moduleFile = $fileInfo->getPath($subDir) . $fileName;
    $projectOverloadedFilePath = $fileInfo->getOverloadedPath($subDir);
    if ($projectOverloadedFilePath !== null) {
        $projectOverloadedFilePath .= $fileName;
        if (is_readable($projectOverloadedFilePath)) {
            return $projectOverloadedFilePath;
    if (is_readable($moduleFile)) {
        return $moduleFile;
    } else {
        return false;
  * gets the correct string, for a given language.
  *   if it can't get the correct language, it will try to gets the string
  *   from the default language.
  *   if both fails, it will raise a fatal_error.
 function get($key, $args = null, $locale = null)
     $me =& CopixI18N::instance();
     //finds out required lang / coutry
     if ($locale === null) {
         $plug =& $GLOBALS['COPIX']['COORD']->getPlugin('i18n');
         if ($plug === null) {
             $lang = $GLOBALS['COPIX']['CONFIG']->default_language;
             $country = $GLOBALS['COPIX']['CONFIG']->default_country;
         } else {
             $lang = $plug->getLang();
             $country = $plug->getCountry();
     } else {
         $ext = explode('_', $locale);
         if (count($ext) > 1) {
             $lang = $ext[0];
             $country = $ext[1];
         } else {
             $lang = $ext[0];
             $country = $ext[0];
     //Gets the bundle for the given language.
     $trans =& CopixSelectorFactory::create($key);
     if (!$trans->isValid) {
         trigger_error(CopixI18N::get('copix:copix.error.i18n.keyNotExists', $key), E_USER_ERROR);
     $messageId = $trans->fileName;
     $trans->fileName = substr($trans->fileName, 0, strpos($trans->fileName, '.'));
     $bundle =& $me->getBundle($trans, $lang);
     //try to get the message from the bundle.
     $string = $bundle->get($messageId, $country);
     if ($string === null) {
         //if the message was not found, we're gonna
         //use the default language and country.
         if ($lang == $GLOBALS['COPIX']['CONFIG']->default_language && $country == $GLOBALS['COPIX']['CONFIG']->default_country) {
             if ($key == 'copix:copix.error.i18n.keyNotExists') {
                 $msg = 'Can\'t find message key (which should actually be THIS message): ' . $key;
             } else {
                 $msg = CopixI18N::get('copix:copix.error.i18n.keyNotExists', $key);
             trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR);
         return $me->get($key, $args, $GLOBALS['COPIX']['CONFIG']->default_language . '_' . $GLOBALS['COPIX']['CONFIG']->default_country);
     } else {
         //here, we know the message
         if ($args !== null) {
             $string = call_user_func_array('sprintf', array_merge($string, $args));
             //            if(is_array($args)){
                               case 1: $string=sprintf($string,$args[0]); break;
                               case 2: $string=sprintf($string,$args[0],$args[1]); break;
                               case 3: $string=sprintf($string,$args[0],$args[1],$args[2]); break;
             //            }else
             //               $string=sprintf($string,$args);
         return $string;
  * Charge la valeurs des paramètres depuis le fichier XML
  * @return void
 private function _loadFromXML()
     $module = $this->module === "|" ? "default" : substr($this->module, 0, -1);
     $select = CopixSelectorFactory::create($this->module . 'module.xml');
     //checks if the file exists
     $fileName = $select->getPath($select->fileName);
     if (!is_readable($fileName)) {
         return false;
     $this->_configVars = array();
     $xml = simplexml_load_file($fileName);
     if (isset($xml->parameters->parameter) || isset($xml->parameters->group)) {
         // nodes parameter sans group
         if (isset($xml->parameters->parameter)) {
             $this->_xmlParameters[$this->module]['no-group'] = $xml->parameters->parameter;
             foreach ($xml->parameters->parameter as $key => $child) {
                 $this->_loadParameterFromNode($module, $child);
         // nodes parameter dans un group
         if (isset($xml->parameters->group)) {
             $temp = 0;
             foreach ($xml->parameters->group as $groupKey => $groupChild) {
                 $attributes = $groupChild->attributes();
                 if (isset($attributes['caption'])) {
                     $groupName = (string) $attributes['caption'];
                 } elseif (isset($attributes['captioni18n'])) {
                     $groupName = _i18n((string) $attributes['captioni18n']);
                 } else {
                     throw new CopixException(_i18n('copix:copixmodule.error.parametersGroupCaptionEmpty', array($module)));
                 $this->_xmlParameters[$this->module][$groupName] = $groupChild;
                 foreach ($groupChild as $key => $child) {
                     $this->_loadParameterFromNode($module, $child);
     //echo '<pre>';
     //print_r ($this->_xmlParameters);
 public function processDefault()
     ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
     $classeurservice =& CopixClassesFactory::Create('classeur|classeurservice');
     /* DEBUG
        if (!Admin::canAdmin())
            return CopixActionGroup::process ('genericTools|Messages::getError', array ('message'=>CopixI18N::get ('kernel|kernel.error.noRights'), 'back'=>CopixUrl::get ()));
     $tpl = new CopixTpl();
     // $tpl->assign ('TITLE_PAGE', CopixI18N::get ('sysutils|admin.menu.cache'));
     // $tpl->assign ('MENU', Admin::getMenu('cache'));
     //// ALBUM ////
     $sql = "\n            SELECT\n                A.id AS album_id, A.nom AS album_nom, A.prefs AS album_prefs, A.date AS album_date, A.cle AS album_cle, A.public AS album_public\n            FROM module_album_albums A\n            ORDER BY A.id\n        ";
     $album_list = _doQuery($sql);
     $album_tree = array();
     foreach ($album_list as $album_item) {
         if (!isset($album_tree[$album_item->album_id])) {
             $album_tree[$album_item->album_id] = new CopixPPO();
             $album_tree[$album_item->album_id]->info = $album_item;
             $parent = Kernel::getModParent("MOD_ALBUM", $album_item->album_id);
             if (!$parent) {
             $album_tree[$album_item->album_id]->parent = $parent[0];
             $album_tree[$album_item->album_id]->dossier = array();
             $album_tree[$album_item->album_id]->photo = array();
         $root = $this->albumScanFolder($album_item->album_id, 0);
         $album_tree[$album_item->album_id]->dossier = $root->dossier;
         $album_tree[$album_item->album_id]->photo = $root->photo;
     // module_malle_malles : id 	titre 	date_creation 	cle
     // module_malle_folders : id malle parent nom nb_folders nb_files taille date_creation
     // module_malle_files : id 	malle 	folder 	nom 	fichier 	taille 	type 	cle 	date_upload
     //// MALLE ////
     $sql = "\n            SELECT\n                id, titre, date_creation, cle\n            FROM module_malle_malles\n            ORDER BY id\n        ";
     $malle_list = _doQuery($sql);
     $malle_tree = array();
     foreach ($malle_list as $malle_item) {
         if (!isset($malle_tree[$malle_item->id])) {
             $malle_tree[$malle_item->id] = new CopixPPO();
             $malle_tree[$malle_item->id]->info = $malle_item;
             $parent = Kernel::getModParent("MOD_MALLE", $malle_item->id);
             if (!$parent) {
             $malle_tree[$malle_item->id]->parent = $parent[0];
             $user_parents = Kernel::getNodeParents($parent[0]->node_type, $parent[0]->node_id);
             $malle_tree[$malle_item->id]->user_parents = $user_parents;
             $malle_tree[$malle_item->id]->dossier = array();
             $malle_tree[$malle_item->id]->docs = array();
         $root = $this->malleScanFolder($malle_item->id, 0);
         $malle_tree[$malle_item->id]->dossier = $root->dossier;
         $malle_tree[$malle_item->id]->docs = $root->docs;
     // kernel_mod_enabled : node_type 	node_id 	module_type 	module_id
     // module_classeur : id 	titre 	cle 	date_creation 	date_publication 	public
     // module_classeur_dossier : id 	module_classeur_id 	parent_id 	nom 	nb_dossiers 	nb_fichiers 	taille 	cle 	date_creation 	user_type 	user_id 	date_publication 	public
     // module_classeur_fichier : id 	module_classeur_id 	module_classeur_dossier_id 	titre 	commentaire 	fichier 	taille 	type 	cle 	date_upload 	user_type 	user_id
     if (1) {
         foreach ($album_tree as $album_item) {
             if (!isset($album_item->parent->node_type)) {
             $sql = "\n                SELECT module_id\n                FROM kernel_mod_enabled\n                WHERE node_type=:node_type AND node_id=:node_id AND module_type=:module_type\n            ";
             $param = array('node_type' => $album_item->parent->node_type, 'node_id' => $album_item->parent->node_id, 'module_type' => 'MOD_CLASSEUR');
             $mod_classeur = _doQuery($sql, $param);
             if (!isset($mod_classeur[0])) {
                 $node_infos = $this->getNodeInfos($album_item->parent->node_type, $album_item->parent->node_id);
                 $file =& CopixSelectorFactory::create("classeur|classeur");
                 $filePath = $file->getPath() . COPIX_CLASSES_DIR . "kernel" . strtolower($file->fileName) . '.class.php';
                 $modservice =& CopixClassesFactory::Create('classeur|kernelclasseur');
                 if (method_exists($modservice, "create")) {
                     $modid = $modservice->create(array('title' => $node_infos->nom, 'subtitle' => '', 'node_type' => $album_item->parent->node_type, 'node_id' => $album_item->parent->node_id));
                     if ($modid != null) {
                         Kernel::registerModule('MOD_CLASSEUR', $modid, $album_item->parent->node_type, $album_item->parent->node_id);
                 $classeur_id = $modid;
             } else {
                 $classeur_id = $mod_classeur[0]->module_id;
             $classeurDAO = _ioDAO('classeur|classeur');
             $classeur = $classeurDAO->get($classeur_id);
             $new_dir = realpath('./static/classeur') . '/' . $classeur->id . '-' . $classeur->cle . '/';
             if (!file_exists($new_dir)) {
                 mkdir($new_dir, 0755, true);
             $dossierDAO = _ioDAO('classeur|classeurdossier');
             $dossier = _record('classeur|classeurdossier');
             $dossier->classeur_id = $classeur_id;
             $dossier->parent_id = 0;
             $dossier->nom = "Import Album " . $album_item->info->album_id;
             $dossier->cle = $album_item->info->album_cle;
             $dossier->date_creation = $album_item->info->album_date;
             $dossier->user_type = "";
             $dossier->user_id = "";
             $dossier->nb_dossiers = 0;
             $dossier->nb_fichiers = 0;
             $dossier->taille = 0;
             $dossier->casier = 0;
             // $dossier->id
             $this->albumImport($album_item, $dossier);
     if (1) {
         foreach ($malle_tree as $malle_item) {
             if (!isset($malle_item->parent->node_type)) {
             $sql = "\n                SELECT module_id\n                FROM kernel_mod_enabled\n                WHERE node_type=:node_type AND node_id=:node_id AND module_type=:module_type\n            ";
             $param = array('node_type' => $malle_item->parent->node_type, 'node_id' => $malle_item->parent->node_id, 'module_type' => 'MOD_CLASSEUR');
             $mod_classeur = _doQuery($sql, $param);
             if (!isset($mod_classeur[0])) {
                 $node_infos = $this->getNodeInfos($malle_item->parent->node_type, $malle_item->parent->node_id);
                 $file =& CopixSelectorFactory::create("classeur|classeur");
                 $filePath = $file->getPath() . COPIX_CLASSES_DIR . "kernel" . strtolower($file->fileName) . '.class.php';
                 $modservice =& CopixClassesFactory::Create('classeur|kernelclasseur');
                 if (method_exists($modservice, "create")) {
                     $modid = $modservice->create(array('title' => $node_infos->nom, 'subtitle' => '', 'node_type' => $malle_item->parent->node_type, 'node_id' => $malle_item->parent->node_id));
                     if ($modid != null) {
                         Kernel::registerModule('MOD_CLASSEUR', $modid, $malle_item->parent->node_type, $malle_item->parent->node_id);
                 $classeur_id = $modid;
             } else {
                 $classeur_id = $mod_classeur[0]->module_id;
             $classeurDAO = _ioDAO('classeur|classeur');
             $classeur = $classeurDAO->get($classeur_id);
             $new_dir = realpath('./static/classeur') . '/' . $classeur->id . '-' . $classeur->cle . '/';
             if (!file_exists($new_dir)) {
                 mkdir($new_dir, 0755, true);
             $dossierDAO = _ioDAO('classeur|classeurdossier');
             $dossier = _record('classeur|classeurdossier');
             $dossier->classeur_id = $classeur_id;
             $dossier->parent_id = 0;
             $dossier->nom = "Import documents " . $malle_item->info->id;
             $dossier->cle = $malle_item->info->cle;
             $dossier->date_creation = $malle_item->info->date_creation;
             $dossier->user_type = "";
             $dossier->user_id = "";
             $dossier->nb_dossiers = 0;
             $dossier->nb_fichiers = 0;
             $dossier->taille = 0;
             // $dossier->id
             $this->malleImport($malle_item, $dossier);
     $sql = "\n            UPDATE kernel_mod_available\n            SET node = CONCAT(node, '_OFF')\n            WHERE module = 'MOD_MALLE' OR module = 'MOD_ALBUM'";
     $sql = "\n            UPDATE kernel_mod_enabled\n            SET node_type = CONCAT(node_type, '_OFF')\n            WHERE module_type = 'MOD_MALLE' OR module_type = 'MOD_ALBUM' AND node_type != 'MOD_TELEPROCEDURES'";
     echo "<h1>Fin</h1>";
     echo "<pre>";
  * Récupération du nom du DAO record à partir de son identifiant
  * @param string $DAOid l'identifiant du DAO
  * @return string
 public static function getDAORecordName($DAOid, $pGenerated = true)
     return ($pGenerated === true ? 'Compiled' : '') . 'DAORecord' . CopixSelectorFactory::create($DAOid)->fileName;
  * gets the correct string, for a given language.
  *   if it can't get the correct language, it will try to gets the string
  *   from the default language.
  *   if both fails, it will raise a fatal_error.
 function get($key, $args = null, $locale = null)
     $me =& CopixI18N::instance();
     //finds out required lang / coutry
     if ($locale === null) {
         $lang = $GLOBALS['COPIX']['CONFIG']->default_language;
         // rempli par le plugin egalement
         $country = $GLOBALS['COPIX']['CONFIG']->default_country;
     } else {
         $ext = explode('_', $locale);
         if (count($ext) > 1) {
             $lang = $ext[0];
             $country = $ext[1];
         } else {
             $lang = $ext[0];
             $country = $ext[0];
     //Gets the bundle for the given language.
     $keySelector = substr($key, 0, strpos($key, '.'));
     $trans =& CopixSelectorFactory::create($keySelector);
     if (!$trans->isValid) {
         trigger_error(CopixI18N::get('copix:copix.error.i18n.keyNotExists', $key), E_USER_ERROR);
     $key = $me->_extractMessageKey($key);
     $bundle =& $me->getBundle($trans, $lang);
     //try to get the message from the bundle.
     $string = $bundle->get($key, $country);
     if ($string === null) {
         //if the message was not found, we're gonna
         //use the default language and country.
         if ($lang == $GLOBALS['COPIX']['CONFIG']->default_language && $country == $GLOBALS['COPIX']['CONFIG']->default_country) {
             if ($key == 'copix:copix.error.i18n.keyNotExists') {
                 $msg = 'Can\'t find message key (which should actually be THIS message): ' . $key;
             } else {
                 $msg = CopixI18N::get('copix:copix.error.i18n.keyNotExists', $key);
             trigger_error($msg, E_USER_ERROR);
         return $me->get($key, $args, $GLOBALS['COPIX']['CONFIG']->default_language . '_' . $GLOBALS['COPIX']['CONFIG']->default_country);
     } else {
         //here, we know the message
         if ($args !== null) {
             $string = call_user_func_array('sprintf', array_merge($string, $args));
         return $string;
  * Force le contexte au contexte de tplId et indique si le contexte à été
  *  modifié dans la variable de retour.
  * @param	string		$pTplId le template dont on souhaites forcer le contexte
  * @return	boolean		si nous avons bien mis à jour le contexte (pour que l'appelant puisse
  * savoir s'il faudra rétablir le contexte ou non)
 private function _pushContext($pTplId)
     try {
         $tpl = CopixSelectorFactory::create($pTplId);
         if ($tpl->type == 'module') {
             return true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return false;
  * same as create, but handles the singleton pattern.
  * @param $id the id of the object we wants to get.
 function &_instanceOf($id)
     //gets the fileSelctor
     $file =& CopixSelectorFactory::create($id);
     //check if exists in the cache (while getting the fullIdentifier in id)
     if (!isset($this->_cacheInstance[$id = $file->getSelector()])) {
         $this->_cacheInstance[$id] =& $this->create($id);
     return $this->_cacheInstance[$id];
  * Résouds la référence à une classe ou une instance.
  * @param string $pClassName Classe de l'objet.
  * @param string $pFileName Nom du fichier.
  * @param object $pObject Instance de l'objet.
  * @return array L'information de référence.
 private static function _resolveReference($pClassName, $pFileName = null, $pObject = null)
     if (isset(self::$_globalReferences[$pClassName])) {
         return self::$_globalReferences[$pClassName];
     // Classe "anonyme" ou autoloadée
     if (strtolower($pClassName) == 'stdclass' || CopixAutoloader::canAutoload($pClassName)) {
         return self::$_globalReferences[$pClassName] = false;
     $class = new ReflectionClass($pClassName);
     // DAO ou enregistrement DAO
     if ((class_exists('ICopixDAORecord', false) && $class->implementsInterface('ICopixDAORecord') || class_exists('ICopixDAO', false) && $class->implementsInterface('ICopixDAO')) && ($pFileName !== null || $pObject !== null)) {
         return self::$_globalReferences[$pClassName] = array(self::DAO, $pFileName === null ? $pObject->getDAOId() : $pFileName, null);
     // On a un nom de fichier passé par l'utilisateur
     if ($pFileName !== null) {
         // Le fichier est lisible, on ne cherche pas plus loin
         if (is_readable($pFileName)) {
             return self::$_globalReferences[$pClassName] = array(self::FILE, $pFileName);
         // Si ça ressemble à un sélecteur Copix, on vérifie.
         if (preg_match('/^\\w+\\|\\w+$/', $pFileName)) {
             $selector = CopixSelectorFactory::create($pFileName);
             $filePath = $selector->getPath(COPIX_CLASSES_DIR . strtolower($selector->fileName) . '.class.php');
             if (is_readable($filePath)) {
                 return self::$_globalReferences[$pClassName] = array(self::MODULE_CLASS, $pFileName);
         // Ca n'a pas marché
     // On a rien... essayons de deviner
     $type = self::FILE;
     $fileName = $class->getFileName();
     // Vérifie si ça correpond à une classe de module
     if (preg_match(self::$_moduleClassRegex, $fileName, $parts)) {
         list(, $basePath, $moduleName, $className) = $parts;
         if (CopixModule::isValid($moduleName, $basePath)) {
             // Bingo
             return self::$_globalReferences[$pClassName] = array(self::MODULE_CLASS, $moduleName . '|' . $className);
     // En dernier recours, stocke un fichier
     return self::$_globalReferences[$pClassName] = array($type, $fileName);
  * sets the value of a parameter
 function set($id, $value)
     $select =& CopixSelectorFactory::create($id);
     if (!$select->isValid) {
         trigger_error('Invalid selector' . $id, E_USER_ERROR);
     $me =& CopixConfig::instance();
     $group =& $me->_getGroupConfig($select->getQualifier());
     return $group->set($id, $value);
  * Retourne le sélecteur de DAO (utile pour les générations complètes de clefs i18n)
  * @return string
 public function getQualifier()
     return CopixSelectorFactory::create($this->_DAOId)->getQualifier();
  * instancie les différents objets pour le rendu des elements inline et bloc.
 function CopixWikiRenderer($config = null)
     if (is_null($config)) {
         $this->config =& new CopixWikiRendererConfig();
     } else {
         if (is_object($config)) {
             $this->config = $config;
         } else {
             $fs = CopixSelectorFactory::create($config);
             if ($fs === null) {
                 $this->config =& new CopixWikiRendererConfig();
             } else {
                 require_once $fs->getPath('config/') . strtolower($fs->fileName) . '.conf.php';
                 $name = $fs->fileName;
                 $this->config =& new $name();
     $this->_currentBloc = new CopixWikiRendererBloc($this);
     // bloc 'fantome'
     $this->inlineParser =& new CopixWikiInlineParser($this->config->inlinetags, $this->config->simpletags, $this->config->inlineTagSeparator, $this->config->checkWikiWord, $this->config->checkWikiWordFunction);
     foreach ($this->config->bloctags as $name => $ok) {
         $name = 'WRB_' . $name;
         if ($ok) {
             $this->_blocList[] =& new $name($this);
  * compile the given class id.
 function compile($DAOid)
     // recuperation du chemin et nom de fichier de definition xml de la dao
     $this->_DAOid = $DAOid;
     $selector =& CopixSelectorFactory::create($this->_DAOid);
     if (!$selector->isValid) {
         trigger_error(CopixI18N::get('dao.error.selector.invalid', $this->_DAOid), E_USER_ERROR);
     $this->_baseName = $selector->fileName;
     $this->_shortFileName = strtolower($selector->fileName . '.dao.definition.xml');
     $fileName = $selector->getPath(COPIX_RESOURCES_DIR) . $this->_shortFileName;
     if (!(is_file($fileName) && is_readable($fileName))) {
         trigger_error(CopixI18N::get('copix:dao.error.definitionfile.unknow', $fileName), E_USER_ERROR);
     // chargement du fichier XML
     require_once COPIX_UTILS_PATH . 'CopixSimpleXml.class.php';
     $xmlParser =& new CopixSimpleXML();
     $parsedFile = $xmlParser->parseFile($fileName);
     // chargement de l'analyseur de définition et du générateur de code, adéquate à la version de la dao
     $attr = $parsedFile->attributes();
     $version = 1;
     if (isset($attr['VERSION'])) {
         $version = intval($attr['VERSION']);
     if ($version == 1) {
         require_once COPIX_DAO_PATH . 'CopixDAODefinitionV1.class.php';
         require_once COPIX_DAO_PATH . 'CopixDAOGeneratorV1.class.php';
         $userDefinition =& new CopixDAODefinitionV1($this);
         $generator =& new CopixDAOGeneratorV1($this);
     } else {
         require_once COPIX_DAO_PATH . 'CopixDAODefinitionV0.class.php';
         require_once COPIX_DAO_PATH . 'CopixDAOGeneratorV0.class.php';
         $userDefinition =& new CopixDAODefinitionV0($this);
         $generator =& new CopixDAOGeneratorV0($this);
     // analyse de la définition
     // inclusion des classes "surchargeant" les futures classes générées
     $DAOPath = $selector->getPath(COPIX_CLASSES_DIR) . strtolower($selector->fileName . '.dao.class.php');
     //echo '$DAOPath : '. $DAOPath .'<br>';
     if (is_readable($DAOPath)) {
         require_once $DAOPath;
         // eventuelle surcharge de la classe DAO
         $className = $this->_DAOClassName();
         //echo '$this->_DAOClassName : '. $className .'<br>';
         if (class_exists($className)) {
             $generator->setUserDAO(new $className());
         // eventuelle surcharge de la classe du record DAO
         $className = $this->_DAORecordClassName();
         //echo '$this->_DAORecordClassName : '. $className .'<br>';
         if (class_exists($className)) {
             $generator->setUserDAORecord(new $className());
     // génération des classes PHP correspondant à la définition de la DAO
     $compiled = '<?php ';
     $compiled .= $generator->compileDAORecordClass();
     $compiled .= $generator->compileDAO();
     $compiled .= "\n?>";
     $objectWriter =& new CopixFileLocker();
     $objectWriter->write(CopixDAOFactory::getCompiledPath($DAOid), $compiled, 'w');
  * creates a filePath from a given string module|file and from the given
  * type of the file (zone, template, static)
  * @param    string  $fileId     "nom de fichier" ou "nom de module|nom de fichier"
  * @param    string  $subDir     nom de répertoire relatif (en principe une des valeur COPIX_xxx_DIR definie dans project.inc.php)
  * @param    string  $extension
  * @return   string  chemin du fichier indiqué ou false si inconnu
 function extractFilePath($fileId, $subDir, $extension = '')
     $fileInfo =& CopixSelectorFactory::create($fileId);
     $fileName = $fileInfo->fileName;
     if ($extension != '') {
         $fileName = strtolower($fileName) . $extension;
     $moduleFile = $fileInfo->getPath($subDir) . $fileName;
     $projectOverloadedFilePath = $fileInfo->getOverloadedPath($subDir);
     if ($projectOverloadedFilePath !== null) {
         $projectOverloadedFilePath .= $fileName;
         if (is_readable($projectOverloadedFilePath)) {
             return $projectOverloadedFilePath;
     if (is_readable($moduleFile)) {
         return $moduleFile;
     } else {
         return false;
         //trigger_error (CopixI18N::get ('copix:copix.error.resolve',$fileId), E_USER_ERROR);         return null;
  * Verifie si le blog des teleprocedures d'une ville existe. Si non, le cree. Renvoie son id.
  * @author Christophe Beyer <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 2009/01/23
  * @param object $rTelep Recordset de la teleprocedure
  * @return object Recordset du blog
 public function checkIfBlogExists($rTelep)
     $modEnabled = Kernel::getModEnabled('MOD_TELEPROCEDURES', $rTelep->id);
     $return = null;
     $exists = false;
     foreach ($modEnabled as $mod) {
         if ($mod->module_type == 'MOD_BLOG') {
             $exists = $mod->module_id;
     if (!$exists) {
         // Il faut creer le blog
         $modname = 'blog';
         $file =& CopixSelectorFactory::create($modname . "|" . $modname);
         $filePath = $file->getPath() . COPIX_CLASSES_DIR . "kernel" . strtolower($file->fileName) . '.class.php';
         if (is_readable($filePath)) {
             $modservice =& CopixClassesFactory::Create($modname . '|kernel' . $modname);
             if (method_exists($modservice, "create")) {
                 $title = $rTelep->titre . ' - ' . CopixI18N::get('teleprocedures|teleprocedures.moduleDescription');
                 $modid = $modservice->create(array('title' => $title, 'is_public' => 0));
                 if ($modid != null) {
                     Kernel::registerModule('MOD_BLOG', $modid, 'MOD_TELEPROCEDURES', $rTelep->id);
                     // Si le blog est cree, on cree aussi la malle et l'album
                     $modname = 'album';
                     $file =& CopixSelectorFactory::create($modname . "|" . $modname);
                     $filePath = $file->getPath() . COPIX_CLASSES_DIR . "kernel" . strtolower($file->fileName) . '.class.php';
                     if (is_readable($filePath)) {
                         $modservice =& CopixClassesFactory::Create($modname . '|kernel' . $modname);
                         if (method_exists($modservice, "create")) {
                             $title = $rTelep->titre . ' - ' . CopixI18N::get('teleprocedures|teleprocedures.moduleDescription');
                             $mod2id = $modservice->create(array('title' => $title));
                             if ($mod2id != null) {
                                 Kernel::registerModule('MOD_ALBUM', $mod2id, 'MOD_TELEPROCEDURES', $rTelep->id);
                     $modname = 'malle';
                     $file =& CopixSelectorFactory::create($modname . "|" . $modname);
                     $filePath = $file->getPath() . COPIX_CLASSES_DIR . "kernel" . strtolower($file->fileName) . '.class.php';
                     if (is_readable($filePath)) {
                         $modservice =& CopixClassesFactory::Create($modname . '|kernel' . $modname);
                         if (method_exists($modservice, "create")) {
                             $title = $rTelep->titre . ' - ' . CopixI18N::get('teleprocedures|teleprocedures.moduleDescription');
                             $mod2id = $modservice->create(array('title' => $title));
                             if ($mod2id != null) {
                                 Kernel::registerModule('MOD_MALLE', $mod2id, 'MOD_TELEPROCEDURES', $rTelep->id);
     } else {
         $modid = $exists;
     if ($modid) {
         $daoBlog =& _dao('blog|blog');
         $return = $daoBlog->get($modid);
     return $return;
  * gets the bundle for a given language.
  * @param string $bundleKey la clef du bundle
  * @param string $lang la langue dans laquelle on veut récupérer le bundle
  * @return CopixI18NBundle
 public static function getBundle($pBundleKey, $pLang)
     $context = CopixContext::get();
     if (isset(self::$_bundles[$context][$pBundleKey][$pLang])) {
         return self::$_bundles[$context][$pBundleKey][$pLang];
     $fileSelector = CopixSelectorFactory::create($pBundleKey);
     $s = $fileSelector->getSelector();
     if (!isset(self::$_bundles[$context][$s][$pLang])) {
         self::$_bundles[$context][$s][$pLang] = new CopixI18NBundle($fileSelector, $pLang);
         self::$_bundles[$context][$pBundleKey][$pLang] = self::$_bundles[$context][$s][$pLang];
     return self::$_bundles[$context][$s][$pLang];
  * load from xml
 function _loadFromXML()
     require_once COPIX_UTILS_PATH . 'CopixSimpleXml.class.php';
     $configFile = $this->group === '|' ? 'project.xml' : 'module.xml';
     $select =& CopixSelectorFactory::create($this->group . $configFile);
     if (!$select->isValid) {
         trigger_error('Invalid config file');
     //checks if the file exists
     $fileName = $select->getPath($configFile);
     if (!is_readable($fileName)) {
         return false;
     $this->_configVars = array();
     $parser =& new CopixSimpleXml();
     if (!($xml = $parser->parseFile($fileName))) {
     if (isset($xml->PARAMETERS->PARAMETER)) {
         foreach (is_array($xml->PARAMETERS->PARAMETER) ? $xml->PARAMETERS->PARAMETER : array($xml->PARAMETERS->PARAMETER) as $key => $child) {
             $attributes = $child->attributes();
             //we stores in a key with the following format module|attributeName
             $this->_configVars[$this->group . $attributes['NAME']] = array('Name' => $attributes['NAME'], 'Caption' => $attributes['CAPTIONI18N'], 'Default' => $attributes['DEFAULT'], 'Value' => $attributes['DEFAULT']);
 public function createMissingModules($node_type, $node_id)
     $modavailable = Kernel::getModAvailable($node_type);
     $modenabled = Kernel::getModEnabled($node_type, $node_id, _currentUser()->getExtra('type'), _currentUser()->getExtra('id'), 1);
     $modinstalled = array();
     foreach ($modenabled as $module) {
         $modinstalled[] = strtolower($module->module_type);
     $nodeInfo = Kernel::getNodeInfo($node_type, $node_id);
     if ($node_type == 'CLUB') {
         foreach ($modavailable as $module) {
             // echo "<li>".$module->module_type."</li>";
             if ($module->module_type == 'MOD_MAGICMAIL') {
                 $modname = 'magicmail';
                 // _dump($modinstalled);
                 // if( array_search("mod_magicmail", $modinstalled)===false ) echo "magicmail ";
                 // if( array_search("mod_blog", $modinstalled)!==false ) echo "blog ";
                 if (array_search("mod_magicmail", $modinstalled) === false && array_search("mod_blog", $modinstalled) !== false) {
                     $file =& CopixSelectorFactory::create($modname . "|" . $modname);
                     $filePath = $file->getPath() . COPIX_CLASSES_DIR . "kernel" . strtolower($file->fileName) . '.class.php';
                     if (is_readable($filePath)) {
                         $modservice =& CopixClassesFactory::Create($modname . '|kernel' . $modname);
                         if (method_exists($modservice, "create")) {
                             $subtitle = $node_type == 'BU_ECOLE' && isset($nodeInfo['ALL']->eco_type) ? $nodeInfo['ALL']->eco_type : '';
                             $prenom = isset($nodeInfo['prenom']) ? $nodeInfo['prenom'] : '';
                             $modid = $modservice->create(array('title' => trim($prenom . ' ' . $nodeInfo['nom']), 'subtitle' => $subtitle, 'node_type' => $node_type, 'node_id' => $node_id));
                             if ($modid != null) {
                                 // _dump( array( $module->module_type, $modid, $node_type, $node_id ));
                                 Kernel::registerModule($module->module_type, $modid, $node_type, $node_id);
         return false;
     foreach ($modavailable as $module) {
         if (preg_match("/^MOD_(.+)\$/", $module->module_type, $modinfo)) {
             $modname = strtolower($modinfo[1]);
             if (array_search("mod_" . $modname, $modinstalled) === false) {
                 $file =& CopixSelectorFactory::create($modname . "|" . $modname);
                 $filePath = $file->getPath() . COPIX_CLASSES_DIR . "kernel" . strtolower($file->fileName) . '.class.php';
                 if (is_readable($filePath)) {
                     $modservice =& CopixClassesFactory::Create($modname . '|kernel' . $modname);
                     if (method_exists($modservice, "create")) {
                         $subtitle = $node_type == 'BU_ECOLE' && isset($nodeInfo['ALL']->eco_type) ? $nodeInfo['ALL']->eco_type : '';
                         $prenom = isset($nodeInfo['prenom']) ? $nodeInfo['prenom'] : '';
                         $modid = $modservice->create(array('title' => trim($prenom . ' ' . $nodeInfo['nom']), 'subtitle' => $subtitle, 'node_type' => $node_type, 'node_id' => $node_id));
                         if ($modid != null) {
                             Kernel::registerModule($module->module_type, $modid, $node_type, $node_id);
  * Inclusion du fichier de la classe.
  * @param string $pClassID l'identifiant de la classe dont on veut inclure le fichier de définition
  * @return string Nom de la classe.
 public static function fileInclude($pClassId)
     $file = CopixSelectorFactory::create($pClassId);
     if ($file->fileName == '') {
         return self::_dirInclude($pClassId, $file);
     return self::_loadClass($pClassId, false, false, $file);
  * gets the name of the final DAORecord
 function getDAORecordName($DAOid)
     $selector =& CopixSelectorFactory::create($DAOid);
     if ($selector->isValid) {
         return 'CompiledDAORecord' . $selector->fileName;
     trigger_error(CopixI18N::get('copix:dao.error.selector.invalid', $DAOId), E_USER_ERROR);
  * Push the context for the template file we're using
  * @param $tpl the template id we wants to display. Has to be valid.
 function _pushContext($tplId)
     $tpl = CopixSelectorFactory::create($tplId);
     if (!$tpl->isValid) {
         return false;
     } else {